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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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Theo really didn't do anything that interesting prior to the moon. Really. Seeing as the entire pack already had found something to do, he found one source of amusement tied off. So he choose the tallest of the trees near to the cabins and progressed to climb it to kill some time. Theo had actually made it pretty far before it had begun to get dark and had to turn back, having no wish to transform a few hundred feet up in a tree.

He had just about hit the bottom of the tree just as his body shivered to transform. A few minutes later, he looked up, but this time with the hulking and massive form of a werewolf. Relatively unbothered by the change, he surveyed the pack and noted himself to be one of the last. Then as the Alpha emerged from the cabin and lead the pack into a howl, he himself joined with the subdued tone of someone who wished to observe the melodies of his pack more than create one himself.


“Tick tock. It’s night. You better get a move on”

In the delirium and craze of the fight, a voice, perhaps her own; she didn’t know; seemed to chant in her head as time passed. At first, she ignored the silly little voice. An animal didn’t care about words. And yet, as the time progressed closer, her humanity seemed to sweep through her and registered the words and a viable warning. An odd awareness she had not possessed before the fight swept through her. Instead of seeing the battle as a game of claws and teeth, she could see angles to her foe. And she could see in her face she intended to finish her soon.

Her eyes shrank to weary blue slits, tensing as she tried to dodge the path of the oncoming assault and having every feeling this one was meant to be one of the last. But she was tired. She couldn’t move as she could have hours earlier without the blood loss and the physical exhaustion. Her feet twitched to move far too late; by the time she had, she was already pinned to tree by dark claws and Logan already preparing to make one final snap of her.

The beat of her heart seemed suddenly very loud and everything around her seemed to slow enough to take in. Where someone else may have closed their eyes and said “Hasta La Vista” to it all, Jackie had been taught enough to use those frenzied moments of near stand-still to her advantage. Time was slower for her and certainly much slower than her opponent, who granted her winning streak in the fight, was probably confident enough not to need it. Breath was hard to draw in, but Jackie forced herself not to panic over it. Instead, she did the unpredictable and thought hard with those precious few milliseconds.

As a human, she had been taught several moves to disarm any opponent that may have been chocking her. In this form, while considerably more difficult for any of those moves to be executable, with enough adaptability, they were at the very least possible. Focusing deeply on each movement she made, she raised a hind paw so it curled right beneath her and with a single quick movement brought it down to strike directly at her opponent’s soft underbelly with the speed of a snake. As expected, she didn’t find herself freed. The move was not meant to do that; instead it was meant to catch Logan by surprise and, in the temporary confusion, make it much easier to slip through. She felt Logan’s hold on her weaken just enough so that her weight sank down a few inches down the tree. Her hind legs touched the ground with a gentle tap. She tensed. Then, suddenly, she sprung upwards like a spring. Logan’s hold around her neck loosened and then finally slipped free, leaving deep cuts on her neck in their place.

With neither the time nor the energy to congratulate herself over the maneuver, Jackie did the only reasonable thing that came to mind. That, of course, being to flee. She wasn’t an idiot and she knew when she was outmatched and when she would probably get killed trying to continue. And she also knew time was running out. Already she could feel a gentle sting in her lungs. The air felt thicker and clammier.

Jackie ran while there was still time to run, racing through the trees so fast it seemed incredible she even processed the energy to do so. She continued an unsteady sprint back to the ranch, with her attention so focused on her goal that even a stray hiker in her path wouldn’t have diverted her attention. She didn’t have to over-power her wolf to make sure of that. Neither a human or a wolf wanted to die, and so for the time being, both aspects of herself found a common goal to work towards.

A gentle howl echoed through the wind, but the only sign she gave of hearing it was a flick of her ear. At this point her pace had begun to fade to more of a slow lope; breathing now involved huge gasps of air and her entire body burned like she had a fever. For a brief instant, some part of her felt enticed by the promise the howl had offered and the protection she desperately needed at this point. But the moment passed, and she bitterly turned her thoughts away from the pack and back towards the task at hand.


