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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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This roleplay takes place a few weeks after the events of The Founders. Alpha Kratos and his new pack, consisting of those who answered his call and helped him defeat the rogue werewolf Gathen, the injured boy they discovered in his den, and a few new young werewolves, have situated themselves as ranch hands for Zeit, who fired her previous employees to make space on her land and in her home for the young pack to thrive in secrecy, away from prying eyes...

Roleplay Statistics

ROLEPLAY DATE: September-December 2010

PAGES: 17 pages 

TIMELINE: 4 months following The Founders (Prologue)(January 97’)

TIMEFRAME: Takes place over the span of one day 



Mae as Kratos/Timothy

Kaqurei as Sabrina

Kale as Kale

Celeus as Marcus

Hourglass as Zeit/Hawkthorne (new character)

Amanda/Indy as Theo/Jackie (new member)

Nequaria as Creorran (new member) 

Lynds as Alex (new member)

Cassie as Kaleb (new member)

Mariel as Kieoki (new member)

Raven as Alice (new member)



Zero as Kiton

Key Events

  • Our "gentle healer", Sabrina, displays some mad ninja skills by striking a young werewolf in the midst of an uncontrolled change with a calculated paralyzing blow. (page 2)
  • A human boy wanders onto pack territory and is nearly attacked by a young werewolf. Kratos stops him. (pages 4 - 5)
  • Theo's introduction. He is arrested and transforms into a werewolf in the back of a police car... (page 5)
  • Two "Animal Control Officers" respond to the panicked officer's call (page 6)
  • Timothy stumbles across a bison in the woods (page 6)
  • Theo and another werewolf are attacked by the animal control. Meanwhile, Sabrina approaches Timothy. They follow the bison and ignore the Alpha's call. (pages 6 - 8)
  • The bison's trail mysteriously vanishes into thin air (page 9)
  • Timothy suffers from PTSD, not mere teenage angst (also page 9)
  • The first storm of Phantom Mountain is recorded. Kratos organizes a hunt--for Timothy. (page 10)
  • Timothy has his first change since joining the pack. Sabrina finds something familiar about his viciousness--it reminds her of her mother (page 10)
  • Timothy is psychotic as a wolf... And has an amazing howl. Wait a second... have we heard it before somewhere? (page 11)
  • Chaos ensues as young werewolves all change (page 12 - end of roleplay)
  • The pack catches up to Timothy, who is hellbent on killing Sabrina (page 12)
  • "Animal Control" continues to track the wolves. Turns out one "officer" is Jackie, who seems to possess heightened senses of smelling canines, and is allergic to dogs. She allays symptoms with an injection of icy blue liquid. (page 13)
  • In a moment of fun, Theo attacks Jackie before realizing he has changed her life forever. (also page 13)
  • Zeit attacks Timothy. Sabrina arrives on the scene and paralyzes him. Timothy's last act before passing out is to hallucinate Gathen and bite the human boy from earlier.... (page 14)
  • Kratos curses everything (page 15)
  • Alice slept through everything (page 16)
  • Damage control. Kaleb and Jackie, now werewolves, join the pack. Theo is drafted, having caused half the mess. (16 - end)

Memorable Quotes/Trivia:

  • Timothy found a lone bison while wandering the mountain with Sabrina.

Detailed Summary

In the couple of short months since the previous roleplay transpired, the pack has gained three new members and lost one. Creorran has joined the pack (roleplayed by Nequaria), Alex (roleplayed by Lynds), and Alice (roleplayed by Raven). Kiton is no longer present. 


The morning starts off seemingly uneventful, until the new member of the pack, Creorran, begins to shift uncontrollably during the day. Sabrina quickly disarms him, but the trouble continues when a young human boy answers the door to a pack of very territorial and up front werewolves. Kratos promptly tries to resolve the issue by pretending to be a household pet. 


Back in Reknab Bend, another loner stumbles into town, attracted by the scent of werewolves. Hungry and desperate, the loner (THeo) attempts to rob a convenience store - he’s then captured by cops and shifts in the back of the cop car, creating a commotion in town; which HawkThorne, a friend of Zeit’s, joins in to try and de-escalate. 


