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Werewolves (RP 11): A Mystery Revealed

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A dare of a growl graced Jackie's lips at the merest suggestion of her less-than-savory lineage.  Her teeth gnashed. Her eyes glittered like blue fire.  Her nostrils flared.  And there in her expression was half a dare for the  Sabres’ alpha.  If he so much as toed over the line, so much as moved half an inch in a threatening direction, hers would be the first set of teeth to meet him — never mind however futile the effort, she would react without hesitation.

Kratos looked over his shoulder once more. This time, his thoughts weighed heavily through the creases of his expression. He reexamined a question previously considered answered and looked at Jackie, Logan, and Ulric, before returning his gaze to the Sabres Alpha. Ulric caught the Alpha's glance and discerned it. He recognized the look from before Toby was shot, having seen it often, but never since. He understood it as the Alpha weighing in reserve his knowledge and confidence. Ulric, longing for his glance as equally as feeling inadequate to receive it, lowered his ears and looked away.

"I shall speak honestly." Kratos said to Alpha Sabres. "Until recently I believed I knew nothing of your tribe, save that an assassin was sent here and later a spy followed her. Until recently."

Kratos paused for a moment, considering.

"I have since learned otherwise." He continued. "I was not taught the history of your race by word, but through essence and by degrees. In that way, the intricacies and secrets of your existence were kneaded into my daily bread. It became apart of me, and I was ignorant of it; I lived and walked among men, but I was filled with knowledge of you long before it was useful to me."

"I have come to understand that I have one foot over a great threshold between worlds. I see with one eye looking on a blue vista, with the other beholding red cloudy skies. I can see into two worlds clearly; two worlds of such vivid contrast as might be connected only by a door in the air. Between my eyes that doorway arches over my head, constituting the knowledge that both defines and blurs the line between the two worlds. The greatest injustice is that I can neither come into one or the other, but will remain permanently on the threshold."

Kratos gestured with his hand over his shoulder at his young pack members. "You are out of the one. They were born in the other." He said. "They cannot comprehend your world, yet. And lest it be revealed to them too suddenly, I have reserved a place in these hills for our refuge. We do not intend harm to either side, but what our nature necessarily incurs. Likewise, we cannot always be blameless when the two meet at our expense. Your daughter's presence here the night of the rogue's attack, and the sideways investigation of your scout to know her whereabouts revealed your interest, which you have kept to yourself until now."

"So, if the report has not been unfavorable to you, why have you come here?"

Logan listened keenly to the Alpha speak. She was crouched on her toes, her arms draped over her knees and her head cocked slightly to one side. Her dusty lavender eyes scanned the strange figures of this other pack and returned often to Kratos. She popped and tested her knuckles; the blow she placed on the jaw of the beast faced earlier was considered, and it's face and posture... she popped her neck and her eyes became distant as she considered the details of the event.

The heavy fog became rain rapidly, and down in the valley it began to snow.

Timothy plodded along fallen leaves and barren logs as he found himself in the light snowfall. The world was misty and grey, and utterly silent. The white skin of the aspen trees leaked through the cloud cover like roman pillars, but faded off in the distance where the clouds were too thick to see. The wind was cold and wet, but it hardly bothered Timothy whose thick black overcoat protected him from the inclement weather.

Nothing, however, could protect his frozen heart and icy eyes. Timothy went on through the woods slowly, always searching and never finding anything. Certain places he came across seemed familiar to him, but whether it was a faded memory or a more recent one he could never tell. The ground in the valley was flat and equal, resembling nothing on the familiar side of Phantom Mountain. All the aspens seemed to grow to about the same height, though their higher boughs were too obscured by cloud and snowfall to tell for sure. The leafbed seemed to span out in every direction for miles, and not even the sound of a river broke the muffled silence in the air.

It might have been an hour, or maybe far less, but it wasn't long before Timothy felt he had gone too far. The familiarity he detected around one tree or another teased him. It rose to the surface of his recollection and dimmed out so suddenly that it taunted his wants. He grew discouraged and felt less and less inclined to go forward into territory that was becoming all the more foreign with each passing moment. He truly began feeling lost.

At length, he stopped and stood stock still in the downfall. Timothy listened, and still heard nothing. The monster was gone - if it ever existed in the first place. Its encounter felt dreamlike and unreal. Timothy stood still long enough for his overcoat to be covered in an inch of snow. Then, he turned around and began following his own path back the way he came.


Ulric steadied himself under Logan's arm and listened to Kratos speak. His calm casual tones and slow words made the atmosphere of the little camping ground feel peaceful, despite the dreary fog and snow. The cold kept sweeping up from the north valley, and every moment denser and more tangible clouds settled in the copse.

It was funny, Ulric thought, how much Kratos' words reminded him of Resme. She would also speak in soothing tones and use formal words and phrases. English was not her first language, but it sounded all the more beautiful on her lips. The only thing that kept the monologue from becoming a lullaby was Kratos' deep voice, which reminded Ulric how much of Abravious was also present. His brother's broad black shoulders, long curved back, and white tipped ears were all cut in replica of his father, save for the dramatic difference in Kratos' size and the hazy redness of his coat which were uniquely his own. Even Kratos' posture seemed to reflect Abravious in some ways, and Ulric wondered not for the first time how the two could ever become so estranged.

