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Werewolves (RP 11): A Mystery Revealed

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Kratos looked at Jackie, then one of his white tipped ears swiveled in Logan's direction. He did not at once reply.

"Gathen was bitten." The Alpha affirmed pensively.


Logan turned her head to Kratos and looked on in confusion, her brow tightly knit as she attempted to connect what she had seen to the Alpha's logic.

"He attacked Timothy... you know of him?"

Kratos blinked his eyes slowly and looked at Logan. Something about his demeanor changed. His expression appeared more animal-like, and his eyes were harder to read.

"He challenged us for the mountain." Kratos said simply. "Timothy was his victim."


Ulric continued to stare at his hands, which had now tightened around each other terribly. The amber light of the fire played through the soft brown hair on his hands. His knuckles, however, were white, and his claws pressed firmly into them.

Jackie exhaled sharply, dipping her muzzle sharply downward.  If the smoke caused irritation, neither a sniffle nor a wheeze was revealed.  For a moment she was entirely still, then turning her head just so, caught the tightness in Ulric’s hands. Initially hesitant, she reached one of her own padded palms towards his.  She didn’t want to unclasp his grip, lest she hurt him, so instead merely rested it on top.

Logan contemplatively lowered her gaze and said nothing else for the time.

Wishing so hard for everything to disappear, Ulric had conjured a darkness around his vision. Everything around him appeared obscured, distant, and intangible. The light of the fire flickering through the fur on his fingers was all he knew.

Then, another hand came under his eyes. Ulric's ears inclined forward in surprise. The fur on his neck visibly relaxed, and his shoulders sank. Ulric's grip slackened, but he dare not look up just yet.

Could that be ... was that Jackie's hand?
The Alpha shifted on the balls of his feet and rearranged his kneeling position. His ears swiveled around for a moment and he glanced at the trees before bringing his attention back to the fire.

"What is it, Ulric?" Kratos said at last.

"Kratos... I think I did something wrong." Ulric replied slowly.

Kratos' ears were suddenly erected over his head, and his neck straightened. "Hold that thought." He said. Then he sat very silently, listening.

Logan sat up and leaned forward, crouching on her toes, her own ears erect. Her eyes and thoughts, however, were on Ulric, if only by a sideways glance.

Jackie's eyes followed the alpha's into the dark grove of trees, yet remained as she was.  Nonetheless, there was a renewed weariness in her expression.  Her palm tightened instinctually around Ulric's as their voices died away, and her ears strained to hear more in the unsettling silence.

Toby was so stunned at the woman's invitation that he almost forgot to breathe. This woman was a saint! Busted door and everything, yet she still offered them warmth and tea. What a wonderful woman! Tears were once more renewed in his eyes and he hastily stood up. He could've run and hugged her-- And probably would have if he were human. "Th-Thank you! Th-That's so kind of you." He fumbled.

Theo nudged him gently and urged him to go ahead, but implied he himself would not be following. This made Toby pause. Was there a reason Theo didn't want to go inside? Was there something Toby was missing? Something his gratitude had blinded him to? Toby tilted his head and looked at the woman again.

A sudden resolute look came to his face. You know what, it didn't even matter.

Toby looked at Theo. "Oh no you won't!" He said sternly, grabbing Theo by the arm and lifting him as best he could. "We're a pack, aren't we? Whatever we do, we do together. Either you come in or I'm gonna drag Bianca back out, and neither of us want that. Besides, it would be dreadfully rude of you to reject such generous invitation. I won't have it! No sir, No half-frozen friend of mine is going to be so disrespectful.  On your feet, my good man. Let's go inside."

Toby clumsily moved Theo to the door, trying not to seem too eager, but by no means wanting the offer to seem unappreciated. He did his best to squeeze the water from his own clothes and fur, and from Theo's, and to get the mud off their paws before entering.

Save for the wind racing for the peak, and all the trees trembling in the valley below, there wasn't a sound to be heard.

Kratos did not appear at ease.
"Which of you saw the rogue?" He said at length.

"Gathan?" Ulric inquired.

"No. Gathan is dead, and he has no successor. The rogue followed you over the mountain and came into the valley behind you."

"But Jackie and I didn't go over it..."

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