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A Coat of Fresh Paint (E-SP RP8/9)

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"Bands useless with a sax player," he responded coolly, "I think you missed a patch across the yard, sweetface. Can't have that.. can we?" He looked at her with more intention now, his brow furrowing.


Rosa's question came first. The political air that had come upon the room was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife, and ideals that were previously assumptions were being pressed in concrete. I nodded to Yosir, to indicate that, at some point, I would consider his question. But right now-while the Alpha was at the table, he would have to wait.

"No, Mrs. Abravious." I replied simply. "What of yourself?"


"We have an adopted son staying in Middlecrest." The man in the crimson suit replied and turned his attention to the head of the table. "May I congratulate you, Yosir, on the ambition of your progeny. It is good to see you and Baltsaros on such good terms; the Baltronans have not given away their children within the blood pool in generations."

"Tell me, what great cause brought the Reggadaes and Baltronans into reconciliation?"


If Reggadae thought he was going to get the upper hand in that exchange, it was pretty well splashed back in his face with the Alpha's question. A marked displeasure came to his face at the very thought of what he was implying. But the elder Yosir cleared his throat and forced a genteel smile back onto his face and said,

"Good old Baltsaros. Doing well, I presume? I heard his daughter had been poisoned in the attack. Well on to recovery, I hope?" He set down his spoon with an audible clank and rapped his fingers on the table. "As to what they were doing in Reknab, I'm sure Yosir will regale us with the details. Isn't that right, son?"

Josh looked at his father. A strange look crossed his face. Defiance? He wouldn't dare. He looked to his brothers before anyone could be sure. Szhekob looked as expectant for an answer as his parents. But there was a knowing in Yhamir and Azaia. In the older of the two, there was a warning look. In the younger, a flash of annoyance. Josh looked to his father again.

"Uhm... one of those hunter boys 'd been in town. I... overheard him talking at the pub about hunting werewolves, so I followed him to Reknab. Guess Diane heard too. Don't know where she came from. We weren't working together. Just got caught... together."

Azaia winced and suddenly took immense interest in his food. Yhamir forced a smile and added, "Father, remember too, Miss Baltronan outranks Yosir. If she came upon him and asked for his help, surely he would be obliged to comply. That's why you entered their vehicle, isn't that right, Yosir?"

Josh, eyes down again, only nodded.

But the elder Yosir slammed his fists on the table. "She does not. You are a Reggadae! Every inch the child of a Beta that she is, and more."

All four heads lowered meekly, almost amusing to see in grown men, most of them, were it not for the heated atmosphere.


A vicious light came to those doe-brown eyes, though her expression remained unchanged from the soft, submissive smile. "Let's keep on pretending, then," she said. "You're lost. This isn't the right house. You have a chance now to walk away. Do take it."


Uno watched Gabe with a single, bright eye. His face was calm, save the smallest twitch at his top lip -- a snarl. He couldn't quite smother it, and so it remained like another scar on his face. He exhaled harshly.

"Then get on with it".


Suddenly there was a clatter; then a tumble, then a bang. Something had been knocked from one of the upper parts of the warehouse some twenty feet away or so, and as a result, all the boxes and crates in that stack came tumbling down to burst upon the cement floor!

...Boxes don't just fall over by themselves. Nobody was supposed to be over there, 'cept those keeping watch, and in the shadows one could glimpse their movements as they shot over to inspect the area. But there wasn't a sign of an intruder, not even a scent.


The great grey wolf lifted his head at the noise and his eyes glinted with eerie calculus. The watchers in the blackness moved hither and thither without a word to one another, some going to investigate the crate, others moving in the opposite direction to inspect every inch and square foot from the trajectory. Many still remained in the immediate vicinity, listening with their heads down slowly swaying. Most remained in their primal forms.

Gabe glanced over his shoulder briefly, then looked at the great wolf who stalked off into the darkness.

Gabe shrugged his shoulders.
"Just between you and me," he whispered to Uno, "Just, you know, face to face... you look familiar. So, I'm going to call you... Jeremy."

"See, Jeremy, we're all just curious about you and that gal from the hospital. What were you two doing there?"


