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Werewolves (RP 10): The Song of the Mountain - part 2

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Logan was not only pinned and buried in mud but her breathing was also so shallow that she appeared not to move at all. How then could she be found? There were no roads north of Arch Peak. No men or women traveled here. Even Kratos' attempts to see what lay beyond the ridge was thwarted in the suffered collapse of Deadman's Trail. As far as one knew, Timothy was the only werewolf within miles, and still he was nowhere to be seen.

The mud may have settled, but it was far from set. The cold was bitter and piercing. No sign of the moon was in the sky, when then a cold sweet voice pierced the air.

"Where is the moon?..." The voice sang clear to the sky.
All the rest of the world was silent as the grave, and in the nightwind that lonely note died too... then came the rest.

I'm becoming a stranger,
Waiting for shadows.
I'm searching for danger,
Hoping for rainbows.

Oh, where is the moon?

Shadows are coming.
Darkness take o'er.
The wind is rushing,
Like the waves of the sea.

Where is the moon?

Where is the nightlight that keeps me from danger?
Where is the hopelight that keeps me from my fears?
Who is driving my hunger, the dog in the manger?
Who is the watcher who I'm longing to hear?

I'm becoming a thief,
Hiding from fears,
I'm escaping from grief,
Running from tears.

Oh, where is the moon?

Monsters are coming.
Blackness take o'er.
The tempest is raging,
Like the feelings in me.

Where is the moon?

Every note was an emotionless plea, rising to a forgetful sky. Every word, spoken in a language none but the werewolves could understand.

Jackie shuddered violently in the cold cave, yet it had nothing to do with the chill in the air. If anything, her skin felt like fire in the ice. Her eyes were closed, and her head was settled in her knees. The sob was not repeated but the slow, methodical sound of heavy breathing had replaced it. Suddenly, a large, padded hand made contact with the very human skin of her shoulder.  She flinched as though struck, yet the recoil of the motion died once she heard Ulric’s voice.

There was a pause in the breathing, considering… Considering how to minimize the embarrassment while all the while attempting to combat something stronger than the ocean’s tide.  Against the moon’s calling she’d held onto her human skin for perhaps a few minutes longer.  It was an entirely futile exercise, and one she’d pay dearly for shortly, and yet for the moment it was entirely necessary.

"The s-space," her voice had the choppy consistency of pebbles, "Not… enough… No exit".

She licked the dribble of blood from the bottom of her bottom lip.  The metallic tang seemed to ground her in the moment; and then in the next it was a violent spasm. But for one moment more, she held.

Huddled as miserable as he was, it was hard to deny the savage power of nature.  What else could make a werewolf look as powerful as a shivering Chihuahua ?  The thunder of rain drowned out almost all other sound, the thick streams of muddy water tracked down the slope with tree trunks,  and titans older than even the Reknab Bend crashed and roared to the ground. And Toby wanted to go out in that.  He looked dubiously to his side, trying to comprehend what bravery had just taken over the meek omega.  

"Yeah, I heard it…" his shuddered, thinking about just how much worse off they could be right now… how much worse off they were going to be, "But I uh.. Toby… yeah, just a little rain… just a little rain.."

His voice died to a small whine. If Toby was going to leave, then there’d be no point in staying.  Mournfully wishing his grove of trees survival in one final glance from his emerald eyes, he started off in a likely direction.  As though in good omen, he thought he caught a soft song on the wind.

Bianca studied her Alpha. Her eyes and mind were keen to the unrest of his soul, and feeling immediately reflective of his own concerns, she nodded and replied simply, "I understand."

Observing what she may in the darkness, she took note of the white mark on Kratos' chest before she walked towards him again, already missing the warmth of his figure. But as she approached, she looked beyond him, at the tree, her brow knit. A small smile appeared on her muzzle when she turned her gaze again on the Alpha, her head tilted up.

"It's all right," she added, touching a hand to his forearm, "I understand."

Why had she said it a second time? Even she wondered at it. Nevertheless, her mind quickly wandered not to what could not be done, but to what could be done. And right now, that might only be keeping her own mind off the cold and sorrows the night had brought.

"Kratos," she began, "Please t-tell me something about this pack."


Logan's eyes opened again. A strange voice could be heard, not a harsh voice, but a soft, mystifying voice. At first, Logan wondered if death might be close, singing to her a lullaby. But death, she argued, would bring with it some relief. And still her lungs ached. No-the reality was far more welcome, albeit haunting.

She exhaled deeply, as deeply as she might, until the mud bubbled up around her nose and mouth and for a moment she was not smothered. However she could not fill her lungs to cry out before the mud had already formed again around her face. She attempted again to move her arms to no avail; one was uselessly wrenched out of it's socket. The other, she concluded, was pinned beneath her own torso.

