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Werewolves (RP 11): A Mystery Revealed

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There was a twinkle in the older Alpha's eye. When did he start smiling? The movement of his mouth had been so imperceptible it would seem, without ever looking away from him, that one second he had not been and now he was. Even though there appeared to be no malice in the expression, the way it'd come on was certainly eerie.

"I wonder," he said softly, "What you mean by that. You stress my kind and I suppose that you mean ours. If you mean our tribe, that is. For though we have our differences, every one of us is yet human, and shall always be. The presence of the full moon or the desire of a half-blood does not change our DNA. A hair, falling from your head... or your shoulder, or your tail," and he grinned in full at his implication, for humans, as humans understood, had no tails, "Would still prove nothing more or less than human in a lab. Certainly, they would find no DNA for a wolf or a monster. Those don't run in our blood. They might find some interesting... organisms... should they test our saliva on the White Lady's night. But we are human, all the same."

He was silent for a moment. Then he stood, and bowed. "We will, of course, respect your authority in this land, Alpha."

A motion, and the others in the circle sank away, back into the mist. But the Alpha Sabres remained a moment more, looking wistful... there was more he wished to say, and he communicated meaningfully that by the look. "If we are all human, Alpha Kratos, what, then, defines the monster? At the threshold, what does he look like to you?"

The cold enticed discomfort. Ulric shivered with a cold that suddenly went right through him. The mist provided a wetness to his overcoat, and the snow brought the frigid temperature to the marrow of his bones. "If only," thought he, "If only my fur were thicker..."
He wrapped his arms around his shoulders, when a strange tickle at his elbow attracted his attention. "How could there be bugs?" He wondered, and reached for the irritation. When he drew his hand back, he was surprised to see his paw colored with blood. "What?" He wondered aloud, the present conversation between the Alpha's appeared forgotten.

Ulric looked at his elbow and twisted his features in confusion. The injury bore a strange resemblance to the blood he saw coursing down Kratos' right arm, but wait. - Ulric looked at his alpha again and saw no wound at all.
Ulric stumbled back in confusion, his ears erect, and his head rotated like the hands of a clock. Feeling dumbfounded, and looking stupefied, he could not reason with the dissonance in his reality.


Kratos opened his mouth to answer Alpha Sabres. Yet, as if he sensed the sudden alarm before it triggered behind him, his ears swiveled and his head turned at the sound of Ulric's one uttered syllable.

The Alpha's eyes sharply assessed the blood on his brother's outstretched paw, the bewildered look on his face, and his overall posture with his legs bracing in opposite directions, and his hand on the tree as if he were unsure of its exact location.
"Ulric?" Kratos said, attempting to garner the focus of his brother's eyes. Ulric looked up, but his focus was vividly absent. Something was wrong.

"Ulric, sit down."  Kratos instructed firmly. Ulric did not respond. He continued to look distant, and disbelieving. Then he stumbled into Logan!

Kratos jumped forward and grabbed his brother, attempting to put him back on his feet or else lay him down, but Ulric dizzily could not find his legs.
"Cattos… som.. Som.. - do yheh nn' - cah wum." Ulric said, slurring incoherently. While Kratos attempted to balance him, he squinted and blinked his eyes. Then he gave up on his legs entirely. His gaze kept rolling from his brow to his nose, and his face contorted in confusion. With his eyes he appeared to be trying to reason something in his own mind, but his body was completely surrendered to Kratos.

Logan quickly bent her knees to brace Ulric, then released him into Kratos’ care when he approached. The concern was evident in her eyes, and her ears were erect.

“We need to take him in to some place warm..  how do I help?”


Jackie stayed with the Sabres pack.  Even as Kratos’ voice rose against them. Even as they spilled the secret thoughts of their, her, kind. Even as they sank back into the mist, save the alpha. Even as Ulric stumbled, and he faded into confusion and pain… besides the half-flicker of her ear to confirm the others had caught him for the last, she did not relent an inch of focus against the intruder.  If nothing else, crude though she was with her tools, she knew how to mind the flash of teeth and bright eyes well.

