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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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The Calagathorm pack awakens to a new dawn. With two new members and the pack steadily growing in size, Kratos has a surprise in store for his members. He leads his pack up a trail that follows north of Zeit’s ranch. Two newly built cabins are ready. While most are eager, some are not - and others, are still ill at ease with accepting a pack. Meanwhile, another stranger enters the territory, and a wandering Jackie nearly meets her end to the trespasser. The stranger clashes with both Jackie, and then the scout, while Timothy suffers the tormenting affects of the moon and engages in a clash with Kieoki and Toby. 

Roleplay Stats

ROLEPLAY DATE: April 2011 - December 2011  

PAGES: 21 pages 

TIMELINE: The full moon/30 days after The Legacy Written in Blood (March 97’)

TIMEFRAME: Takes place over the span of a day



Mae as Kratos/Timothy/Urlic

Kaqurei (Destny) as Sabrina/Levi 

Hourglass as Zeit/Hawkthorne

Amanda/Indy/Soar as Theo/Jackie

Kale as Kale

Nequaria as Creorran/Savannah 

Cassie as Kaleb/Alice

Mariel as Kieoki 

Cathannah as Toby 

Aim (Amy) as Chime 

Adriana (Dez/Addie) as Logan (new member) 



Zero as Kiton

Lynds as Alex 

Celeus as Marcus

Raven as Alice (now played by Cassie)

Key Events

  • Page 5 - The pack sees their new homes
  • Page 5 - Logan enters the town
  • Page 9 - Jackie runs off and Logan attacks her
  • Page 11 - Kratos catches up to Levi and Logan
  • Page 12 - Timothy finds the injured Jackie and goes to retrieve her medicine; Timothy also uncovers a strangers scent in Zeit’s home
  • Page 13 - Timothy runs into another bison after chasing out the intruder
  • Page 13 - Ulric finds Jackie and administers aid
  • Page 15 - The stranger and spy are overtaken by the Alpha
  • 19 - Zeit joins Alpha Kratos
  • 19 - Timothy is subdued after a long battle with Kieoki, Kale and Toby, and returned to the camps

Memorable Quotes/Trivia

Timothy: "I enjoy being human.."

Timothy runs into a bison for the second time, previously in “A Storm in the Mountains”. He has his first encounter with the girl Tammy (although he doesn’t know who she is at the time)

Detailed Summary

This roleplay begins slowly; it opens up to a morning filled with breakfast and mystery. The pack is roused to eat and downstairs, where backpacks await them - Kratos has a surprise he’s eager to reveal. Once most everyone is awake and ready to go, they begin off, both in the truck and on foot. Toby and Chime had joined the pack, and since the last roleplay, they had spent some time hiking Dead Mans trail. 


They follow a truck path; at the end of which, two new cabins await the pack members. The first seven pages are a cheerful scene, for the most part; new pack members getting acquainted, exploring their new homes, and otherwise interacting. Chime even manages to speak with Timothy. 


Kratos notices a strangers scent on the wind; a scout that had been spying on their pack for some time. 


Things started to shift when Jackie decided to wander into the forest unaccompanied. Yet another loner in the town (Logan), was overtaken by her werewolf form, and having sped into the forest to evade the townspeople, she ran into Jackie and immediately a fight ensued. 


Back at the new campgrounds, Kratos returns and begins to prepare everyone for the full moon. Timothy began to become anxious, for the change was already affecting him mentally. He soon transformed - and when he had, he joined Kratos in a howl. By now, they have realized Jackie is missing. 


Levi, having been watching Jackie and Logan, also heard the song - as well as Sabrina’s voice in it. 


Back at the campgrounds, some changed easily while others still struggled with their secondary form; and everyone was ill at ease, not knowing the level of experience each of their packmates had during a full moon. 


Timothy lost himself upon smelling blood in the air, and began in the direction of Logan, Jackie and Levi. Kratos then became aware of the scents of blood, and Jackie still missing, came upon Levi and Logan. 


Kieoki joined in the chase- determined to find Jackie before Timothy did; Sabrina was left with Creorran and Kaleb and was determined to teach them about their secondary forms. 


Chime followed the Alpha to the scene of the battle. 


Timothy found the injured Jackie, and swore she would not die. He quickly returned to Zeit’s home, and was searching something-although he didn’t know what. Kieoki likewise followed him back. 


