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A Coat of Fresh Paint (E-SP RP8/9)

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Rosa began to see something was not right in Robin's face the moment she spoke to her. Robin's eyes failed o hold focus, her hands trembled, and her face became pale. Before Rosa had the chance to ask after her welfare, Robin had collapsed on the floor!

Instantaneously, the screeching of chair legs on the floor raised the dinning room with alarm.
"Igaunde, send for a doctor immediately!" Rosa cried out. She was the first one out of her seat and the quickest to Robin's aid. The man in the crimson velvet suit had likewise jumped to his feet, but he did not do around the table to see the matter. Instead, a black cloud foreshadowed his face and a sweeping glance caught the elder Yosir's gaze.


Every member of the Reggadae household had done at once what the Alpha couple had--chairs pushed back at once, on their feet, a cry of alarm from Mrs. Reggadae. Her looked wide-eyed at Rosa, then at her eldest son, who gave a quick nod and shot from the room.

"What happened to her?" Josh asked.

Yosir looked from the fallen woman, brows high with surprise even if not the most evident personal concern, then the Alpha. He gave a quick shake of his head. Just then there was a loud pop outside.


Sonnelette twisted her shoulder and threw back her head so the dart whizzed harmlessly past her neck and into the bushes behind her. She hadn't even swung back to rights again before her other hand, the one free of the garden shears, came from behind her back, pistol in hand, which she fired at his chest!


The tape was ripped off like a band-aid, which is to say, painfully. The gears in his head turned furiously to this new reality. He looked between the ogre, to Gabe, and back to the ogre again as though expecting either to attack at any moment. Barring such an attack, his head slouched backward and the snarl split into a sardonic smile. He chuckled humorlessly yet without cease, the low tones of his laughter echoing strangely in the dark warehouse.

He stopped laughing all at once, stood, and turned towards Gabe.

"If you think it’s too complicated for me to understand, then I think you don’t understand it either. Tied up in something dangerous? Of course she is. But here’s the problem: there’s just too much dog in me to let good people get hurt"

He rubbed the red marks on his wrist, "Tell me this, Gabe. Just how much trouble are we talking about?"


Silas narrowly missed the shot, and no sooner had he scarcely avoided being deaths lover had he slipped behind Sonelette and took hold of her underneath the arms, gripping the hand with the pistol in an iron hold and making sure the gun wouldn't be aimed at himself again. At the same time, he strategically pressed his thumb into the tendons below her wrist in such a way that would cause her to loose her grip on the weapon, keeping his own head and face pressed against hers so a misfire or attempt at him may prove just as fatal for herself.

Meanwhile, inside, Robin didn't wake but continued to breathe steadily...


Sonnelette's face twisted in a grimace and she lost grip on the gun. She aimed a swift kick to send it flying outside of both their reach. She yanked her head away from him, then slammed it back, her forehead poised to knock his temple. And, perhaps less concerned than Silas about the pistol, at the same time her movements focused on her other hand. She spun the garden shears so that the blades were aimed in his direction, and forced a fast and hard stab behind her.


Yhamir swiftly came to Robin's place at the table, his intense blue eyes scanning for anything out of the ordinary with a sweeping glance, then he examined her dishes more carefully. His father, meanwhile, approached Rosa and Robin and knelt down to inspect the woman's person. He pressed the back of his hand to her forehead for fever or even unusual coolness, her throat to check her pulse, leaned a little closer to smell if there was any unusual scent on her breath that his wolf senses could detect.

About then Shzekob returned, sweat upon his brow. "The physician is on her way," he said quickly. Then with a quick jut of his chin gestured to Josh and Azaia. "Trouble outside."

Josh, looking for a moment helpless and confused, looked at once at his eldest brother, then Azaia, and nodded. The pair left the dining room without another word.


The sniper stepped back, already feeling blood drip down the side of his fac from the impact. His left eye was squinted shut and his vision was momentarily blurred, but he was able to catch the tip of the shears in his head and halt the impact centimeters from his torso. He mustered his strength in his arm and forced the shears down towards the ground, then leaned back and swiftly brought his leg up to meet her skull!


