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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Kaleb ran with his arm over is head, feebly trying to keep the rain from puring onto his face. Darn, it's getting harder. Kaleb's lungs were on fire, and his legs weren't feeling much better. He saw one of the wolves go up towards the big black one, and instantly knew they knew he was there. Oh, that's just great, he sneered,now I may die because of a: the cold and rain, b: falling off of this mountain, or c: getting eaten by wolves. Then they headed through a patch of bramble, cutting a path easily. Kaleb began to follow them, but thrown aside brambles kept getting attached to his clothing. He saw a rock, and decided to stop. I'll catch up with them later He decided, finally with some sense. Once he sat down, he cried out. I forgot to walk out my joints! He stretched them, tears bubbling and him making small screams of pain. Finally, the pain ebbed, as well as the pain in his lungs too. But now he was alone, scared, cold, and wondering what would happen now.


Creorran ran harder, relishing the feeling of being able to fully stretch out his muscles. As the rain beat down on his back and the clouds overhead grew darker, the young werewolf bounded on, but soon began to struggle to keep up. "Gosh, can't they slow down?" He muttered under his breath, which was becoming visible in the cold air. He stopped briefly when he saw a wolf go crashing over another. He couldn't make out who they were, but he knew something was wrong. As he focused on them, Creorran could make out that the wolf who had leaped over the other was a young male, perhaps Timothy.

Is that what we're doing, Creorran thought, going after a rogue packmate? Nevertheless, Creorran followed the other werewolves on the chase.

As he drew in a deep breath, he noticed that the human's scent had faded. Hoping that the boy had had enough sense to get away from a deadly pack of werewolves, Creorran pushed the thought of the human away and focused on the hunt.


Timothy was heading up the mountain in pursuit of Sabrina, when suddenly he stopped.

His turquoise eyes pierced down at the other werewolves below him, a fading scent of weaker prey drawing his mind from it's original focus.

In a heart beat he had suddenly left the path and darted into the foliage going down the mountain, moving like a bullet through the bushes and into shadow!


Kratos stopped in his tracks as he saw the younger werewolf dart out of the clearing. He could not understand Timothy's sudden change in motive, the werewolf's natural instincts were to kill the nearest living object.. So where was he going?

Then it struck him like ice in a hot tub of water! Timothy's werewolf was somehow using human intelligence, trying to calculate the easiest way to kill everything with as little energy as possible.. Thus he was searching for the easier prey first and the challenges later.. Which meant he was going after the human boy!

"Get down the mountain now! Find the human before Timothy does!" Kratos shouted urgently!

The Alpha turned quickly and began racing back to the last place he had smelled the human boy! If Timothy got there first, the human would be killed without a second thought.


The moon hovered like a ghost in a velvety black ink, laughing as she watched her children. Hollow howls broke through the night wind; their eerie tune quivering in the air for a few moments before it was gobbled up by the passing winds. The leaves from forest cantered forward as if with purpose. Tree branches rattled against the night wind. And then another howl confessed its devotion to the moon before it once more died in the breeze. Trained eyes swept across the scene with a sense of disapproval, then refocused attention back to the road.

“On route and arriving shortly, over”.

With dignity that belonged more to a ruler than a worker, a rather proud looking woman named Jaqueline Ryder sat impatiently in the animal control truck. She sighed, and released the button on the short-wave radio, allowing the static to cease. The road would flicker ahead as her head-lights lit it up. Some way to spend a night. She sighed again, this time more heavily, showing her great impatience and annoyance. Several cynical thoughts about the situation crossed her mind, then she fidgeted in her seat and pressed harder on the gas pedal.

There hadn’t been much of a choice. A job was a job and unless you wanted to get fired, you had to do a job. Unfortunately, this had included the night-shift in “investigating”. Jackie yawned, brushing loose hair from her face. That is, if she didn’t fall asleep on the road and drive off a bridge first. At last, the farm-house approached into view and Jackie cut the engines; the low rumble sputtering and then fell to silence. She opened the car door.

