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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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The moment the smaller werewolf touched the dirt Timothy had bolted. He did not pause to consider his actions, all he knew was that he needed to get out of there! He dodged around Sabrina and toppled the trash cans beside the werewolf male, he then ran out of the alley way and escaped the scene.


Ulric's hackles raised when the larger female rolled the other female and pinned her down. The thought crossed his mind to attack just then to free the smaller female before any harm came to her, but he held firm in his stance.

Suddenly the boy in the back of the alley fled! Ulric did not try to stop him, unaware that the boy was a werewolf, thus he stood his ground and allowed him to go by.

However the boy thought Ulric was going to pursue him and laid chaos between them, using the heavy metal trash containers as obstacles to secure his safety.

Assuming the human boy was safe now, Ulric turned back to face the large white female. He was not going to approach, because this would only make the woman feel more threatened, and the last thing he wanted to do was to make himself a threat.

"Stop." Ulric said firmly while taking a step back and putting his hands up as a gesture which would appeal to human instincts. "I will not harm you... You can still reason, it is daylight, so try to be calm. I am an intruder but I mean you no harm and my pack is nowhere nearby.. please let the girl go."



Timothy charged blindly out of the alley, running as fast and as far as his legs would carry him. He heard a woman call after him but he gave her no heed, he continued racing until he passed the parking lot and ran out toward the street. From there Timothy took off down the road with no intention of ever looking back.


Timothy's thrashing by "woke Sabrina up", so to speak. She then remembered his presence--remembered his fear for wolves, and realized her folly. "Timothy, wait!" But it as too late. He was gone. She'd gone animal on him again....regardless of the fact that it was his fault. Darn him for chasing after this female in the first place!

Disappointed and angry, Sabrina looked from the large male to the small female as Ulric spoke. Some half of her wondered why he was talking down to her like a newly changed were. Then she heard the female's whine and everything came together in her mind. Oh stupid, stupid, stupid, she thought to herself, What have I done? She'd completely lost herself, that's what she had done!

She sighed irritably. "I'm not going to hurt her," she said. Her body relaxed to a degree and she stepped off of her, letting her squirm free. "Neither of you are welcome here. Be gone if you know what is good for you."


Up top?...

Toby ventured a peak over his shoulder down below. "I'm sorry, are you addressing me?" He asked innocently. involuntarily, his eyes scanned over to Zeit and the other werewolf. Though he saw nothing hinting to cruel dismemberment of limbs or whatever, the sight still shocked him and caused him to burry his face once again.


"No, I'm talking to the tree." kale said sarcastically. "Of course I'm addressing you." she had to admit this werewolf had her curious, she'd never seen one so....skittish. the inner wolf usually gave them quite the dose of violence and attitude. Kale glanced back to Zeit and her opponent at this thought. Both wolves seemed quite into their fight but not dangerously so. yet.

She glanced back up at the tree, the snow on her fur shifted and water trickled off her sides as it melted. kale sat on her haunches and waited for his reply, her run through the woods had greatly improved upon her mood.


At first, Kieoki was following Kratos without hesitation, slightly wondering why she hadn't run into the gate when she'd wandered up to the house in the first place, but that wasn't a big matter, and so she left her thoughts go and continued to follow Kratos as they drew closer to whatever they were looking for. They were in a meadow now, and Kieoki found herself watching Kratos (Who by this point has dubbed 'Krat' she wasn't the best with names) look caves and their mothers standing off to the edge of the forest, and he went closer to it. It was then that Kieoki smelled the blood, probably at the same moment Kratos had, or just a few moments later. Either way, her wolf smelled this and its interest was pricked, and Kieoki was suddenly in a mental battle that she found herself loosing.

Let me at it! It smells so wonderful Kieoki! Her wolf growled out in their mind.