Logan's attention had been temporarily deterred as the call sung out over the lands. Not just any call, of course - the call of an alpha. Power, courage and loyalty seemed to emanate from the song alone. A voice of protection for members of his pack, and for outsiders, a persuasive warning. Howls of support joined in on the song, some more subtle than others, all equally beautiful. But from an intruders standpoint, it was nothing but a threat or a challenge, both even.

In this very miniscule amount of time, Jackie had managed to hit Logan in the stomach briskly. Another instant passed, and the other werewolf manipulated the seconds and brief distraction carefully enough to put herself in a position to escape and finally, flee. Like a gunfire, there was no time to react before it was over.

The larger werewolf didn't give chase, however, as she watched Jackie vanish out of sight. Part of the reason was because Logan assumed she'd die from blood loss or maybe infection, and another part was because something was off about the immediate area. For a moment, she stayed on all fours, examining her surroundings, ears high and occasionally tilting in one direction or the other.

Logan raised herself on her hind legs, scenting the air around her. Then she caught it, if barely. The nearby male that had been watching their battle. Once she found the scent, it was easy to tell that he'd been here for a while.

She positioned herself on all of her paws and began off quickly in what she assumed was the direction of the new werewolf, intent on finding and making sure this one died. It would be a matter of seconds before she tracked him down, unless he managed to act quickly. She didn't even think about the pack right now, putting her full focus to finding her next victim.


Crud. Yes, that was the word that came to mind; crud. That, and a slew of other unhappy words. Nothing too serious, of course, his mother had been a very religious woman and had raised him well at least on that account... but seriously. Levi hadn't quite counted on being detected this quickly by the stranger. He was almost sure that her wolf would pursue and eliminate the weakened female. But, no, he realized now, she counted her fight with that one won and she was still thirsty for blood.

He wasn't going to fight her. She may be fresh out of a battle, but he had watched her--she was a smart fighter and hadn't exerted a whole lot of energy to take out the other female... she was still strong, and larger than him besides. So he did what any lone scout would do in his position; he made a crazy break for it! Given two seconds to think, he probably would have considered this a stupid move: she had picked up on his scent and was coming on him fast, but did not necessarily know exactly where he was until he let out that idiotic little yelp and thrashed out of his hiding place.

There was no way she could have missed that. He might have quietly slipped away while he had the chance and threw off her scent around the creek that ran nearby--he knew how to do that. But in a single moment of doubt he had blown his chances.


Sabrina finished her first chorus when she noticed Creorran whimpering on the ground. His wolf was not responding to the pack like he was part of it... she didn't know him very well. Their first and only meeting had been the month before she left--he started an uncontrolled change and she had paralyzed him.

She sank back down to all fours and approached him slowly; her head was up, but she wagged her tail slightly and kept her ears back, her body language attempting to convey friendliness and familiarity to his wolf, even imitating some dog-like behaviour. Her words were meant to appeal to his human side, assuming he was still in touch with it. "Creorran," she said gently, "Do not fear. You are safe. These changes are strange, you may feel lost... but do not feel intimidated. You are apart of us. You are family. We will protect you. We will help you through this, if you let us."


Kratos was surprised when the pack joined into the song, and oddly enough Timothy starting it, but his surprise passed quickly into joy and pride. He looked at their faces as they lifted their unique voices into a strong melody, and he knew that they were now a pack.

But there was one voice which was not among them, the one he had been straining to listen for the most; he had not heard Jackie's voice.

His bright yellow eyes turned down upon Creorran and the Alpha set himself back down on four legs. Creorran was afraid, much as Kratos had expected Timothy to be, so he already had prepared to help and encourage..

But nothing could have prepared Kratos for what would happen next...


Timothy set himself back down on his four paws as the song drew to an end and looked about himself at the werewolves whom had not spoken.. Upon seeing Creorran cowering on the ground, Timothy naturally thought only to take advantage of his weakness and gain a place above him in pack standing. But his motivation to do so was suddenly quieted upon seeing the white female sit down and begin acting like a mere puppy.