Already she could tell canines were nearby. The odor surrounded her, was suffocating her. Her eyes began to get bleary as the seized with tears. She tried to lift a finger to brush it away, but was stopped. Her throat constricted and convulsed and she coughed hard against it. Her hands quivered as they fumbled for the duffle bag at her side and parted the zipper. She kneeled down and coughed harder, reaching shakily as she searched the bag. Then at last she came out victorious and clutched a needle filled with an icy-blue substance. With little constraint, she shoved the needle in her left arm and pushed down.

Jackie blinked as the tears began to clear away. Her throat relaxed and she breathed in deeply the fresh dog-infested air. She stood there for a moment, chastising her own stupidity. In her line of work, forgetting was synonymous with dying. Unfortunately today, dying hadn’t been that far away and it wasn’t getting any farther.

Moments of weakness were forgotten as she strode forward. With an air of purpose, and armed with a tranquilizer gun, she walked directly into the forest. Jackie could hear in the distance as howls called out Now or never now or never… she told the wolves silently, demanding for them to reveal themselves.


A low growl rumbled in Theo’s chest. He turned his head away from the pack this time as something else came. Human scent. Getting closer. He darted closer towards the human scent. The hungering scent. There the human was, off over there, through the bushes! He edged closer, keeping in perfect hunter’s crouch. The human would not see him, not with those pathetic human eyes anyways. The human was almost his… almost there.

“What the -?” something invisible clicked with silent efficiency and timing.

What was going on? Why was there a human there? What happened to the snooty alpha? Where was he? In fact, what the hell was he doing? If the human was any sign, something not-so-good. The alpha would be mad at him for damaging his stock. He could almost imagine Kratos there, sneering and antagonizing him, daring for him to do something stupid and mess up just so he could sneer at him again when he did it. Frustration was beginning to bubble up. He was always the failure always the problem- he never knew left from right or up from down. Frustration began to blossom to hostility as he refocused his attention. He paced forward.

He didn’t know what he was doing now. It didn’t matter. Whatever it was, the wolf was happy, the human was happy. Both parts of him had something to do, something they shared. He snarled. The human turned with an air of surprise, but at the same time, an air of calmness. He growled again. The human should be running.

“Last time wolfy,” the human sneered, then aimed the dart gun at his pelt.

That was a bad move on the human’s part. Instead of frightening or even intimidating him, it caused but more anger. He’d been beaten once by a human’s tool. He would not allow the human to beat him again. He would win this round. Time seemed to agree with Theo, and slowed.

Muscles burned as they gathered together at his hind legs. His eyes refocused on the target. The human made a motion, she was about to pull. Intense focus rippled through his brain, calculating and estimating speeds of which he would reach the human and the human would reach him. They were good odds. The human would lose. Then Snap! Leaves and twigs sprang up beneath his feet. Something fell hard underneath his paws.

The action didn’t seem to matter. Nothing seemed real. All there was victory. The human did not beat him. He was not beaten. He wasn’t a failure… But looking down, he knew he was just that. All there was left to feel now was the cold sinking feeling of horror as it closed its icy grip over him.


As Kieoki completed her latest arc around the young Were, she was surprised to see him dart sideways and off back down the hill, making her stop short. Confused, her ears twitched as she heard the large Were infront of her shout to various others, saying about a human. There was a human near? Kieoki scented the air, mentally cursing herself for not scenting the human sooner. This could be bad. It was more than common that she'd be traveling past another pack's territory and a human had been killed by some young Were. It always ended the same way. She was blamed for killing the human, because she was a loner, and had to fight her way out of there.

But not tonight.

