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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Power. That's all the shiny white orb was. Power power power. The slumbered form woke up with these thoughts in his head. Night had already fallen and the moon was out. And with it, came power. Already Theo felt rejuvenated. The ghostly figure in the sky fought the slumber with instinct. The wolf clicked in easily. But while the moon awoke primal matters, Theo remained groggy as ever- his conscious pinned against both the anesthetics from the darts and the wolf.

The wolf stood up, shaking loose dust everywhere. His nostrils flared with scents. Wolf scents. Human scents. Forest scents. The world was a whirl-wind of scents. Wolf scents caught his attention first. The pack. Enemy? Ally? His simple mind fumbled of what to do.

Challenge. Fight, human words filled his head.

But their meaning remained the same. The wolf's green eyes widened at the thought of fighting. Already he could scent the metallic taste of blood. Taste it now too. He snorted, gathered his strength, and then bound quickly into the forest. With a loud howl, he alerted the entire forest of his presence.


What was going on here? As Kieoki had kept padding along, a few more howls had rung out into the night, shattering the natural silence. She wondered faintly if there was a pack nearby, but it was out of her mind as she came within seeing range of the Were that she's been following. A drop of rain hit her nose, causing her to sneeze before she realized that more drops were falling, the rain growing heavier with each passing minute. Just great. It was also to her surprise that another Were was with the one she'd been tailing, and the male lunged at her before she jumped out of the way-just barely-and taunted him by dashing up the mountain a bit.


Curious now, Kieoki froze as another howl rent the night's air before she pressed closer, her ears flat against her head as she closed the distance between her and the pair infront of her. But she wasn't about to barge in on whatever they were fighting about. No, she was circling in a semi-circle around them, her path creating a crescent in the ground. Back and forth her padded now in that crescent, her eyes on the Weres as the rain came down, soaking her and making her tone it out, forgetting that there were others in the forest as well.

Hour Glass:

Zeit nodded her head, "She looked over her shoulder, 'Those that are swift, follow me!" she called back. She then smoothly split away from Kratos' group, and picked up her speed. She lengthened her stride, and took off, each paw striking the ground as if she already knew where to go. She ignored all the wind and rain, and headed up to the higher parts of the mountains, covering miles in minutes. She never slowed, even if her paws hit rock or mud. The scents of her pack stayed in her nose s she reached the peaks. She turned down the mountain, leaping over a fallen log, landing gently on the ground, right in front of Sabrina.

She stayed tot he side f Sabrina, letting her race by her, and she stared down Timothy. She felt the wolves that followed her fall into line behind her, creating a barrier. "Well now, it seems we have found what we have been looking for" she said in a deep voice, holding her head high. Her alpha would arrive soon, and notice the gleam in the kid's eyes, if was as if his wolf truly had overtaken him, there was no bond between them. She kept her eyes trained on the kid, a small growl leaping from her throat. She prepared for an attack, ready to move if Timothy didn't stop. She wouldn't harm him, merely stop him in his tracks.


Kaleb had to slow down now, he couldn't sprint anymore, especially since he wasn't a wolf, and the pack had started uphill. The mud gathered on his shoes, and he could only trudge through it slowly. He stopped at the top of one of the peaks, and saw one half of the pack going faster toward an unknown destination. "Sam" or whatever his name was led the other half toward the mountain range and the forest. Kaleb knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with the faster half, so he went behind the other half of the pack. Earlier, he had heard two of them howl to each other, and at that point, he knew they knew he was there.

As soon as he had caught his breath, Kaleb followed after the wolves, luckily, he could still see parts of their trackes left in the mud. When he could hear them, he sprinted, making sure he could keep up this time.


Creorran loped after his Alpha on all fours, for he found it faster and easier. I wonder who we'll be going after, he thought with a smirk. As he was running, he thought that he smelled something... odd.

Pausing to scent the air, Creorran caught a strong smell on the breeze. After a moment, he recognized something he had not before. Not only was the scent that of a human, but it was one he knew. The one from earlier that very day. The intruder! Creorran snarled to himself. That human would not get past Creorran easily.


Kale looked from Zeits group to Kratos's, trying to decide which to follow when she caught the scent in her nose. Human.

her inner wolf pushed into her mind, urging her to hunt, urging her to kill. to taste blood. to shred.

she could smell his sweat, making his scent stronger. she growled at the thought of the idiot following them.

he better have a death wish! cas it's about to come true! Kale snarled in her head, trying to push her inner wolf back out of the forefront of her mind.

Kale sped around the slower group to run next to her alpha.