Timothy has at this point wandered away from the pack and run into a strange animal - a bison. Sabrina joins him. 


As Theo howls in the town, he alerts Kratos to his presence, and Kratos immediately gets to work assembling the pack.  Zeit meanwhile, works to send Kaleb back to town, in hopes he’ll forget about what he had seen at her ranch. 


HawkThorne manages to coerce Theo back to Zeit’s ranch after a scuffle in the town. Theo is begrudgingly introduced to the pack, though has not joined it as of yet. Theo admits that he came from a far away pack. 


Sabrina follows Timothy into the mountains as the full moon steadily approaches. 


Kaleb returned to his home, and just as soon as he had, changed his mind and made his way back to the ranch, where Kratos is gathering everyone before the full moon. Theo has fallen asleep in the fields nearby. 


No sooner did Kratos catch wind of Timothy’s howl, did he begin to lead the pack into the mountains; Kaleb had returned and intended to follow them, in spite of the physical differences.


Another werewolf, Kieoki, has joined the seen and is approaching Timothy, who is a state of panic and excitement all at once. Sabrina tries to lure Timothy away from the others and wear him out. 


Meanwhile, Theo awakens and begins to follow them into the forest...


Kale begins to work with Sabrina to wear Timothy out; while keeping themselves, and him, safe. Timothy changes his direction and begins to go after Kaleb, the human, who is the most helpless among them. 


Back at the ranch, the animal control officer that initially attempted to subdue Theo back in town, had followed his tail to the farmhouse, where she waited patiently for their return. Theo, however, had turned back to greet her instead - and attacked. 


The guilty Theo then runs into HawkThorne, who had been sleeping off his injuries obtained from the scuffle in town when he defended Theo. 


Timothy meanwhile, attacked Zeit - and Sabrina once again had to use her abilities to subdue another. However, it didn’t last long - in a final, desperate effort, Timothy manages to bite Kaleb. 


Kieoki, who had been looking over Kaleb, had made herself known at an inopportune time and was quickly reprimanded by Kratos, and Kratos began to gather everyone back to return to Zeit’s homestead. When they return, they find the injured woman and Kratos gathers all three whom are injured to treat. 


At the close of the roleplay, Sabrina is treating the injured. Everyone is exhausted, and all go to rest for a new day. The whole roleplay transpires over the course of a morning and night.


Kratos sat down at the breakfast table and leaned against his chair. The sun of dawn shone brightly through the windows and lit the entire room with it's light.

The Alpha remained at the table for some time, awaiting the presence of the the others in his pack. But as he did so, he began to think and daydream in the silence which surrounded him.

Several months ago, the founders of the pack had come from different backgrounds and lineages to end up under the same roof. Since, the new pack had been given home on the ranch of Zeit Chandler, whom had owned it for three years after the passing of her father.

The pack's large territory was claimed a few nights after the meeting of the founders, when the group defeated a werewolf murderer. Now the wide mountain rages covered with firs and oaks, the neighboring town, and all the farmer's fields belonged to the pack.

As an agreement between Zeit and the Alpha, each member of the pack who would come to call this place home, was required to work the land and do chores. Kratos felt it was a fair deal, as Zeit could no longer keep workers if the Werewolves were to live here.

Kratos was anything but passive when it came to keeping the pack's secret safe.

As it was, he was always cautious about letting anyone past Zeit's fields, and very rarely allowed anyone into town.

Kratos made it a firm rule that no one was to cross into the other farmer's fields without specific permission. He said that the pack was to respect the boundaries of the people or be fiercely reprimanded. He also said that the reason the town and farms were counted as the pack's territory was to protect the people from any "outsiders" whom would do them harm.

Even now as Kratos' bright yellow eyes stared through the window in Zeit's kitchen, his thoughts were turned toward the townsfolk. He wondered if anyone would become curious, such a small town was used to knowing every member in it's community.. Briefly, he wondered if the townsfolk had already started rumors about the sudden secrecy of Zeit Chandler.

