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Werewolves (RP 11): A Mystery Revealed

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In a grove of trees..

Logan's matted grey body sat hunched over Ulric. The staff she had found, planted into the ground like a stake, wedged there with rocks. The strange instrument hung off it, tied to the top with the string. The coat left behind by the stranger was speared into the top end of the staff-the other end tethered to a tree by a knife. It wasn't much in the way of shelter - but between the canopy of trees, the makeshift cover, and Logan's hulking body - rain would not reach Ulric's unconscious figure.

He lay on the flannel Logan wore around her waist, and her own pants also placed under him to keep him off of the muddied ground. She wore only the black knit sleeveless shirt and a pair of black mid thigh length shorts.

The pawpads of her fingers were rubbed raw and bleeding in a desperate attempt to single handedly strip away bark until she and Jackie could produce enough kindling dry enough to start a fire with a wet matchbook. So it was through the stubborn and tenacious efforts of the two women, Ulric was at least, relatively dry, if otherwise in dire straits...

Logan's mauvey eyes looked up from his figure after a long time, and at first went to the rabbits- then to Jackie. In her hands she let small branches warm over the fire until they were dry enough to feed it..

"What happened to him.. and to you?"

The flames of an infant fire gobbled up its meager offerings: roughly cut segments of rope and finely splintered wood chips.  The rope filled the area with a thick acrid fume as the flames steadily devoured it into a puddle of dark fluid, but within the harsh chill of the wind, made none the difference.  The wood chips were considered yet not as eagerly taken; even with Logan’s excruciating efforts, it had not been enough to entirely remove the water.  Stacked around the small, tender fire was a cradle of branches and stones.  Then, if this was not enough to prod the fire into being, Jackie hunkered the mass of her body against the most vicious torrents of wind, her rough padded fingertips cupped protectively, and her eyes looked brightly, as though transfixed, into those thin yellow flames.

Her eyes jerked away suddenly as Logan spoke, the spell broken and her bright eyes returning the mauve warily. It was perhaps the first sentence spoken within the last few hours.  At first it seemed as though language was forgotten entirely.  Then she shifted, unfastening both of the rabbits from her belt and tossing them in Logan’s direction.

"Skin this" she grumbled, "I need the fur".

Again, the bright aquamarine of her eyes returned to the fire, reflecting its tiny glow. It was easier to speak to a fire than Logan.  It was easier to speak to a lot of things than Logan.  She watched one of the smaller flames build into another, growing, swelling beneath the tips of her claws. 

She closed her eyes, inhaling sharply from the perceived blackness, "A cave…. a hunter".

She opened her eyes, this time turning to the forest to consider the dark boughs beyond their small sanctuary.  She couldn’t see well beyond it after starring so long into the bright fire, but if she gave her eyes time to readjust, she knew what to expect of the terrain.  But what she was looking for was what she wouldn’t be able to see even if she did wait. 

"Timothy left him to die, you know…" 

Theo had done a lot of nothing.  And that, he considered, was an improvement from most full moons.  He huddled tightly into Bianca, only dimly aware that Kratos had left and Toby was trying to repair the damaged door. He thought he'd caught sight of a strange shadow just after the alpha had left, but when he looked again to confirm it, he'd seen nothing but the back room of the poor hermit woman... he stopped looking for strange shadows, and tucked in more tightly.  He could hear Toby working somewhere in the night after the door was repaired, but the thought of what he could be making in the storm made him wary.

By the time he'd lifted his head, he was surprised to see an improvised shelter.  His ears flicked forward.  Then fell, shamefully.  He ought to have helped.  And now he was about to profit from Toby's hard work while he'd been cowering.  He stood, slowly, shaking what he could from his thick, brown fur before timidly approaching the shelter.

Logan looked down on the rabbits and back up to Jackie expectantly. "Give your knife." she opened her hand in a waiting gesture. Her own blade was responsible for tethering the makeshift fort.

While she waited and considered the tawny fur of the rabbits pelt and wondered what use they might be to Jackie. She shifted somewhat, returning her glassy gaze on Ulric.

Logan's voice was low and quiet, "If we see Timothy again, it will be surprise to me." her ears swivelled back and she lifted her chin towards the forest. "That thing will find him.."

"It is not matter.. I have wondered my reason for being here. Now I know what I must do. I will kill that beast."

The warmth of Theo's body could be felt separating from her own, but Bianca's bright blue eyes were dulled with a waning consciousness and she could not find the energy to follow suit. Small plumes of cold breath came from her maw and she let her eyelids close after seeing the hazy figure of Theo move to the small shelter.