Logan, having previously being subdued by the Alpha, took off int he direction of Levi, intending to end him. Chime, meanwhile, retreated back to the new cabins.


Timothy obtained Jackie’s box of allergy medicine - but was thwarted in his efforts when a stranger was caught lurking around Zeit’s house. He chased her out - only to be met by a bison! Kieoki attempted to help Timothy, but was instructed to stay back by Toby. His instruction fails and Timothy attacks, and the three engage in a brief fight; Timothy was set against Kieoki. 


Ulric, having returned to join the pack, comes upon the injured Jackie and attempts to help her and offers her first aid and medicine. 


Meanwhile at the cabins, Sabrina continues with her instruction.


Logan and Levi’s fight came to a halt when Logan threw them both off a steep drop, and the Alpha was upon them soon after. 


Timothy finally took off into the forest, and Kieoki followed. Toby had no choice but to attempt to stop Kieoki from putting herself in further danger with Timothy. It was futile and the two clashed again.


Kale finally sounded a cry, asking where she was most needed - while Ulric still worked to help Jackie, neither of them knowing Timothy had taken the medication she needed. Nonetheless, he was able to find it in the field near to the battle taking place.. 


From the cabins, Sabrina heard the cry of Timothy and the call of Kale, and instructed Kale to help Timothy. 


Again, Timothy attempted to flee and was relentlessly pursued by Kieoki. Toby tried to detain her to no avail. She was determined to ensure his safety. Kale caught up by now, and made an effort to calm Timothy. 


As the night turns into morning, Ulric gets Jackie to the hospital for help. Sabrina gathers what members are  still at the cabins, and Zeit at last answers Kratos’ call and comes to meet him with the strangers. 


Timothy was taken home by Kieoki and Kale, and Sabrina would meet them with the supplies necessary to treat those injured during the nights events. All would rest. 


A whole month has passed since Rosa's visit to the ranch. Kratos has spent much of that time searching for the strangers he had met that day and offering each an opportunity to join the pack.

It is now only one day before a full moon and Alpha Katos seems eager about a "surprise" he has planned up in the mountains.

"Alright get up! Anyone not out of bed in the next few minutes will be dragged out to take a bath in the trough."

Kratos' deep and demanding voice broke the silence of an otherwise fine morning. Timothy had been laying in his bed staring at the ceiling for some time; simply listening to the silence of the house and waiting for the light of the sun to grace the sky. Suddenly to be called abruptly from this peace startled the young man, and he felt he could relate very well to every other teenager in the pack at that moment in attempting to completely ignore the Alpha and his threat.

Yet, Timothy also knew that Kratos was dead-serious about taking that bath in the trough... So no matter how reluctant or slow, Timothy managed out of his bed and got dressed in an appropriate set of clothes. For a moment, Timothy wondered if there was an entire line waiting outside the bathroom, but then he also figured this wasn't a regular home or routine. They were a bunch of teenage werewolves for crying out loud! Most were probably still trying to wake up, or completely resist Kratos' call with as much determination and aggression as possible.

Timothy cracked open his window, brushing his fingers through his black hair as he leaned on the windowsill. As the morning air filled his room, cold in the sun's absence; Timothy could hear the voices of several birds singing in the forest behind the ranch. He looked toward the shadows of cows grassing in the pastures and the light of sun only barely to be seen in the sky..

He took several moments to saturate himself in this scene, feeling as if he were close to something just beyond his memory.. Then at last Timothy turned away from the window and opened his door.

Immediately upon opening the door the smell of a hot breakfast filled into the room and Timothy felt almost lured downstairs.

Kratos had prepared the breakfast himself, and stacked just at the bottom of the stairs were several new backpacks and water containers.. Timothy groaned when the sight reminded him of that morning several weeks ago when Kratos had gotten everyone up early to go fall off the edge of "Dead-Man-Trail", as everyone had come to call it since the event.. Oh, how irritating it had been to spend an entire day with that brutish 'Alpha,' as he called himself!

Timothy mumbled under his breath, contemplating whether or not to make a run for it before Kratos noticed him.. But at last, Timothy lost the battle to his hunger, and he ventured down the stairs and into the kitchen.


