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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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Timothy was riled by Kratos' forceful methods but he could not fight something five times his own size. So when Chime came over to comfort Toby, Timothy simply nodded and quickly escaped the porch into the front yard. Timothy had always thought the group to be very large when inside Zeit's crowded cottage, but now, seeing all these people standing together in the yard, the pack seemed very small to him.. Obviously there were a few whom had been occupied elsewhere who would not be joining the party, but even when imagining a few others, Timothy felt the group very small.


"Alright." Kratos said. He brought the extra backpacks to the back of the truck and tossed them in, then he made a careful note of each member in the yard. Kratos caught Kieoki's embarrassed glare but seemed to dismiss it for the moment with a brief smile, then he looked at Sabrina and motioned for her to get into the truck.

"You'll be driving Sabrina." He said firmly. "Timothy, you'll be going in the truck as well."

Kratos thought this decision for the better and he did not wait to be challenged on it; immediately afterwards he took up his own backpack and began down the road between the barn and the small corn field.


Toby looked at Chime and quickly stood to straighten his glasses and shirt, making himself look presentable. "Apsolutely." He whimpered, though his stomache spoke clearly of his discomfort. He watched Timothy scoot off the porch and wanted to follow him, but didn't think leaving Chime there by herself would be polite.


Kale stayed at her perch on the side of the truck bed, waiting for everybody to either get ready or get loaded; She watched Kratos giving out orders and nodded subconciously. She was secretly glad he didn't ask her to drive, because the sad fact was that she didn't really know how. Since she had become a werewolf,she walked and hitch-hiked wherever she went, and really hadn't been behind the wheel very often except for what was usually a very short distance from wherever she was working, into town, and back. even those where rare occurances.

Glancing back over the pack she repressed the urge to whistle and tell them all to get moving, as she knew most of them were still asleep on their feet. not everyone shared her giddyness this morning.


Kieoki raised an eyebrow at Krat's smile, surprised for a moment until he finished issuing orders and grabbed his backpack. He started off down the path then and Kieoki waited until he caught up with her before she nodded to him. As he passed she started, tagging along beside him as she adjusted her backpack. It was hard to keep pace with him, his steps were a lot longer than hers, but she kept up with him nonetheless. She didn't chat though. Didn't apologize, and most certainly did not ask if he cared that she walked beside him.

Yes, she probably should've asked, and she knew that he could order her to go back. She had to stop herself from laughing at that particular thought. Yes, she would be able to feel the pressure of the alpha's orders if he did tell her to do that, but unless she didn't care if he knew that his words weren't absolute for her, then she wouldn't do it anyways. Because she did care though, she had been following whatever orders her gave her since she joined the pack just to keep up her secret. She didn't want to let him know, because she didn't want to know how he'd react to a bit of news like that. So she continued walking beside him, silent.


Chime eyed Timothy as he left and let out a little sigh, he seemed to not want anything to do with the pack most of the time. Gently shaking her head she look back to Toby, "Fine, uh?" she thought, still worried but let it drop, "Oh, that's good." she said, noticing he was watching Timothy go and the alpha leaving, she decided that her little chit-chat was over. "Well, if you're fine, I guess I'll go. But if you need anything, you know where I am." She said before running off to catch up with Kieoki and the alpha.

Chime walked in back of them but not to close, she just wanted to keep them in sight... Mainly because of what happened last time.


Sabrina nodded to Kratos' order. Seeing as he didn't throw any keys, she guessed that they were already inside the vechicle. Her guess was confirmed when she opened the car door and swung inside, of course, so she gave them a twist started warming up the engine.

She rolled the window down and leaned out of the car. "Hey, Timothy, you get shotgun. Toby, Jackie, and anyone else who's having their first or second Moon Changes tonight hop in the back." Granted, Toby had been a werewolf all his life. Sabrina knew that. Still, she wanted him along for the ride on account of the fact that she had noticed Timothy's body language seemed much more at ease when he was around.


Kale leaned over and watched Sabrina hop in the truck and start it. The frame shook beneath her as the engine came to life and kale leaned back against the cab once more, shaking with the metal behind her.

Kale closed her eyes and listened to the rest of the pack. their footsteps; the rustling of cloths; the swish of backpacks as they moved. Kale slowed her breathing and tried to hear more past the roar of the engine.