There wasn't a shot in the world that would have her fighting her way out of a territory again. She wouldn't stand that injustice again. Even thinking about it made her snarl. A second later, the large Were who had shouted raced off in the direction the scent of human was coming from. Narrowing her eyes, Kieoki suddenly shot off from her crescent pacing, darting down the hill and towards the scent of the human. Being smaller, she could run slightly faster than the larger Weres, able to dart between trees a tad bit easier. The young Were shouldn't be far behind her but with the scent of human growing stronger, she had to slow down her pace so she wouldn't overshoot the human. A boy it smelled like. She could see him now, sitting down upon something. Alone. Was he that stupid? Maybe he couldn't smell the tension in the air like she could. It didn't matter. It was only a few more seconds until she was infront of the boy, her fur bristling as she looked around for the young Were. The young Were was sure to be appearing soon.


Kale snarled at the alpha's order. not at her alpha of course, but the nessesity of the order itself.

stupid moronic human! 'oh yeah, lets just follow this pack of werewolves, might be fun. oh they could eat me? hmm...lets do it anyway!'

Kale threw herself threw the trees after timothy, the air was turning cold, searing her lungs with each quickened breath.

"Timothy! i swear! when we fix you up i'm trapping you in a room and playing ' you are my sunshine' until it drives you mad!" her voice wasn't very loud, but with a werewolfs hearing she knew timothy could hear what she said, wether he understood it at the moment or not.

Kale scrambled a few feet to her left and up a slanted rock, launching herself off of it and landing a few feet behind timothy, gaining ground between them.

Hour Glass:

Zeit's head turned as Timothy took off, and within a split second, she was closing in on his heels. The scent of human hung around, and the moonlight draped across her pelt, and she became a great tigress hunting in her forest. Every pawstep she took fell where it needed too, her paws knowing where to hit the ground before she even thought ahead. If there was one thing, this was once jus her territory, and she had gone everywhere she could to make sure she had an advantage when she fought here.

She picked up more and more speed, becoming a blur in the darkness as she closed in on Tim. She swiftly leaped through the air, sailing right over his back, grabbing his scruff, pulling them both to the ground. She rolled over and was up in an instant, already planning her next move. She kept the human to her back, she hadn't been able to stop the kid any sooner, or else she would have tried to keep this fight away from the stupid human.

She chuckled slightly, the human had come to get a glimpse of the wolves, now he would get more then he barginned for. She barred her teeth at Timothy, taking a sturdy stance, raising her tail and head to show her dominace. The human would now see a fight between wolves, and learn that he should have never come to this place. She let out a rumbling growl, "Stay back kid" she growled to him, "I don't wanna have to fight ya to protect the human."


Hawkthorne's paw was twitching as he dreamed of chasing prey through the forest, when he woke with a start. He raised his head, a scent was drifting to his nose, and not one he wanted. There was an unfamiliar scent, telling him a werewolf had come, and by the smell of oil suggested by car. He growled softly, moving out of the house through an open window, catching a glimpse at the female. She carried a gun, but he smelled no metal, so he guessed she carried Tranqs, something to knock the werewolves off their paws. He growled again, looked like he was going to have to deal with the female before th pack got back.


Kaleb napped quietly in the light of the moon that shone brightly unto his eyelids. He stirred little, laying there silently. Then he had a horrifying dream that a young wolf had attacked and nearly killed him, in this clearing! He sat up with a start, his forehead had broken out in a cold sweat. He took long, deep breaths to calm himself.

It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream His heart, only moments ago beating a high stacatto, now made a slow lub-dup, lub-dup in his chest. He sighed, blowing out a low whistle. He stared up at the moon after sitting up against the rock. It glittered like a black stone in a clear river on a sunny day. The stars were it's little minions to help aid in lighting the dark. Now I wish I had brought my camera. He thought.

Suddenly, he heard a loud howl, and leaves being crunched underneath paws. Kaleb's eyes dialated to the size of saucers. A young wolf with teal eyes leapt out into the clearing in front of him. He could see it staring at him intently. Kaleb could also see every muscle in the wolf's body tightly strung. He slowly backed up a few steps. Then a terrifying thought struck him. That's the wolf form my dream!!!! He heard more leaves crunching, and saw a she-wolf jump into the clearing, landing perfectly on the young wolf's back. She grabbed his scruff and yanked him to the ground, growling. He saw her turn towards him and give a wolf sound that he couldn't understand, but he thought it meant something like Stay back! or You got your wish? Then more wolves ran into the clearing. He saw the big black "guard dog" leading the others.

