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Werewolves (RP 4): Danger on the Horizon (12/11-08/12)

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Timothy barely noticed the door creep open and said nothing for a time after Sabrina had spoken. Then at last he sat up on the edge of his bed and looked at her face, his turquoise eyes were wet and lit in brilliant hues, his face slightly red and his dark hair a disruptive mess.

"What is wrong with me?" He asked plainly. "And I don't mean being a werewolf.. Why does everything feel so wrong?"

Had Timothy not done it so many times previous to then, he would have buried his face in his hands with frustration and withdrawn. Yet he showed no sign of such an action now, he simply wanted an answer, though he felt sure that Sabrina would not be able to give it to him.. 


With ears straight forward and eyes sharply focused Kratos watched the doorway. There was a warning in the air to which all of his senses were reacting and though no sound could be heard beyond the wall, the smell of the intruder still lingered in the empty halls. 

In broad daylight the Alpha would not be able to step out into the hall in his alternate form to investigate, yet Kratos dared not lower his defenses. Taking a silent and slow step away from the door, he flashed a glance toward Jacqueline and the window near her. Then staring at the doorway for another few moments he moved swiftly to her side; his massive paws barely making so much as a whisper of movement as he came to crouch at the window next to Jackie.

It took Kratos only a second to scan the area under the window and decide on a possible escape route, but he did not yet act upon retreat..


Zeit's growl alerted Ulric of the Bata's feelings toward this other woman, but as merely a guest he was unsure of what he could do. For now it seemed sufficient to be patient and watchful, allowing for the Beta to show length in her authority. 

In any other werewolf this decision to remain passive should have invited instinct to note the possible defences of the stranger in case of attack, but it was not so for Ulric. He looked at the stranger as a human being; he noted the color of her hair and skin, her stature, her clothes, her scars and the emotion in her eyes.


Confusion was barely contained as Kratos moved closer to Jackie, as apposed to the doorway, like some overgrown dog coming to protect her. Why wasn't he going to attack whoever it was, why was he trying to protect her? She had a spork, a weapon, if worst came to worst. And presumably the intruder wouldn't be too interested in her anyways if there was a giant werewolf about ready to pounce. 

The woman suppressed a sigh. Kratos was probably a pacifist of some sort; one who didn't believe in seeking a fight. Even if said fight was practically pounding at the door.

Or what if it was something that even Kratos would be afraid of? Even to Jackie, the thought didn't sit too well. So instead she followed the crouched werewolves' eyes to the window, and half-wondered if her diligent work at chipping away at the window might have some use after all.


Chime just smiled, Kieoki seemed a little moody perhaps, nothing to shy away from. "Then why don't you?" She asked, it seemed odd for a young adult to be sneaking in windows like a child, one who did something wrong. "Nothing, just wanna chat. We live in the same area, I like to know who I'm working with." Chime said, her smile vanished for a second but it soon reappeared.

She kinda swayed outside the window, showing no signs of leaving. "I'm Chime Slyer, what's your name?" She asked, trying to break the ice. She put her hand in the window, reaching out for a handshake.


"I shouldn't have to explain my ways to you." Kieoki said sharply as she realized that...Chime was starting to pry. Anger flashed onto Kieoki's face and she kept her arm turned away from the girl. When Chime reached out for a handshake though, Kieoki narrowed her eyes and stared at the hand, refusing to lift her own to shake it. She wasn't going to give someone that courtesy who not only refused to leave her be, but was getting on her nerves.

It wasn't that Kieoki hated Chime or anything. She actually had no real vision of how she looked at the girl before this meeting. Kieoki was really just a bit embarrassed to being seen in what she was wearing, and that she was injured as well. She hated seeming cute or weak. It irked her more than this intrusive girl ever could. 

Kieoki sighed, shook her head and nodded to Chime, deciding to give her her name. "I'm Kieoki." She said tersely.


"There's nothing wrong with you, Timothy," Sabrina stated firmly. There was a look of anger in her face, but it was not directed at him. At length, she sighed and her eyes softened. 

"As for why everything feels so wrong, as you put it, I've been trying to figure that one out since I met you. Whatever it is, the answer is inside of you some place. Your wol--er, subconcious is aware of it, but for whatever reason, it just can't surface," she went on, "There's a reason you can't remember anything before the day the Alpha found you. Your life, obviously, did not begin there. Maybe you're just not ready to know yet. Maybe not being able to remember is your mind's way of protecting you. This is a process of healing. But in time, when you're ready, I'm sure the answers will come. Until then, we'll work together to get you through this. We're a family now, Timothy."


The voices had faded now. Whoever had been talking above had moved on. What a relief! Hesitantly Levi sniffed the air for a moment to be sure that no one else was near. Content that they were not, he finally let his wolf form forsake him. The pressure in his head fled with it, though the headache was not completely gone.

He sighed in relief as he fell foreward onto his human hands. His father had told him that Half-Breeds often had better control of their wolf forms and could shift at will... like Sabrina. Well, Sabrina had over eighteen years of experience under her belt. Even before she could shift she had been being trained for such an experience. Levi could only brag of a measly five years worth of even knowing he was a werewolf. Still, he supposed he had gotten the hang of it pretty well. Just, not as well as a Half-Breed ought to.

He pushed himself to his feet. Having shrunk in body size, his bandages slipped off easily. With a little adjustment he refitted them. His shirt was practically in ribbons from last night's abuse, but these too he adjusted until he considered them appropriate attire. What with the wound on his once large and muscular neck, there was plenty of bandage material left over to wrap up places under his clothing that had become too breezy.

