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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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Jackie hadn't payed much attention to Kratos, nor anything else around her. Her full, and undying attention, had been focused on the pancakes before. The woman was scarfing them down as quickly as she could, as though she would not have another opportunity to eat all day. Which in fact may not have been far from the truth, considering that Kratos likely had decided to pack the disgusting energy for their journey. The focus dedicated to breakfast was cool and deadly, neither prey, enemey, nor pancake would be likely cross her now. Syrup dripping from her cheek (which given enough imagination, almost looked like pancake blood), Jackie lept from her seat and snatched more pancakes-- of course proceeding to wolf them down within a few brief minutes.


Bed wasn't as comfortable as Theo had thought, with the looming threat of a water trough in his future. At last, when the boy couldn't handle it any longer, he quietly crept near his dresser to switch into day clothes. He had resolved that he wasn't going to be dragged through a water trough in his pajamas, which wouldn't be too dignified. If he was going to be disobedient, at the very least he would look awake for it. He sat patiently on his bed, slipping on a pair of socks and hiking boots that hadn't seen too much use on his time in the ranch (Theo honestly preferred going barefoot, but for longer treks he certainly wasn't going to see how long it took for something to stab through his well-calloused feet). Theo than lay back the mattress, putting his arms aimlessly behind his head, and gazing up at his ceiling as though he had no worry if Kratos would come barging in within seconds.

Hour Glass

Zeit heard the call, and woke up, missing the first call altogether. She grumbled something to herself, and headed out of her room, stifling a yawn. She was wearing a baby blue tank top and a short pair of black athletic shorts. She yawned again as she made her way down stairs, grabbing herself a bite to eat, ignoring the rest of the wolves for the moment. She pulled a chair up, and began to pile on the syrup as she stared blankly at her plate.

She crossed her legs, still in a bit of a daze as she set the bottle down, and went to take her first bite. Only then did she look up, something clicking inside her mind. She looked around, her fork still hanging out of her mouth as she took note of who all was down in her kitchen. She felt her cheeks warm up a bit before she calmed herself slightly. So far, she seemed to have been the only one who hadn't thought to put on decent clothing, and the only one who hadn't seen the luggage at the bottom of the stairs. She swore in her mind, before moving on and taking another bite.

She had only caught the last comment that had been made by Kratos. "I'll go by paw" she muttered, still a bit grouchy. She grumbled slightly as she worked to finish off her breakfast, still cross that she was still in her pajamas.


Kratos took note of Zeit's entering and nodded a brief welcome. Then he walked out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs.

The Alpha's heavy boots could be heard on the steps in the upper rooms as he ascended.

The stairs opened up to the end of the long hallway and at the top of the stairs was a large window opening off to the west. There was a small banister on the opposite side of the staircase from the window to protect people from falling down the stairs, and on the far end of the hall was another window opening to the east.

Kratos seldom came into the upper level of Zeit's cottage, often at night he would either sleep in the living room or leave the house to sleep in the barn or under the stars.. So he wasn't familiar with where everyone slept, but since there were only six bedrooms and a hall bathroom, most of which had opened doors, Kratos could quickly guess which room Theo was in.

Two knocks hit the door from Kratos' large hand and his deep voice called for Theo. "Get up and come on. Breakfast is getting cold and the stubborn will get nothing to eat before our trip.."


Alice trotted back to the house from outside. Her fur waved as her body carried her loftily back to the house. When she got close, she turned back to human form. Then she walked inside. Surprsingly, everybody was up, save for Theo.

"What's all this about?" she asked, clearly confused.


Kale eyed Kratos as he went up stairs and quickly returned her attention to seeing just how mant waffles could fit into her mouth at one time. when alice walked in kale nearly choked as she tried to reply, then remembering her food, swallowed as fast as she could.

"we're going on a trip! again, only were going somwhere else this time. i have no idea what food he has in the packs, so dig in to this wonderful breakfast- who knew the guy was such a good cook?" Kale spoke quickly and followed her words with a delightfully syrup drenched waffle( waffles are definately kale's favorite) she nearly growled in happiness as she walked over to the fridge in search of milk, careful of touching things with her sticky fingers.