"How foolish." He thought with a growl. But the white female had challenged Timothy before and had won without much effort, thus she stood on higher ground and he would let her have her fun with this pathetic creature first..

The Alpha lowered himself to his four paws then, Timothy speculated that he held a more commanding and proud air now than he had when the song first began. Powerful, leading, semi-experienced and a force to be reckoned with, but also slightly naive. This alpha hadn't known this pack all his life; this pack was young.

"That'll be good.." The young werewolf thought slyly to himself. "I won't have to dominate many to gain a good standing here.."

Timothy's werewolf mind was not yet aware of the rules that governed this pack, and he certainly payed no thought to the fact that these werewolves actually cared to be human.. It wasn't the way he had been taught.

The young werewolf thought for a moment and decided that he would sit down and watch these others and try to discover their weaknesses before challenging them. But just before doing so, he recognized a distant scent which drove all such subtle thoughts far from his mind.

"Blood. Blood is in the air tonight!" Timothy's eyes darted wildly to the woods and his face twisted into a beastly snarl. "Taste it. Taste it he said."

Timothy cringed and his forward paws clenched the dirt in his palms. "Leave me be.. I would rather die." He muttered beneath his breath.

Then fear began to grow in his mind and heart.. Fear of pain if he did not pursue the smell.

"Not me, not to die..." He growled to himself. "Fine, then I'll go get it. But I will not taste it, he cannot make me do it again.. I'll make him cold and still if he tries."


Kratos watched Sabrina's movements. She seemed very good at assuming a gentle and harmless air to get others to trust her, though as Kratos had seen in the past, such was far from Sabrina's true nature.

The Alpha wanted Creorran to trust his pack mates, and he thought to comfort the younger werewolf and would have done so, had he not heard the disturbing words which Timothy began whispering to himself just then.

"What was that?" Kratos asked, turning to look at Timothy. But there was no answer until Timothy began muttering to himself again.

From what the Alpha could gather, Timothy seemed to be persuading himself with old memories to go and do something, and speaking of a "he" which Kratos could only guess was Gathen, since Timothy never allowed any other "he" to ever get close to him.

"Timothy! Come to your senses boy!" Kratos said urgently, but Timothy seemed not to hear.

Timothy's eyes wildly shot up and met with Kratos, and then as quick as a scared rabbit Timothy took off into the trees!

Kratos immediately charged after him but he was not as swift as the younger and lighter werewolf!

"Kale, Zeit!" Kratos called urgently. But he did not know if the two Betas were close enough to hear him, as he had not seen them since the sun went down..


Timothy calculated the position of his target by the distance of the scent and he made straight for it! His use of terrain and ability to lengthen his stride was incredible! He was neither lithe nor slender and yet picked up a pace which could rival even the quickest member of the pack at a full run!

Timothy payed no mind to the other werewolves whom he knew were just ahead of him, he was able to pinpoint their location through scent and evade their position entirely. His main target was his only thought; the scent of blood growing nearer and stronger!


Kratos ran after Timothy but could not keep up with him and soon he couldn't even hear the younger werewolf ahead of him.. Regardless, he would not let up nor slow his pace. But the Alpha knew that whatever it was that Timothy was hunting would surely be dead by the time he caught up..

Unfortunately, it was then that Kratos was finally aware of the scent which had caused Timothy's wild behavior.

Anxiety and anguish filled Kratos' heart as he realized that the scent on the air was Jackie's blood! From the scent he could tell she was weak, badly injured and heading for the ranch, but Kratos had no power to help her.

Timothy would come upon Jackie soon, and judging by the things he had done in the past, Kratos thought it unlikely that he would spare her.

There was nothing to make this matter worse until Kratos got near enough to also smell the stranger and the spy. Suddenly the Alpha's emotions changed; anxiety turned to anger and anguish sparked and became a flame of rage which engulfed him!

