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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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Intense violet eyes remained constantly focused on their opponent, never leaving her for more than a second. She stood a few feet from Jackie now, her head hunched and muscles tensed. Her ears remained erect as she inspected the other for any sign of movement, no matter how subtle.

Even as the fight continued on into sundown, Logan remained almost completely unfazed. All throughout their battle, she had hardly exerted any energy. Although she noticed the other werewolf was growing weary, her reflexes had slowed greatly over time. She assumed it wouldn't take much effort at this point to deal the final blow. It was a shame, too. Logan had only had the chance to fight another werewolf during a full moon once after her transformation.

She struck out at Jackie once more, pushing her into a tree and pressing a paw hard against her neck, growling as she did so. Obsidian claws dug into the werewolves flesh and thin tendrils of blood crept along her light pelt. Logan pulled her head back, muzzle twisted into a vicious snarl, and she prepared to submerge her teeth into the others neck with an attack that she intended would be her last.


Sabrina hurriedly untied her sashes to loosen her white gown and shifted into her werewolf form. Once her white paws made contact with the ground, she watched Timothy's changing form on baited breath.

"Chime, back," she barked a quick warning. There was no time to explain to her about Timothy's wolf--not now. She didn't want to work of an air of distrust or anxiety to welcome Timothy's wolf tonight, but she didn't want Chime getting hurt or worse either. Last time Timothy changed... he really had been a monster, and not a mindless one. He had desired then only one thing: to kill every living thing around him.

Darn it all. The Alpha--why hadn't he said anything to the pack, about Timothy, or the new desires and mindlessness they would have to face for themselves for the first time? When the Alpha had brought them up here, Sabrina had dared to hope he had a plan, as opposed to last month's Full Moon. You'd think that after that escapade he would have had some plan for training the new weres and coping with Timothy--had she truly overestimated him that much?

Again she made a mental head count as several of the new weres began to crumple over under the pressure of the oncoming moon. Someone was missing--where was Jackie? Was she inside? Thinking back on it, she hadn't seen Jackie since the strange incident involving the needle in the cottage. But as Sabrina flicked her ears back, she could hear no sign of a struggle in that direction.

"Alpha, we're missing someone," she announced... though, she had a funny feeling that in a moment things would be too chaotic to do much about the fact that one of the number had wandered off. Hopefully that stubborn mule-headed Jackie hadn't gone to town for a T.V. or some other useless commodity she'd been whining about. How could she be so careless?


Creorran shuffled nervously, dreading the arrival of the moon. Although Kratos' words should have reassured him, they had little to no effect on the young werewolf. His transformations were bad enough without the moon-induced madness and near lack of control. He sighed heavily and tried to grin, but he knew there was no way he could be fooling anyone.

The only thing that could possibly worsen his situation would be another bout of harassment from that annoying female that always seemed to pop up at the worst times. Luckily, he spotted her several yards away, staring at the sky as if waiting for the moon's arrival. If Creorran was lucky, he'd be able to avoid her during the moonlight hours. He didn't want to think how aggressive and obnoxious she'd be in her moon-influenced form compared to her human form.

Creorran jumped slightly when he caught sight of Timothy. The young man's transformation seemed truly painful, and only intensified Creorran's anxiety. His face held an expression of pure terror, and a small groan escaped his throat. Even though he had experienced several full moon transformations already, it was still as if each time was the first. Why couldn't it just be over?


Savannah stared absentmindedly at the quickly darkening sky. While Creorran chose to fear the full moon, Savannah accepted it. Perhaps it was because she had been a werewolf her entire life, and was therefore accustomed to the moon's effects, or perhaps it was just that her personality was a bit stronger.

A few moments later, Savannah could tell she would be changing into her wolf form very soon. The sun would slip beneath the horizon and be replaced by the full moon. Once the moon appeared, all of the packmembers would be forced into their wolf forms, and experience near-madness in this state. She almost felt sorry for Kratos; having to try to control a group of crazed werewolves. Thankfully, this pack wasn't nearly as large as some, so they couldn't cause too much of a problem, right?


