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Werewolves (RP 11): A Mystery Revealed

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[Several months ago...]

The sky rumbled over the mountains.

Atop the ridge of Phantom Mountain the high-grass trembled. The wind passed over the rocks on the unbroken path through the arch on the peak.

Standing under the looming stone, with the dark green valley of the north stretching out behind him, an old man cast his gaze out over Reknab Bend.
"A storm is coming..." He said. "Many storms shall come behind it, and this land will drink blood again."

Angrily, another spoke. "No, grandfather. I will close the passage. I will collapse the bridge and bring down this mountain on top of it! Nothing shall pass through."

The old man did not reply. His sad, wrinkled countenance glowed under the red hazy sky.
"This land has been without rain for a long time..." He said. "Now, the white woman's face shall appear again and the Creatures of the Moon shall return."

The young man glowered, for he could not contend the wiser man.

"Joshua," the elder man said. "Go find Tammy."

That night, in accordance with the old man's words, a storm struck the mountain. Cold water gushed through the rocky river bank, moving quickly down to deliver its bounty to the earth. The tree branches rattled as their leaves were weighed down by the heavy rain. It was a powerful storm of the kind the mountain had forgotten existed.

Refreshing, but not silent or peaceful, the rain was boisterous, and only a short distance away the wolves contended loudly. Tammy watched them through the thick leaves of the bushy herb. She would not dare to be close to them if not for the torrents and wind that obscured her scent. She was soaked to the skin in the dark, listening to the ceaseless growling voices.
"Why do they always fight and desire so much blood from each other?" She wondered in her heart. Fear and anguish filled her unspoken words. "Why can't they be peaceful and accept one another? Why?"

Lightening flashed over the trees and for a moment Tammy's hiding place was revealed. The werewolves did not see her, however, through their own rivalry. Yet, the danger of being discovered loomed over, so that fearfully she retreated in utter silence. Still, she could not keep that last glance over her shoulder, to see the one she came to find.


Timothy pronounced a garbled scream in the mingled language of man and beast. His terror was heard in the voice of a boy crying out from a nightmare in the dark, and yet was the yipe of a beaten and strangled animal. He attempted to flee without thought of attack, but the monster wielding a thick wooden shaft struck him across the face! He fell to the ground in a beaten daze and the shaft was hoisted into the air above the monster's head. The steel tip glinted between the monster's straight horns and the moon hid behind the clouds. Then, above the cavity of Timothy's chest the monster arched its back, drawing the weapon to full potency, and thrust down! -



The others might've been shocked to see how changed the Alpha's mind became in an instant. He turned back toward the cabin quickly and ushered the others aside. "Stand out of the way," said he. Against the side of the cabin he drew to his back, and with his elbow resting just beside the door, he struck his fist forward and then catapulted it back! His giant fist lambed the boards of Katie's wooden door with a heavy blow!

At the first sight of the beast, the Statue moved. The beast raised it's weapon the first time, again the Statue moved, and the third time, the Statue moved between the boy and the beast.

Logan stood over Timothy with a great rumble in her chest and a terrible anger in her eyes. The spear met with her dislocated shoulder, which she angled to take to the blow. With her opposite hand she reached up with an iron grip and grabbed the weapon just above her shoulder.

"Go..." she spoke with a strange calmness in her voice to Timothy, who's figure she was crouched over.


Bianca curled into Theo and covered her ears - the change of the Alpha, his strength and the fear of hearing the gunfire after he laid down the door - it was all she could do not to cry out, so instead she became small and waited for the storm to pass.

Gunfire did indeed ring out - thrice. The deafening blows followed each other in rapid succession--and at first merely out through the empty doorframe to ricochet off tree and rock that should cross the bullets' frenzied paths. Fear had shaken the hands that clutched the rifle, and her aim suffered for it. Perhaps she had not even meant to fire at all. But if the bullets had heels, the woman of the cabin was swift upon them. White faced and haggard, she flew out of the cabin like a mother coon defending her den--and right into the face of the bearish attacker!

Screams--screams like a swinging cat or a strangling rabbit--those were the sorts of noises that issued from her red mouth. Her lips moved to give the sound shape, perhaps some semblance of words--though none of them appropriate to render in text, and perhaps might have given a sailor cause to blush were he able to decipher them. Was it her rifle, a broom, or merely the pale claws of her tiny human fingers that she lashed at him in rapid succession? She sought to draw blood, surely.

Another came fast to the doorway--too, white. But taller, fairer. Furrier. The sleek form of Sabrina paused only for a second--green eyes wide and feral for the sound of such distress in her family member--then she came upon them, taking the small human woman into her arms and pulling her swiftly but carefully from the Alpha, seeming not too unlike a mother drawing away her child.

"Kate!" she exclaimed, trying to call sense into the struggling woman.