Food, did he say food? Immediately the alpha's booming voice perked Theo's interest. It was one matter to be threatened with a dunk into a disgusting water trough. But to threaten food, that was something even Theo could not resist. As a teenager, he was all too aware of his growing hunger. At last, with a grunt of reluctance, he stood.

"Well played," Theo mumbled sourly as he opened the door and began to walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

But his defeated mood was quickly forgotten in the enticing aroma of breakfast. The boy hurried his footsteps, then scrambled to get a plate and something to eat. He took a seat next to Kale.


Alice smiled at Kale.

"Thanks for letting me know!" She sat down at the table, after grabbing a plate, some waffled, and putting syrup and butter on them.

She bit into them, savoring the sweetness of the syrup combined with the fillingness of the waffles. She smiled with her mouth closed and full, her cheeks looking like a chipmunk's that ate too much.

She looked over at Kaleb, who sat there at the table, reading a book, his plate empty as he was finished with eating.

She poked him in the shoulder.

"Hey! What was that for?" he asked harshly, his expression angry.

"You'd better get dressed in some appropriate clothes. I mean, we are going on a trip, you know." she told him.

"Yeah, I know, let me finish my chapter."

Alice finished her breakfast. She rinsed off the plate and put it in the sink, then did the same for Kaleb's.

After a few moments, he closed the book, and went upstairs.

Kaleb exchanged his pajama pants and tank for some khaki shorts and a t-shirt. He also tied a sweatshirt around his waist. THen he went back downstairs. He walked up to Kratos.

"When are we going to leave? And where are we going to travel?" Kaleb asked him, because he wasn't sure if he wanted to go on paw, or stay on two legs.


Creorran stumbled out of bed and hastily threw some clothes on. Kratos' warnings were not to be taken lightly, and Creorran was not about to take any chances. Once he was dressed and at least somewhat presentable, he rushed down the stairs only to crash into someone.

That someone was Savannah. The usually gentle girl was in a rare mood, and she let Creorran know it. "Watch where you're going, fleabag," she snarled. Creorran was not one of the werewolves she had taken a liking to. She enjoyed watching Jackie's stubbornness, and remembered her first meeting with Kieoki. She hadn't really taken the time to get to know either of them, but they were the two she felt most comfortable around.

Creorran ignored Savannah's insult and continued to his corner of the kitchen. He leaned up against the wall as always and gazed out the window. He knew that the full moon was very soon, and was worried about what would happen. He had experienced the effects of the full moon before, but he was always nervous about whether he would lose control of his werewolf form again.

Savannah however had no trouble controlling her transformations. Though she would still be forced to change, she was not worried and simply wished to get it over with. It was not that she disliked being in wolf form, it was just the fact that she would be forced. She prefered having control over her body.

She didn't quite feel like sitting with the others, so she simply waited near the staircase for Kratos to announce when they were leaving.


When a someone came down the stairs and crashed into Savannah, who was across from her on the steps, Kieoki's reflexive response was to immediately flick her dagger into her hand and attack whatever had just crashed into the girl. It was only Savannah's remark that snapped her back into remembering that she didn't have to worry about things like that here. Her weapon was hidden back in her sash before either of the other two could have seen it and she was sitting back down upon the steps.

Fully awake from the hot breakfast, she waited for an order from Krat for when they were leaving. She was fairly curious as to where they were going, and she hated wasting all this time when they could be already on there way.


Sabrina had every intention of sneaking into the house and slipping up to her bedroom before everyone else woke up. It was still very early, and most of the pack slept late with the exception of Zeit who practically got up with the sun... but it was still dark out, so as long as she kept quiet she figured she would be homefree.

The ranch was empty and quiet enough, save only the cattle lowing and a few early birds twittering. She got to the porch and felt sure she had been unobserved. She was in the midst of congratulating herself for her stealth as she pushed open the cottage door, only to find that inside was buzzing with energy. The smell of breakfast hit her like a wall, everyone was awake and busy, there were packs lined up near the door...

Snap. Crackle. Pop, even. So much for slipping in unnoticed.

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