But Kratos was drawn from his daydream when he heard a door upstairs open. His attention quickly upon the stairs, awaiting the person who was to come down.


Creorran stepped down the stairs, still not used to this farm house. It was much different from the one he had lived in a year ago. The last few days he spent in his old home flashed through his mind.

Why? Why did I have to notice that wolf? Creorran regretted, pausing on the step. I never know when I'll transform, I'm worried I'll lose control when I'm near the others. What can I do?

The call of a bird outside jolted Creorran from his thought. He continued down the rest of the stairs, and looked out the window. It's a beautiful day, it reminds me of my old home... Creorran noticed Alpha Kratos sitting at the breakfast table, appearing to be lost deep in thought.

"Good morning, Kratos," Creorran said as he walked to the table and took a seat opposite the Alpha. "How are you?"

Hour Glass:

Zeit made her way down the stairs, half awake and still in her pajamas. Before the pack, she would have been up before dawn and working, but she had been so drained when the pack started, fixing up her home, and healing from the injuries she had received.

She gave a small greeting to Kratos, a simple nod of her head, before turning on her coffee pot. She rubbed her head, trying to rub her sleeplessness out of her eyes, before grabbing herself a cup.

She leaned back on the counter, waiting for it to finish making her strong coffee, strong enough to wake her up. She looked out of the window, silently scolding herself for not getting up earlier and getting ready for work. She turned after the pot made a small ping as her coffee finished.

She filled her cup up, and walked to the table and sat down, her robe billowing around her. She took a deep drink, feeling the warm drink rush to her bones. "Good morning" she said, a slight grouchiness in her voice, she had become less and less of a morning person each day.

She took another drink, before leaning back in her chair, relaxing for a moment. 'What all needs to be repaired to day, I know most of the house is fixed, and the cows are fine" she said, "But I don't think I made a list last night, so I have no clue what was needed to be done."

Wow, she was losing it, time to kick it back into gear, as her father would say. She remembered when he had been in a bit of dip like she was, he would find something odd to do before he started up working again. She chuckled slightly, remembering about her father she seemed to be just like him.


Creorran turned as a young woman entered the kitchen. "Zeit, right?" Creorran acknowledged the presence of the woman. "This is you're house isn't it?" He then turned back towards the table, and closed his eyes.

Do I really want to be in a pack? My wolf instinct drags at me, but I'm not comfortable with social environments. Creorran opened his eyes and stood up. He walked over to where the woman had made a pot of coffee. "Mind if I have some coffee?" He shyly asked her.


Kratos watched as the young teen came to sit down, then he looked up towards Zeit's face and returned her nod.

"Good morning to you both." The Alpha's deep voice greeted, "I believe there is work to be done outside, but let us worry about those things after breakfast."

Kratos stood up from the table and went to get a glass, then he went to the fridge and pulled out the milk, bacon, and eggs. He prepared a few good pans and began to cook.

It was made quite obvious that Kratos was a good size larger then most average human beings. He stood a foot or two higher then most men, and his hands were large enough to hold a a gallon jug as if it were a large mug. Indeed, he was a giant in both forms which he possessed.

Kratos left the oven for a moment as he waited for the bacon to cook. Again sitting down, he decided to pour himself a glass of milk.


Then the front door opened and Timothy entered. The lad was covered in dirt and his hair was a mess. He stood only a moment in the main room, before collecting a few things and heading back outside.


"Timothy." Kratos called from the kitchen, beckoning the boy to come in.

"Yes Kratos?" Timothy asked, taking only a few steps toward the kitchen.

"How long have you been up Timothy?" Kratos asked skeptically. He leaned in his chair and put down his glass.

"I never slept." Timothy answered plainly. Then, to avoid more questions from Kratos, Timothy looked toward Zeit. "I have cleaned your stables and have mended the fence. I'm on my way now to the fields, is there anything else that you would like done?"


