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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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When Krat didn't say anything about her beside him Kieoki continued pacing along beside him, not speaking to anyone and keeping to herself. She stiffened what Krat shifted though, able to feel the enticing pull of wanting to shift herself. Actually, the only reason she was able to stop herself from shifting now was because of that first day she'd decided to join the pack. She could almost hear Krat saying the reprimanding words as she remembered them. Get control of your shifting and don't shift or leave. It was a good thing she'd chosen the latter of the two options. Otherwise...

Otherwise what?

Now that was a good question that she had to ask herself as she doggedly kept up with Krat's longer stride when he shifted. Where would she be right now if she hadn't run into the pack? Well, she started back to her old hideout, continuing with a path where Krat hadn't found her and the snow hadn't kept her stuck in the town. She continued along, fazing out from the world in front of her, practically walking blindly along as she envisioned a different future. She could see herself skirting the edges of his pack's land, hunting down some game along the way as she traveled along that cliff's edge until she would find a way down and continue into the lands beyond it. Her steps were rhythmic now, as she lost herself in her daydream.

She would have eventually gone back into a forest after the canyon, hunting and staying clear of pack lands that she encountered. She could also see herself, fur bristling, as she was surrounded by a pack like so many times before. She could feel herself growling, snarling as she either talked -or fought- her way to freedom. It was only the sudden voice of Krat that snapped her back to the present.

Kieoki stopped walking at once, taking in the scene of two quaint homes as Krat explained that they'd be living here now and that there was a room for all of them. She blinked, surprised as he unlocked both doors, mentioning something about house-gammas. She didn't care about that though. Instead, Kieoki ended up glancing around, taking in her surroundings before she looked back at Krat. A forest could be seen, a river heard, and with Krat seeming to be finished with his talking Kieoki stepped forwards, walking towards the house labeled one with an easy stride. She paused when she reached the open door though, casting a sideways glance at Krat.

"No, I'm not volunteering to be a house-gamma or whatnot. You said we could choose our rooms and I'm choosing mine." In the next moment, she'd vanished inside. It was a charming cottage, though it was a lot bigger than any normal cottage, and she let herself walk through the rooms until she hit what she guessed to be the back rooms of the house. There were a few, but she ended up choosing the room with the largest window. She walked into the room, nodding in approval at it. Good window with a view of that wall with the forest at the top. -or behind?- A fitting wooden bed with sheets and a little bedside table and a little closet. Perfect enough. Without shutting the door to her room, Kieoki plopped down on the bed and hiked up her dress to the point where her sash was tied. She moved her hands to untie it, only stopping from doing so because she knew it would be hard without the support. She narrowed her eyes at herself and let it go, standing back up with a huff. Who cares if she shifted and Krat saw it? She'd make it look like some bandana thing or whatever. Satisfied now, she strode over to her window and pushed it open.


The truck ride wasn't comfortable at all. In fact, it made Jackie feel rather sick. As apposed to being vocal and obnoxious as she usually was, she had remained unnaturally quiet, hoping no one would notice her skin had taken on a nasty shade of green.

The lapse of weakness to motion sickness was just ridiculous! She'd never had issue with something so silly as that before... She couldn't help but glance warily at the clear blue sky of the mountains, thinking of when, in several hours for now it would be dark black and the full moon would hang in the sky. If she were to look at this logically, a rare thing, it was likely that her body was still adjusting to her new... lifestyle. She probably (hopefully) wouldn't be motion sick forever.

The truck sputtered to a stop; Jackie tried not to show her relief. Dizzily she exited the ancient truck, sending it one last vile glare, then frowned uncertainly at the houses before her. Great... another shack to live in. She didn't suppose these people had ever heard of the marvels of television and cell phones and video games. Ever since she had gotten here, she had been dying for any sort of link to the modern world. But Kratos apparently had been brought up in the middle ages, believing in the "earthliness and moonshine of a simple life bla blah bla"

Figuring that each room was as miserable as the next, she selected a room at random. As expected, it was fairly bare and lacking electricity of anything more than a light bulb.