The woman of the cabin paused, panting, her disheveled hair and the unspoken passion and terror in her face seeming to have aged her. She threw a wild look at Kratos, and became red in the face. Not with embarrassment, no--with fury.

She screamed again, though her voice cracked--calling him something reproachful--and struggled to pull away from Sabrina without the adrenaline that sent her flying through the doorway at him. "Monsters! Monsters every one! Look--look what you've done!" she yelled, her voice high and ragged, waving her free arm... not at the door.

Sabrina looked helplessly from her aunt to her Alpha, knowing what he could not. She pulled her aunt in towards her furry chest protectively, decision replaced question. She glared at him, flattening her ears back. "Alpha of the Calagrathorm!" she cried, "You are not lord of all you see, think what you will! This is her home."

There was vulnerability here that Sabrina had never revealed. And would not know reveal, were she not caught so off guard. But there it was, and the only way to cover it now was to kill it. "Claim you this land, and know nothing of its people?" she snarled. Her hackles rose against him. "Why are you here?"

As Sabrina's passions rose, her aunt collected her own. She'd stopped struggling, though her knuckles were still white, clenching Sabrina's arm. Tears filled her eyes, and her face was still one of anger, but she was no longer hysterical.

The final resounding notes of wolfsong died on the empty peaks of the mountain, and the air hung hallow a moment more.  Then Jackie could feel the air shift and change, pressure settling down so firmly on the breathless peaks that her ear-drums popped.  The silver queen and her army of thunderheads were winning.  The glow of the moonlight was quickly waning as a darkness seemed to settle over.  She pushed onwards.

It was difficult terrain.  They had come to the lip of a rocky incline.  A straight drop down was 20 feet, and while it was possible to skirt to either side down muddy slopes, the passage was more suited to something of a cloven and sweater-eating variety.  Perhaps there was an easier way, but she’d need to climb the mountain again, and there was no time for it now.  

A moment further consideration, and she chose the left path.  She negotiated carefully down the path.  Desperation could breed a creature, and that was the creature that moved her trembling limbs down the slope.  Yet desperation could only lend itself so far, and like all things, it ran out eventually.  Usually, she didn't wait around to find out when that was, but time was running out...

Her paws skipped their next step step.  Her eyes flew wildly for the next foothold, yet her attention had laxed for just a moment and she could see none in the muddy, yielding earth.  She scambled urgently to keep upright, all the while holding firm to Ulric, yet gravity was a call she could not ignore. She could only direct the fall, pushing it towards the muddy slope rather than the sharp drop.

There was movement, vertigo, then a stillness.  She didn’t dare open her eyes, yet a whine gathered in her throat as the dull pain settled into her body.

"Ulric…. I’m sorry".

Caused by the noise of the screams that followed the Alpha breaking down the front door, Saber's consciousness stirred, moving towards the brink of awakening.

The sky was black, the forest painted grey. Sound was elusive. Saber could feel the rope tightly wrapped around him, tying him to a tree in the middle of the dark gloom. The world, and his mind, felt like it was in a haze.
The monsters of the full moon could be seen off in the distance attacking someone. Saber knew who it was: His mother. He thought he heard her cries from the attack; The one sound that echoed against the soundless landscape pierced his soul. Her body laying limp now, the monsters turned their attention to their next target: Saber.
The monsters flew with fury at him as they began to circle around him, their jaws hungry for his flesh. He could hear them laughing at him, echoes of almost familiar voices. Suddenly they lunged at him and were on top of him, the rope that tied him down seeming to vanish now. He wanted to run but there was no time for such a move, quickly succumbing to their attacks. As they tore him apart in mere seconds, all the world seemed to disappeared as-

Saber’s wolf sharply inhaled, his eye’s finally opened. He was back in the cabin. His heart was pounding throughout his body as he took in several shaky breaths. He was finally awake.

How radiant to behold in pleasant years of childhood, the transparent beam of white sunlight on a windowsill. Flowers, pink and gold, dance merrily outside the glass, while a little youth looks on. His nose peaks just the edge of the majestic portal, while his eyes sparkle with the reflections of all he sees.

"Come and play with me." He seems to plead, his dimpled cheeks and smile teasing. His want is unheard by those who romp and play beyond his reach. Yet still his eager gaze repeats, "I want to see for me."

"My son," he hears a soft-sweet voice echo meekly. He looks and sees her sleeping.
"My son," he hears her say again and sees all light fading. The world turns grey now, in the sullen life of an older youth. He looks down long dark halls and hears voices chanting... Then again, he looks another way, and finds himself sitting. Tender green stalks of grass sway around his knees. A little woman with dark brown-black hair and soft white skin smiles sweetly.
"Come and see," she says to him so gently. He sees her eyes, full of tears weeping. He comes and peers into her hands, where a small weak sparrow lies dying. The little bird, its fight all fled, helpless lies on fingered deathbed. Its light brown feathers are twisted and worn. Almost, he sees, that bird breathe and pass beyond the world. Surely, its spirit wings sailing unseen to distant shores.