Kratos stood and turned his back on the boy, returning to the bacon on the stove. This was an annoyed gesture from Kratos, Timothy did not like referring to his new home as a 'pack' and even less would accept Kratos as a "Alpha."

When Timothy was rescued by the Founders several months ago, he tried to assume his entire experience with Gathen had been a nightmare.. But he could not imagine away the scars which covered his body, or the fact that he only had four fingers on his left hand.

Eventually Timothy accepted what had happened to him, but he was still far from allowing strangers to become the only ones who could be close to him. Still, how could it be helped? When Timothy awoke in this house, he could remember only a very little of what his life was before meeting the Werewolf murderer.


Coming in a little behind Timothy was an almost faerie-like girl - her appearance was as different from the former as night and day. She was clean, groomed, and dressed in an immaculately white gown. As usual, she wore no shoes, and the dirt on her feet was the only grunge about her. Her face and eyes were bright and alert, and a soft smile played accross her face as she saw the others in the kitchen. "It's good to see that you are all awake," she said, a hint of an Irish accent in her voice.

She glanced briefly at the Alpha, noting at once he wasn't entirely pleased about something. She hadn't heard his brief conversation with Timothy, but guessed he might have something to do with it. The poor boy had been through a lot, so Sabrina wasn't at all surprised that he was having a hard time fitting in or trusting his new pack.

She flashed a brief smile at Creorran. He was new to the pack also, newer than even Timothy, and she wanted to be sure he felt welcome. Next she turned to the Alpha. "Might I help you prepare breakfast?" she asked. She wouldn't need any herself of course...besides having risen with the sun and already eaten, Sabrina was a vegetarian...perhaps an odd quality in a werewolf, but one she possessed nonetheless.

Hour Glass:

Zeit looked to the little boy, at first a hint of anger flashed in her mind, she still didn't like it when she was attacked, but a more motherly instinct took over instead. "Give me a few minutes and eat with the pack, Tim" She said, sitting up a bit, 'I want to go check out one of the lower fields, and possiably take a run later, it seems there are enough other werewolves to pick up around here, and you did some of the jobs this morning."

She yawned, taking another sip of her coffee. She was beining to feel a bit more energized, surely later she would be able to be more sociable, just not now. "Go ahead, have some coffee, mi casa es su casa" she said tot he newer member of the pack. She stretched her back a bit before setting down her mug, and getting up. "Kratos, I'm going to change, no one touches my mug or takes my chair" she said sternly before walking up the stairs.

She went into her room, changing into her regular work clothes, a tank top and jeans, grabbing her hat, and coming down stairs. she still had her socks on from yesterday, so all she needed to do was slid on her shoes on the way out the door. She walke down stairs, gtaking her seat, and feeling more awake.


Creorran stood up from the breakfast table and started up the stairs. "I'll be getting ready for the days work as well, Alpha." Creorran wasn't completely sure how to adress Kratos, but he figured as long as he respected him he wouldn't be punished. Now up in his room, Creorran was taking his work clothes out when he began to think of his father and his old farm.

I shouldn't have left, but what was I supposed to do? Creorran pondered. And what about Dad? Did he escape the farmhouse in time? Or did my reckless behavior kill him? Creorran closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek. He became quite angry with himself, and flopped onto the bed. Why was I so stupid?All because of me, Dad's probably-

Creorran was stopped short when a fierce pain surged through him. No! Not now! He was terrified as he fell and began writhing on the floor. Creorran's tranformations were uncontrollable, and nearly unpredictable. As he began shifting into his werewolf form, he called to Kratos.

"Kratos! Help! I'm-" Creorran didn't finish his plea for help. Instead, a long howl came from Creorran's room.


Kale woke with a start at somones yelp. She lept to her feet and promptly fell 20 feet to the ground. groaning she picked herself up. the night before Kale had gotten rather edgy for some reason, and deciding that there were too many werewolves around her at the moment, she had slept outside. in the tree. she sighed again when she realized there were no doors on this side of the house, not wanting to walk around to find a door, kale hopped inside a first floor window and into the livimng room.

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