Kratos believed that his friend would soon be dead because of the actions of a stranger, and no reasoning in his mind could surpass this.

Kratos knew that if he had not let Jackie alone when he had come upon her earlier, that he might have prevented this. But he had assumed that the area was safe from strangers, and thus the fault was his own..

Now, the Alpha would deal with the enemy.

Within moments Kratos threw out a howl of absolute rage and had changed his course! He turned to the right and rampaged through the bushes and bramble, his massive form coming quickly and suddenly upon Logan and Levi's position!!


Why do I keep treating Timothy like a normal werewolf? He's not a normal werewolf! Sabrina thought, but otherwise tried to ignore what was happening with him and the Alpha. She had just promised Creorran that she would protect him and he had nothing to fear. To show any sign of stress or upset at this new development would shatter any trust she may or may not have gained. After all, the Alpha had called for his Betas--surely they would be able to handle the situation with Timothy. If anyone was hurt, she could help them later. Right now she needed to focus on the new weres and see that they handled their transitions well. Especially now that the Alpha was absent.


Creorran's blue-gray eyes nervously darted around to each recently transformed werewolf. While he knew they were his own pack, he still felt terrified for some unknown reason. His human self tried to reassure his troubled brain that the wolves were his packmates — his family, — but it was no use.

He could see a white female wolf approaching and dimly recognized her. It was the female that had stopped him the last time he had lost control of his wolf form. Creorran thought her name was Sabrina. His wolf picked up on her body language; her ears were back, and she even wagged her tail a little. She spoke softly in a calm, almost comforting voice, and for a moment Creorran felt safe. He listened intently to her voice, and though he knew she was truly one of the more aggressive wolves, at the moment she seemed motherly. For some reason, the kind words from her had pushed him back into a relaxed state.

Comforted by the Gamma, Creorran stumbled to his paws and once again tried to look at the werewolves. They were stil intimidating, especially Kratos with his monstrous size, but he could recognize each one. There was Sabrina, Savannah, Kratos, Timothy, Kieoki. . .

Then Creorran noticed a few of the packmembers were not present. Thinking they must've been inside the cottages, he pushed the thought away. It was then that he saw Sabrina grow tense for only a split second, and Timothy running into the woods, quickly followed by Kratos and Kieoki. Concerned, he asked Sabrina, "Whats going on? Where are they going?"


When the chorus of howls ended, Kieoki was feeling strangely light-headed. It was an odd feeling to her, the feeling of being in a place where she was together with others that either cared, or cared enough about the pack to care about her. Kieoki was in a blissful state, and the sudden start of Timothy (she was sure that had to be his name, right?) unbalanced her. She watched first Timothy dart off, and then watched with wide eyes as Krat shot after him. It only took Kieoki a moment to realize that Krat had little chance of catching the smaller wolf. Kieoki couldn't smell what had caused Timothy to start, but she had a fairly good guess. She listened as Krat called to his betas, but like him, she hadn't seen them around, and Sabrina wasn't dashing off to help either.

In one motion, Kieoki looked at Sabrina, shaking her head. "I'm sorry." She said before Kieoki was gone, dashing headlong into the trees and vanishing from sight. Considering that she was considerably smaller than Krat, she could run faster than him, and it wasn't hard to track Krat and Timothy. And when Krat's scent went off on another trail, Kieoki followed Timothy's trail, determined to catch up with the wolf. Now, she wasn't running as fast as Timothy was, and she wasn't really gaining on him, but she was catching up enough that she may make it to the object he was chasing before it was killed. She could suddenly smell it too, blood. She didn't know Jackie enough to realize that it was hers, but her wolf recognized the tantalizing scent, but recoiled when it realized it came from a were. Kieoki ran no slower though.