Again she tried to exhale deeply and call out! Perhaps it came out as nothing but a mere sputter before the earth came back to suffocate her, and the efforts, perhaps in vain, left her more breathless than before..

Why did you run? Who were you running from? Where were you going?

... "Oh, where is the moon?"

What are you saying, oh Voice in the Night? Do you not feel it as Blind Eyes does? She hears your voice, and feels the loose ground beneath her shaking legs. They take her forward- they are strong, stronger than they look.

"Shadows are coming."

For some, is there such a thing as light? Not here, not her, no... this one lives in the darkess, and is a stranger to the light. But you, you sing as if afraid. You must only be aware of your senses to understand. She would tell you that.

"Monsters are coming."

Let them come. She's coming now, too. Is she a monster? Sometimes, sometimes she might think so.

"The tempest is raging,"

Always raging. When is the tempest quiet? When does a tempest not rage? That is it's nature, is it not? Run faster, Blind Eyes, soon the voice will stop, and you will be sightless again.

"Like the feelings in me."

Who sung these words? Did they understand? There would be no knowing-none unless you met him, the Voice in the Night. Faster, faster-but mind the hills, the hills are not kind tonight. The earth is sullen and weary, but you-you do not seem to mind so much.

And then, silence. You can hear your boots in the mud, that thick sound as it tries to suck you in. Forward still... but, you see it now, the place from where the song came. You see it, as you do, and feel it's presence. Tangible, reachable... move wisely, Blind Eyes.

Morbid as Logan’s fate looked, amidst the wreckage hid an answer to her silent plead.

Keen eyes scanned over the broken terrain, as a keen ear listens to the song riding the winds. Carefully, she navigated through the loose mud and overturned plants, forcing herself to stay calm as she searched.

Through she’d claim no personal attachment to the young lady she sought, anxiousness overtook her. She feared she’d only find an empty husk of the ‘pup’ she had closely been observing the last few months.

And as if nature had heard her prayer, her focused turned sharply to a bit of texture poking through the mud, cloth of some sort.

As fast as she could without misstepping, she made her way over. Crouching, she gently pushed away some mud, a sigh of relief sounded as she felt a chilled, but still breathing body.

“Do not be afraid, I’m going to help you.” She said softly, twitching her ear back to where she heard the boy’s song, she noted him in case the lonely troublemaker would make his way over.

Again her eyes searched, stopping on what she considered a suitable branch. Quickly, she stumbled towards it, catching herself as she took a deep breath, easy does it..

Propping it under the fallen tree, she positioned herself, and repositioned herself, trying to get a grip on the slippery mud.

“I’m going to lift the tree on the count of three.” She gave Logan warning, as she prepared herself.

“One, two, three.” Pushing up, she felt the strain of the tree as it creaked, her muscles protested as her feet barely kept their footing! Finally, the tree relieve Logan of it’s pressure.

The scariest thing is what no one sees, for no one can see it. Where the long boughs bend over the north-side the song falls suddenly silent. Eerie black cliff faces, draining wet in darkness somber, stare down. Moreover the sky is black, the mud is black, and the shadows are black wherein an almost unnoticeable glint vanish in a flash.

He knows you are here, Blind Eyes. He is watching you. Unnatural keenness lends itself to his ears. He can hear your heart beating. The organ which thrums within your chest sends blood to your face and fingertips. He senses it with the unbroken yearning of a babe for mother's milk. His hunger is everlasting. Beware, Blind Eyes. His mind is not his own.


Kratos lifted his ears toward the peak as Timothy's song fell short.

"There is nothing to tell." He said, and he did not elaborate.

Then he turned on his heel, as it were, though he moved on all fours. His eyes stared down the mountain and his tongue hung out of the forward part of his maw. The air grew clear under his nose. Then he cast a cloud out of his mouth and growled deeply.

"Come." He said hastily, and despite the treacherous terrain he descended rapidly.


It took Ulric only a mere moment to comprehend Jackie's distress, then with irrational optimism he snatched at a bit of hope for her.
"No, Jackie!" Ulric said, shuffling forward. "We felt the wind - there's another opening!"

None of Ulric's attempts to reason with Jackie's wolf ever succeeded before. Now, time was so limited. Could Jackie be convinced before her strength gave out to the nature of the creature? Surely not. Fears are not overcome so quickly. Ulric's only effort was to ease the last thought on Jackie's intellectual mind.

The moment the tree was picked up off Logan, she lifted her head up and was able to get her arm underneath her and pull her body out from what was nearly her grave.