The man in the crimson velvet suit lifted his champagne glass and drank satisfaction while the dark eyes of the woman across the table caught his flaxen gaze.

"Surely, there is no shame in camaraderie among the race." Rosa said, speaking boldly, for of the races seated at dinner she was one of a kind. "Too often we forget that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and those who live by the sword will die by it."


"Rosa," I began, softly, "We live in a world where men are divided by the shade of their skin. If they are at odds over something so trivial.. there will be no ends to the maelstrom of their souls. Best we can do is find our own peace, and hope they do, too." I drew my eyes over to Yosir, still keeping my voice low.

Resting my eyes on that bright red Cardinal for a moment, I noticed something peculiar - he was swaying just so. I narrowed my gaze on him. Then glanced over to Mrs. Reggadae. She was swaying, too. My vexation must have been clearly painted on my face by the time I looked at the waitress, who gave me an equally strange look. Maybe it was because I hadn't had any of the tea she brought. But as I went to grab the tea, it seemed someone was moving the table because it came up to greet my hand-and suddenly, tea, everywhere. Hm, that was awkward, I thought. Oh, gracious, best get up and get a towel, I thought, standing.

And stand I did, for about a second. Then, then, I don't remember what come after.


Silas took one last long drag, exhaling with a sigh. "Very well," he flicked the butt of the cigar to the ground and crushed it under the toe of his pristine dress shoes.

Turning on a heel and adjusting the strap of his instrument case, he began to leave. "Call me, if you ever decide you want that private show." he uttered, reaching into his tuxedo. But no sooner did he retrieve his hand, sans card, did he aim and fire a silent shot at the maid!

A dart buzzed quickly at her throat. She would be asleep in mere seconds if it made it contact.


He flinched when he heard the boxes drop. His teeth ground one into the other, then he looked away, pretending as though his heart rate wasn’t just the slightest bit fast. He watched the darkness slither before him, then disregarded it to glare at Gabe with an ill-disguised snarl.

"Funny. You remind me of someone I knew too. Didn’t like him much"

He made no comment on the name-choice. He was never very particular on names, and it seemed any would do. Why not Jeremy? It might be the most ordinary name he’d acquired yet.

Jeremy snorted.

"Glad you’re curious. Very kind of you to kidnap me because you’re curious. But I guess that’s just your breed, so can’t blame you for that," his voice was low in his throat, "Sometimes, though, it’s not about you. Your little society? We don’t care. We have nothing to do with you. We saved that kid’s life, she felt she owed something more to it to see his face alive and well, and I tailed after her to make sure she didn’t get herself tangled up with you people. ‘Seems I didn’t do my job well. ‘Probably should have my pay docked".


"Aw, come on sport. We're nice people." Gabe said. He smiled and raised his hands as if in surrender. "Can't blame us for being a bit suspicious when a loner gets bold. What were you going to do when you ended up on the top floor in a room full of betas, I would like to know. Anyway, I've never heard such an honest confession, so I suppose that's all it takes. Let him out, Roger."

"What? That's all it takes, huh? What do you mean by that?"

Gabe planted his long hand in his pocket and leaned forward on one leg. "I mean let him out, Roger."

The ogre stood dumbfounded with a massive brow down over his eye and his upper lip quibbering.

Gabe lifted his chin and raised his brows high on his forehead. "Don't make a meal of it, man. What are you waiting for?"


"You heard him, don't make a meal of it!" The ogre's scrawny companion hollered and began to cackle with spiteful glee.

The ogre, motivated by the mockery of his companion, stirred from his stupor and began to tear the tape off Uno's body one strip at a time.
In the darkness behind Gabe a thin woman with bare shoulders and folded arms raised a skeptical brow.

As the last piece of cruel tape came off Uno, Roger backed off and Gabe came forward, tossing the silver dollar and catching it in the air. "Listen here, Jeremy." He said, looking seriously at Uno. "Unless you intend to marry the gal, I wouldn't go after her. She's tied up in some dangerous politics right now, the likes you can't even begin to understand. If I were you and wanted to keep my hide as well as see her back alive, I'd hope for the best and wait for her to come through on her own merit. 'cause otherwise... there's no way you'll both come out alive."

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