"Gah! Is Kratos trying to kill me?!"

Right on cue, her body shivered. She suddenly became aware of how watery her eyes were, how itchy her skin was. Maybe it had been that way for a while, maybe not; the motion sickness had been pretty distracting. She had been so preoccupied with the morning, she had completely forgotten to take an injection!

Panicked, she patted down the pockets of her jeans in desperation, hoping she had left as spare one lying around in her pocket. Her face was becoming white and sweaty, perhaps from her allergy or perhaps from the sheer terror of what would happen if she didn't have one. Her fingers were becoming more jittery, her head exploding in a headache.

"Come on, come on!"

Something bulky puckered under finger tips from a pocket. She snatched it in a fraction of a second, feeling the relief as she felt the familiar form of a syringe and needle. She shoved the needle into her arm, barely registering the pain, and pushed it down until the light blue liquid drained. The symptoms began to fade slowly and she released her breath from the apprehension.

Then a horrific thought crossed her mind. It would only last for 12 hours, tops. Tonight was her first official transformation, which would last much longer than 12 hours and would likely take more than what she usually took. Somehow, she would have to get more or tonight wouldn't be all that fun at all...


Sabrina let Timothy ignore the world for the present. He'd warm into the new surroundings eventually, with a gentle nudge in the right direction perhaps. If she had learned anything about Timothy in the past few months, it had been that if she wanted to stay "friends", she wouldn't push him around.

She got out of the truck and listened to Kratos' brief introduction to the pack training camp. She decided quickly that she would be a House Gamma... nothin; like ruling your own roost. Zeit's place was nice, but there was a saying about two hens in one nest--or, something like that anyway.

She briefly mentioned to Kratos about her desires, then left him to scope out the houses and stake a claim to her territory as it were. The first house was an obvious choice to explore first--Jackie and that new girl had already gone inside too.

She just happened to be striding down the hallway when she overheard a highly concerned voice cry out from one of the rooms. Instantly alert, Sabrina made her way to that room and peered inside. There stood Jackie, panting and shaking like a leaf as she searched her pockets feverishly.

Sabrina did not decide to intervene. Instead, she raised an eyebrow and watched quietly as Jackie produced a syringe of blue liquid from her pocket and stab herself with it. Gradually Jackie's body relaxed and her breathing slowed. Before Jackie fully regained her composure and realized she was being observed, however, Sabrina quietly stepped back and slipped into the room next door to consider what she had seen and try to draw some conclusion from it.

She loosened her white dress and shifted, attempting to seem like she was just closely inspecting the room--truthfully, however, her ears were keenly trained in the direction of Jackie's room for further developments. Is she sick? Is she on drugs? Whatever that stuff was, she's always smelled of it. I mistook the scent for some sort of perfume. Should I question her on this stuff? Should I let it be? No, no, I'll question her on it. Not now, surely, but soon. 


Kieoki was leaning out her window when she heard the footsteps of two others come into this house. Lovely. She rolled her eyes to herself and walked to her door when she heard the cry from someone. She didn't know who it was, but she was going to know soon. With odd timing though, she reached the room just as Sabrina had entered the room she was still in. Kieoki didn't see her though, she was standing outside Jackie's room. With a knock on the wall Kieoki spoke. Her voice brisk. "You better be decent because I'm coming in."

A step around the door and she was in the room, looking at a normal not-in-a-bad-situation Jackie. Kieoki frowned, she was expecting to see the girl stuck in the window or closet or something to put with the cry she had given. Seeing nothing though, Kieoki shrugged, assumed it was caused by the other owner of the footsteps, and she left Jackie's room. She strode down the hall to where Sabrina was and used the door edge to swing around into the room, see her looking just fine, before Kieoki left with a frown. She walked back to her room and to the open window before she leaning over the ledge, looking to see what was growing beneath her window for future reference. No leaves. Soft grass and springy looking plants.