Presently, Ulric's gaze shifted. He looked at Jackie, who still bared her teeth like a savage animal at the strangers. His own sense of alarm was easily rekindled by her posture, but so long as the Alpha spoke calmly, Ulric could find no foundation for it.

The Sabres Alpha did not regard Jackie, his intent and focus solely on her own Alpha, seeming to hold great confidence that she would not move unless Kratos permitted it. The others in his pack did likewise, not even a hint or a glance that would betray uncertainty. Though whether this confidence was merely projected rather than felt could not be said. There was something about their demeanor, spoken to the eyes of a Wolf, that said every movement, sound, and posture was carefully calculated to communicate--but perfected. They would say only what they wished to say, and nothing else. There was no natural indicator of their internal thoughts and feelings by how they spoke and how they moved. Those were held back in reserve; not secret, but intimate.

"You mystify me, Alpha Kratos," said the Sabres Alpha. "How could one such as you be raised on the threshold? Indeed, but for the gleam of inexperience, naught can be said against your protocol. It is as you say: it is woven into your very essence. I wonder at your lineage, and who it was that taught you these things, and yet did not immerse you into our world. And why." It was spoken as though it were a question, and yet it was not. An invitation to volunteer more information, perhaps, but laced with a warning that to do so would be considered unwise, or a sign of immaturity.

He took a deep breath and exhaled. "We have come because it is our duty to come. We received troubling reports of hunters in this area--not merely men with guns seeking after beasts of prey, but organized hunters of our kind. If you truly know the laws that govern our world, you know that we cannot permit this. Yet, this is your land, Alpha, and your pack that is most threatened at present. It is for that reason we have sought you out: to ask your permission to nullify the threat here before it spreads."

His icy eyes gazed into the Alpha's face keenly. Again, there was a test in his words, yet the insinuation of this one was not so obvious as the first.


Kate felt perfectly ashamed of herself. All that was good and human and logical in her head told her that Bianca was a person behind those wolfish eyes, and that she was frightened, and that she needed help. But she could not for the life of her go back now. Her army boots plodded up the stairs ad if they had a mind of their own, one after the other, never hesitating, until she at last made it to the door of her bedroom.

She paused there, and sighed. Hesitantly, she looked over her shoulder, back down the stairs. It was dark up here. She hadn't brought a candle. The only light perhaps in the whole house at present was the warm glow she'd left behind with the... people. She clenched her fists resolutely. Toby was a good boy. He'd take care of himself and Bianca. She'd done all she could--given them a warm shelter and access to her commodities. Could she ask more of herself than that? She was a good person. But even good people had their limits.

So she reached out and grabbed the knob of her door. And froze. She didn't know why, but it was as though a pulse of dread had shot up her hand from the knob like electricity, racing up her spine and making her hair stand on end.

She didn't want to know what was behind that door.


Sabrina watched the steady rise and fall of Saber's chest. The glint of his eyes. He'd not said a word since he'd awakened, but as yet he hadn't tried to lash out at her again. Points to him.

But she was tired of the standstill. It was time to push him again.

"Where would you go, Zhihao, if I let you leave?"

Saber didn't give any recognition that Sabrina spoke. His wolf simply continued staring unhindered straight into Sabrina's eyes, content to remain where he was.

Ulric's attitude changed to erected attention at the Sabre's Alpha. In remembrance of his own faults, he knew which hunters were intended by that remark. Kratos must have felt his unease, for his ear swiveled just half a centimeter back. It was the barest of movements, but it revealed something communicated beneath the sinews of the brother's bodies, especially the tissue between them, though they stood at some distance from each other. It was then, as if with sudden liveliness, that Ulric saw the red gob on Kratos' elbow and noticed the blood draining through the fur on his right forearm.

When next Kratos spoke, it was with the same calm casualness, but it was now clear to Ulric that there was something off in the atmosphere of this otherwise civil conversation.

"I also have a duty, as you are aware, Alpha Sabres." Kratos said. "Does it not behoove me to quell a threat within my own land, on my hunting grounds? Ours is not the only nature that incurs incident, and the nature of the creature is to defend his prey from outsiders."

Kratos gave a subtle gesture to indicate around him and spoke in a resolved manner. "I own the land from the cleft of Middlecrest to the decline of the mountains in the east, and from the Monvac River to those northern peaks yonder." He said. "Should this threat of which you have spoken step foot beyond the borders of my land, you may remove it in an instant without offense, but any blood shed within my realm is mine to avenge."

"I respect your duty, Alpha Sabres." Kratos concluded softly, "And your place in the hierarchy of your world as a keeper of order and peace among your kind. But my duty is not just to those of your kind who I have taken as my own. In my land, even as I reside at the Threshold of Knowledge, I stand between humanity and the monster; both those from within, and those from without."

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