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Up In The Attic (SP-RP6) 06/2015

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Welcome to one of the Pack's side-plots "Up in the Attic."

This role play is to take place during the same timeline as the role play  "Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past", from the time that it branches off at page 12 to the time it ties back in (hereafter to be specified at the conclusion of this thread.)

It is set in the area in and around Mrs. Buttermilk's antique shop, see the

Calagathorm's Guide and Gallery for information on the characters of Reknab Bend.

This role play has been opened for the purpose of detailing the conversation between Cherise Johnson and her Grandmother, Mrs Buttermilk, in the time proceeding Cherise's introduction to the Calagathorm Werewolf Pack.

Key Events

  • Granny tells Cherise a little bit of history about her old pack, that came before Calagrathorm, and a little of the lore of Phantom Mountain (pages 3 - 4)
  • Cherise learns about the Phantom Plant, and another plant that reverses its effects. (page 4)


Granny Buttermilk hobbled into the main room of her attic home, heading directly toward the tea table where a nice set was already filled. Pouring herself up a small cup, she went and sat in an old straw chair: It was beside the round window, one that overlooked the town, but had a direct view of Phantom Mountain.

"So.. Let's catch up, now. Eh?" She said pleasantly. "Make yourself at home."


Cherise followed closely behind her Grandmother. Staring at her feet as she climbed the stairs. When they reached the top and walked into the main room, Cherise lifted her head and paused. Glancing around the room in complete awe. Granny Buttermilk's home was well organized with antique ceramic crafts of bowls, plates, and vases. Candle holders and other such things would catch the attention being delicately painted with bright watercolors. Upon the table where a beautiful tea set was already laid out, hot and ready, a certain ceramic figurine caught Cherise's eye.

A beautifully detailed wolf stood, featured upon a wide landscape that grew into a mountain, gazing up as it howled a song. Although considerably smaller, yet no less detailed, the song was returned by another that stood upon a ledge higher up on the mountain.

For a reason, which she then only believed was known to herself, Cherise found that this particular figurine stood out more then the rest. Her eyes scanned over it's details and colors, almost entranced with it's idea. Realizing she had been staring at it for a while, she quickly pulled away and looked to her grandmother "Wow, your home is so lovely." Quietly she sat by the tea table. "How long have you lived here?"


"How long?.. Well, let me think..." The old woman chuckled, scratching the side of her head with the handle of her wooden cane. "Since I was a baby I'd say." She said at last. For a moment, she looked at her cane with a thoughtful gaze, as though the motion she had just preformed had returned an old memory to her old head.

"Come sit." She beckoned, motioning for the young woman take the seat across from hers. With a curious smile, she stood and turned to a woven umbrella basket, hidden carefully under a dull knitted blanket and placed behind her chair in a comfortable corner next to the ancient lampshade. There, she put her cane amid many others, each crafted from different wood and decorated with many various designs, and grabbed a new one from the stack: This, unlike her previously plain brown cane with a golden tip, was dark grey and decorated with black figures, winding up the staff like wolves in the wind.

Once again, she sat upon her seat, and looked at her granddaughter expectantly. "Ask your questions, Deary-- And don't be shy.." She said, sipping from her cup.


Cherise arose steadily from the stool by the tea table and carefully made her way to the seat her Gran had motioned to. After being seated, she watched curiously as Mrs. Buttermilk set aside her old cane, replacing it with another. This new cane, however, made Cherise shift in her chair uncomfortably. It too, like the figurine, prompted the true question she had long awaited the answer to.

Hoping that it might come up if she beat around the bush, Cherise began her conversation differently. "That figurine is very pretty, where was it made?" she did not want to seem like she was dodging asking her own questions, but in truth, she was.


Granny Buttermilk lifted an skeptical eyebrow. Surely her secret granddaughter could not have traveled so far and worked so hard to find old family members, just to ask where Grandma had gotten a figurine she didn't even know Grandma had came from.. That was ridiculous! .. Nevertheless, a question was a question.

"Oh, the boys bought it for me as a birthday gift a long time ago, from one of them white-glass figure sellin' store places." She said with a contented sigh, smiling at the old wolf statue she had very nearly forgotten though it stand in plain sight. "They painted it themselves I think."


Cherise's mind raced trying to find a way to bring up her questions with out sounding completely crazy. She had no idea if her father was a- or if he was, would tell his mother about it. She didn't. As far as she knew her secret had never been discovered by her mother. Still, Grandma buttermilk had a cane and figurine of depicting wolves- Well duh, she had many figurines, and canes. These were only a few of her thoughts.

Cherise looked at her grandma intently as she talked about her sons. "W- What was he like? You know, my father?" Cherise clinched inside as she spoke these words, they sounded wrong or came out so. How was she ever going to find answers if she was not willing to ask the questions.


"Spoiled."Granny answered bluntly, and rather matter-of-factly, because it was true. Nevertheless, she had to give him some credit-- The spoiling was mostly her doing. He'd been her favorite pup, the one she'd hoped to pass her rank to when the time came.. Which of course, it never had.

"Spoiled, reckless, picky like you wouldn't believe, and outrageously proud of himself... But very brave and handy with a wrench." Granny continued, falling back into fond memories. "And he was a good older brother; He took care of Tobias so well, I hardly had a need to worry about them.... You would have liked him I think. Almost everyone did, despite his flaws."


Cherise's sudden shock at her Grandmother's bluntness soon gave way to a new feeling. One which she had also kept from her mother. She had always felt the absence of having a fatherly influence in her life. She wanted very much to meet him here and perhaps discover more about this other side of her. He could have even taught her about it. However, finding that he had gone and left no trace of where he went with his mother, filled Cherise with disappointment. This was where the trail ended, it wasn't likely that she would ever meet him.

With this thought still fresh in her mind, she slowly turned her head to see out the round window. "Where do you think he is now?" quite without thinking the words slipped out.


"Bah! That whelp? Goodness only knows." Granny said sharply, brushing her hand dismissively, yet looking out the window as if hoping to see him there. Seeing not but the mist dancing around Phantom Mountains highest peak, she sat back with a huff. "He's nowhere he don't want to be, most like. It don't concern me any.. If he wanted me to know where he was, or even hazard myself a guess, he woulda said as much.. But no! I gotta learn what's goin' on through a note from Tobias."

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