Kaleb nodded to Kratos and stood outside on the steps. He had his pack securely on his back, and was waiting for the others. He sighed, today was going to be a nice day. And they were going on an adventure!

So it's the truck, by foot, or by paw? he wondered to himself. He wanted to get some fresh air, and get some exercise, so the truck was out. But he couldn't yet control his werewolf form.

So by foot it is!


Alice was already outside, and had her pack on her back. She knew seh was going to go by paw, she felt most comfortable in that form, and it was easier to travel up and downhill. She felt much more powerful as well in that state.

Alice sighed, and turned her head. All the others were beginning to come out of the house and assemble together in groups, or head to the truck. She breathed out again in another sigh.

Let's hope this doesn't take too long.Then she saw Kaleb come out of the house, and she went to stand next to him. He looked down at her, and she smiled at him. He smiled back at her, then went to looking ahead. Soon, Kratos had come out of the house and they were on their way.

Alice focused on changing, her body becoming smaller as she became closer to the ground. She grimaced as her bones ground under her skin, no, fur now, and retook shape as wolf ones. She whimpered slightly after it was done, because she ached a little. She looked up at Kaleb, suddenly, the backpack's straps had become too loose and were almost falling off her now narrow shoulders.


Kaleb watched as Alice approached. He smiled at her when she smiled at him. Courteously, he turned his head when she changed. It was a quite undignifying process, and he winced thinking about it when he had succumbed to the roughness of undergoing such a major bodily change. Once she was in new fur, he saw she was in discomfort because the backpack straps were falling off.

He bent down next to her, the magnificent wolf, and tightened them just enoguh so they allowed shoudler movement, but also so they would stay on.

They trotted up to Kratos and the rest of the group following him.

Kaleb was focused on the road ahead, the small one that was leading them up the mountain to a new place.


Alice walked on, her paw pads absorbing the force of every step up the mountain, and protecting her sensitive flesh from pebbles and sharp stones that most likely were along here.

After hourse of going, they reached a clearing in which stood two giant cottage-like houses.

Alice transformed, and could hardly breath until she adjusted the straps yet again. She took in the surroundings. Beautiful, and breathtaking.

She wowed, and went inside the house that nobody had gone in yet. She didn't wan tot be a house-gamma, but she didn't want to be a low-life in the house either.

Running to the farthest room from the door, she quickly set her stuff down and jumped on the bed.

Ahhhhh....home..... she sighed, this was wonderful.


Kaleb listened to Kratos talk rather than running inside like some others and immediately choosing a room. He saw Alice run off into the other house that nobody ahd yet gone into.

He was going to go in that one, too.

Then he turned his attention to Kratos, and stepped towards him.

"I could be a House-Gamma, if it will help you out! But, what do they do?" he asked their alpha, and waited for an answer.


Toby honestly regretted his life the whole treck up. His hunger was protested loudly, not only through loud grumbles, but also through mind-tricks where Toby could've sworn he'd seen mooing hamburgers grazing in the Zeit's fields..

By now, his empty stomach was eating itself. He stood rather dejectedly with his long, thin hand over his tummy, watching the others as they instantly swarmed for rooms. Even if Toby had liked the look of the old little houses, which he didn't in the slightest, he still wouldn't have fought anyone for a room. Quietly and passively, Toby chose to wait until everyone was settled in then pick the room that remained.

For now however, Toby was curious about Kratos' request. Though nothing about being a House-Gamma actually appealed to him in anyway, Toby found he subconsciously wanted to be useful and a help to Kratos. As he reluctantly dragged his feet toward the large, intimidating alpha, Toby overheard Sabrina's request, followed by Kaleb's question.

Disappointed and relieved at the same time, Toby halted and began to look around awkwardly for someone to talk to to keep himself from looking like a displaced fool. Where had Timothy gone?


After opening the doors and allowing all who would to enter, Kratos stepped side and stalked out into the yard to sit. His mind still seemed to be somewhere else, and he kept looking over his shoulder down the road.

