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A Coat of Fresh Paint (E-SP RP8/9)

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Uno was no less resentful than he was prior, but he was never one to be idle with time. He took careful observance of the darkness that surrounded him, yet beyond the foreboding sense of unseen enemies, could do little with it. Instead, he focussed intently on the card game.

"Your packmate is a cheater," he observed simply, "He’s not turning in his cards when he plays them. Nice slight of hand, though".


"BAHAHAHAH!" The largest of the two burst out laughing.

The scrawny fellow's eyebrows raised onto his forehead.

"I knew it." The ogre declared, becoming suddenly sober, though a crooked grin adorned his large face. "I knew you were cheating all along, but you've lost so much tact that even the tied feller can see it."

Again, the latter fellow didn't seem to understand his companion's humor, but then again, he didn't need to. Just as the large guard finished speaking his hands walloped the table from beneath and sent cards into the air like confetti! As the table clattered in pieces on the ground, dozens of eyes opened out of the darkness. They were all the eyes of men and women, but they glinted like the eyes of wolves.

"Hey, now! Y-y-you know I always cheat; it's my strategy, that's what it is. It never upset you before."

"You were never such a lout before."

Without the table between them the smaller of the two companions began to tremble and slink backwards. The larger took many slow steps, closing in on his friend. Meanwhile the watchers in the dark also drew nearer from every angle.

"D-d-d-don't feel that way. I won't cheat again if that makes you feel better. E-even though I've never played a day in my life without a fair cheat. What d-do ya say b-b-boys?"

There was no verbal reply from the ogre, but he lifted his hands and clenched his fists above the scrawny fellow's feeble head.

"Let's play nice, Roger." Said a familiar voice suddenly. Gabe returned, tossing a silver dollar in his hand. "We have company."

The ogre, whose name was apparently Roger, turned his fat head toward Gabe. The other watchers did the same, and then all at once they shrunk back into the shadows. Coming under the light of the candle in Gabe's hand, the large head of a wolf appeared. Its hackles were shorn, its head was bare. It came with a lengthy stride on four long legs, and easily stood half the height Gabe. It's yellow-orange eyes were aimed on Uno. Then its lips were parted and a gaunt voice passed through its teeth.

"I hope you have enjoyed the entertainment, my friend. Now, it is time for business."


"Yes, it can be," Mrs. Reggadae commented, as though on the weather, her eyes cast down as she took a sip of her bisque. She took a white kerchief and dabbed at the corner of her lip. "My Yosir certainly had a go of it, didn't you, dear?"

Josh looked up. He grunted and shrugged. And looked down again. "Just a dumb guy with a gun," he mumbled.

Sharp peaks of amusement rose in two of his brothers, Azaia and Yhamir, in the form of Yhamir's crooked smile deepening and his brows arching, while Azaia choked back a snort. Whatever retort was on their minds, none passed their lips.

"Did you at least get one hit in?" Yhamir asked.

"Don't remember. Yes. Think so."

Szhekob frowned thoughtfully. "That was in Reknab?"


The eldest looked to his father, who seemed to be pretending no exchange was taking place. He shook his head slightly, and returned his steady gaze to his youngest brother. He clicked his tongue. "Farmer?"

"Hunter, I think."

"That is unfortunate."


"Suppose he has a family?" asked Azaia, grinning in a way that was less than pleasant.

Yhamir added, "You remember his face though, I hope?"



Mrs. Reggadae cleared her throat, and motioned for a maid to refill her glass. "Ahem. Boys, no business at the table, please." She threw Robin an almost apologetic smile. "Boys will be boys, won't they? You'll have to excuse them."

Yosir the first spoke then, changing the tone somewhat. "Reknab is claimed territory now, isn't it?" he did not look up, but one could sense his words were directed more at the Alpha than anyone else at the table.


"Do you play?" asked a silvery voice to Silas' left. Crouched alongside the hedges with a pair of trimmers in her hands was a petite young woman, a caretaker of the grounds. She rose to her full height and gestured to his saxophone. "I suppose you must. But I did not know the master was expecting entertainment tonight."


Rosa listened to the young men talk with a growing look of distaste and concern. The tone of the conversation was not elusive, and its implications seemed to weigh on her mind. Then the head of the house spoke and a sense of displeasure moved through the room. Rosa looked at Abravious.

