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Up In The Attic (SP-RP6) 06/2015

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Cherise's heart leaped within her chest, the emotions that followed sent her brain spinning. Shock and terror at the words 'werewolf' were her initial feelings. How did she know?! As Mrs. Buttermilk finished her sentence, however, those feelings gave way to nervous relief and embarrassment. With a deep breath to try and calm down, Cherise suddenly became aware of something she should have known first off. With sniffing the air again, just to be sure, her embarrassment deepened. "Oh-" What could her grandmother possibly be thinking about her now?

Cherise pondered over the question. "Um, I can fully control myself as- when I transform. It was really hard the first couple of times, though.. And I guess, I have not really exercised my abilities or played with them at all." An excited feeling spread all over her. She was finally able to talk about it, out loud, with someone else. She had found why she was the way she was, her family linage.


Granny Buttermilk made large nodding motions with her head, smiling in a very pleased way. "Oh good. Very good! That'll make things a good deal easier for you.." She said, sitting back in her chair. "So is there anything you'd like to know about it? Ask any question that comes into your head, and don't be shy about it-- I dislike it when folks beat around the bush."


Cherise felt her embarrassment rise again. Great, that was exactly what she had tried to do. Nervously brushing her bangs out of her face, she knew her 'great first impression' had not been so great after all. However, even with this thought, there was a bursting feeling inside. She had been given permission to ask questions freely about her long kept secret. "Oh wow, um.. Yes Ma'am. Is my father a ware-wolf? Does it run in our family?" The questions flew from her mouth so smoothly it caught Cherise by surprise. She had longed for so long to ask those questions, have some one answer them for her.


"Yes and yes." Granny Buttermilk said with a matter-of-fact nod. "Actually, we've been pure blood werewolves right up til you and Toby were born.. Our family were very proud of their wolf heritage and always kept in line with things. Some were okay with human mingling, some were not... I was okay with them, but--" she explained.

Suddenly, a curious change came over the old woman. Her face became drawn and her stared at the window as though haunted by memory. "Well... Let's just say we were split right down the center back then.."


Cherise listened intently to her Grandmother. Noticing the change, she lifted an inquisitive brow as she pondered on what had been said. There was some thing more to her history and Granny Buttermilk seemed haunted by it. Cherise followed her Granny's gaze towards the window. What was it about this mountain? "How long has our Family lived here?" Cherise asked solemnly.


"Our family founded the town, Deary." Granny said with a chuckle, coming back from her memories just as quickly as she'd gone into them.


Cherise smiled softly though still pondering behind her eyes. "They did? Oh, so much family history here!" Cherise lightly shook her head in amazement at the thought. "How many of our family still live in this town?" Cherise inquired diligently as her excitement grew.


"Just me, and now you, and Toby too if you wanna count him.. He actually lives up on the mountain with the rest of 'em though, not so much down here no more." Granny replied, patting the top of her cane quite thoughtfully.


Cherise's curiosity of the mountain seemed to grow each time it was mentioned. When first arriving, it's beauty and majesty commanded her attention. The lush green color from a distance drew her eyes and inspired her in a way that she just wanted to explore it. There was something about it that seemed to call to her. Now discovering it shared a large portion in her history, made it even more intriguing. "Oh I see. So the rest of our family lives on the mountain, then?"


"No, Sweetheart." Granny laughed, bouncing in her chair as though she thought she was made of jelly. "No, no. It is only Toby, you, and I who live anywhere near here now. You know already my boys; Tobias and Scott have gone long ago, and the others have all died off... Or wandered off. I think we have a few surviving cousins out there somewhere, but goodness only knows where exactly... The ones Toby is living with are a new pack, led by a strong young fellow named Kratos. Let me see now, what do they call it exactly?" And she fell into silence, tapping her chin and looking upward thoughtfully.

"Kagronphi? Calypto?.. No... Uhm, Kargowethen?... Oh blooming pear seeds! I can't seem to remember what they call the pack! Aw, boo! My memory..."

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