Thus, away the little creature went, passing into transparent beams of white sunlight...

Ulric breathed. For a moment, he saw Jackie's face through shadows. Her eyes were full of tears, but he did not know why she was crying. He felt cold, and reached out his hand to pat hers gently.  He drank the air, breathing calmly, and heard a repetitive drum. Then, again, into solemn clouded darkness he fell, recalling no more.

Kratos guarded himself from the woman's weapon, but not from the strike of her hands, or her words. Whatever blows she could administer were received, and her passion was fierce indeed, yet he did not retaliate. He watched her beat upon him, and stayed his eyes on her even as Sabrina grasped and pulled the woman away from her oppressor. Yes, Kratos knew this woman was acquainted with werewolves, but now he also knew in what way.

When at length Sabrina spoke, Kratos lifted his gaze from the woman's countenance and looked on his pack-mate. For the first time since having met the white-garbed forest nymph, Sabrina's humanity leaked through her impervious facade. Her vulnerability was like a glass of cold water on a desert trek.

"Then tell me what I am missing." He said, extending his paw out toward the little oak tree. "Tell me how this variety stands over this cabin, and on the peak, and at Gathen's den, yet is found nowhere else within miles."

He swept out his arm and caught a handful of white flowers from one of the bushes growing nearby.
"Tell me the properties of this plant -" He said, pulling blossoms off the raceme into his padded hand. "Tell why it grows on this mountain but nowhere else."

Kratos closed his hand and squeezed the petals until light blue liquid poured through his fingers.
"Reveal this mystery to me," he said. "Then perhaps I will better know this land and its people."
The crushed petals were cast on the ground where a warm yellow beam from the house covered the plodded snow. Then, as the clouds passed before the moon, the shadows under the dark pines deepened to utter blackness. Kratos' immense form vanished with the light and he turned away. His heavy footfalls were heard to go a pace from the cabin, then he stood still.

"Theo," he said. "Convey a message back to Jackie, tell her help is coming."

Theo had a simple philosophy about trouble: stay out of it.  Presently curled up besides Bianca in an attempt to make himself as small a shape as possible against the wall, he thought he’d been doing a pretty good job of it.  Until Kratos said his name, and his brain seized.  

The request processed a few moments behind which it’d been uttered.  He blinked as though dazed, pulled away from the wall, and lifted his muzzle to the sky in a quick promise of help.


"Ulric…." her voice came out soft, hoarse, lost.  She tried to shift her weight, but the mud clung so firmly it was a struggle to leave it. 

She couldn’t look him in the eyes as his hand reached to hold hers.  She shook, she trembled.  Of all the ghosts she had seen tonight, the last she wanted to see was this one. Grey eyes had looked at her once like that. Weak, tired grey eyes.  Dying eyes. Grey eyes that pulled you so deeply inside them, that even now when they were gone, she could always see them.  She didn't want to know what eyes Ulric had, but when Ulric’s trembling hand reached for hers, she was the small, vulnerable and helpless again all the same.

She turned away, wiping back tears with her other arm and choked back another hoarse sound at the back of her throat.  As her padded fingers pulled away, she brought back her fist down firmly into the squelching mud in half a strangled snarl.  

"Ulric," she growled, "Listen to me.  You aren’t allowed to die.  If… if you die, I will personally HUNT you down and drag you back.  I will tell your brother AND your mother that you gave in instead of pushing forward.  I won’t put flowers on your grave.  You hear?  We’re not through with you yet…"

Just as the wind seemed to grow colder, a distant howl reverberated in the air.

The monster's shaft met and pierced Logan's flesh without depth. Having but three inches of steel at its tip with a crossguard that prevented it from sinking any further, Logan stopped the lance from being driven into meat and bone against its design. Nevermind the weight of her adversary bearing down upon her, she stopped the force with her sheer will. Yet Logan was disadvantaged, for with one hand she held a point intended to kill her while her combatant bore down with two hands and the force of gravity against her. There was nothing to keep the battle from turning ugly.

Timothy, yet to recover his senses, shot out from under Logan and engaged her attacker. He fiercely flew at the monster's neck and caught it under the chin. But the monster twisted violently, beating his lance with blunt force against Logan's shoulder and throwing her into the snow! Timothy clung to his opponent's throat to no avail. The monster stumbled, smiting Timothy on the head with its brutal fist, and threw him likewise on the ground. He succumbed immediately to the blow and withered limply against a tree.

The monster turned its eyes on Logan again. It came forward, leaving gouges in the earth behind it. Then, it lifted its lance once again. This time, the point gleamed above Logan's skull.

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