Kieoki, who at the moment was sitting on the ledg of her window in he room, tilted her head as she heard Krat's call come from downstairs. Blinking, she swung her feet around the small ledge and jumped to the floor, her bare feet barely making a thud as she did so. After living with the pack for just about a month now, Kieoki was still settling into 'her' room and getting used to pack ways. Her room wasn't large, but she at least had the window with the slim ledge and a small bedside table that all her things set upon. And as to learning pack ways...well she was tying her best. Krat was her alpha now, and his words were taken as orders, but after defying so many alphas for so long his words didn't seem to ring with the demanding authority like they did for the others in the pack.

So she only decided to go downstairs because she could smell breakfast, slightly surprised that he had gotten up before her to cook it, and ended up walking downstairs. She was wearing what she normally did, her white kimono with the red sash, her dagger tucked safely in the sash. Going down the stairs, she lightly jumped over the bags at the bottom, blankly blinking before she drifted into he kitchen and judged Krat's cooking as she took a plate and served herself.

" Nice cooking Krat." She said with a smirk as she plopped herself down at the table and started to eat. It was now that she realized that Timothy was here as well and she nodded to him before she tuned into what was happening upstairs as she listened for thenothers to see if they would come. If they hurried, then she would know what Krat had planned for them sooner.


Chime nearly jumped out of her pants then the Alpha called, leaving her too shaky to even think about going back to sleep. In a few minutes she got out of bed and went to her closet to get her clothes. As soon as she was dressed she looked at the clock. "Holy crud!" she screeched, she wasn't much of a morning person. The only she had gotten up this early was when the alpha planned a trip, "Wait a moment, when the alpha planned a trip...." Chime got a little uneasy as opened her and walked down the stairs and then seeing the backpacks, wanted to become a little tiny ant crawl away. She soon walked into the dinning room and started nibbling her food, a little shock over the whole thing.


Theo drowsily came to that morning with an all too familiar voice resonating in the house. For a few brief seconds, he was simply confused. But as his mind began awaking, he growled in irritation. What sane creature would be up at this hour? He had made it a personal rule some time ago that if when he woke up the birds were still chirping, then he had gotten up far too soon. Unfortunately, he'd been waking up with the birds far too often.

So the boy simply sat, brooding in these thoughts. He had of course considered Kratos threat, wondering if he would carry through with it, and exactly how much time he'd have before the alpha would try. Finally, he had decided that if the alpha did come bursting through his door, he'd jump out the window instead of coming with him through the water trough.

So Theo remained comfortably immobile in his bed. As both a teenager and a werewolf, it was his duty to disobey. He was very good at this.


Jackie did not like waking up early. And she certainly did not like being woken up. Having heard Kratos' call, and threat, the woman had rose quickly with vigor and irritation.

"I'd like to see you try dragging me through," Jackie growled to herself, though her voice had likely been just loud enough for acute werewolf ears to hear.

What drove her to obedience within the next few moments was beyond her. In general, Jackie was brash and unconcerned with rules and threats. Though likely, and Jackie would have never admitted it aloud, she wasn't particularly fond in the idea of the pack seeing her in the pajamas. Like many things she owned, she had received a pair of bright pink pajamas with Hello Kitty jeering monstrously in every inch from the pack. She wouldn't be caught dead in them, let alone being dragged through a trough in them.

With hardly a second a loose, Jackie tossed Hello Kitty into a deep dark drawer and changed into something much less scary (a tank top and a pair of jeans) then walked downstairs to the smell of food.


Kratos greeted each pack member with a hearty smile as they came down. "Go in and get yourselves something to eat." He said as he beckoned them into the kitchen.

It seemed amusing to him that each person who drowsily stumbled down the stairs gave a wary look at the backpacks gathered on the floor... Timothy had even gone so far as to cast the Alpha a threatening glance; as if it meant anything to Kratos, he only seemed to amused by it.

"Last chance to get down here! Anyone still up there in the next few minutes will be dragged out to the trough!" Kratos shouted up the stairs as a final call, then he joined everyone in the kitchen to get himself a bite to eat.


Kaleb was dreaming of wind, it rushing everywhere, before a loud deep voice called through the deafening, fast air.

"Huhrm?" He moaned, sitting up. Somehow his shirt was gone, and crumpled on the floor instead.

That's weird... He threw back the covers and stood up. He felt taller, but oddly so.

Then he covered his Cookie Monster boxers with some jeans and a white tee. Just some normal morning clothes.

He turned on his iPod and pounded down the stairs, only one earbud in one of his ears. Upon seeing Kratos and mostly everyone else awake, he called a greeting.

