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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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The young werewolf took a deep breath, smelling and tasting the world around him. Oh how wonderful this moment was!

Life was everywhere, he could see it, smell it, hear it, and taste it.. He would enjoy causing it to cease, to become still and cold.

Timothy fumbled forward, his paws felt weak and his mouth hung open, as if it was hard to breathe otherwise.

Saliva streamed down his chin and fell from the fur on his neck to the moist soil below. Timothy stared hard at Sabrina, as if the wildness behind his eyes were actually calculating the situation.. Then a low growl rumbled within his chest and his head went low.

The young Werewolf's turqoise eyes met with the glinting yellow eyes of the white wolf. Who was it, and why was he thinking so hard about this? Why should it matter.. It doesn't.

"It has what I want.. I want the warmth to go away. I feel the radience of it.. It's all around me, and I want it to go away!" Timothy's smooth voice whispered from the mouth of the wolf. But how could he speak in such a state? When one cannot control their werewolf ability it is impossible to tap into the Human knowledge of speech.

His legs trembled again, was he ill? He felt as if something inside him had attacked him... Why was he thinking about this? No, this was not nessesary, the Werewolf knew what it wanted and exactly how to get it. Come now, let's make it cold and still so we can escape these feelings... Fear... Anger... Pain- yes pain! It hurt, his tail, his paws, and even his neck. Argh! Why was he remembering this pain and why does it still hurt... he shouldn't have been able to remember, yet he did.. Fear trembled into his heart again at the memory of a horrid grey face and a scarred yellow eye!

Timothy stood up on his hind legs and stretched his head towards the dark sky, then he howled with all his might! His voice was beautiful and was brought above the trees in the purest tone of song. But it wasn't a pleasent melody, it's expression was the emotions of the Wolf's desire were mixed with Timothy's inner confusion and fear.


Kratos' ears focused forward and his head raised when he heard Timothy's howl echo into the valley.

"Come along then. We haven't much time." Kratos said firmly. Then he took off across Zeit's fields toward the mountain, moving like water through a shadow.


Well, this is going to be different, Sabrina thought after Timothy had spoken. Fighting him...that was going to be useless - not because she could not overpower him, but because it would only aggravate the situation. His wolf mind lusted for battle, for killing - if she was going to waken his human conciousness she would have to do so delicately. ...He...he was speaking, human-speak. Was this a good thing, or a bad thing? Of all the werewolf children* she had ever faced, none had ever really spoken - nothing that was intelligent, anyway.

It has what I want...I want the warmth to go away - in other words, his wolf wanted her, and everything else that was alive around him, very, very dead. Crabapples.

Then he howled. His song was enchanting, if not chilling... Where is the Alpha? Why did the other not respond to my call? Sabrina wondered. No matter. How many of them had dealt with a child before? Not likely any, given what she had seen the night they had defeated Gathen.

"Timothy," she breathed in her wolf voice, "Look inside - find you."

She prepared herself for him to lash out, and gathered her emotions. Whatever happened, she could not allow herself to become enraged. His wolf gave off a scent that was intoxicating to her own senses - making her lust for bloodshed as well. Her only chance to succeed with him was to avoid him though - and somehow wake up the human Timothy. ...What...What if Timothy's human awake?


Kaleb had been waiting for them to take off. When they started across the field, he began to run. Sprinting Kaleb could keep up for a bit, but not for too long. Will I be able to keep up? How do they run this fast? Kaleb followed behind the pack, far enough so he might just look like a weird running blur if they turned around.


Kale's head whipped around at the sound of Timothy's howl.

"i hoped too soon...."

Kale took off after Kratos, giving only momentary pause to eye the other wolves. this was no longer a hunt. it was a race against themselves. The origional woves knew how to fight, and how to hold back...the younger and newer ones might not, if any of them got there could be a bloodbath.

Kale remembered the day they found timothy. they had just killed Gathen and had stumbled upon his horrible den...and the child inside it. she remembered humming for hours outside that den, the stench of rot and decay clogging her nose, and the sent of fear and blood from inside the cave. none of it had mattered once they got him out. he was what had mattered. he mattered then, and he definatly mattered now, kale couldn't keep putting him at a distance and out of her mind in indesicion. He was one of the pack. He belonged here, and right now, He needed them. wether he understood that or not.

"please just let us get to him fast enough....." she prayed, her paws whipping ver the ground, carrying her faster.

she didn't even notice that odd feeling.....the feeling that something wasn't right, something in the corner of her eye had been out of place.


The scent of the storm the was coming upon the wind was enticing.