Although… something in the quality of her weapons changed at the last moment.  One could not mistake it for relent, for she had not.  But something in her eyes had become so much more personal than it had before… as though it were an accusation.

Something grumbled in the back of her throat.  A lesser might have called it a growl.  But it was not so.  It was the briefest of utterances, the cusp between language and nonsense.  Yet beyond this, it could not be said what it was she exactly meant by it.  Her intention had been to communicate, whether it was to detail the hardships of the night or otherwise, yet even with far more sounds she could not have explained it.  So she had settled for the phantom of a noise, for if all words could not explain what she intended, then why use any more than necessary? 

Her ears flickered behind her again, and the hard accusation in her eyes against the Sabres alpha remained.  To what would such a challenge be answered?

Kratos held Ulric's head in the palm of his hand. He looked at Ulric's face, rotated his skull between his fingers, and examined both his eyes. Perceiving through the darkness, he found Ulric's gaze cloudy and undefined. But more than this he could sense, for with his hand under Ulric's head and his face close to Ulric's nose, Kratos was aware of every motion within the frame of Ulric's body. He could feel the heart beating and the blood moving by inches. He could smell injuries in the body through the breath, and feel brain activity in the tips of his fingers. Moreover, Kratos felt the incomprehensible conveyance of Ulric's being entering the sinews of his own body, testifying of the unseen reality of life, and further issuing such feelings of confidence and fear as to know without words every thought Ulric would say.

Ulric, meanwhile, on the outside was moved by every whim of the Alpha's hands, giving no voluntary movement for himself. He looked like a limp dog, or a sleeping child in his brother's arms. Again, he tried to speak, but it was a very halfhearted attempt, which was quieted immediately by Kratos' soft breath.

"Peace." Kratos whispered, almost without words.

He lowered Ulric to the ground and laid him gently where his limbs would be comfortable. He laid a hand over Ulric's forehead and covered his eyes. He glanced at Logan as if to say, "At ease." Then Kratos sat down beside Ulric, shielding him from the snow, and warming him with his own body.

He said nothing for a short time. What more needed to be said was spoken without words in the same incomprehensible way that Ulric conveyed his feelings to the Alpha, only now Kratos emanated it so intensely as to be felt by every member of his pack around him. Ulric responded to it as his heart rate slowed and his breathing grew calmer. Steadily, his face relaxed, though there was still pain at the corners of his mouth and what part that could be seen beneath Kratos' massive paw.

After a moment of this being the only form of communication, Kratos at last addressed his guests again.
"It was your presence," He said, his voice sounding even calmer than before, yet now he also sounded tired. "I sensed it earlier this night, and gave me reason to forbear calling over the peak. But now, if you may pardon me for a moment, I will send a message to the rest of my pack."

Kratos, of course, awaited no permission, but raised his head immediately thereafter. His neck extended and his throat opened vertically to the sky, where then his deep voice bellowed out of his large maw and the sound resonated throughout the valley. If it had been released in empty air, his howl would have spanned the sky and become thin and hollow as it traveled, so the keenness of the werewolves' ears would hear it echo off the distant mountains. As it was, the clouds absorbed the sound of the distance, and the snow carried his voice even further across the ground. It sounded louder than ever before, causing the wind and the trees to be silent, and the loneliness of the wilderness to be felt all around.

When Kratos was done, he lowered his head and listened to the snow falling softly around him for but a single moment. Then, he slowly blinked and lifted his gaze to Alpha Sabres once more.
"We are the monster." He said. "Everyone who has ever fought their demon knows how quickly it can come over any of us; to make one choice that changes us forever."

Logan looked on, feeling helpless-looking small in stature, rested on her haunches with her ears perked up and wide eyes settled on Ulric's seemingly tiny features compared to his massive brother. She blinked and her mind surfaced for her a familiar memory, in which Ulric was holding a dying girl.

