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Up In The Attic (SP-RP6) 06/2015

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Slowly recovering fully from the effects of the plants, Cherise looked at her Grandmother's face with great concern. Her mind raced with questions and began to ache from both plant smells. "It grows all over? How can a pack even survive up there with the Phantom Plant?"


"Like I said, it doesn't bother you unless you get right up into it.. It just makes tracking something, or someone, basically impossible. You'll have to rely on the other plants and animals to tell you if an intruder is nearby... Anything above knee level that can be brushed against will retain a scent; tree trunks especially.. And the birds will stop singing if a predator comes too close to their trees." Granny explained, offering her granddaughter a cup of coco to soothe her.


With a weak smile, Cherise took the cup gratefully. Trying to listening intently to Mrs. Buttermilk's words, she found still a bit difficult to understand them all. "So, when on the mountain, rely on the birds and scents above knee level?" She carefully reaffirmed. "Is it possible for the Phantom Plant to mask scent above that height?" She gave careful heed for her Granny's reply.


Granny shook her head. "Nope... Not unless someone picks it up and rubs it all over those things, but if that's the case, you know they've been down that way anywhoo-- So it would kinda beat the point."


Her senses finally clearing from the Phantom Plant she had stupidly taken a big breath of, Cherise looked at her Grandmother's face again. "Yeah, I guess it would." laughing at her own question. "Granny, you used to live up there, right?.. Is there a way to protect yourself from that plant or.. say use it to your advantage?" Cherise then looked at the plant warily.


Granny tapped the top of her staff thoughtfully with the palm of her hand, looking down as though searching her memory for any use to which the plant might be put. At last, she glanced up. "You know, I'd say there were plenty of ways!.. But it's like a two edged sword. To tell you the truth, I've been experimenting with that plant for years! I've found hundreds of uses for it. For instance, I keep one potted in my house because it's fragrance mixes beautifully with all the other smells I got around here and down in the shop, masking my scent in a way that is perfectly unnoticeable. If any of them nosy loners come sniffing about , they won't be able to detect me."


Cherise glanced up at her Grandmother, "So, like... The guy down stairs? The one who broke your pot?" She cautiously waited for an answer, unsure if she should have brought that up. Within just seconds an exciting, yet alarming thought entered the young adult's mind. She had never known her father, the only other ware-wolf that would have been in a position to teach her, and her mother obviously wanted nothing to do with that side of her at all.. Perhaps, maybe.. If she asked..


Granny sneered and rolled her eyes at the returning thought of the clumsy cur from earlier. "Yes, like that mutt." She grumbled, then smiled broadly at her granddaughter. "I see you recognized him as one of us though. that's mighty impressive, and it means you're in tune with your wolf's senses. That's very good."


Cherise gently brushed a stray of hair from her face. She could not but fill with confidence at the words just spoken. It was a strange emotion within her, something she had longed to delve into and share the joy of discovery with someone. With a bit more courage now she began "Granny? I really would like to know all I can about this side of me. For the longest time I have hidden it, pretending it wasn't there. I mean, I really have no idea what to do about it. You know?"


Granny nodded. "Hiding from your wolf will do you no good, Cherise. Even when tame, it's a wild animal, and it has a desire to run free. It's constant desire to be itself is what drives us to change every full moon- For weeks, our human side is strongest, but the wolf paces, and is anxious.. Eventually, it can wait no longer. she said. I'm glad to see yours hasn't become vicious in the waiting though-- Some wolves do that, and it's especially bad with first generations."

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