A nose was uplifted in the air, taking in the damp scents of the storm as the wolf's eyes stayed closed. But this wolf wasn't a normal wolf, as deemed by the way it sported white clothes. Her eyes opened then, dark blue fading into the background of the woods as she started moving again through the woods. Her white splotched paws made no sound as she padded onwards, her brown ears pricked for sounds of prey and predators. Everything was hidden away though. Hidden away for the coming storm that would rain down soon. It made her pelt twitch, made her want to get to a town and shift, even though she hated towns. But then again, she always could stake out the closest house and hitch a night there without the owner knowing. Yes, that would work well.

At least that was her plan. Kieoki was starting to scent the air again, going to try and scent out the smell of humans when a chilling howl split through the air. Freezing with one paw in the air, Kieoki tilted her ears forwards, pinpointing how close the howl was in relation to where she was. Less than a mile away. Narrowing her eyes she snorted at herself, slightly angry that she hadn't noticed the Were sooner. But she didn't stay mad long. This coming storm could screw up anyone's senses.

Kieoki paused for another moment before she found herself running forwards to close the gap between herself and the one who'd howled. She was within a few hundred yards when she managed to slow her steps down to a walk, knowing that getting to close could be dangerous. Choosing to stay in her wolf form, Kieoki padded forwards with caution this time, closing the distance between her and Timothy with every step.


Kaleb kept following the pack, getting a bit tired from running. He was panting, and about ready to collapse. He felt odd, like maybe one of the wolves had spotted him.

Hour Glass:

Zeit caught the faint smell of humans, but she stayed on her path. She grumbled something to herself, something about how a boy being stupid enough to follow them. She growled slightly, a faint warning to Kratos about the human, before she raced a bit ahead. She stopped briefly, letting loose a howl of her own, making sure what pack was here was still together, and a n answer to Sabrina and Timothy's howl. She quickly caught up with her pack, the scent of the other Were's fading quickly as the new scent of rain came. She began to feel the first drops of rain, something that would only make the paths she planned to take even slicker then before.

"Kratos, shall I take the faster wolves on ahead or no?" she asked quickly, eyes still ahead. She felt one with the pack for once, they all had one goal in common, and they were all running as one. They all had fallen into step, and they left very few prints on the ground, but it wouldn't matter, the rai would wash it away. She felt the gorund begin to soften a bit as the rain fell harder, and she silently cursed to herself. I would take forever to get the mud off her pelt, not to mention anything else that decided to get stuck to her.


Kaleb winced when the first drops of rain whispered onto his light jacket. Oh crud, this is not good. He was running up behind the pack, still just far enough away not to be seen or scented well. The rain would give him extra protection. Then the drops began to fell harder. He winced as the heavy tear-shaped water fell bigger and stronger.


Kratos' ears flickered back when he heard Zeit's growl to alert him of the human boy.. It wasn't good, the human was putting himself in danger by tailing a pack of Werewolves heading into a brawl.. Nonetheless, there was nothing that could be done if the pack was to get to Timothy and Sabrina in time. Kratos' only hope was that the kid would be slowed down and perhaps be thrown off when the pack entered the forrested areas.

Kratos' heavy paws sped their course forward, leading the pack closer to their destination.

Zeit's elegently long stride took her just forward of Kratos' shoulders and he listened intently as she requested to go forward with the others whom had lithe bodies built for speed and stealth.

"Yes Zeit, get into the high mountains and be weary. I'll lead the others along the lower ledges." Kratos granted, rain drops gathering on his hazy red fur but unable to get past his thick black undercoat.

Then the pack entered the mountain ranges and quickly began navigating their way higher and deeper into the forest.


The eyes of the young Werewolf narrowed, and his broken tail bristled.

Why is it speaking? There's no point in speaking..

Timothy growled and shot forward like an arrow to attack Sabrina! His jaws snapping at her side and his paws trying to lash at her head!

Timothy's footing was precise on the smooth stones and his balance was astonishing! He was able to strike out toward Sabrina like a rabid dog and yet get out of counterattack range with the agility of a cat.


Sabrina sprang only just out of his reach. She'd been fast, but only just fast enough, and some of her white fur had been left behind in the wolf's jaws. She snarled irritably. "Wake up, you idiot!"

She heard Ziet's call in the distance - the others were coming... She felt the need to make a judgement call - They were coming to help... But what could they do? Fighting Timothy would only make him worse, she was sure.

So, she turned and darted up the mountain, close to the trail the bison had disappeared along. She half turned and taunted Timothy with insulting barks and growls, and hoped he'd follow her. Her plan was to tire him out and stay away from him until day light...

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