Jackie made a deep, grumble in the back of her throat, the werewolf equivalent of an irritated sigh.  She remained entirely stationary, not a muscle twitching — even her palms seemed unusually steady at that moment as they held their place around the fire.  Then the moment passed, her weight shifted, and the bright outline of her palm vanished from the fire.  She rummaged a moment in the pockets of her khakis, before at last drawing forth a bright glint.  She held the blade of the pocket knife between the sharp claws of her padded finger tips, the glow of the fire reflecting off the blade of the knife and back to her eyes.  She lifted those eyes, glancing more seriously at Logan, as though for an instant she would deny her.  Then, with a shrug, she tossed the knife in her direction and returned to her duties.

Or, so it appeared she had.

Inside, something was gaining power.  Like at this moment she built not one but two fires, and the other was gaining momentum in her chest.  It started to rumble, like thunder.  She couldn’t seem to fathom controlling it, let alone quelling it. The rumbling grew...

A bright flame of fire took its first leap to the log !

All at once her heads snapped away, her fire at the mercy of the wind, and she towered over Logan with a strange kind of wrath in her eyes.  

"You will not!" she snarled, "You, with only 3 good legs, a fear of anything bovine, and no back up…"

"YOU WILL NOT" she growled even more fiercely, "NOT OVER MY DEAD BODY!"

She huffed, catching sight of her fire.  It wavered uncertainly in the mountain air. She settled angrily on her haunches, her palms returned to their guard, yet her eyes did not leave Logan's.

"And hurry up with the rabbit fur.  I need better kindling" 

Logan caught the knife and was already at work when Jackie made known her feelings regarding her intentions. She looked on at her work as if the Fire's heat was just a long wafted whisper on the wind.

"Bodi miren otrok ognja... be at peace."

In  few moments, the first rabbit was skinned. She begun work on the next.

"I will fight it. This, you cannot stop me. Tonight? Not tonight. I can hunt for it, yes, but it knows the forest.. I am weak, this I know of. But I can learn this land. So will I heal."

She was contemplative for some time, tossing the furs to Jackie to use how she thought best.

"The enemies of this pack, I do not know their story... I do not want to know, it is not my care. The hunters, I hope they do not come back, but they have been driven away already. This creature lives in my home and attacks me-he will pay."

"What ... is that?"

At long last, the loose soft fur along the ridge of Ulric's muzzle wrinkled. His velvety face contorted, and his reddish-brown whiskers stuck out in all directions.

"Ugh... that smell." He moaned, covering his face with a padded hand and rolling on the soft raiment vested under him by Logan.  Presently, he realized the cloth was there and turned up his ears at it. His features spread in dopish confusion. Then his amber eyes - which were still dark and cloudy with blood - searched the fire and found the familiarity of Jackie's face.

"Jackie? Logan?" Ulric said, wincing. His ears rotated stupidly. Only just beginning to remember the circumstances, he swiveled into a sitting position before anyone could stop him and cupped his furry paws over his black nose.
"The rope!" He gasped. "Oh, that's awful, Jackie!"

The little fire trembled with renewed life under Jackie’s protective hands.  She caught the furs that Logan had skinned, and cautiously offered some to her charge.  It considered slowly, almost as though sniffing it.

Jackie’s maw twisted, but this time she did not abandon her post.  Instead she snapped her head, looking down at Logan with such intensity that every detail of her weariness and injury was readily apparent. 

"Why do you insist on doing everything yourself?," she growled under her breath, "No one will beg to help you…"

For a moment, everything was silent, save the crackle of the fire slowly devouring the rabbit furs and rope.  Then, suddenly everything was not silent.  Ulric was awake.  Almost as though struck, Jackie’s bright eyes went large and the fur at the nape of her neck stood on end.  She watched Ulric, slowly, as though in a dream.  Words were stolen away from her.  She was breathless, and relieved, and worried all the same.  Then her breath caught somewhere in her chest and she inhaled sharply again.

"Nylon," she snapped as though way of explanation,"It’s flammable, and beggars can’t be choosers". 

Logan exhaled deeply and turned the blade in her paw with a flick of her forefinger and thumb, jutting it downwards, plunging the knife into the wet earth where it remained hilt deep. She drew her hand back into her lap with her legs folded over one another.

Before she could respond to the spurring words of Jackie, her attention was diverted to Ulric- his body moving, his voice melodious to the ears of a concerned ally. Logan looked upon him with careful consideration, noticing the color of his eyes, observing how he moved, if it was dazed or rugged.

When she with her untrained eye, and a mind with the medical savvy of an amoeba, decided he was fine, she stood up.

"You should not move, you may be injured." she stated, surveying the area at a glance, searching for something.

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