Timothy wanted to argue, more especially because he knew Kratos was right, but chose to say nothing; it would fall on deaf ears anyway as Kratos so bluntly showed. Later on up the road the more eager of the group would take to their paws.. Timothy didn't want to be walking with werewolves, so the truck would have been his choice anyway.

But any decision would prove futile in the end, as Timothy now guessed; Kratos would have his way with him, just as Kratos had his way when he forced Timothy and Toby along in the first place.

Timothy simply heaved a sigh and climbed into the truck beside Sabrina. As much of a 'control-freak' as Timothy believed Kratos to be, assigning Sabrina to drive the truck was actually a wise choice. Of all the people who lived in Zeit's cottage and had tried to reach out to him, Timothy felt most comfortable in Sabrina's company than in the company of any other... However, the reason for his comfort was completely unknown to his conscious mind.


The road lead away from Zeit's cottage between the small corn field and the barn, which continued onward for only a short distance then it forked off; one road going up toward the mountains and the other going down passed the corral.

Kratos lead the pack on the road which followed the small corn field upward.

Zeit's cottage stood at the very edge of the mountain range and seemed to be elevated higher than the town of Reknab Bend; if any in the group looked back they could see the small town and all the farms and fields scattered between here and there.

On the right of the road, for a short time, was the corn field, then it stopped abruptly and a small unkempt, and probably unused, field began and ran up to the very face of the tall forest trees.. Beyond it, further right, Zeit's cows could be seen grazing in the pasture behind the cottage. All that was on the left side of the road were more fields and an old shaggy barn sitting drearily on a fenced hill.

The Alpha lead on, never straying from the road and never saying a word, his mind seemed to be somewhere else. The group passed into the forest and walked for a short time longer before Kratos stopped them and allowed all who desired to change their clothes and forms. Kratos himself took the opportunity, and then he lead the group on again.

The road was as Kratos promised it would be; well-trodden and easy to walk upon. It looked as if many large trucks had passed this way not long ago and made the steady climb appear flat; and indeed, the dirt was imprinted with the tracks of heavy-laden wheels.

The distance from the cottage to the edge of the corn field and from the edge of the corn field to the entry of the forest was the same. When they had walked from the forest entry again that same estimated distance, the road steadily began to turn right, leading as if it would go that direction for some time but instead it turned sharply to the left. Upon coming around that curve, Kratos' surprise was finally revealed.

Beyond that turn was a good-sized clearing where the dirt road became stone and on the far side, directly ahead of them, were two large houses. They seemed to be modestly built in the design of cottages, but it was obvious that these were too large to called such.

To the right of the road, seemingly further up the mountain was a chain-link fence, which at first looked very odd, but as they got closer to the houses they were allowed a better view and the group could see that the fence actually surrounded a large ditch which made up half the clearing.

"I'll show you more of that later, for now let's go to the buildings." Kratos said and lead onward.

The houses were numbered one and two and the all the ground between them was cement. A short ways behind the houses were strong wooden beams which held up the earth away from the buildings like a wall. Then upon the wall it seemed the forest went on and the sound of a nearby river could be heard.

"In these buildings there is a room for each of you, and you will be free to claim the ones you will." Kratos said, turned to face the rest of the pack. "In this way Zeit's cottage can be returned to what it was before the pack's forming; a place for herself and for those she chooses to harbour. However, you all will still be obligated to work on the ranch for her sake and the security of our pack."

Kratos stood up on two legs and unlocked the doors of the houses as he continued. "I will need two people to volunteer to be House-Gammas, one for each of the buildings to maintain order and keep the peace, as I know arguments will inevitably arise between house-mates as is always the case."


Timothy had enjoyed the scenery up until the stop near the entry of the woods, when he had slumped down into his seat and pretended to occupy himself in the pages of a book.. He tried to take no notice of the changing area, and did not look out the window other than that of a quick glance when he knew no one was in view..

Why was he so scared to see the werewolves? He didn't remember. If anything was said to him, Timothy simply shrugged his shoulders, mumbled something inaudible, and pretended to continue reading... Regardless if anyone actually saw through his simple little act..