"Good morning!"

Kaleb picked up a plate and filled it with whatever Kratos had decided to cook that morning.


Kale's eyes snapped open at Kratos's bellow, and all too unhappy at the moment about her enhanced reflexes, she tumbled out of bed. warm smells filled the house, and her nose. her stomach growled and begged to be fed.

kale shuffled about her room, constantly pushing silvery-blonde hair from her eyes as she searched for a clean T-shirt and a comfy pair of snug cargo pants to change into. the dark green cargo's and white tee fit nicely, and Kale was glad for it. much of her cloths had grown small as Kale had grown bigger, the thought reminded her of her age, and even though she was only nineteen, as her body wished to remind her, she felt so much older, and yet so much younger at the same time. This werewolf thing really throws you off, huh? kale thought to her inner wolf. she was pretty sure it snorted in reply.

Kale heard Kratos holler yet again and grinned, sliding out of her room with ease and taking the stairs lightly.

The kitchen was quickly filling up with werewolves and kale nearly dove for the counter, passing Kaleb with a good morning smile, and the food stacked high on plates, courtesy of her dearest alpha. she snatched a waffle and had it folded in half and stuffed in her mouth in the blink of an eye, already piling a plate with other breakfastly goods.

"Kratos, I love you!" Kale laughed through her mouthful of waffle.

"But unfortunately, even the best breakfast in the world isn't going to make me miss the pile of luggage at the bottom of the stairs. what evil scheme are you planning?"

she eyed her very tall alpha with a mischievous gleam, her morning, although very early, was charged, and kale couldn't ignore her own hyperactivity at the moment. she felt restless and oddly exited, happy even. Her inner wolf felt much the same, growling playfully in her mind.


By the time Kieoki had started eating, Krat had yelled upstairs again and more people were coming downstairs until the kitchen was getting crowded. Still unused to being around so many weres at one time, it wasn't only her wolf hat was getting edgy. She knew that these other teenagers were part of he pack she was now in, but that didn't erase the feelings of many years that had been building up. So when the kitchen was almost full Kieoki heard kale mention the backpacks and keioki stood, having finished her breakfast, and dropped her plates off in the sink before slipping out of the room quietly.

After what happened on the last hiking trip she'd been on, she wasn't looking forward to whatever krat had planned for them all. But she did have to do a few things incase they were hiking. When she'd stepped out of view of the others she silently went back to her room and stood infront of the small round mirror on the mainly unused dresser. Untying her red sash, she deftly tied up her hair into a ponytail, mainly in order to keep her hair out of her face. Reaching onto her bed, she slid her hand into her pillowcase and fumbled around for a moment until her hands connected with the soft cloth she was looking for. Smirking, she hoped of her bed and crouched down and pulled up the bottom of her dress to look at her leg. She was looking at the small scar along her calf that she'd gotten during the last hiking trip. Frowning at it like she normally did, she shook her head and tied the cloth tightly around her leg.

She hadn't told anyone about her leg. After all, she'd known for a long time that it wouldn't heal as fast as it would for another were. She was stuck with it healing faster than a Human but slower than a were. It was almost healed anyway( well the muscle that is) but she wrapped it anyways before standing and sneaking back downstairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she stood by the backpacks waiting for Krat or the others.


Timothy put only a small amount of food on his plate and finished rather quickly. His turquoise eyes passed discreetly over each face at the table, trying to figure out if anyone knew what Kratos was planning.. But they all looked just as confused as Timothy felt, so he gained nothing until Kale spoke up.

Kale sounded like she was so happy....Timothy couldn't grasp the concept. Then after a brief moment, Kratos finished his food and replied to Kale's question.


Previously Kratos had been leaning against the kitchen wall, but had now put his plate back on the table and crossed his arms over his chest with a wholehearted laugh!

"Yes, our last trip was far from pleasant, but don't worry, we won't be trying to go over the mountain again." Kratos said with a chuckle. "However, we will be going on a short trip today. We'll be following a well-trodden path so it'll be safe by all accounts.. I have a surprise I want to show you all which I think will benefit our entire group."

Kratos paused a moment and looked back toward the stairs. "Seems I might have to drag Theo out of bed.." He muttered to himself, then he looked back at the group.

"The path is wide enough for the truck to drive on, so anyone who doesn't want to walk can hop in there." He said. "As for me, I'll be on foot - Or should I say paw?"

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