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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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As everyone began to depart from the kitchen, Timothy found himself more and more at ease with the situation than when Kratos first assigned him the chore.

Timothy could hear the door opening and closing and steadily loud voices grew less, until he could only hear the few whom remained in the house and the low murmur of Kratos talking outside.

With all the empty plates carefully placed in the sink, Timothy rolled up his sleeves and prepared to begin, but then he paused and looked for a moment confused.. Just a second ago he had known what he was doing, and now he stared at the sink without a clue... Oh wait, now he could remember; the sponge, the warm water, and a drop of washing-liquid for each plate. He shook his head and began to work.

Each dish was delicately washed and dried by hand, Timothy hadn't even thought to look for a dishwasher when at last he was done.


Kratos was found casually leaning on the side of the house with his arms crossed over his chest.

"We'll be taking a truck-trail up into Mt. Phantom." Kratos said as he pointed toward the mountain directly behind the fields of Ziet's ranch. "The trail is on the other side of the corn field and rides right up to the area where I'll want us to go.. I would like the more experienced to wait until we've come under the cover of the trees before changing though, and I'd have everyone else either ride in the truck or go by foot."

Kratos' hand brushed over his chin as he stared up at the mountain in thought before continuing.

"I think that everyone who knows how to control their werewolf form should help me teach those who do not. By the time the sun sets we'll all be feeling the effects of the full moon, but hopefully by then everyone should understand the basics of the transformation." He explained. "I don't think there should be any difficulty recognizing each other since we've been living together for awhile; with the exception of Savannah, Toby, and Chime that is.. we'll have to be extra careful around them. With any luck though, all the other less experienced members will stick around the pack and not rabidly attack anyone, regardless of previous training."


Parting away from her empty platter food regretfully, Jackie turned to yank her backpack from where Kratos had motioned. Much to her disgust, she had noticed that her backpack read her full name "Jacqueline" instead of "Jackie". Irritably she slung it over her shoulder, shooting the alpha a dark look when he wasn't looking, then hovered at the entry way.

Listening, surprisingly quiet, Jackie already didn't like the direction this morning was heading. When considering their previous hiking trip hadn't gone too well, she wasn't entirely certain this would pass event-free either. She supposed having a pack full of werewolves, some in out of control, should have set her on edge a bit, but alas found this the least of her concerns. If anyone became out of control and tried to snip at her, she wouldn't hesitate to snap right back.


Shrugging, Theo grabbed the backpack and half-listened to Kratos from the back of the crowd.


The kitchen was empty save for that wierd Timothy character. Toby entered happily, but found he had no clue what he was supposed to be eating. Did he just help himself to what was there or did he fordge through the pantry for somthing?

Awkwardly, he stood for a moment, staring at Timothy. Of all the strange people in this place, Toby found he trusted Timothy the most; probably because the kid seemed just as new to this as he was. Weither that was true or not, Toby didn't know.

"Hey Timothy! How are you doing?" He asked.


Sabrina threw a doubtful glance glance at Jackie. This would be her first Moon Change, wouldn't it? From what she had seen, the gal already had some serious attitude. Her werewolf was going to be a fun creature to meet... Sabrina rolled her eyes. Then she looked around for the other newbies Kratos had mentioned... she didn't really recognize a single one of them.

Savannah, Chime, and Toby. There were at least three faces in the crowd Sabrina hadn't formally met, two of which she had never even seen before. All three of them were girls. Toby was a boy, she knew. She'd practically grown up with /him/. She didn't see him around either, so he must still be inside.

So, one of the strangers was Savannah, that little female Sabrina had attacked before leaving the pack for a few weeks. One was Chime. The other's name she did not know.

Oh well, she'd learn their names later, she was sure.


Timothy was drying his hands on a towel when Toby entered.

"Uhm.. Oh, yes. Hi, uh, Toby, right?" Timothy said slowly, grabbing the extra food from the table and emptying it into various fridge-containers. Timothy didn't know much about the new boy, except that he was likely to be a werewolf like everyone else in this strange little house.. Kratos had dragged Toby into the pack a few weeks ago, and Timothy wasn't one to seek interaction....

"Here's what's left of breakfast.." Timothy said as he set the containers on the table and wiped up everything else.

Timothy then did a quick sweep of the kitchen floor and took a seat at the table. He had no intention of going out to meet with the rest of the pack, as they so often called themselves, and was seeking any possible way to be forgotten.


However, Timothy was anything but forgotten by the werewolf leader. "Good grief, it will be a wonder if I don't go in and find those boys sleeping again." Kratos grumbled as he watched the sun slip into the sky from behind the mountains.