Chime smiled as Timothy tried to explain what he enjoyed well, till he got to the being human part. This got her thinking, "What is it like being human? Am I being human now?" Being born a werewolf, she didn't understand this. She stood there, lost in her thoughts, till Timothy collapsed to the ground and she started feeling her change coming too. It was then Sabrina spoke, Chime looked at her and, when she saw her face, quickly backed off. She was a werewolf now and still in her human clothes, it was a little uncomfortable and annoying.


Alice had returned to the cottages. She knew tonight was the full moon, and she and all the others would soon be Shifting, if they already hadn't. She snuck around behind the house she had chosen to bed in, and jumped back into the window. Her form slid silently into the room, quiet and like a hunter. The sun was slowly fading from the sky, falling behind the moutntaintops and bringing on the darkness and coolness of night. She smiled, this was one of her favorite times of year. She got to Change, and be one with the rest of the pack. But it was a bit different at full moon time. She didn't Shift into her normal wolf form, but rather the atual Werewolf form that allowed for bipedal movement as well as quad movement. Alice had wonderful control over her other self, unlike her good friend Kaleb. He had a hard time controlling himself once in his wolf form. She remembered how hard it was for him to even go through the Change without losing himself. He was much better at it now, having gotten practice and all that. Kaleb was much smoother, and more controlled. She sighed at the thought, and crashed down onto her bed, watiting for the time to come.


Kaleb sat in his room. After his run-in with the hotheaded and rude female, he was a bit angry himself. He was sitting on his bed, sketching. He was drawing a night scene and realized he had sketched a full moon. He suddenly remembered that was happening tonight, and he laughed because he had almost forgotten one of the most important nights. He looked out his window, the sun was surely sinking, like the water going down a drain after the plug was pulled. Nighttime was showing high in the sky. Soon it would encase the whole of the expanse, bathing it with deep midnight blues and blacks, as well as pouring out light from the moon onto the land beneath. He started feeling nauseated, and doubled over. Kaleb realized he would Shift soon. He was going to be one of the first, if not the first, to do do.


Kratos looked around at his companions, some scared of the change and others embracing it. He could not move to comfort them now, for the night was upon them and the full moon was soon to appear in the sky.

So the Alpha stood passive, waiting, with only his assumptions to help prepare him for what was soon to take place. He knew that many of the pack members knew each other subconsciously, and he was clinging to the hope that everything else would follow naturally..

But his thoughts were not beyond doubt of their reactions; he had been surprised by them before.

Kratos could see Timothy's knuckles were white as he held his head down. But no matter how much he resisted, the young lad could not fight his own body as it began to change.

Kratos needed to know where everyone was, and while he could hear some and smell others, Jackie was still not back. His bright yellow eyes turned in the direction he had seen her go and he became more than troubled. Jackie was a less-experienced werewolf; she would be acting mainly off instinct, and that would be dangerous if she left the forest.

Anxiety raised, Kratos knew he could not abandon the younger pack members in an attempt to find Jackie, and he also knew that there was still an experienced spy about.

It was time to sound the call. Kratos stood up in the attitude of a man and raised his head toward the darkening sky, then he breathed out a long and powerful howl out over the whole forest! The mountains heard his voice, his message was clear; I am here, I am strong. I am Alpha of this land, defender and protector. I am unchallenged and undefeated. I will fight only for my own and my foes will surely fall beneath me. All those of my pack, hear me and answer! 


Timothy's size increased and a heavy black coat of fur covered him. His hands grew thick and his nails grew pointed, he soon found no reason to cower. His head came up and his bright turquoise eyes caught the light of the moon as he stared out upon the pack..

..... "Young werewolves.. Many of them. Were they enemies? No, their scents were recognizable.. But do they hunger as I do?" Timothy's thoughts moved slowly in his mind as he looked from person to person. The werewolf could hear and smell every small detail of the clearing and could easily discern one from another. Much like the time before, he could smell, taste, and feel life all around him.. But this time, he was also completely surrounded by other individuals and unable to reach it.

At first Timothy's werewolf mind thought of defence against them, but after a moment he began calculating the situation and found himself less likely to do so.. The smells of the other werewolves told him something about each of them, some new to him and others met before..

The white female from before was here, he remembered her from last time.. And the human boy on the mountainside, he could be smelled in this area also, but not as a human anymore..