The man in the crimson suit seemed to enjoy his meal with passivity, his overall demeanor was unaltered.
"It has always been claimed territory." He answered. "Or did Emralzadi die and give up her haunt?"
At last the man in the crimson suit looked up from his meal, touched his own handkerchief to his lips and set the rag aside.


Yosir the first looked up and smiled pleasantly at the Alpha. "Yes, old Emralzadi, of course. I suppose dead or alive it would be unorthodox to trespass her domain, wouldn't it?" He shrugged nonchalantly. "Still, if some misfortune should befall the man..." And he gave a consenting nod to his sons. "Szhekob, I will leave that business to your discretion, unless the Alpha is much opposed." And there was a glance, not quite a challenge by way of defiance to the Alpha, but a challenge nonetheless, to ascertain that Alpha he still was.

Szhekob, on the other hand, had an entirely different look as his gaze shifted to the Alpha. He'd nodded in compliance to his father, but took on an air of some subdued indifference when it came to weighing it against the Alpha's opinion. This game had been played before. The Alpha would not be taunted back into the old game--to sign the decree should a man live or die. Szhekob had seen it done too many times before. And his mind was made, and what the old Alpha had to say about it would not sway him. Still, as a token of some respect--and to do his part as his father's favourite pawn--he looked for approval or the lack thereof, just the same.


I looked between each party in turn as one spoke after the next, the conversation quickly spiraling from less savory to downright bitter. The waitress brought my tea and set it in front of me. I thanked her and stared down at it. Even the tea looked menacing. I inhaled through my nose, exhaled out my mouth, remembered my tone, and spoke,

"Since the topic of business cannot be avoided, and I cannot go on feigning delicacy with these matters already brought to light - shall we leastways speak on topics where I might be interested?"

It came out less polite than I might have liked, but I checked myself and went on,

"Some time ago-ten years?... There were a pack of ferals led by a man named Darius. I believe he might've come to this city, at one point. Considering... the nature," having trouble finding the right words, "Of this.. territory. Is it likely, that type of trespasser and his allies might've been..." I look to Rosa, "... dissolved?" I returned my gaze on the Alpha, and then Yosir I in turn.


The man in the crimson velvet suit leaned back in his chair. Oddly, his bright yellow eyes turned to survey the two middle sons of Yosir. With his elbow rested on the arm of his chair and his thumb thoughtfully rubbing his fingers, the man looked at the head of the household. He said nothing, but there was a level of danger communicated above the heads of the others in the room. The man returned to his meal, saying simply in the words of his deceased ancestor, "Let us not cast innocence by the wayside."

Rosa, feeling uncomfortable, and purposefully allowing the conversation to bypass her sails, set her oars in another direction.

"Do you have any family in Reknab?" Rosa said to Robin.

The man in the crimson velvet suit said nothing to answer Robin's question, and Rosa having changed the subject proved that neither were inclined to continue on the subject.


Silas glanced over his shoulder, exhaling away from the woman before flicking the cigarette, bright embers flying about in all directions-ashes before they fell to the ground.

"Look, sweetface.." he began, "I get a call-I come, I play, I go home.. it's what I do, ya know, for a living. And no private shows." he spoke softly, but to the point-was that a hint of an accent? Upper New York-slow, deep, sultry even. With the last line he drew his hand-the one with the cigar, from the case of his saxophone to the woman, letting her know he clearly wasn't going to show off his talents. "You want me to play for you, honey? Sure... make it a date, I charge by the hour." He slicked back his greased hair with a hand and his blue eyes went back to the house. "So long as I'm getting paid, cue me whenever they want, don't cue me, it's all the same. Anyway, it's awfully late to be trimming hedges."

He took another drag of his cigarette, and fixed his collar.


She merely smiled, almost sweetly. "You should go home," she said.


"Ten years," said Yosir I, thinking about it. He looked at the Alpha contemplatively. Then the thought was dismissed, as though it were inconsequential. He squared his eyes on Robin instead. "Darius... an interesting name," he said coolly, "Off the top of my head, I cannot say it strikes me as familiar, but neither can I dismiss his fate to the chopping block just by nature of the territory. A lot was going on at that time, you understand. This... Darius... what is your interest in him and his associates, if I may ask?"

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