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Werewolves (RP 10): The Song of the Mountain - part 2

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Even in the panic, Jackie could sense Ulric move ahead, if only because for a terrifying moment the two had been forced to occupy the same, cramped spot of corridor. She dare not open her eyes.  Breathing was an effort of futility; no matter how quickly she heaved air into her lungs, she still felt as though she were drowning.

How sad.  She had the strength to flip cars, and yet now the best that strength could muster was to keep her right where she was.  And Ulric didn’t even think she was strong enough to do that much for very long, or else he would not have revealed himself in such vulnerability before a foe with a very capable shotgun…

And perhaps he was right, but for the wrong reasons.  Her wolf had never been the monster.  Her human had done well enough at playing the role that her wolf never need take the position.  The wolf in her was not afraid of the walls. It was the human that saw nightmares from the past in them, of times where desperation had bred a desperate creature...

"Ulric...," she growled low and soft, to both her packmate in caution and Mercy in warning.  

In three seconds of meeting her eyes, Ulric knew Mercy would kill him. Her heart was set, her face foretold it. And just as the batter knew the aim of the pitcher well before hitting a home-run, Ulric knew Mercy's intentions well before she pulled the trigger.

This was the matter that nature designed; that two creatures, neither one being evil, should become involved in a struggle over life and death. They were both at fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but neither one could be blamed by the other. Yet for one to live, the other must die. The circumstances simply were, and could not be avoided.

That was the purpose for which Ulric knew he must act. His intention was never as foolish as it appeared, but he knew beyond doubt that it was necessary. If Jackie had more control over her nature, or if Mercy did not have her son with her, or if Ulric did not follow Timothy, any number of choices could have prevented the conflict. Now, however, there was no alternative.

What Jackie might've heard in the tunnel was Charles screaming, "Momma! Momma!" and a gunshot, and then Ulric yelling "Run, Jackie! Go!"


Kratos never seemed to finish his story. If there was a moral, or if the story had an end, if was left to Bianca to seek it, for Kratos seemed forgetful of these points.
At length, the two approached the little log cabin under the pines. To Kratos, the place looked oddly more homey than earlier that day. The light from the windows cast warm yellow streams on the trees like a lighthouse out of the blackness. The shadows were left like a shroud veil behind. Kratos led Bianca to the door, and appeared to suggest she stay out of sight presently. Then, ah - knocking was such an underappreciated gesture in human form - Kratos tapped the door with the tips of his thick black claws.


The music continued as Logan trudged wearily up the mountain. "Where is the moon?" It seemed to ask wordlessly, though now the moon had appeared. Soon it became apparent that the song was coming from a dark grove of trees near the crest of the hill. Under the long boughs, the sound echoed loudly, and the light of the moon was dampened. Then, just as Logan came within ten feet, the sound silenced suddenly. The whole grove became deathly silent. Yet, the eeriness wasn't in the silence itself, so much as in the feeling that one was not alone.


It all happened so fast.

Ulric never looked at Mercy's gun. He watched her eyes. In all of three seconds he saw her desperate resolve to kill him.

It was as futile to reason the hunter out of defending her child as it was to reason Jackie out of her fear of tight places. Jackie would kill both the woman and the child inevitably if she could not escape, and the hunter would kill both Ulric and Jackie to keep herself and her son alive. Ulric had successfully placed himself between the monster and the bullet, but even his adrenaline and agility would've failed to save his life.

The werewolf came into the light, and Charles lost his nerve. The werewolf's eyes were murky and dark, full of blood. His wiry fur was caked in thick black muck. Charles screamed and raced for his mother's legs just as she took fire!
Ulric released the spring in his legs just as soon. He came at Mercy from behind Charles. Mercy's wounded leg buckled. Ulric opened his mouth to send Jackie running, and his lower canine snagged the boy. The three were toppled into a terrorized mass. The struggle continued for several fleeting moments more.

If her eyes had been open, she’d have observed the darkness edging at the corners of her vision.Air rushed in, but to no avail, as not enough could get in. But there trapped in the murky darkness of her own mind, she could only sense a growing drowsiness and hopelessness. Somewhere, she thought she could hear the phantoms in the wall laugh mockingly. The moment felt so impossibly long it was an eternity, as though some part of her would always be trapped in it.

Then she caught Ulric’s voice and the bright sharp crack of gunfire. Fear skipped a beat to anger, and from there it swelled her chest into something else entirely.  Bright eyes snapped open to scan into the dark, the light of the dropped flashlight illuminating the twisted mass of bodies in far too much clarity.  There was a moment where everything seemed to pause, the eternity was tossed aside, and the unknown emotion in her chest hardened to resolve.

Run? There was nothing to run to down the passage besides a dead end. Instead, she could only run towards. She stood, the burning in her chest a powerful enough ward to keep the phantoms in the walls at bay.

Soundlessly, she padded towards the twisted mass of  bodies. Her eyes looked with bright acuity for one thing, and only one, until at last she caught a fleeting impression of the bright glint in the dark. Without so much as a quiver of hesitation, her palms lunged to wrest it from the grasp of the hunter, her breath hot and warm.

