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A Coat of Fresh Paint (E-SP RP8/9)

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The old gentleman nodded his head in approval of the response. He walked toward the door of the room, but stopped before reaching it. Resting both his brown hands on the top of his cane, the man in the crimson velvet suit paused, and turned his white beard over his shoulder.

"It is good to have their gratitude." He said. His bright yellow eyes caught the light of the sun pouring in through the small window over Josh's head, and he furrowed his brow to shield his eyes from it. "The city of Pinerich is theirs, and they can do whatever they want with it."


Meanwhile, downwind.

Around the side of the building was a private little parking space, and wouldn't one know it - all werewolves thought alike. Situated on this side of the building, downwind indeed, was the full revelation of Robin and Uno's predicament; five limousines were parked in the discretion of the south parking lot, surrounded by several smaller profile vehicles, and not without accompaniment. The presence of three bouncers guarding the vehicles was immediately noticeable, and mere moments after Uno rounded the corner it became apparent that they were not alone - several others in casual wear were disguised around the parking lot.


If there was relief to be had in the Crimson Man's words, Robin missed the claim on it. Nevertheless she remained reposed, shoulders square, eyes calmly following the man out of the room. There was more to be heard than said, she had been taught. It was the only constant that kept her from falling into more trouble than she already had, therefore advice she took to with no small amount of admonition. It wasn't without reward, either-times such at these, those moments of silence wherein one does not seek to merely to respond but to truly hear what the other has to say-that there is insight found nestled between words. Books between pauses, stories in the tones at which one spoke, and the careful choice of one term over another could reveal a library of knowledge.

Whether or not the full extent of what the Alpha implied was recognized, without breaking his gaze Robin gave a slow, courteous nod.


"Yosir!" exclaimed a man entering the room--though, man he certainly was, a better word to describe him perhaps would have been presence. He was felt like a punch in the gut long before his voice boomed in the room. And when the sight of him caught up, it was clear why.

The man stood easily seven feet. Easily. Perhaps he would have been a basketball player in another life. In this one, his tall form was filled with an equal bulk, being broad chested, broad shouldered, and well muscled. At either side he had what probably were bodyguards, though he dwarfed both of them. He wore a suit (of course he wore a suit) of the devil's own blood red, dark and deep, with a red sheen in the light. The only thing redder was his hair, slicked back with gel or grease. An expensive cologne fragranced his person, undertoned by cigar smoke and werewolf. His angular face looked nothing like Josh's, being narrow and chiseled like some impressionistic statue with a serious brow and a nose like an eagle's beak. His eyes though, the squinty look and the icy blue, those were definitely Josh's.

He afforded the old man in the crimson coat a nod of respect and recognition, then approached his son with open arms, while his bodyguards remained at the door. He did not hug him, however, merely caught him by both shoulders and gave him something of a shake. "It is good to see you on your feet again, my son," he said warmly, belying the aggression the prior gesture seemed to project. "Seems some Reggadae blood does flow through your veins, after all. You have to be a stubborn brute to survive what you just went through, yeah?" He laughed through his teeth.

Josh's face had taken on an emptiness, and he merely nodded, not looking the man in the eye.

The man clapped his son's shoulder and turned. He struck out his hand to Robin. "Yosir Reggadae I," he said, by way of introduction. "I owe you a great debt for your part in saving my son's life. What is your name?"


It was no small effort not to gag or hold her breath when she was affronted by his permeating essence-it was a presence so thick and boisterous that it could certainly be choked on. She looked him up and down. And up and down again as she watched the estranged interaction between the father and son, squinting her eyes and tilting her head just slightly.

Surely the stiff interaction between father and son was noticed, and when this Yosir spoke again to the child, it became clear why.

Then he looked at her. She lowered her brows and straightened. Unable to so much as feign politeness in the form of a considerate nod or an attempted smile, she merely met his gaze-only after purposefully lowering her eyes to look at his hand.

"Mmhm," she hummed, "Bluejay." she added quietly, but with some assertiveness in the tone. "I don't mean to intrude any longer. You must be truly overwhelmed with everything that's happened. I know how important family is, leastwise, and certainly don't mean to keep ya from your sons company." she nodded towards Josh.


Uno squinted, knowing danger was just around the corner moments before rounding it. He stopped abruptly, only the edge of his hair noticeable to the small party assembled by the limousines, but that wouldn't matter. While being downwind of the hospital would be an advantage to him, this group being downwind of him was an advantage to them. They, and all their other hidden little friends, would have known he was here from the moment he exited the vehicle. They had clearly waited, biding their time.

He chewed down a curse. If he'd known Robin was capable of getting herself into this level of danger this early in the morning, he would have at least gotten a cup of coffee on the way. Squinting again, he took a quick sweeping glance of the hospital and turned the opposite direction. Back the way he'd come, but more importantly, in full view to the street. Even at this hour of the morning, a few vehicles wound their way around the downtown. Maybe it would be enough keep things relatively civil -- maybe.