Heck no! I need to stay human and besides, we just ate. You can't possibly be hungry already. Shut your trap and listen to what I s-

**** will freeze over before I do that! Her wolf said with authority before Kieoki was doubled over, knowing what was about to happen. She wasn't doubled over in pain though, she had shifted, quite easily, and her wolf was trying to take her towards the blood, but Kieoki was much stronger as a wolf and she was able to hold her back, staying by Kratos' side. Her tail was twitching, but she held her wolf off and managed to speak to Kratos without giving much away. "Pardon for that. It's easier for me this way...please, trust me on this and let us continue Krat."


The female filled her lungs with a deep breath as soon as the white wolf released her. She thanked the new male in her mind, knowing that spoken words could further anger the larger female. The tawny wolf scrambled to her paws, not daring to stay around much longer.

Once she had collected herself, she slowly loped off in an attempt not to gather any more attention. The young wolf was glad that she had not been well fed for the last few months; it made her seem much more small and frail than she truly was. She snatched up her bag, which she had tossed aside during the fight.

Even though the bag was not large, the girl had crammed plenty into it; several sets of clothing, a small knife, whatever food she had, a wallet which contained about thirty dollars, and a gold ring and blue pendant her mother had given her.

The wolf bolted once she was out of sight of any humans. Once she was definitely alone, she morphed back into her human appearance. She threw on some warm clothing and slung the bag over her left shoulder. She brushed the dirt off of her clothes and face, then ran her fingers through her curly, medium blonde hair. By no means did she look at all wealthy, though at least it was good enough for other humans to think she also was purely human.

Once she was "presentable" the young woman walked back towards the center of town. She then recalled the other female's words. She figured that the woman couldn't argue with her stopping into that little store to buy some food, could she?


Creorran yawned as he withdrew from the windowsill. He was sick of being in a pack, and of its members as well. He threw on his only coat, gathered whatever belongings he had in a backpack, and descended the staircase. As he walked through thedoor, he thought twice about leaving, but he stayed with his original plan.

Creorran began to walk, his hands thrust into his pockets, his backpack hanging loosely off one shoulder. He had had enough.

Though he had no where to go, he walked on; as long as he was alone he was happy. He simply stared at the sky, the ground, anything around him. He didn't know what he would do, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind. He listened to the wind, the birds, his footsteps, the blood roaring in his ears. He ignored the infinite amount of scents his nose caught; he ignored everything related to being a werewolf.

He hated it; he hated it so much he didn't want to live this way. Maybe that's what he would do. When the thought he had shoved back pushed itself forward, one word echoed in his head: suicide.

No one would care. They probably wouldn't even notice if a stupid boy went missing or was found dead. For the second time in Creorran's life, he actually wanted to die. The first was when he set fire to his father's farmhouse, most likely killing his only remaining family. Now he had none. The pack was not his family. He had no blood relatives, no friends. To a young boy hating life itself, the thought of death seemed like a wonderful thing.


"You've been warned," Sabrina muttered as she shoved her way past the male.

She had to find Timothy. If the intruders caused any trouble, the Alpha would hear of it. Not until then, though... she felt humiliated... what an example she had been. As she padded out of the alleyway and slunk out of town she considered Timothy's most recent actions. A human would not have gone after the intruder... his inner wolf was waking. The night of his last transformation had been a haunting one, and not without consequence.

Well. She'd had it. She had tried to be nice and appeal to his inner human. Then he went wolf on her. She had not had a choice but defend him from his own stupidity. Now he was scared of her again.

That did it. Tonight she was going to round up every self-loathing runt in the pack and teach them what being a werewolf meant.


Levi had grown a bit bored of the show. Now that things looked like they were going to get messy, he decided he was getting out of there.

His original mission back on his mind: find Sabrina. Unfortunately, her scent would lead him through the rampaging betas and towards a ranch. Wolf form would be no good then... but he was loathe to change right now--be a vulnerable human in foreign packlands? Ha, ha, far be it from him!

So he ultimately decided to go the long way and come upon the ranch at a different angle. That would mean tracking through the forest again....