"A House-Gamma, would be a peace-keeper." The Alpha answered slowly. "He or she would be responsible for keeping the peace in these dens and maintaining the order of the house; to peacefully enforce the rules set and to inform those of higher rank if anything is amiss.."

Kratos paused a moment to look at Kaleb's face, then he looked over his shoulder toward the woods again and continued. "I have a hope that our pack will bond together as a family, for only then are we safe in our world... And that can only happen if we have a place to call home; a place where each of us can feel safe, protected, wanted, and even loved..."

Kratos' voice was as deep as it had ever been, but in some way, he now spoke now with a tenderness.. Then Kratos' brows furrowed and his attention was drawn fully upon Kaleb, his mind now firm in the moment.

"I'll have a chat with Zeit and Kale and we'll decide who the House-Gammas will be.. For now, enjoy yourself. Feel free to explore." Kratos said with a smile, then he stood up and excused himself with a dip of his head. "There will be new things to learn and experience tonight for all of us, so we should be prepared, but not afraid."

With that, Kratos' large black form started off at a steady pace back down the road and around the bend..


Timothy, still hunched over with his face in a book, had heard every word that was spoken outside the silence of the truck. He had listened very intently and oddly enough, though he himself knew not how odd, he had even heard Jackie's exclaimed words inside the house.

When Timothy heard Kratos speaking to Kaleb, he noticed the faraway tone in the "Alpha's" voice and ventured to lift his turquoise eyes from the pages of the book.

Perhaps Timothy had thought for a moment that Kratos might still be in human form, or else he did not prepare himself for what he knew he would see; for just as soon as Timothy's eyes fell upon the massive form of the black werewolf his heart began beating wildly!

Kratos' thick black pelt seemed powdered with a red dust which color could only be seen when his was fur bunched together, or at the ends of his tied mane and whiskers.. This effectively seemed to emphasize the incredible power and muscle structure of the great creature which had now turned down the road.

Timothy was unable to pull his eyes from the window and his heart only beat faster, yet if anyone looked his way at that moment, they would have seen him simply watching with an almost emotionless expression. When at last Kratos had gone from sight and Timothy managed to drag his eyes to the dashboard, he sat for the longest time completely still.

Timothy didn't realize exactly what was going through his mind, for it seemed to him that the moment passed rather quickly, and when he was able to think again he recalled only sitting in the truck and staring at the dashboard.. Why did his body feel hot and his muscles weak? It didn't make much sense, but he couldn't bring himself to relax, or even touch the door of the truck..


Savannah gathered up her backpack once she had shifted into her wolf form. It would be easier to travel on four legs, she thought. The tan werewolf bolted to catch up to Kratos and the rest of the pack. Oh, how good it felt to finally be able to stretch her legs and run. She slowed her pace once she was with the rest of her pack members, but still enjoyed the journey.


Creorran, however, chose to walk on foot. He still had minimal control over his forms, and figured he'd end up as a wolf due to the full moon later that night anyway. He grabbed his backpack and began to walk with his packmates. He stayed silent most of the way, except a grunt when a small yellowish wolf nearly ran into him. It was Savannah, of course. Was this wolf determined to kill him or something?

Once they arrived at the houses and Kratos began talking, Creorran's mind began to wander away from listening. When he snapped back to the real world, the other pack members were going into the houses to select rooms. Creorran entered the house labeled "One" and stepped into the first vacant room he found. The was a bed, of course, a small table with a lamp, and a dresser. "Quite simple," He muttered to himself. But Creorran was used to simple, so he did not complain further.


Unlike Creorran, Savannah chose the second house. She returned to her human form and slowly stepped through the hallways until selecting a room at random. Happy that it was not occupied, she walked in, deposited her backpack on the bed, and took a good look around.

The bed seemed more old and worn out, and the nightstand was a little scratched up, but other than that it looked exactly like Creorran's room. Savannah was not quite pleased by the appearence of the room, but it was better than sleeping on the ground in alleyways like she had before joining the pack.

