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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Alex was standing for a while, dozing off. She was waiting for something to do, but there was nothing. She decided to go back to the cottage. She ran back up. She got there just in time to here her alpha say "have to round them up." She then looked at Kratos and said "I am here." She was curious. "Are we doing anything?"

Hour Glass:

Zeit made sure that Hawkthorne had fallen into a deep sleep, he would miss the hunt tonight, but after the tranq's he would be out for awhile, and would be grumpy if she woke him up now. She raced to her own room, changing once again into her wolf clothes. She slid into her wolf form as if it was a part of her, but a modified verison of her. She looked to he open windows, and neatly slunk back outside. She gently shut the shutters behind her, after the attack they had had on her home, witht he rouge werewolf, the shutters still didn't shut right, and there were faint scratches on her walls. Never again would a werewolf enter her home while in wolf form, and looking for a fight.

She leaping off the roof, taking the landing as a cat would, and trotted off to find Kratos. She herself, didn't mind the run and chasing of prey, but she wasn't hungary. During this hunt she would learn to get closer to a group, and get to know everyone better, without them seeing only her grumpy side.

She picked up her pace until she reached the area in which all the wolves were in. The tiger striped female held her head high, and had a wolfish-smile on her muzzle, and her tail gave a slight wag. She didn't overdo it, she wasn't a dog. She looked around cheerfully, sitting down near Kratos, and Kale, the few of the werewolves she actually knew very well.


Kaleb started the truck and drove away from the people. Weirdos, like they had a secret. And that wasn't a normal guard dog. Soon, Kaleb reached the marketplace and stopped the engine. He left the keys under the front right tire like that irritated girl had instructed. Then he quickly walked home.He opened the door, he always left it unlocked, and shuffled inside. "I'm home." Kaleb whisprered quietly to nobody.

His parents were gone again, doing the long, tough work that they had, or so they said. He rarely saw them. Kaleb went down to the basement, the dark room as otherwise known. He developed his pictures there.

Kaleb went to a string of pictures, and carefully removed them. Then he clomped back up the stairs to the main floor. Sitting at a small wooden table, he ate some food. Grumpily, he took the pictures up to his room to put in his album. In the pictures were the wolves, and he gasped at what he saw.

Kaleb's hand trembled as shudders went through him. He had to use his baffled mind to think to breathe. In the picture was the "guard dog" that was at the house. He put it on his desk, and backed up. "How," was all he could say. Then Kaleb sat on his bed, ruflling his hair and pondering. How could this be? Why were they lyin to me? What are they? Ultimately, he settled on a decision. He was going back.


Theo was made of lead. Or at least he felt like it. Every step was a massive amount of effort. Gravity tugged at every hair on his coat. Sleep crept closer. He yawned. Have to keep going... The werewolf squinted to make out the hazy impression of Kratos. Mmm. Wasn't Kratos going too fast? He took another strained step forward and it hit the ground hard. Another step. Thump. Step. Thump. He yawned again.

At last, unable to hold back sleep any longer, he took another step but then collapsed a good ten feet away from the ranch. He was exhausted. He wasn't certain what this pack of though of as fun, but being shot down by Animal Control wasn't on his list. They're going to have to get over their front yard becoming my bed, he thought sleepily. Thoughts blanked and at last Theo succumbed to the depressant from the darts.


Kaleb ran out of the house in a hurry, not bothering to write a note or anything. He locked the door for the first time in years, and threw the key under the flower pot on the front porch. He sprinted towards where he had come from. Soon, though, he had to walk. He wasn't superhuman.

Then he got closer to the ranch. Closer and closer.

Maybe I need to wait, and hide. I'll stay here, they probably can't see me here, but I can see them. Kaleb thought, seeing the ranch close, bue he was far enough away that anyone there wouldn't see him. He sighed. Maybe they'll accept me once they see they can't be rid of me.

He felt a bit angered that they hadn't allowed him to stay earlier. Now, maybe, hopefully, he would be accepted somewhere. I'll find out their secret too. I hope I see Sam again.


Kratos watched passively as the group began to appear one at a time.

The sun settled quickly behind the fields as the wolves gathered in Zeit's yard, and when at last they were together, the bright colors of day were all but gone.

Kratos' yellow eyes glinted as he looked up at the bright white circle in the sky. Then he scanned the faces around him and looked back at Theo.

"Good, most of us are here...But where is Sabrina and Timothy? " Kratos' deep voice rumbled, a breeze ruffling through his red cloak. The scent of a strong storm was brought to his attention just then, and he looked off toward the silhouette of the mountains.