Her chest rose and fell steadily, the depths of her breathes and speed at which they came increasing, though she attempted to steady herself for Ulric's sake.

Then she moved, placing herself between the Alpha and Sabres and meeting Alpha Sabres in the eye. "Now, you go." she stated in a low voice, her muscles trembling-for a fight, out of pain and cold, anger or sadness, it was hard to say.

Kratos continued to sit by Ulric, but he watched Logan carefully. His ears laid back when she commanded the Sabre's Alpha to depart. Nonetheless, he glanced at Jackie's challenging demeanor, and again at Logan's defensive position. Then he met Alpha Sabre's eye one last time.

There was still more to be said between the two Alphas. There were questions to ask, and understandings to reach. But Kratos' pack was young, uncomfortable, and intimidated. They needed rest, and their night was still long from over. Should another time come, - a better time, - many more things would then be unfolded between them. But for now, a cold wind was blowing, and for the sake of those within the house, the doors were drawing closed.

After the cabin owner departed their company, Toby felt a little hesitant to touch anything, lest he accidentally spurn her hospitality. But she had at least given them permission to touch the tea, so moving carefully as he possibly could, Toby went and filled a cup.

He brought it back to Bianca, then seated himself beside her and began to rub shoulders in an attempt to speed the warming process... Yes, it was all very alarming: This was the closest he had ever been to a girl, and he was touching her, but what needed to be done had to be done. He couldn't afford himself time to freak out over physical contact, a kiss, or whatever else right now. He had to be the calm one. He couldn't let Bianca freeze to death simply because she was a girl and he was a boy. There was no logic in that! So, whatever swarm of Lepidoptera was beating it's wings against the lining of his stomach would just have to go unidentified and outright ignored at present.

They sat in silence until Toby felt sure Bianca was properly calmed and warm. Then his paw returned to the piece in his ear.

"Theo? Can you hear me?" Toby asked into his ear piece, but only a small crackling noise was heard in response. "Theo? This is Toby. Is the earpiece working?"

...More static.

It was strange. Toby felt he should be more troubled about this, but in all honesty, he wasn't... Not about the device anyway. Despite the fact he'd thrown them together just this morning and that they were utterly untested, somehow he was confident the signal was getting through to Theo. Perhaps Theo didn't know to hold the button down while he talked, or perhaps he'd lost it, or perhaps something had happened to him. Whatever the case, Toby's concern was for Theo's well-being alone.

Suddenly Toby became tense, his ears erect. A distant, yet unmistakable howl permeated the air around the small cabin. The Alpha was calling.. What was he saying?

The Sabres Alpha remained quiet and impassive as all unfolded before him. He met Jackie's gaze directly, not in answer to her challenge for he was a stranger here and had no authority over her, more as to assert with a confident but understanding gaze to remind her that she held none over him, either.

He watched Kratos tend to Ulric intently, yet his only response, were it possible and not merely illusioned from the emergency of the moment, was that his imminent presence decreased somewhat, seeming smaller and less tangible. Where once stood a powerful wolf, now crouched the ghost of one, an old man of little import, merely waiting and watching.

Yet, he did not move. And when Logan approached him and commanded him to depart, he turned the steady gaze on her and nodded. Without another word, he rose and slipped back into the mist, dissolving into it as though he'd never been.

And for a time it would seem that was the end of it. Yet, in the minutes following Kratos's great howl, another answered afar off, long and low and muscial--

" The babe held tender in his mother's arms, he is innocent and pure

Yet lurks within his beating heart a selfishness that will endure

Teach him, mum, to look outside himself instead of in

Guide him, mum, show mercy and wisdom all, both to enemy and kin

Compassion is humanity, and from its lack comes all disparity

Between man and beast, that seems to be

Whether ye be man or wolfish-kin, the monster lurks in all... even them."

Thus the lonely night drew on as the Calagathorm werewolves turned homeward, little knowing what awaited them in their long absence.

To be continued...

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