She then remembered what Kratos had said about House-Gammas. She instantly rejected the idea of keeping peace in the houses. What fun would that be?


Kaleb nodded to Kratos as he walked off. Upon looking back at the two houses, he saw a figure he didn't know well walk into the house Alice had. So he follwed it in.

Kaleb watched as the girl, who he had found out as he got closer, walked into a vacant room and left her backpack on the bed.

He knocked on the doorframe, not wanting to be rude about entering.

Rather than actually going inside, Kaleb just leaned against the doorframe, and felt his backpack begin to slide slightly off his shoulder.

He looked at the female werewolf, now in her human form, and smiled his crooked smile.

"So...." he began, not quite sure where to start,"Nice day for a trip right? Did you come up in your werewolf or human form? I didn't see you if you were with name's Kaleb! I'm a newer werewolf, what about you?" he finished, still feeling slightly akward, but kept smiling nonetheless.


Alice lay on her bed, she sighed. The window just above her head let in some light to the room. She stretched out on the mattress, her feet reaching the fooboard on the bed.

She had set her backpack down on the floor, but now picked it up.

In it,she had put a book along with the other stuff already there.

Alice reached for the wonder-filled tome, and opened it to the page where she had left off.

She was reading Alice in Wonderland. She had already read it about a hundred times, okay, not that many, but she had read it a lot.

Right now, she was on the part where Alice met the stubborn, and mean caterpillar who wouldn't stop asking, "Who are you?". Alice put the book down after reading two chapters, it didn't take her that long, and closed the book again.

She opened the window, and removed the screen, then jumped out, and replaced everything. She wanted to get a good look at her surroundings.

Alice bent down, and Shifted.

Her bones again crunched and melted, before reshaping as their familiar wolf selves.

She had gotten quite used to this feeling, being that she changed a lot when she was younger, liking the feel of a wolf much better than a weak, scrawny human.

Alice ran into the woods, wind rushing through her fur, tongue hanging out and lolling, and her paws crunching leaves that had fallen off the trees around her. She smiled a toothy, wolfy smile, and wagged her tail as she ran.

Freedom feels oh-so-good! She thought, running faster through the dense trees.


Taking advantage of the soft grasses below her window, Kieoki easily swung over the ledge and onto the ground, landing without a sound. She softly laughed, satisfied with the soft grass before she stood up and closed her window. Regardless to the fact that she could now hear Krat, who mentioned that they could look around and whatnot for a while, Kieoki was already planning to go into the forest. But that posed a problem. Because of the ledge or rock or whatever is was, there was a fence holding up the side before the forest began. Kieoki narrowed her eyes, thinking about climbing over the wall, or digging a hole under it. Or maybe she could go around it?

Either way, she desperately wanted to be in that forest. So she started walking along the edge of the fence, determined to continue walking until it came to an end. This didn't take long though, but by the time she reached the edge and looked backwards, she was surprised to see the two cottages and the clearing. So this fence almost encircled the little area. Odd. But she wasn't going to worry about it. A few short running steps and she was into the forest, easily running like old times. She ran parallel to the fence, and so soon she was again back behind the cottages. She could still see them though, and so she looked down at them for a moment before she turned away and walked straight on until she couldn't see them when she looked backwards.

She immediately shifted, enjoying the feeling of the soft ground on her paws as she ran. It'd been a while since she'd shifted, and her wolf was thrilled. She was looking for something though, and much to the annoyance of her wolf, she hadn't run for more than five minutes when she found it. A shift back to her human form and her hands were up, grabbing the low branch of a tree and using her momentum to swing up into it. A sitting tree is what she'd been looking for, one with a nice branch for sitting in a cooler place. She sat down with a satisfied sigh and leaned back against the trunk, letting her feet swing freely over the branch. Just like old times. She closed her eyes, letting her feet sway in a small breeze as she hummed to herself so she wouldn't fall asleep.

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