Then a low growl rumbled deep in his throat and a sly smile slipped up his face. "I could not have chosen better conditions for this night." Kratos looked back to the faces of his pack members and continued. "There are many of you who need training and expirience, others just need to prove their place in this pack. A good hunt seems the proper solution for both problems, but there must be conditions as every memorable test must.

You see, this will not be an easy hunt, because we will be hunting one of our own. You cannot hurt a member of our own pack as you would normal game, though a rogue Werewolf will undoubtedly try to hunt and even kill you. Timothy hasn't learned how to control his form."

Kratos paused, his sly smile never fading. "Now, some of you will be good trackers, others, expert warriors, you'll need to work together. Self-control is the most important element of this hunt, if you loose it for even a second, a well calculated plan can and will become chaos. The second most important element is the ability to follow and act upon instruction. Zeit, Kale, and I are your leaders, listen to our orders."

Kratos stood and shook his hazy-crimson coat, glancing at Theo laying in the grass, then back at his pack. "One last thing.. There is a storm approaching and it takes a whole different set of skills to fight in the rain, so let's have this done before the storm gets here."


Kaleb had been waiting in the shadows the whole day. He had fallen asleep in the midday. Now he woke up, and it was dark. A brisk wind chilled him, and he shivered. There's going to be a storm! Darn, how will I be able to follow them in this weather?! He stood up quickly, holding himself to try and keep warm. Should've worn a jacket

Kaleb pretty much ran close to the house. He stood by the side, and watched as wolves gathered in the front yard. He saw Sam at the front, wearing a large cloak that billowed and waved as the wind went in it. He was calling out orders to the pack. I'm going to have to work hard to keep up with them. He slammed his fist against the side of the wall, angered a bit that he would have to run and try and keep up with a wolf pack. Then he sighed. It's this or the risk of never finding out an important secret.


Timothy watched Sabrina climb higher into the mountain in search for the scent.. But he couldn't keep his thoughts straight about the bison anymore.

Sabrina was a massive creature, and anyone could easily find her beautiful.. But Timothy could think nothing other then his fear of her, or rather, what she appeared to be.

Indeed, he hadn't even realised that night was creeping into the mountains, and the Werewolf was creeping into his mind. That was, until the last beam of sunlight grew dim, and his horrified eyes were brought suddenly upon the moon.

"No!" He cried out and fled to the shadows of a tree, trying to smother himself in it's roots and hide his face from the sight of the moon. But it was in vain, for moments after he did, he felt the desire of the Wolf enter his mind!

His face grew longer and black fur grew thick over his entire body, soon he was the creature he most feared... But the Werewolf didn't see it that way.

Sharp turqoise eyes shot out from the tree, not searching for food or blood, but life alone... More specifically, it sought the life of the last thing Timothy had thought about.


Sabrina quickly returned when she heard Timothy cry out. At first, she tried to talk him through it; encourage him not to fight his inner wold but to tame it, but it soon became obvious that he heard nothing. He was too entirely enveloped in his fear, and later the wolf's craving, to even recognize her presence anymore!

"Timothy!" she shouted on final time, and then the icy eyes met hers. She recognized that look; a hunger for death and not sustenance. She'd seen it often on new werewolves...and wild ones, more specifically her own mother. Words were meaningless now.

Her lips curled back to reveal her fangs and she howled a challenge. If it was a fight his wolf wanted, a fight it would get...but not death. The wolf could not be satisfied in that way. She had to awaken Timothy's human consciousness....whatever it took. Only he could tame his monster within.


Kale perked up when Krato finally started talking. a nice long run would do me good. heck, it'd do all of us some good.

when Kratos identified her, zeit, and himself as leader Kale sent a small nod Zeits way, a little beta laugh. truth was, she was down right hyper with exitment, her mood extremely improved with the prospect of the hunt. while she really didn't mind the rain all that much, Kratos was right, footing, sight, and scent were all impared in the rain, and in a fight, that difference is life and death against an enemy, or a tail if you're packmates. looking around those gathered, she took note of the absences.

Timothy, Sabrina, Hawkthorne, and Marcus. wait, she spotted Marcus in the tree and let out a small laugh before worrying about Timothy and Sabrina.

Kale was always worried about Timothy, she didn't know how she felt about him. she wanted him were she could keep an eye on him and try and help him, but at the same time she saw him as dangerous to the pack.

well, if Sabrina is with him it should be all right.....

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