Timothy suddenly rose to his feet and bared his teeth! He snarled and growled, warning the others to stay away from him and that he did not desire their company!

Then, the Alpha's voice rose to the air, and the young werewolf found himself gazing up at a massive giant!

"Yes.." Timothy could remember him now.. The 'Alpha' had been there that night.. The last full moon, wasn't it? Yes, but he hadn't spoken then.. Now he spoke of power and protection. But there is also a threat on his lips."

The power of the Alpha was obvious and Timothy's werewolf mind was enthralled by it. There was no uncertainty; you were either on the giant's side and under his incredible strength, or else you were against him and his strength would be used to completely destroy you... That was the way it was played; that was the way Timothy had been taught to play it..

Thus, immediately upon the Alpha's voice falling silent, Timothy stood up as a man and spoke out his choice! His voice lifted even as the Alpha's had, but with less power and more beauty! As a werewolf, Timothy always had a majestic voice, but every time it had been heard before he had always sung out in fear or rage. Now his voice sailed up to the moon as smooth as musical notes in a song of great passion and sorrow, and announcing to all that he would be counted among the Calagathorm pack!


Toby didn't know the hour, not did he care very much until his vest began to choke him, at which time he quickly removed it. The white button-down shirt he wore underneath had been custom made by his grandmother to withstand the changes Toby undertook and still be both comfortable and modest; Only really requiring to be partically unbottoned in order to fit around his were-wolf neck.

The changes for Toby, apart from his vest issue, went unnoticed. Unlike most were-wolves, Toby was neither instinct nor emotionally changed in his wolf form. He was still the same goof he'd always been; only slightly larger and with a mess of milky tan fur all over his body.

Though desprately hungery, Toby was very careful not to harm his small backpack, Toby fordged about for the zipper and opened it to searched for the food Krtos had promised was inside. A bag of chips were to his instant access, but he found the strong taste of herbs and salt was not to his liking during a full moon. So instead, he settled for the promised, nice looking, well wrapped bag of jerky and filled himself with the contents.

Then he heard Kratos' howl, and Timothy's howl followed by that. He smiled somewhat stupidly at the beautiful sounds of their voices and Kratos' message, and though he subconciously submitted, he outwardly did not respond to them. Instead, he lesurely finnished his meal and cleaned his paws and muzzle at the sink, the stepped outside to see who was around.


Sabrina's yellow eyes burned into the young were, Timothy. She watched his every movement with anticipation, trying to calculate his thoughts and motions almost before he ever acted by the subtle moves that came before. She lifted her head and tail when he looked at her, displaying her dominance, but she was also careful to show him her acceptance. He snarled and demanded that all those around him keep their distance. Sabrina did not budge one way or the other, but watched him still.

Then the Alpha stood and let loose his howl. Sabrina would forever be amazed by it, every time he howled it was like she was hearing it anew. There was such security and power in his voice--her wolf was calmed by it, strengthened by it... For a moment she was distracted from Timothy and looked at the Alpha in admiration.

Then Timothy rose from the earth and let loose his own beautiful song. Sabrina felt her heart swell within her for joy! She stood on her hind legs also and lifted her head towards the skies, letting her own voice mingle with them; I am here. I am strong. I am apart of the Calagathorm Pack. They are my pride and my family. I will protect them with my life!


Levi had been watching what appeared to be the end of the battle between the two females. He was a little disappointed. While the member of the rival pack had demonstrated much skill, it was obvious that she was a new were--thus, a new pack member. He could not determine from having watched her battle the strengths or weaknesses of her pack. He might as well have left them earlier; he had gained nothing for his time.

Then came the cry of the Alpha--Levi's head shot up from his crouched position and his ears raised towards the sound. It was an incredibly intimidating howl and Levi desired to shrink from it. The message was clearly not a bluff; the howls of others in the... the Calagathorm Pack... joined in with the Alpha. There were many powerful voices among them. Surprisingly, he heard a voice he recognized join in the song, delcaring herself a member of this pack. Sabrina? She may have mentioned the presence of a new pack in her report to her father, but she had said nothing about having joined them. This was not going to please his Alpha.... not at all.

