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Werewolves (RP 10): The Song of the Mountain - part 2

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To be completely honest, Toby had been hoping beyond hope that Theo would argue with him. He was the omega after all, Theo easily could have pulled rank-- What rank was Theo anyway? .. Oh well, it didn't matter. He took Toby's suggestion and started off into the rain.

This was so noble of them.. So noble and so incredibly stupid! What was it urging them forward? Was it the human or the wolf? Points for being poetic, but the truth was it's just pure stupidity-- And concern for the life of another. Toby whined and followed Theo carefully, keeping alert for the dangers around them.

There was a shifting in the dark… the tear of fabric, a soft grunt, and something not unlike a stone rubbing against another, then silence. The turquoise eyes of a creature long contained now considered the suffocating darkness for the first time.

Yet there was a moment, unseen by the blind eyes of the observer in the dark, that all was not as it seemed to be.  It was before the threshold had fallen and the moon had spirited away that irksome human form, where something had been given.  It was when Jacqueline Ryder had known all was hopeless — in one corner, the unseen walls pressing around her in all directions, threatening to crush the very breath out of her body, and in the other the mind of a beast that could neither be stopped nor hindered even if those unseen walls very well suffocated it.  It was in that moment that she had given rather than be taken, sliding over the steering wheel to the monster-of-body-and-soul as casually as though she were passing the potatoes.

And perhaps that was what made all the difference.  The considering eyes of her wolf in the dark was not that of panic.  She was, by virtue of no inner conflict or agony, entirely in control. She could feel the course walls of the cavern pressing around her, uncomfortably, yet not painfully, and the tangle and warmth of her packmate ahead of her.  Yet beyond the confinement, she could sense other things: the smell of dirt and water, the drip and groan of mud sliding and settling, and a void somewhere before her that echoed the sounds strangely.

In an equation as brilliant as it was simple, she reacted.  She shoved past Ulric in the space he'd just made available. Then, in a single, fluid motion she moved beyond that — to a steep drop or a steady decline, there was no path to go but forward.


Theo had very few thoughts on the walkabout, besides contemplating just how uncomfortably wet and miserable he was.  He had started to see what he supposed was Toby’s logic — both beneath the shelter of the tree or moving out in the open, he was just as miserable.  And if he would be just as miserable either way, then they may as well help someone out of a bad situation.  The storm had not vanished entirely, yet the danger seemed to have subsided…

His ears flicked forward, scarcely catching the crash of timber and water ahead.

Maybe he ought rethink that.  It was clearly just beginning.

"Toby," he cried out, "Careful. We don’t want to get swept up in that stream…"

The Alpha stopped and looked behind him. Bianca was struggling to keep up. She was up above her elbows in mud. Her clothes hung wet on her body. Small streams were now rolling down the mountain around her knees. The trees were again shaking in the wind above her head, and the rain could again be heard descending in second wave. Kratos knew Bianca could not make it up the mountain again.

Once more the Alpha looked toward the river and considered it. Then he turned around and helped Bianca down to level ground.
"You have not yet honed what you are truly capable of." He said, above the boisterous storm. "But we cannot stay here. The ground is too soft and the water is rising."

The Alpha did not say what was on his mind, but he guided Bianca back to the river with care. Presently, the rain began again. It was not yet in earnest, but greater torrents were coming. There was no way to avoid it, one way or another they had to cross the unforgiving swells.


He is watching you, Blind Eyes. Can you feel the hair on your neck standing on end? You cannot see him, but his intent pricks your skin.  Beware, oh beware! He has taken courage. He is coming down. He will kill you, Blind Eyes!


Ulric breathed a sigh with the passing of Jackie beyond his shoulder. Then there was silence.

At length, Ulric turned and stretched his fingers out in the mud. He could hear himself breathing. He could hear Jackie's movements. Yet, his senses were loath to paint a picture for him as Jackie's had. He was not attentive to the details of his nose and mouth. Thus he did not notice, whereas Jackie most certainly did, the scent - however vague - of another presence within the cave.

What Ulric did find, however unwittingly, was a strange texture in the mud. His clawed fingers rubbed it up and he took hold on it, but he did not know what it was. The pads of his fingers were not keen on telling him what it was made of, but he brushed his claws along its surface and heard a skritching sound. It reminded him of a belt, or a backpack strap. Either way, it was some form of resilient cloth.

"Jackie? ... Jackie!" Ulric called, but she had already gone on.

Oh, the confidence of one so unknowing! How blind the ignorant, for it is not something that can be cured by sight or lack thereof! No light can be shed on a shadowed mind, nor foothold found even in the depths of one so shallow. Your prey does not stand idle or unawares, Malevolent One, and her courage as deeply rooted as the great oak!

"Let him come," she utters, eyes piercing the darkness, "Let him come, this child of the moon!" she calls, those Blind Eyes.

And so he comes, bidden or unbidden. It does not matter.

Child of the Moon, Son of the Crowned, Silvered Shadows;  you come out from the crags amid the rocky wall. You know she cannot see you. She cannot see your eyes; how they wander, nor your lips; how they part, nor your tail; how it hangs. Thunder and lightening strike the air! She does not know how it will help you. She is a wanderer, she has come here by strange roads. She is a trespasser, she does not run or flee. You can hear her heart beating, see her legs trembling in the cold, smell her sweat, and taste - what can you taste? You can taste the salty iron of the blood on your face. Will you kill her, Silvered Shadows, while you bleed? She does not run. She knows you are there. Will you go down from the safety of the crags to meet her?