Earth and water sputtered from her maw with every heavy cough, and she found the closest upright object to rest her body against. There she remained until the air filled her lungs freely. She took in what she may in the meanwhile, regarding her surroundings-reasoning being lost to her for the moment. At first her mind told her by the pain in her shoulder that it was the night she was attacked. She shook her head. It then wandered to the hunters-were they being hunted again? She couldn't remember.

Slumping with her back against the pine tree-stripped of it's branches along the bottom half-she lifted her head slightly to the other werewolf. Timothy-where was Timothy?

"You... are not Timothy.." she remarked between breaths. ".... Are you bleeding?" she asked, suddenly recalling the heavy scent of blood while she had tried to find Timothy's trail. Maybe it was this stranger, she reasoned. Now she tried to breathe herself, to catch the scent of the stranger in her mouth, and could only taste metal.

"No... I do not... re-cog-nize you.. you must go.. he will not like you here..." she furrowed her brow and stepped forward towards the stranger, suddenly feeling such a pain as to make her shudder. Grabbing her shoulder, she lifted her head. "Wait, actually, do not run.."

"He will take chase." her eyes drifted slowly, to nowhere in particular, a glazed look over them still.


Bianca lifted her brow at Kratos' command. There would be not a moment of ease in this night, that was apparent, but to see the Alpha so quickly make up his mind on matters unknown to her gave her cause for alarm. All she could do was follow.

Jackie said nothing in reply beyond a soft grunt of acknowledgement.  Her shaking palms reached out to touch the wet mud beneath her fingertips, gradually moving around herself so as to ascertain the terrain directly around her. Her eyes were shut and her breathing thinly measured.  In this level of darkness, it was difficult for even her eyes to determine much regardless, yet it was done moreso for the illusion of some kind of control. 

Yet there was no control here, was there?  Her skin felt something akin to the thin latex of a swelling water balloon. For now, contained, subdued, yet she could do nothing about the water.  It would break loose. Soon. And it would not be happy to be so contained and so denied.

"Ulric…. MOVE," the last syllable fell to a growl, and the water rushed in.

Ulric could do as much as he was told. He got out of the way quickly. What happened after that was a pitiful guess. He could see nothing. Scent was useless in the proximity. His ears were all he had to guess with; and listening to sounds bouncing back from the stone communicated an enclosed vicinity. There was a way up, and there was a way down, but there was no opportunity to turn either left or right.


Kratos slid quite often on his descent. Though tree roots offered a slight foothold, and the flattened vegetation gave some texture to the otherwise sleek mountainside, nothing could be adequately relied on as a support. Yet he continued to pass down among the woody trunks unflinching.

A mountain is not a town. There are no streetlights to illuminate the path. There are no paved sidewalks. There are no people, no warm houses, no smell of late dinners. When the world is dark in the wilderness it is truly dark. Above a town the clouds might reflect some light, but on a mountain they are black as coal. In a town, if one walks the street on a stormy night, there is hope of some house or obscure shelter in which to take refuge. On a mountain, one feels the distance of a mile like standing naked in a mall. There is no shelter and no human comfort.

Though Kratos moved down the mountain on rigid slopes, he always appeared to move in a steadfast direction. If an opportunity to climb was presented, he took it. If the ground was too steep or perilous to descend, he wound his way carefully around it. Yet to descend more rapidly than caution permitted was a risk he was unwilling to take. At any moment he seemed prepared to stop and survey the ground, lest by any means the ground should be found unsteady or drop away completely in the dark.

Presently, Kratos came on one such moment and stood still before the great rushing water.  The river had risen exceedingly. A few short hours ago Bianca and the other women had refreshed here, but now it was an impassable ford.  Water was tumbling down from the height and ever quickening as it joined the riverbed. Streams were feeding it, and trees were being carried away. Kratos knew there would be no crossing it.

For a short time Kratos watched the rapidity of the rising river. Then at length, he turned away and began to backtrack. Climbing the slope was a far harder feat than descending it, however, and progress could only be made slowly.

Are you afraid? You should be. Yet there you stand, ever faithful to your fearlessness. Nothing can sway you, except the shadows that stir within. Even then, you do not think of it as most do-it is more like a crawling feeling, that makes your voice rise up and your hands curl tightly, is it not?

Right now-do what you will. You know he is not gone. Your mind recalls a time when there were many like him-savage and hungry, cunning and quick, and you were like a doe caught in their maw. A doe you are no longer.

You hear him. He might be quick, but you are quicker still...


"Kratos," Bianca panted, her limbs wanting to give out and melt into the earth below them. Her speed and endurance had increased over the months-but her strength was but an ember of kindling in the roaring furnace that was Kratos' own. Through the thick of the mud and water, the elements having long penetrated every layer of fur and prickling her very bones, up and down and up hill again-Bianca could not handle much more.

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