This work was enough to occupy him for a little while... 


There was a stranger in the small town of Reknab Bend. But then, there had been a lot of those recently, hadn't there? This one, however, was not like the others. He had not sought out any particular company. He had not stopped at any of the fine local diners. He hadn't said so much as a word to anyone... and, to be truthful, no one had gossipped about him, because no one had even known he was there.

In stature he was certainly interesting enough to gossip about, even intimidating. He was dressed entirely in simple black apparel, and he was a very large, muscular man--like a professional weight lifter. He looked to be perhaps in his early twenties, though his black hair already looked flecked with grey... almost like a wolf, actually.

But where ever he had gone, people had avoided him, put him out of their minds. They probably did not even know why. They simply did.

He had come to the town earlier that morning. He had come alone. Then, around noon, he went to the local hospital. He hadn't gone inside though. He'd gone around back. Now he leaned casually against the old wall with his arms folded across his chest, looking every now and again up at one window in particular.


Chime kept her hand in the window, though she did relax it a little. "Kieoki, uh? That's a nice name." Chime also kept her smile, though her face flashed with determination as her eyes scanned the room, looking for something she could chat about. Kieoki was a nice name, Chime let her mind run with nicknames for it, Kie? Nah, it just didn't sound right.. Ieo? Nope. "Nice weather we're having, uh?" Ikoeik? No, too long.

Chime got a little closer to the opened window, pressing up against it for support, the weather had been really nice lately, at least to her. Though she did guess others may think differently... "Eik? Ack! No, that wasn't the right one either... hmm.." Chime smiled faded a little as the unpleasant nickname came to mind but widened it again. Deciding to focus on Kieoki's answer, she would think of something later.


Kieoki glanced away from Chime when the girl complemented her name. She didn't want Chime to see the look of surprise on her face that flickered there after the compliment. When Chime spoke again though, Kieoki realized that the girl wanted to stay, yet couldn't think of something to talk about. Kieoki turned her gaze back to Chime, deciding to play along with this for a few minutes at least. Kieoki let her eyes drift towards the open window as she replied. "It is. Though if you're one to liking cold weather, it isn't. Me, I love all weather." 

Though snow is my favorite. Yes, on those nights with snow on the ground, full moon in an open clear- Kieoki sharply cut herself off in her mind, stopping herself from thinking about those certain memories at the moment. She wasn't sure how she'd be able to handle herself if she started thinking about those things now. And the last thing she wanted to do was start crying in front of this girl. Well, that was the last thing she wanted to do in front of anyone, mind her. But Kieoki was a bit curious now. Where would Chime decide to take this dreary conversation to? A small smirk flickered over Kieoki's face as she thought this before she turned her eyes back to Chime, waiting.

Hour Glass: 

"That is not information I will give out to anyone not apart of the pack" she growled, "All I will tell you is that this land is apart of Alpha Kratos' territory, and you are an intruder." She had a stern glare at the female, as if daring her to make a move against her, and slightly ready to chase the werewolf off. "As for the town, that is also owned by Kratos" she continued, "I can either A, take you to get a ride and send you out of the territory, B, chase you off, or C, watch you closely untilt he Alpha comes back. If option C is chosen, that involves you coming with me to do chores around the ranch, in which, you will help out with."


Ulric watched the interaction between the two women as closely as he could. Exhaustion still hung stiffly to his limbs and trying to maintain awareness of the situation was difficult, yet he did so admirably well. 

He observed that Beta Zeit conducted herself in a blunt manner toward the 'intruder' and made it clear that she was not welcome. 

Ulric wondered at this, having watched the other woman come out of the house and immediately approached Zeit for an explanation as to why she had awoken here. 

However it was far from Ulric's humble nature to assume or guess the facts; thus he remained silent and watchful.


Rage welled up inside Logan as she listened to this woman, and soon it was a fierce, raging fire. No longer was it hard to read her expression - her eyes were wide with a sort of shock at the others audacity, and no doubt her anger was apparent in her face. Logan had been but an inch from losing her self control, then as the woman so readily suggested that she might chase her off of the territory, and worse yet, have her do chores, she felt her will to act passively towards these mongrels diminish completely. It wasn't that she hated doing work, she actually enjoyed it to an extent and found it satisfying. However, without gain and for a stranger - a werewolf nonetheless - when she lacked the energy to even so much as walk a long distance? The thought caused her to subconsciously clench her fists. She had never intended to come to their territory to begin with, as far as she knew, and yet she found herself being treated like a convicted criminal.

The wiser of Logan's mind pleaded that she turn her back and walk away, ignore that which Logan saw as blatant challenges. But as you might guess, such was hardly her nature. Not long after Zeit had finished talking, she raised an arm and brought a fist down into the woman's face with such force that it would have knocked her over, had Logan not grabbed her shirt by the collar and held her in place.

"I do not know I have done to cause you to be so sharp with me, woman, but hear me; I am tired. I am hungry. My items are lost. My body is aching and I have no knowledge of where I am. I will leave your home, and this territory, if you will show me which way the town is." she held Zeit's shirt at the collar firmly with both hands, and as she spoke, her grip only tightened. Her eyes remained locked on those of the other with a cold, sharp glare that in itself seemed to dare the woman to do just one more thing to make her mad. Logan cared nothing of the other person still present in the immediate area, as right now, her attention was focused solely on the stranger before her.

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