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A Coat of Fresh Paint (E-SP RP8/9)

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This roleplay is set to take place in between RP 8 "A Time For Questions & Answers", and RP 9 "The Song of the Mountain". It is mostly meant for the development of some side characters, but may also be used to fill in the gaps as we just had a very large time skip.


Beep... Beep... Beep...

"...must've been... couldn't believe..."


"...evil spirits... like us..."


"...stay with him... not like you..."

....Beep, beep, beep, beeeeeee...!!

His eyes were suddenly open, as though he were waking from a bad dream. His heart was pounding hard in his ears, but he'd unconsciously torn off the various wires taped to his bare chest monitoring its rhythm. Now the machine was screaming its objection, making his head hurt. He didn't like it. So he punched it in the face. Er, screen. Whatever. The clatter and crash it made as it hit the floor wasn't quite as satisfying as he would have hoped. It was just a relief that the thing stopped screeching at him.

He was sitting up now, half naked in the hospital bed. He looked around his room like a deer in the headlights; his eyes wide, but empty, totally not comprehending what he was seeing. None of it made any sense.

What happened to me? Where am I?

Vaguely he remembered he'd been shot. He reached up and touched his chest again to be sure. There were scabs where he expected there to be holes. Well. That was good. It could have been worse, anyway. But where was Diane, and the others? He couldn't smell so much as a trace of them. Instead, as he took big sniffs, his nostrils were filled with the smell of ammonia, plastic, chemicals, and latex... human sweat... people he didn't know, and, for that reason, didn't like. Who brought him here? Why?

It took him a full five minutes after punching the heart monitor to realize he wasn't the only one in the room.


"Got that out of your system, Rocky?"

She looked on with those sleepy orange eyes, warmed up by the smile on her face, the corners of her lips sinking into deep grooves.

"I came to check on you... but you seem to be doin' just fine, kiddo." she tilted her head slightly and pointed nonchalantly to the monitor. "That thing, on the other hand- I don't think that's fixable."

The woman had been sitting in the corner of the room. She stood, slowly, not taking her eyes off of Josh. "I'm glad you made it here alive. Now, I should probably go... I'm not exactly crazy about your little pack situation, and something tells me the feeling would be mutual."

Moving closer to Josh, the woman reached up and put her hand on her necklace, examining the boys wounds for a long quiet few moments.

"Will you do me a favor, kid? If you see Jodecai again- tell him something for me?" she looked on, but didn't wait for a response.

"Tell him, it's robin season."

With that, she let go of the ring on the chain around her neck and let her arms drop to her sides, turning to leave the room.


Something about her eyes... wasn't human... her gaze was soft, but for as long as she matched his he wasn't sure what he should do. She wasn't his boss, yet something deep down inside him cringed under the steadiness of her eyes and sought to appeal to her.

But the spell was broken the moment she turned to go. Instantly he was on his feet, grabbing her by the wrist with his big, clumsy hand. His grip was surprisingly strong, given what he'd just been through.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," he said, something of a growl low in his throat, "Nobody goes nowhere until I get answers. Who do you think you are? And how do you know Jodecai? Why should I tell him anything from you, huh?"


Robin stopped and turned around, a sharp look in her eyes. Scolding.

"First of all, did your momma ever teach you how to treat a lady, hm? "Excuse me" would suffice. You wanna get married someday? Be a little more gentle." she eased her wrist out of his grip, then turned again, holding up her finger in a "one second" gesture. She opened the door briefly, looked both ways, then closed it again.

"Now have a seat, you don't want any of those.. things popping open, and personally, I don't wanna clean up any more of your blood."

Robin sat down on the bed and patted a spot beside her.

"Look-my friend and I found you, looking like a piece of swiss cheese up the mountains. Remember being out there? We took you up where the other pack lives, whoever they are..."

She paused, considering.

"I don't know what the deal is, if there's bad blood between you and them, or what.. but if you ever see them again, you owe em some thanks. A girl showed up and helped you, too.. they must have some honor, because one of those guys had to have brought you here, and you're under the care of your little gang again."