The mind becomes blind in the moment survival is necessary. Survival, occupying a central place in the brain, is given access to every part related to its successful discharge. It is not responsible for moral decisions, nor the traits that define personality, but it can acquit both the former of their regular functions to ensure the overall survival of the unit. Fear and desperation replace rationalization and cause when survival is active. Even recollection is dampened for its sake.

Now, both Mercy and Ulric were desperate to survive their encounter, and neither possessed the skill to overcome the other without violence. Ulric, possessing the greater strength and natural weaponry, caught the upper hand for a moment, but he was too prone to forbearance and hesitation to maintain it. Mercy, meanwhile, fought the better fight, for despite limited weaponry, she fought like a lion for her cub. Her aim was to have her attacker killed, whether by punctured lung, head bludgeon, or deprivation of oxygen. Almost with creative genius she secured ways to harm her attacker in the short time they tussled. However, Ulric was the quicker, and he escaped through the tunnel opposite as soon as a chance was afforded. Thus, the struggle was both intense and fleeting.

What Ulric never could remember in that brief struggle was that Jackie approached behind him. He was not aware of her, and his last thought concerning her was that she would escape the tunnel while he fought the hunter. It did not occur to him that Jackie would seek the hunter's weapon, nor that he would himself perceive her as a threat in the attempt. Mercy had her gun against Ulric's throat at the time, and the added pressure of an other's force caused him to retaliate. As Jackie seized Mercy's rifle, Ulric turned viciously and kicked Jackie against the wall with well-meaning force to her thorax before thrashing free.

Charles cried and screamed for only a few moments into the fight, and then became utterly silent. His little yellow flashlight was kicked and knocked throughout the struggle, casting eerie shadows on the walls and giving little light to anyone.


Afterward, Ulric found himself breathing in the cold air under a moonlit sky. His arms and legs trembled. His vision was dull. An all-encompassing ache was dragging him to the ground. The last thing he could recall was looking down the mountain on a rigid, rocky slope, wondering if he should descend it.

Logan stopped. Her eyes lifted from the ground, her ears erect. She firmly planted the stick in the ground beside her, and with a short gasp, stood straight. For a while, she let the silence linger, to see if she could use some other sense to find the one who played the song.

She breathed in deeply, then released it long and slow. Her lungs felt heavy in her chest,  her throat all too tight to take air.

"How do you know that song?" she asked, looking over her left shoulder. She waited. "I have heard it, somewhere else..." she added, looking over her right shoulder now.

The fires crackled, greedily licking the red hot logs within their domain. Consuming, always consuming, with no thought to give. Yet it is the nature of all things, all entwined, to both give and take. The lonely woman of the mountain gave to the flames that which she had taken from the wood, and the flames gave warmth to the woman and all others in her house. In ordinary circumstances, that would reference two; the woman herself and a small mottled creature she called Meowki. Today, however, Meowki and his lady were joined by two others... ugly in the eyes of the cat, repulsive to his nostrils and to his lady's, no doubt. Why she allowed them stay was above and beyond him. Perhaps it was a lapse of sanity in his tender simple minded guardian.

Yet, there they were, all the same. One was curled in a mass of blankets and pillows on the kitchen floor before the stove: a place typically reserved for Meowki himself. The other carefully tended him, dampening their combined stench of wet dog only a little with the scents of boiling herbs and broths by which she was tending him.

Sabrina touched Saber's nose. It was no longer boiling hot to the touch; a sign that his fever had broken. His fur was almost dry now, but for the patch on his forehead to which she had pressed a dampened cloth. The balancing act of maintaining his body temperature had been almost an all night affair. She wondered if it would last until morning, when his human form he would again take. Wouldn't that be nice. She did not count on nice. Hence, the boy she tenderly treated and nursed through the night was also bound by his wrists and ankles; a precaution, should he rise too soon and be in even better spirits than he'd been in before he left.

Her aunt, Kate, sat alone before the fireplace in the main room, quietly considering the events of the evening and things she'd said to Sabrina that perhaps she regretted now. It was one thing, seeing a young man dart out into the storm's fury, let to go and die. It was another to see her niece haul back a sopping half-dead monster, and tend him in the kitchen. Yes, indeed her own niece was a werewolf, and had been since her infancy... yet, somehow it was different. She knew Sabrina. She loved and trusted Sabrina. The others...

There was a tap on the door, interrupting her thoughts. Kate showed only momentary surprise, before her face hardened again. She caught up the barrel of her rifle as she rose from her place and approached the door.

She wasn't expecting any company, and the only person in the world she liked was already indoors.