No... No, you will not. You slink back to the crags and there conceal yourself. She cannot climb a sheer rock face. She cannot face you in the dark. But then, - do you hear it Silvered Shadows? Do you hear that? It pierces the howling of the wind. You know that sound. What is it? You cannot recall. But you know that song, for you sang it a moment ago. It rises and falls in the selfsame pattern. It does not sing back to you. It is not a voice. It is the rise and fall of a shallow wind, but it carries far. Where is it coming from? Who plays your song back to you? Will you leave the safety of the crags to find out?

Yes... Yes, you will go. You escape like a shadow in the night. You are fleet-footed, and nimble. You are friend to the crags, and they are friend to you. You know their ways. They will aid you. Like a mouse in a broom closet, you vanish between them in the blink of a blind eye.


The cave, wherein Jackie pressed, continued down. It was not steep, but declined shallowly.  As she went down the walls became more narrow, until it was no more than a winding path. First mud, then stone, and at last sand could be felt beneath her feet. But the path was narrower still, and it got tight and sharply twisted up ahead. Whether or not Jackie would continue was left to her, but all the while the scent grew stronger. And presently it seemed there was a dim outline on the rocks somewhere in front of her face...


Bianca watched Kratos' movements, the rise and fall of his chest, and traced his thoughts from a glance. "We can't, Kratos-we won't make it." she uttered, clutching her arms around one of his as the water rose up and threatened to sweep her feet from underneath her. The night was growing more hopeless, and she squeezed her eyes shut to sweep away thoughts of her companions being washed up in the stream-of her and Kratos.


Jackie did not wait for Ulric to follow; though lost in the dark, she knew he could not loose her on a single path.  The walls grew more tightly around her, suffocating... a part of her, however distant and slumbering, felt them an oppressively, terrifying force.  Yet her mind was far simpler now, and that fear could be easily exchanged for finding the other end of the long, dark path.

The scent grew stronger. She could not place it.  The desire to know it burrowed in her head like a splinter.  As the path narrowed further, again the fear shuffled aside by simple virtue of a powerful mystery. Carefully, she maneuvered herself around the narrow turn, her nose twitching wildly to take it in and her eyes brightly trained to see beyond the thin outline of the rocks.

Ulric left the strap in the mud, not bothering to uncover it. He shuffled forward on his hands in the dark. Then suddenly a sound was heard - a child's scream and a shot of gunfire!



Moments ago, Jackie was winding through the jagged cracks of the earth. Every dark bend brought the dim yellow light nearer. Every inch revealed more of the dry narrow passage. As Jackie neared a jutting stone in her path, she might've known that her quarry was close, and in a final turn she would discover the cave's secret. Then, her fingertips arrived at the edge of the light, and her bright blue eyes pierced into cavernous room.

Immediately, Jackie's eyes were met by the face of a child whose countenance was seized by terror at the sight of her! No sooner did he scream than a shot fired at Jackie from behind him.

"Get behind me!"

"Momma, I'm scared!"

"Keep your ears covered and her eyes shut, Charlie!"

For a moment, it was unclear who was more afraid — the werewolf that had just come tumbling down the hole, or the eyes of the frightened child. Jackie’s bright blue eyes went wide, her ears slick against her head, and only by instinct alone was it that she ducked just before the trigger of the gun as pulled.  The sound rung in her ears, yet for a moment all was still… the child, the woman, the smell… her head spun.

Something nagged at her, some passing thought that seemed as innocuous as a housefly yet with each moment became more and more a grotesque thing to hold her attention.  Yet that same part that nagged at her was the part that was afraid of the walls, and already both parts had a healthy fear of the woman holding the long, metal weapon.  So the thought settled down, not forgotten, but for the moment unnecessary.

Her bright eyes settled hard on the woman’s eyes, unblinking.  Her lips didn’t curl to a snarl.  Her ears unpinned.  Yet still there was a dark question in those eyes that the woman could not ignore — with so little space between her and them, could she shoot her down fast enough before she lay no more than a single scratch or nip?

For she was a weapon just as much as the shot-gun in the woman’s hands.  Dare she test to see which was stronger?

"You are not from the pack.." Logan spoke again after a long time, and with a grunt pushed off of the tree she had been resting against. "You must go from here.." she added, crouching and fishing in the earth, pulling from it a long branch roughly her own height and of sturdy girth. Leaning her weight on the stick, she let the weakest bottom part of it snap off before testing it again.

"I would be dead if not for you... someday, let me know how I can pay my debt.." she had already begun to walk away, pausing only at the strike of lightning somewhere distant, and still it illuminated the whole lay of the land. She could see the flattened path along the mountain in which she was brought to the bottom by, and intended to follow it, to the best of her abilities, back up, not knowing if it would be possible..

Timothy needed help, and still she was helpless to do anything. While her body navigated the slope, knee deep in mud and often losing her footing, her mind drew on all the times she was alive only because of another. Then to those who's lives had been put in danger for her own carelessness---Jackie, Ulric, Kimberly, Timothy, only to name a few. She could do nothing to stop the Svalnaglas, nor the hunters. Even back then, at the border of Blackridge, she had barely stopped the beast that threatened her home, and at a great cost.

As absently as she had started up the mountain, she had stopped, her walking stick planted firmly in the ground. She came to her knees in the mud and rested her forehead against the branch.

"I should not have lived."

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