When the car finally pulled to a stop, Timothy didn't lift his eyes, but he focused his ears and listened to hear if anyone was talking outside the truck..


Kale saw the houses and came to a dead stop. Her first impression was boot camp, then she let her senses roam and her second impression was a nicer one. the air smelled strongly of earth and trees, without the taint of humanity,; all but for the soft traces of metal tht were the truck and the chain-link fence. water ran through the forest somewhere close, a creek probably, and the srustle of leaves and ground litter were natural and comforting.

Sliding her pack off her shoulder Kale let it drop to the ground and she took a few steps foreward, marking the details of this place in her mind, humming softly to made-up tunes as she sorted out this new enviorment.

Following Kratos up to the houses, still humming, Kale watched him unlock the doors and nodded as he spoke, but not really listening.


It was another day. The outline of the mountains was the only thing that challenged the clear blue sky. The crackling of twigs and gravel beneath her shoes and the consistent shifting of the pack on her back, paired with the cheerful calls and twitters of the birds were the only sounds present to the woman.

It hadn't been too long since that night, but it still seemed far off, and she tried to recall the exact date. She remembered talking to her grandfather on his birthday just a few days before it happened. So, over three months? That sounded right. Tonight would be her fourth full moon since she was changed.

She let out a deep breath that released pent up anger and anxiousness with it. All at once she felt calm again.

Getting bitten was life changing, yes, but that didn't mean she'd let it change her. She didn't dwell on it all too often, or have horrid nightmares, or curse herself for becoming a werewolf. She wasn't the type of person to let it rule her like that. She hadn't let her parents disappearance bother her, so why start now? She kept going about her life as usual. Only she had to be more careful, cautious than before. A heated bar brawl or street fight could quickly become a massacre should this new beastly side of her emerge mid battle.

However, her fairly passive attitude didn't change her spite for the werewolves. She may have become one of them but she refused to believe that she was like them. All of her life she had been brought up knowing werewolves to be evil. As she was told, 'they kill humans and livestock and have no mercy for anything; they're heartless, cruel monsters, and should all be eradicated like the beasts they are'. They wouldn't think twice about hurting someone, so why should feel any sympathy for them?

Maybe there was a part of her that didn't believe this. After all, what about those who were like her? Although, she had yet to meet another werewolf who had some sense in their mind, or wasn't aware of their presence when she did, so this was pushed to the darkest edges of her thoughts and instead filled with a burning hate for the creatures.

Consumed by her long trail of thoughts, she hadn't realized she had stepped foot into a town. She lifted her head and looked around, muttering an innocent curse under her breath while rubbing the back of her head subconsciously. This couldn't be right, she wasn't supposed to reach a town for a while yet.

"Did I take a wrong turn..?" she sighed to herself. Nevertheless, the growling of her stomach urged her to buy a meal here instead of delving into her supplies. Besides, she had nowhere to be quickly, so it wouldn't hurt to stick around for a day.

She plodded further into the town and made her way into the local eatery, then ordered a sandwich and drink.

"Why does this place have that smell? It is everywhere..." Logan commented as the cashier pulled up her price. Logan hadn't realized she said it out loud until the woman just shrugged and shook her head. "I haven't noticed, hun. That'll be $2.50." the woman spoke. Logan dug into her pockets, looking for her wallet. "... I am missing my money." she looked up apologetically, and watched the cashier roll her eyes. Logan breathed a sigh and walked out.

She pulled her pack off, digging through it with little luck. 'Must have dropped it somewhere along the way.' she pondered mentally, then wrinkled her nose. She found it hard to believe she was the only one who caught the thick scent in the air. And although it seemed familiar, she couldn't place what it was, that it was the scent of werewolves. She had so little control of her werewolf form and had used it very few times - maybe half a dozen - which contributed to why she couldn't identify it.

She pushed it aside for now, she had to find a way to earn money before she could begin traveling once more. She could go back and search for her wallet, but for the little that cash that was left in it, it would hardly be worthwhile as it could mean trekking back several miles.

Her eyes moved over to the town briefly. She could ask around for handy work, doing odd jobs. Or she could stir up a street fight, but the full moon would be upon them soon and it would be all too easy to slip. Odd jobs it was. With that, she made her way off to find someone willing to let her work for a short amount of time.

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