While the sound was impressive, Levi could not remain focused on it for long. He merely picked out the current position of the pack, made a mental count of how many voices joined the chorus, and had to return his attention to the pair at hand. Once this stranger was done with her enemy, it wasn't likely that she would count the job done and leave the area... no, her body language declared quite the opposite. She was hunting these wolves--possibly any wolf she came in contact with. Levi might consider himself strong and even a more experienced wolf, but she was a great deal larger than he was. After watching her fight, he did not want to challenge her, particularly in strange territory with a rival pack close and no member of his own pack to call for aide... except for Sabrina. And, given the call eariler, her loyalties were in serious question.


Kieoki, after having agreed to herself that the young guy, timothy?, wasn't going to be any threat, she'd turned back to Krat, wondering what the alpha would do next. It was sort of obvious to anyone else, but Kieoki was fairly surprised when Krat stood up on his back legs and let out the howl. It was a chilling sound for Kieoki mainly because she'd never heard anything like it before. Not once had she heard another alpha let his howl ring out and invite his pack to join in. It was musical to Kieoki, and when she heard Sabrina and that boy join in, the melody became a sweet harmony that wreathed around her. Needless to mention, Kieoki had a thing for music and this was beautiful to her.

So beautiful, in fact, that she didn't know how to respond to Krat. She didn't even know for a few moments if she should reply to Krat. But thankfully for her, when Krat's call rang out, so did her wolf. Instead of not being there, her wolf was suddenly right there beside her, eager to respond. In fact, before Kieoki could stop herself, her wolf had tilted back her head -instead of standing on her hind legs which felt to unnatural to both her and her wolf- and was about to let out a howl. Kieoki took over then though, but kept the motion going. In another second her howl was mingling mostly with that boy's. She barely knew him, yes, but his was soft and ringing and she mixed her howl with his.

The motion felt so odd that Kieoki had trouble keeping it going. Other than the fact that she was entirely embarrassed for the absurd reason of not liking to sing in front of others. Although this wasn't technically singing, it was close enough for her. So to fix that problem she closed her eyes, letting her wolf carry the howl that was so foreign to her. Again, she didn't howl often, if at all because wen you travel it's not the best idea just to announce yourself on enemy territory. It was better to stay low and hidden. But she couldn't do that here. This was going to take some getting used to. A lot of getting used to.


Savannah saw the light from the moon the moment it peered above the horizon. Instantly feeling the changes, she gave up any resistance and slipped into the moon's power. She could feel her nails growing into claws, her ears moving and growing pointed, the tail growing from her lower back, as well as light, cream-colored fur covering her body. Once her transformation was complete, Savannah jumped back into reality. A few of the other werewolves had howled, and she couldn't help herself but join them.

Standing on her hind legs like the others, she began to tip her head back, but she realized something first. What would she say? She was a relatively new pack member, and hadn't exactly made any friends in the pack. Reluctantly, Savannah sat back down on the grass. If she didn't have anything to say, why should she howl with the others? Then she heard Sabrina's howl. Sabrina said she was proud to be a member of Kratos' pack, and Savannah decided she might as well be proud too. Once again she stood, tipped her head back, and let her inner wolf take over.

I am Savannah, a proud wolf of the Calagathorm. I will protect my packmates at all costs with no hesitation, for I know they shall do the same for me. We are a strong and loyal pack, and I am glad to be a part of it.


Creorran was also experiencing his transformation. With minimal control over his wolf form, he was truly terrified of what would happen. He could feel the changes occuring, and before long he would be helpless inside his own body. He could see now that the moon was beginning to climb the sky, and he desperately wished it could be morning.

Once he had fully entered his wolf form, he was only dimly aware of the things around him. Creorran could just barely hear howling, and he grew frightened when the first —and also the loudest and deepest— sounded threatening. He cowered on the ground, unable to pick out the howls' exact meanings. The mournful, yet terrifying noises echoed in Creorran's head, scaring him even further. He tried to ignore them, but his own mind wouldn't let him.

Both confused, tired, and angry, it was easy to see why Creorran despised the night of the full moon so much. Unable to control his actions or even thoughts, he began to let out a pathetic whining. He now lay on the ground, eyes wide and scared, and his mouth open as he breathed heavily. His ears were instintively pulled back in fear, and his tail twitched nervously. Why did he have to become a werewolf?

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