Now she smiled in an ornery way,

"And I don't know if you believe in a higher power, or you pray or whatever.." she lifted an eyebrow dramatically, "But between you and me, you better get down on your knees and give some thanks tonight, because He," she pointed to the ceiling as she continued, "bailed you something fierce. Don't wanna take that for granted. We didn't know if you were gonna make it."


The halls outside the little hospital room where Robin and Josh sat was quiet and empty, lined with many like doors on both sides. Its sleek blue floor and white walls reflected the light from the ceiling fixtures from one end to the other. A few minutes after Robin checked this quiet scene and closed the door, the next door over opened and closed.

Only a few minutes later, the knob to Josh's room turned, and in entered a man dressed in a crimson velvet suit. His face was black, his head was white, and from his chin hung a long white beard. He wore black leather gloves and leaned on a wooden cane, a thousand carved images stretched from his hand to the floor; Figures of wolves in various attitudes, circles and symbols doubtless with meaning all arrayed this one impressive stick. But above all the man's features, his peculiar wardrobe, and exquisite walking stick, was a startling pair of bright yellow eyes that stood out sharply against his brown features. He gazed at Robin and Josh with perspicuity, then turned his face to close the door behind him and faced them again.


Josh stared at Robin. Well, squinted. His face contorted as one might when one was trying to look angry and intimidating, but having been dealt a mental blow, was left reeling in confusion. Had she... had she answered his question or not? And why was she talking about marriage and God all of a sudden? Was she a preacher or something? Well, that done it. He'd asked who she was, and he was still confused as to whether she said she was a preacher or not. She might've said. Maybe he missed it. His head still felt kind of fuzzy.

He looked at the spot beside her where she'd gestured he should sit. His chest heaved a hefty sigh and he almost did just that (a sort of "wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of a woman of God" with a "but I'm not gonna like it" caveat). Something stopped him. His face cleared and his shoulders dropped. Wide-eyed, he looked to the door even before it opened.

All the colour drained from the young man's face as he saw who had entered the room. For a moment it looked like he was about to cry. Then he clenched his fists and, looking very much like an over-sized child caught putting his hand in the cookie jar--guilty, terrified, pleading--he said only, "I'm sorry!"


As soon as the door was heard to open, Robin was on her feet, her brow narrowed and gaze fixed on the entryway. Intense concern - and doubtless surprise, as she had only just checked the hall for signs of life - spread over her face. As the man closed the door and turned to face them, the expression melded into all of the prior, mingled now with tones of curiosity and perhaps respect.

Swallowing dryly, Robin was immobilized-not out of fear as much as it was years of childhood conditioning. "Don't speak out of turn", "Never look away from someone when they address you", she found herself reaching up to touch her lips, the skin on it suddenly feeling dry and agitated, "-and don't you let me catch you pluckin' yous lips one more time!"

Instead, she grabbed the chain around her neck again and released a slow, cautious breath. Her eyes never faltered and her shoulders never dropped. She was already confident she knew the answer to a question that arose as soon as his presence was made known, however Josh's reaction was enough to solidify that answer.

The first rule prevailed, and she made no move to speak.


Tap... tap... tap...

The old gentleman took a short stroll into the room with his elegant cane tapping the floor. The soft red dress shoes he wore made no sound at all. He came to stand in front of Robin and tapped his finger against his lips before motioning to the plain blue wall.

"There are many dreary men in the room next door." He said in a whisper. Then his finger rotated slowly over his shoulder toward the door. "And many others around the corners of the hall."

The man went and seated himself on the little corner sofa where Robin had previously sat. He sunk low in the chair. Then he rested his cane against his knee and tilted his head to the side. "Now," He said, his voice filling the room as he continued slowly. "Yosir ... Reggadae ... Junior. Is that right?"
The man's forehead creased as he said each name from memory, then his white brows were lifted high and his bright yellow gaze pierced the young Svalnaglas boy's countenance. It was a gaze that needed no confirmation; for it was clear that the old gentleman knew his words were sure. Then his gaze shifted to Robin and he asked, "Do I know you?"


"No," the reply was uttered shortly after the question had been worded.

"No, sir." Robin added solemnly.

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