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Up In The Attic (SP-RP6) 06/2015

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While listening in silence to her Grandmother, things began to click and make since. "I have felt a desire to run, and run fast, it didn't matter where to. I didn't know it was linked to my wolf though. And, it has gotten harder to stay inside during the full moon." Cherise pondered for a moment "I guess I have been trying to keep it locked up." She bit her lower lip and shivered at the thought of becoming vicious. "Wait.. First Generations?"


Granny listened, a grim look overshadowing her face. "And you're lucky that run is all you've wanted to do. Some wolves want to hunt, and it don't matter what the target is!" She reproved sharply, though her face and tone softened only a moment later. "I don't blame you for being afraid of it, and wanting to hide it- That's the dumb world you were brought up in.. But don't worry, you're all grown up now, and you're going to learn about your wolf."

The old woman smiled, looking at the face of her granddaughter with glowing affection. She felt a little bit like she'd known this girl all her life, and her heart cried that she hadn't really been there to watch her grow up.. But they'd get back those lost years yet! Suddenly, Granny blinked and quickly shook her head.

"Oh yes, First Gens! Ha! I almost forgot. First Generations are humans who turn into werewolves because they were bit. The change is foreign to their bodies, and their wolves are as good as newborns with raw super powers.. Inexperienced, alive, chock full of instinct and a drive to survive.. Worst of all, they're blatantly selfish. It takes a lot of work for a First Generation to get control of their wolf."


Cherise's head lowered towards the floor and her eyes widened intensely as she thought of the danger she had been putting her friends and family in. As Mrs. Buttermilk's voice softened however, she again lifted her eyes to meet Granny's. Slowly a smile grew and the fear seemed to melt from the young adult's face leaving behind a glow of gratitude and joy "Really? You will teach me?"

In a small moment that seemed to pause, Cherise admired her Grandmother's face as though she looked upon her hero. Here was someone who understood, who she could share this huge secret that had burdened her. Someone who she not only could share the excitement with, but who could and would teach her also.

Being drawn from her thoughts and reminded of her last question, Cherise again listened. "So, if you bit someone they would turn into a first generation? Would they lose all control of themselves?"


Granny laughed suddenly a hearty laugh that shook her chubby body. After a few minutes, she was able to contain it to a slight giggle, and finally looked up at Cherise again. "Me? Goodness no! You're far too old to have your grandma showing you the ropes- As am I. No, no, no. No special treatment. You're going to learn about your wolf the way all wolves your age do: In a pack. That pack I mentioned before is still young, it's a perfect place to learn. I'll introduce you to them first thing tomorrow morning." The old woman said, sounding overjoyed at finally revealing her grand plan. "I'll always be here to give you advice and answer your questions of course, but growing with your pack is the best way."

With this, Granny poured herself another cup of cocoa.

"Yep. It's a big change; and already their hearts are pumping and their minds are panicking because of the injury they've sustained, and the monster that gave it to them- But then they've suddenly got this knew mentality which enters their brains, new instincts and observations that come into play all of a sudden. Yes, it's very overwhelming. That's why you've got to be careful about who you bite." she said.


Cherise simply stared. There was great confusion and she had to consider what just happened. When the things were finally put together in her head, and she realized what her grandmother just said, she stuttered "Wh- a pack?! Wait- What do you mean? I don't know the first thing about packs! How does it work? What if they don't like me!?"


Granny stood suddenly and patted Cherise on the head. "Now, now, don't act like I've just disowned you. A pack will be good for you. All wolves need a pack, and I've tested this one; they are made of good stuff. It doesn't matter if they like you or not, no one likes a loner at first. You'll grow on them. And Toby is there for you, so you won't be alone."


Cherise felt almost helpless. She wanted to argue but the words wouldn't come. There was nothing willing to escape her mouth. For a moment she sat there staring with her mouth open and her eyes searching as if for visual words. Finally, she caught hold a thought "B-but I haven;t even met Topy yet. He may agree with his pack. What if they attack Grandma? I have no idea how to defend myself."


Granny returned to her seat, still smiling like a dummy. She was so pleased with herself. "Toby? Attack? Oh, that's laughable. Even if that runt got rabies he wouldn't attack, and if he did, you could probably flatten him easy." Granny laughed to herself, shaking her head in pity. "Oh, poor Toby."

After a moment, she looked at her granddaughter again and thumped her staff hard against the floor. "Now look here. Hiding in your room and being afraid for yourself may have flown with your mother- Goodness knows it's all she ever did. But here, you're going to face life with a confidence and determination. You understand me?" She said.


Cherise once again stared in disbelief. Only a few moments earlier Toby was suppose to be a comfort to her. But the way Mrs. Buttermilk described him made her feel worse. Oh great! We will both die. Being ripped to shreds together.. Wonderful way to bond as cousins. Nope, it would prove a better option for Topy to stand back and protest from afar then to try and save her from his pack.

Just then Cherise's attention was demanded by her Grandmother. Cherise felt more then willing to face life with confidence and determination. But this felt more like Mrs. Buttermilk wanted her to face death with confidence and determination. With a heavy stressed sigh she answered "I- I'll give it my best Grandma.."


"Good." Granny said simply, sitting down. Taking a sip of her cocoa, she let the room remain silent for a few minutes. Then, at long last, she looked at Cherise again. "Oh come now, Cherise. I know you don't know me very well, but I'm your grandma. Do you really think I'd draft you into a pack if I didn't think they'd take care of you?.. Also, do you have a place to sleep tonight? We can quickly set you up a place here if you'd like."

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