Even as Silas was putting distance between them, her form was contorting. Black fur raced up her face from the nose and long white fangs shot out of her mouth even before the face lengthened and took the shape of a wolf. When his knee came up, it knocked her in the jaw and sent her rolling backwards--but not for long. A frenzied roar that sounded almost more like a panther's scream errupted from her throat and she rolled her her feet, muscles taut and ready to leap at him--when suddenly there was a bark.

Two other wolves rounded the bend, one's face was twisted in a snarl, head low, and the grey fur on the back of his neck bristling. The other looked like his fur was relaxing upon seeing Silas, and he wore a dopey, almost dog-like expression on his face.

"Sonne, stop," he said again. He looked at Silas. "He's one of ours."

The black wolf growled low in her throat, looking hesitantly between her master's boy and the intruder who she'd like to bite the throat out of.

Josh looked over his shoulder, to be sure none of the other members of the household had followed them. Content, he looked at Silas. "What are you doing here?"

Azaia made a sort of snort and shook his fur, warning both of them off the subject. He looked at Sonnelette. "The guest is ill. Father needs your assistance. We'll take care of this."


Silas was about to transform as well-at the risk of tearing his nice suit, which he had really wanted to avoid- when Josh’s voice halted the attack. As soon as he was able, he stepped away and dusted off his sleeves, an almost indignant look on his face.

“What happened to Robin?” He asked, eyes sharpening on Azaia.



"Oh, yes.." The gaunt voice of the wolf replied as it approached from out of darkness once again. "You're quite right... there is too much dog in you."

The large 'Roger' slunk back, but Gabe smiled a sidewise smile and his teeth glinted. The woman behind Uno and Gabriel lifted her chin and sent the frizzy wild curls of her head cascading back between her bare shoulder blades.

"You are a mutt." The wolf said in a voice void of emotion. Each syllable hung on a rumbling growl from the bowels of its being. It came to stand in front of Uno with its long grey neck and nose level with his own. Every word it spoke brought the glint of its teeth and its tongue clacking in its maw. Every careful pronunciation wrinkled its thin grey face.

"There is not a drop of pure blood in your veins... You are the unfiltered ramification of other loners like yourself who for want or lack of control dared to contribute to the race. You have no reason to be or to abide; You are nothing. But oh, so honorable! Seeking to safeguard your friend with doggish loyalty and childish compassion. - Let me assure you with the deepest sincerity I may yet possess... if you insist on pursuing your companion into the very jaws of infernum, we will assist to rectify the misconduct that brought you and your friend into this world."

In a lower voice it continued.... "Throughout your life you knew the fates were designed against you. But you cannot imagine how swiftly it will catch you should you defy us."

The sound growing in the background was the low hum of a hundred wolves growling - voices in low jeering and taunting, waiting with malicious desire.

Once again that silver dollar flashed before Uno's face and was caught midair.

"Does that answer your question, Jeremy?" The coin-tosser answered at long last.


"Hoy, maggot! You name all yer captives, d'yeh?" called out a voice from above, too clear and clean to have been issued out of the throat of one of the snarling bloodthirsty beasts hanging in the shadows.

Unseen, unsmelled, but certainly heard, the voice went on with an Irish melodiousness, "Ae think yeh've had a right go at it, but the game's over now. Have a blight at this!" and with that, crates and shelves began to clatter from the heights at random--not the least of which a rusty metal beam great enough to crush the life out of any that dare attempt to prevent its embrace with gravity crashing down at Uno's feet.

The square footage of Uno's chair alone seemed to be unscathed by the torrent of debris, and in it, he was suddenly not alone. Moving like a liquid shadow, a small lithe figure appeared beside him as dust rose up into the dim lights of the warehouse.

"Count o' three, change and we leap 't that rafter, aye? One--three." A finger was calmly pointed (though man or beast it was impossible to tell in the dark and chaos of falling debris) into a direction in the dark, while madness ensued all around.

And Uno's chair was unceremoniously converted into a deft weapon to crack over the head of any opposer before said leap was made.


Azaia, his fur flattened down calmly now, gave the hesitant Sonnelette a meaningful look until she resigned and slunk past him. Then he looked at Silas.

"Nothing we can't fix," he said. "I was under the impression her name was Bluejay, though thathardly matters. You here on Beltronan's business or Diane's?"

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