He spoke, shakily, but also steadily,"Why did you lie to me?!?" 


She looked cold, like ice like death. Theo stepped back from Jaqueline, slowly and stiffly as if in a dream. Logically he knew she was still alive. Her heart kept beating and her lungs still shallowly gulped down air. But in the night, when it was nothing but cold, she did not have long. Even if the cold didn't kill her, some other creature, werewolf or not, may do her in.

Maybe I should tell someone...?

That thought was cut short as he spotted something else he hadn't seen before. Her arm was bent an odd angle- it must be broken. But that was not the least of which caught him off guard. Something long and jagged had gouged and serrated into the skin at multiple points. She was bleeding. Her arm lay mangled beside her, like an old chew-toy that had long since been retired from use. And with sudden clarity, Theo knew exactly what had happened and what must be done. If he wanted his furry hide not to be stretched and hung up on the barn, there was but one option. Run.

Undergrowth and dead leaves scattered underneath as paws for a moment, then settled back down as his massive paws passed over them and pushed forward. For a moment Theo found great relief as every problem he'd managed to create that day was left in the woods. That is, until he ran straight into HawkThorne.



Alpha Kratos was thankful that his pack mates were a great deal faster then himself... Speed was not his strong point.

He reached the area shortly after Zeit had downed Timothy and he noted with dread that they were practically on top of the human boy.

Being that close to a Werewolf brawl was dangerous for any human being, let alone a rather small one.

The Alpha leapt over the boulder, landing a foot away from Kaleb and turned his head toward the fight, thus barring the human away from the fight with his massive black body.

Just then he caught the scent of not just one stranger, but two! One was obviously werewolf, the other scent seemed human, but it was too far away and the rain made short work of it!

Just then, the Alpha caught a glimpse of the intruding female through the heavy rain and bushes.

"Blast it!" He growled.


"Fool! Wolves will only chase a running target. I am not running-!"

Just then Zeit's jaws locked with the back of his neck and jerked him to the ground! Of course he was up in a moment, but that wasn't the problem; now three high ranked werewolves barred his way to the weaker creature and another werewolf was behind him.

His eyes locked with Zeit's as he challenged her show of authority.

"Everywhere, everywhere! They do not run, they do not fight, what are they doing?!" The young werewolf growled and his hackles raised!

Rage and frustration seemed overwhelming within him and he became more likely to act irrationally. Then, familiar human words entered his mind from the darkness....

It would have been likely that the werewolf would have ignored it, had some part of him not been soothed and calmed by it.

"Brother, to my brother.. Friend, to my friend. Sight and breath do hold me still, my heart listens and holds me to my will..." These words came through Timothy's clenched teeth as he carefully recited each word to himself.. Indeed his mind became less clouded and it became easier for him to focus on tactics to overcome his "enemy."

"What is this? Shouldn't it have a tune with it, at least, it seems so..."

"A gentle face, a comforting place.." Timothy continued, the wolf wanted it so that it could think and concentrate.. But the purpose of the words were unlike his desires.. He could fix that.

Searching the darkness of his mind for something else he could use, he finally saw it and silenced his heart's feeling of peace!

His blood felt hot then his body went cold. Fear was his power, fear was his control, and the way to make his peaceful mind fear was to show it the only other face it could ever remember...

Timothy began to growl harder and his paws dug into the earth!

"Kill it, make it cold and still! JUST MAKE IT GO AWAY!"

Then the young werewolf lept at Zeit's throat! His black and grey-striped body clashed with her tiger striped figure and the two barreled to the ground! The young werewolf was trying with all it's might to kill the female werewolf!

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