All the while he glanced at the window. If this was the danger outside, then he'd hate to see the danger Robin had tangled herself inside... he needed a better plan.

His gaze settled on the back-entrance of the hospital and the ambulances parked nearby to it. The emergency room, no doubt bustling with all kinds of activity even this early. Without hesitating he moved to enter, listening intently for whoever followed.


The man in the crimson suit neither said anything nor moved a foot when the giant came as if carousing into the room. The previous gentleman became a shadow in the background of the scene, while beyond the empty doorway many other long shadows gazed in. Each wore a different expression, and each adorned a different shade of red. How terrible and dark they seemed, though they were as tangible as the grey hues of reality; there was nothing unnatural about them, each a common man dressed in elegant clothes. Surely they would bleed if harmed, yet their presence seemed immortal.

"Who is this?" Said one man with a round face and peculiar blue eyes. His voice was high and hearty, his tone accusing and suspicious.

Another gentleman with a long face looked between the esteemed Beta Reggedae and the crimson shadow behind the door.
"What does it matter." Said he to the other. "A welcome guest."

Another shadow, blacker than either of the former raised his chin slightly to see into the room and said nothing.


The guardians of the limousines gave an air of peculiar obliviousness to Uno's presence, least ways none of them seemed to raise a fuss, however, no sooner did he cross the threshold of the hospital before he found himself chest-to-chest with a man of equal stature. Yes, a man at least for the moment.

"Oh, I beg your pardon." The man said. His presence barred Uno's path.


Silas glanced down at the radio in his hand long after he received no reply. Cocking an eyebrow up, he realized it was turned off. "Oops..."

Now he turned the knob with a finger and set the radio on the table next to him. Maybe Dorothy didn't even have hers. Keen eyes glanced from the target to the line of cars, then back to the room where the Reggadae family was now centered. While he continued to survey the scene before him, his mind drifted.

His thoughts went back to the night he drove Diane back to Pinerich. He knew they could help her. Even he hadn't known exactly what she had been hit with-some kind of neurotoxin perhaps. Still, as he had sat in the drivers seat of that dusty old truck, his own life more or less waning and fighting to keep his eyes open, there was the political to consider, and the threat of reprimand to Diane...

"I've been thrown to the dogs before... if you need me to take the heat for this mission.."

He had told her. She insisted all would be well. With her rank in the pack and her relationship to Beta Baltronan as his daughter, surely she should be above retribution, although relations aside her rank would also mean that retribution was that much more severe.

While he had coolly played off his injuries for most of the duration on the journey back home, no sooner had Silas pulled onto the street where he would find sanctuary had he begun to pass out from the blood loss, and that was the last time he remembered seeing Diane in person-loosing control of the truck and nearly crashing both of them into the side of a building..

While on good terms with the Baltronan family, he wasn't privy to what would happen after Diane had been returned home. Not having seen or heard from Diane since that night had concerned him, and the evidence was strewn about his feet.


His path blocked, he stayed, glancing wearily at the obstacle his path. He was forced to glance slightly upward as his height was somewhat below his obstacle, yet that did nothing to deaden the condensed exhaustion in his gaze. He sighed wearily, more annoyed than concerned.

"Fine. We want to play this game? Fine".

As he spoke his hands removed an on object in his pocket as fluidly as a magician hiding a coin in his sleeve. This object had the appearance of a small, metal potato with a small tag on the end. It was not perhaps what one might expect it to be, as it was heavily modified for his own purpose, yet it nonetheless was its own danger. He pulled the tag with the very same hand and the canister exploded!

... In smell.

It was entirely transparent, nothing would be seen from afar, yet the smell would not be missed by even an ordinary man. It was designed specifically to confuse, to overwhelm those senses were far superior. Even Uno seemed momentarily plussed by it, though training had taught him to ignore the sensory overload. While his obstacle was distracted, he moved immedietly to enter the bustling emergency room entrance.


Uno's contender bounced back as if he had been shot in the face! Uno was free to get inside - right into the awaiting fist of his contender's backup.


"That's fair - You'll be smelling blood for awhile."

The first contender had yet to recover, but awaiting in the bustling emergency room were more than one friendly to him.

"That wasn't playing very nice, was it?" Said one of them. He was a tall gentleman in a white button-up shirt with grey slacks, one leg cast over the other in an idle posture against the wall. He flipped a coin from his thumb and caught it in his palm.

The blow dealer was poised for a counter attack.

In the background, people going to and fro hardly saw what happened, but there were a few in the room who raised their eyes to the commotion. Unfortunately, none would have come to Uno's aid, for certainly there was a reason none of the vehicle guards ever took up the chase.

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