A month. Saber had disappeared about a month ago now.
It was just a few days before Tito’s birthday when it happened. Saber had just vanished. Not much of a trace was left behind to give anyone a clue as to where he had gone. Based upon his history however, and the evidence of Saber having never left his apartment by his own free will, the assumption he had been abducted was strong and the worst quickly feared.
Tito could still remember Saber’s mother sobbing as they had examined his apartment. Tito remembered the fear that gripped his heart at the thought of losing his friend, but he tried to remain optimistic for Saber's mothers sake. Unfortunately Ms. Chang's break down got to him. Tito knew from personal experience what she was feeling, and couldn't help but sympathise.
It was just the next day after Saber had been reported missing that Tito received an email from none other than Saber himself. Saber had quickly and angrily explained the situation of what had happened to him, and then told Tito not to let anyone else know… Especially Saber's little secret that had likely caused the whole ordeal to transpire in the first place. Tito tried, but Ms. Chang was still suffering from the thought she had lost her only son that Tito couldn’t help himself but tell her something. So, giving as little detail as possible to respect his friends wishes, he eventually told Ms. Chang that Saber was still alive.
Saber had said he wanted to keep a low profile at the time being. With his secret to consider, Tito understood and respected his friends decision and so he did not try to find Saber after his first communication with him. Unfortunately Saber went silent for the rest of the month which was making Tito antsy; Until he finally received another email from his friend which did not offer much comfort.

“ Hey Tito,

Thanks for keeping me updated on my mother.
 you should know tonight is the full moon. Seeing as I'm still not sure how to control my other form yet I can't guarantee what will happen, but I'm going to make sure I don't hurt anyone. Everything will be fine, so do me a favor and don't worry about it too much, kay? ...Though we both know that you're pretty incapable of not worrying so I don't even know why I'm bothering asking, but hey- I'd be happy if you could prove me wrong, just this once.
...Also, don't you DARE go looking for me tonight. Just one bite from me or any other beast lurking around and you'll be changed as well, or worse. So do me another favor and don’t leave your home tonight. In Fact, why don't you keep your whole family safe by making sure they all stay inside, including my mom.

Thanks again for everything Tito.


Tito knew Saber. He knew how he talked and was pretty good at reading in between the lines with Saber. This email however didn’t seem to try that hard to hide what Saber was really saying which just made Tito more worried; Saber wanted to make sure Tito got the message.
Tito knew what the message had said. “ Don’t you DARE go looking for me tonight.” But Tito couldn’t help it. He was starting to get really worried. His friend may have had come close to death on multiple occasions throughout his life and so the drama of such an event had long since been drained, but last years events were still fresh; It had been by far the most traumatizing one yet. Tito didn’t want a repeat of that, or worse, actually losing his friend, and so fear called him to action.

Finding the general location for Saber wasn’t hard. Though tech was never Tito’s strong suite, it luckily wasn't Saber's either, so Tito was able to have a friend easily find the location where the email had been sent from; Reknab Bend public Library.

The sun was setting when he had arrived. Tito had visited multiple locations of the town before concluding Saber had likely retreated for the mountains for the night. So, Tito drove around the mountains in search of any evidence of his friends presence there. Unfortunately he was limited in where he could search as he wouldn't get out of his truck; He couldn’t. He already was disobeying his friend’s wishes by seeking him out, so the least he could do was to do it safely; He had to, Saber would probably kill him if Tito had done otherwise.

And so the hours passed and the night stretched on as Tito searched the mountain roads in vain. He only turned back as the storm began to show at the base of the mountain, but he didn’t go far.
Now Tito was parked on a road somewhere in Reknab Bend, waiting for the storm to pass. Despite the late hours, Tito found it hard to get any rest, his worry keeping his mind wide awake and active.

Bianca's stepped behind Kratos, keeping herself out of view, her trembling paws clasped together near her jaw and her eyes cast to the ground-her mind still contemplating the story.

With a gentle tap, the Alpha knocked again. His claws dragged over the notched wood on their final landing... then his paw checked the door to see if it would open on its own.


Meanwhile, faraway on the north side of the mountain... the grove of trees Logan entered was as silent as the grave. A hallow, empty wind passed through bare and broken branches. Then, amid the casual darkness, there came the sound of footfalls passing. But when if one might turn to look, there was nothing to be seen.

Clack... Click... Clack...

A sudden tapping was heard behind Logan. Twas a branch, swaying on a string, lit under a single white ray of moonlight. As the wind passed by, the little instrument tapped against the trunk of the pine.

Clack... Click... Clack...

Logan turned around to see the player of the song... her ears went back and tail drooped to see nothing or no one.


She looked to the tree and approached it one cautious step at a time, careful she did not pay all her mind to the one thing she most wanted to-if hunting outside of Blackridge had taught her something, it was that focus was a double edged sword. But as she neared the object, her caution turned to curiosity, and her ears stood again. She used the stick to take the object from it's branch, and drew it down to her hand, feeling the grooves beneath her finger pads and examining the string attached. Then she brought it to her nose and breathed in the smell to see if she could learn anything of it's player...

Did he leave it on purpose or in his fear? Lifting her head high and again taking a fleeting glance of the entire area, Logan concluded he was gone, and turning the object between her claws, she raised it to her lips and attempted to replicate what she had heard, only succeeding in a meek whistle...

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