At last, the Alpha motioned for everyone to wait outside, then he went into the house in search for Toby, Timothy, and whoever else who might have ignored him the first and second time he had called.

In fact, just at the moment Timothy had sat down at the table, Kratos came through the door and entered the kitchen.

"Well now, you certainly like taking your sweet time.." Kratos said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Let's go, we're loosing daylight and no one, save Marcus and Kiton alone, have permission to stay here... and Kale and Zeit don't need my permission."


Timothy greeted the Alpha with a glare and made no attempt to reply... but it was in vain. Kratos only waited a small moment before walking right up to the table, gently grabbing both boys by the neck of their shirts and pushing them outside!

As soon as they were out, Kratos closed the door of the cottage and locked it so that neither of the two could get back in while he gathered the remaining backpacks.. Whether or not Toby had eaten yet didn't seem to trouble him.

Timothy was furious, but unable to do anything.


Kratos gathered the remaining backpacks, put the food containers into the fridge, and made sure the cottage was secure before returning to the group in the yard.

"Alright." He said, locking the door behind him. "Let's go. Everyone follow the road between the barn and the corn field, it'll lead us right up into the mountains.. Zeit, who would you like to drive the truck?"


Kale waited as Kratos went inside and retieved Timothy and Toby. Kale sighed a little, still remembering the very first time they had met Timothy, at Gathen's cave, and she had sung for nearly an entire day ,trying to calm him down. seemingly, she had a soft spot for him, if only he wasn't so...standoff-ish. and Toby, well, Toby seemed, for the most part to Kale, a skittish werewolf. She hardly knew a thing about him.

When Kratos came back out, kale barely waited to hear what he said before she picked her pack up off the ground and headed for the truck, tossing her pack in the bed and following, sitting with one leg inside the bed and one leg hanging off the side, her back against the cab.

Leaning back, Kale waited for the others, her eyes taking in their details, their subtle differences of movement, smell, sight, and sound. Each pack member was individual and unique.

Kale sighed, finally glad as she realized she belonged here, with them. this felt right. And it boosted her mood all the same. Her inner wolf no longer seemed like such a curse, even with the moon so close. it tied her to the pack. it made her, her.


Toby wept pethetically as he was dragged away from his tiny bowl of leftovers, having hardly taken a single bite out of it before the Alpha had come in and carried them away. He now stood, rather digectedly and quivering as though he were cold, outside with the others. Rubbing his arm and whimpering.


Chime stood where she was for a few seconds, still trying to pick what she should do, ride or walk? Riding would probably be the best answer, she was tried, but the car seat.... Chime then decided to use her paws, which she was pretty good at. She didn't change too much but her mom did teach her how to use her wolf form.

When Chime decided to walk, she notice that Timothy got kicked out along with Toby, she really couldn't understand those two, she felt more sorry for Toby, but that was because of his fear of the wolves and she had first seen him on the faithful day a month ago. Now she didn't really know Timothy that well, all she really did know was he didn't want to be here, which really confused her.

She walked over to them with a little concerned look upon her face, "Hi Timothy, Toby." she said, trying not to sound too cheerful, "How are you?... Toby, are you alright?" she asked, looking at the shivering mess, she was trying to do a little chit-chat before going, she knew it probably wouldn't last long.


As the others slowly filtered out and Krat said that they were off a slight spark of excitement shot through Kieoki. Only for a small moment that is. She started out on the path, choosing to walk in human form because she didn't particularly want to be cooped up in the car, and she couldn't shift to her wolf form much to her annoyance. Her red sash was still tied around her leg for support, and if she shifted it'd be seen. So in a faint huff to herself, she suppressed her urge to shift

She realized then that she wasn't traveling behind Krat and no one else was around her. Unlike what she'd thought, Krat didn't leave the house because he was waiting for a reply from Zeit. Stopping with a blank blink to herself, she glanced over her shoulder with a faint blush. Everyone was still back at the house for the most part. Coughing softly to hide her embarrassment, she shot a small glare at Krat before she proceeded to stand there, arms folded over one another as she waited.

Hour Glass:

Zeit thought for a moment when Kratos asked her about driving the truck. "Anybody can drive" she replied after some thought, "But if they cause any damage to the truck, they pay for it, and they will get it fixed." She said the last sentence swiftly, before turning to head off. She sat down near the truck waiting for everyone to come out. She looked over her shoulder at Kratos, and watched as Hawk took a seat in the truck.

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