"Kratos, the human scent is getting stronger, i'm not the only one to notice it. shall i take care of him?"

even as Kale asked, she hoped her intentions were right, most of her human half wanted to race ahead and help Timothy, and most of her wolf half wanted to go hunt a human.


Timothy was quick to take up Sabrina's challenge. He charged up the mountain after her with only one intention..

Had his mind been any less determined, Timothy's fear surely would have had him give heed to the scent of other werewolves. As it was, he payed no mind until they had barred his way.

The young werewolf came to a steady stop, standing before Zeit as if he could not see that he was out-numbered.

More.. More to seek, more to destroy. Why do they stand here? Do they want to try to take my life, if so, why do they not move..

"They stand here with it.. I want it gone, I don't like it and I desire to devour it. Make it still and cold.." The boy whispered as he glared up into Zeit's eyes.

Why do I bother to speak, words are useless.

Then Timothy's head struck downward into a bush, and he withdrew a mouse which he had killed in an instant! He released his grip on the body of the small creature, allowing it to slip from his jaws and fall to the ground before him.

"Die!" The grey-striped werewolf cried out! Then he darted up a tree trunk, thrust himself from it, and shot over Zeit's head!

He landed in the midst of the other werewolves, snapping his deadly jaws at their legs and necks until he had seperated Zeit from among them! Then he sought distance from their attacks and raced higher up the mountain.


Kratos pressed forward through the dense bramble easily, cutting a path for others to follow.

When Kale caught up beside him, asking if shhe should go back, he heard the frustration in her voice and declined.

"No, you cannot risk it on a night like tonight." The Alpha said firmly. "We'll have to hope that he looses his way, or gains some sense."

Then Kratos quickened his pace and bounded over the boulder in his path, trying diverse menuvers to shake the human off their trail before it was too late.

The Alpha and his followers arrived at their destination moments after Zeit and her half of the group, but came from the lower ridges.

Kratos quickly calculated the situation and took note of everyone's positions. Just as Timothy lunged over Zeit's head, Kratos' massive form stepped out from the shadow of the trees.. Not yet noticing the presence of a stranger...


Sabrina paused when she heard the noise behind. The pack had caught up already? She glanced over her shoulder and saw Ziet and the others. Under her breath she cursed her luck. Why Ziet, of all wolves? She'd already had a nasty run in with Timothy. His wolf would not remember that, but Sabrina figured that Ziet did.... not good.

She calculated the situation quickly. There was not much time to communicate with the others of the pack. She had tried to avoid them, and now that had failed. What next?

....The Alpha? Of course he would be here too. Sabrina could smell him, though she couldn't see him yet---Timothy at that moment leapt (or thrashed if you'd rather) over Ziet and scrambled through the barricade, his original prey apparently not forgotten. Curses upon curses. She shrieked an animal-like resentment and fled further up the mountain.

If we fight him gently, he'll tear us to pieces. If we fight in an attempt to subdue him, the lot of us could tear him to pieces, Sabrina thought. "Try to tire him out!" she cried over her shoulder. There wasn't much time to talk as it was though...and commanding the pack was not her place, it was the Alpha's! Again her confidence in the young Alpha whom had prior to a few months ago not even been a part of a pack himself faltered....but she had no time to dwell on this, as life and limb required she keep all of her senses on Timothy.


Kale nodded, slightly relieved at the alpha's order, she wasn't sure if she could trust herself to take care of the human without harming him.

she kept her stride until they came upon the other group and saw Timothy leap out of a tree and right over Zeit. at that point she raced ahead of her alpha and leapt after timothy, nodding to Zeit as she came along side her.

"Timothy!" she called. her paws slid slightly in the mud as she ran, slowing her down some and irritating her a lot.

she still remembered the day they found him. he needed their help, even for a werewolf his situation had been bad, after his time with Gathen. she had helped him then and she wasn't going to stop now.


Werewolves were crashing in the forest around her, making her feel threatened in their presence. Snarling to herself, Kieoki told a strong hold upon her Were and watched as the one Were jumped over another and shot up the mountain. Others seemed to be following and she was too, curious. Her arc didn't falter though as she followed the crazed Were as what she thought were his packmates followed him. They didn't notice her, thank the storm for that, and so she paid no heed to them. She followed any anonymity out of curiosity, and tonight was no different. Or so she thought.

To avoid the other Weres, Kieoki was to faintly tighten her arc but it didn't bother her much. She was used to running fast and keeping up with the Were that was running wasn't very hard. Rain still beat down upon her pelt, giving her paws more of a chance to slip, but she didn't think about this fact. She kept her mind on her chase. On her own goal.

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