And it wasn't like she was going to fight Timothy when she got to him. No. Her main goal was to help or protect the were that was obviously injured, judging by the scent of blood. But, if it came down to a fight, Kieoki was probably one of the better candidates to help the injured were. After all, Kieoki had fought her way out of packs before, and also had gone one on one until the other gave. In fact, her body was already preparing in case things would come to a fight. Her paws thundered after Timothy, and she laughed in her mind. This wasn't the first time she had chased Timothy down, and the last time she had tried to protect someone, Timothy had gotten to the human anyways. But not this time. Kieoki picked up her pace, closing in as her determination not to be late kicked in.


"It's alright," Sabrina said soothingly, "It's Timothy--he doesn't have much control over his wolf side. The Alpha is pursuing him, so that he does not bring harm to himself or anyone else."

Her ears raised and she looked off in the direction the others had gone. A shadow of concern passed briefly over her face, but it was soon replaced with a softer expression. "They'll be fine, I am sure," she said, then she looked back at him and the others that still remained. "The rest of you are going to learn about controling your forms and working as a pack. How many of you still have troubles with your inner wolf?"

Timothy and Jackie had gone off. So that left Kaleb and Creorran as far as she knew. Still, she had been gone for a month, so there might be some others who couldn't control their wolf-forms very well, so she had to ask.


Big mistake, although Levi probably knew that by now. Logan caught his mishap and immediately began directly towards him, lips curled in a fierce snarl. It was fairly obvious to the female that he wasn't untrained, but the fact alone that he was running said enough about his standings in a battle - or maybe just this one? Either way, Logan enjoyed the chase. She could already feel his bones shattering beneath her jaw, taste his blood. It felt like she'd already won.

Logan was closing in on her prey rapidly. She wasn't typically a really fast runner, but then again, she was near the peak of her adrenalin. The pursuit looked as if it would last no more than another ten seconds as the larger werewolf readied herself to clamp down on Levi's thigh; ears pinned against her skull, mouth opened and eyes set firmly on their goal.

Then she heard the alpha's call again and stopped short, clamping her jaw shut and missing Levi's leg by a hairs width. This time, it was chillingly close and dripping with fury. She didn't even have a moment to discern it's location before the large, dark werewolf was present.

Her immediate reaction was to shrink down much like a guilty child would when threatened to be punished. However, this was Logan, and she suppressed the urge and instead turned to face the alpha.

"It'll be the end of you, Logan. Learn when you face up to someone and when you run! You can only win so many times before you come out short."

This was one of those moments where it would have been particularly important that she paid attention to her grandfathers advice when he gave it to her. Instead, she was determined to bring this werewolf down and even in this form, her pride blurred any sense of fear, wisdom and self preservation.

She had positioned herself in front of Levi in a manner that blocked him off from the massive werewolf, as if protecting him. Only she wasn't, and rather, wanted to kill him herself. A low growl erupted from her throat, and without further warning, she lashed out, going directly for Kratos' neck!


Chime listened to the beautiful melody. She wanted to jump in and did, but not really all that loud. She was happy to be part of the pack, even though she still didn't really know how one works, as she never really learned about packs, her mother hid those things from her well. Chime had only lifted her head and as the howling stop she looked around. She had heard whimpering during the howls and look to locate the source. She saw Creorran but made no more to go to him, she just sat where she was.

It was then Timothy had his "spazz attack". As he darted away and the alpha followed, quickly followed by Kieoki, though the alpha didn't say he needed her.

Chime watched them run off and found herself wanting to follow them and she did. After only a few seconds of thought she darted, following the sent of the alpha. Though if she thought this over she would seen the idiot action she had taken, as herself wasn't that great of a fighter and there could be danger up ahead, which there was. She slowed down as she smelled the intruders and came to a complete stop as she heard the alpha's roar. It had scared her, never in her life had she heard something like that, so mad... She inched close enough to peek over the blushes and what she saw scared her even more. Two huge and unknown weres and her alpha were there. A strange male being the smallest, though he was still big to Chime. The female was who scared her the most, the way she acted was just horrifying, nearly making her whimper, but she stopped herself, the alpha came in a close second, she somewhat knew him and never in the month of staying on the ranch had seen him like this, the thought alone was enough to really scare her.

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