Kratos' bright yellow eyes turned in Kieoki's direction when she suddenly went down on all four paws.

"No." Kratos said expressing grave seriousness. "If you can't completely control yourself then I must ask you to wait outside this field. These are my friends and pack mates, if anything is to go wrong my instincts will force me to do things which are too horrid to imagine. For my sake, get beyond the field and wait for me to call for you."

The Alpha's deep voice was filled with urgency and power, every word spoken was said with the uttermost strength of Kratos' soul.

Kratos then changed form himself, his massive black figure rising high above Kieoki's head.

"Do what I have said and you will have place here.." Kratos said and turned his face away from Kieoki. He then looked off to the edge of the forest just beyond the pasture and began running off in that direction.


Ulric pressed his back up against the brick wall of the alley to allow the white female to exit.

The anger had ceased, thus the danger was passed.. Now the young stranger needed to return to his mother and maintain his place as her escort.

But for a time, Ulric did not but stand in the cold alley with his eyes cast toward the ground. All had been well this round, which was so rarely the case in werewolf battles..

Ulric contemplated a moment the previous situation, then stooped and took his shirt out of the mud. When the young man rose again, he was no longer werewolf and he quickly clothed himself again before leaving the alleyway.

When Ulric emerged he saw not a trace of those whom he had confronted and quickly searched the area for his mother.

Resme was found standing just outside the entrance to the store with a concerned look upon her face. When her eyes finally caught his she quickly came to his side and inquired of what he had found in the alley.

"Just a mess." Ulric replied as he lead the elderly woman back towards the car. "A member of Kratos' pack must have been confronting a stray. I feel my presence only aggravated the situation.. I did wrong to interfere."

"Ulric, do not think of it that way.. How do you know it was a member of Kratos' pack?" Resme asked as she looked up into Ulric's eyes.

"She carried his scent.. That is, the smell I recognize which resembled my father's smell." Ulric explained.

"Do not worry then, I know Kratos would not have wanted them to fight. He left to find others to teach them not to fight, so do not burden yourself with this. Come now, my son, let's go."

The two returned to their car and Ulric said little else as he started the car and drove it back into the street.


See? This is what happens when you do this. Kieoki growled in her mind at her wolf, who was whining about wanting to move forwards. Kieoki was unmoving though, more now than even because Kratos said that if she had no control, she couldn't come. No control? That's what gave her the rights to take it over her wolf now, her anger sparking into a little flame. She listened to Krat's orders, and heard the way his voice was full of authority, but it didn't touch her. She hadn't accepted being in his pack just yet, and his words affected her, but not nearly to the same degree they would have been if she'd been in his pack. But she took his words in and nodded, watching as he shifted and darted off towards the woods.

She wasn't going to follow him.

Instead, she turned back towards the field and decided to do some calming down work, and she scented out the chives she'd smelled before. Another moment and she was darting forwards, using her anger to shift back to a human without breaking her stride. Bare feet flying across the ground, she continued running along the edge of the field and forest until she found the plant, growing in odd clumps here and there. Great if cooked in potatoes. Her mouth watered as she imagined cooking them at her place later today. Her place. Her hand froze as it was reaching towards the plant then, the realization hitting her then. If she stayed here, there was no going back to her old place and did she really want that? Confused and undecided, she plopped down on the ground, legs crossed as she mulled things over with the scents of chives wreathing around her.


Chime yipped in pain, getting bit hurt more then she thought. Chime had never been in a werewolf fight before and the fights she have been in were all yell no fight type of deals. Chime tried to snapped at Zeit shoulders but just ended up with a mouth full fur. She gagged and spitted out the fur then backed away from her, she didn't quite knew what to do, then she got a idea.

Chime ran up towards Zeit and slipped between Zeit's legs, she scratched her hind legs and then ran out the other side, so for the time being she was behind Zeit. She nipped Zeot tail then ran a little bit away from her, she knew she looked something like to spazz-butt but didn't care.

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