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Transitions (CA - Uno, Mark, & the Shepherds)

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I kept up that internal promise I would keep my face sane.  I might have have succeeded- not that Bob was letting on either way.

“In short, she pulled me over once for running a stop sign.  I just met her but…” carefully, careful now or I’d step  in it, “I think she knows something about us - I mean werewolves.  And frankly I’m worried she’s going to stumble into something dangerous”.

"I'm aware..." Bob said cautiously.

Several had stepped foot onto the divining line that night. Lyra was among them.

"She lost her partner a few months ago. Robin's da- uhh, dealing with the same thing right now... people who get too close to the threshold. The girl she's housing right now has a boy who's going to have to go through the change. You have to be careful."

He rocked back on his heels. "It seems important to you."

I waited a little longer to see if Chapman was inclined to say anything, but he didn’t.  He was watching and waiting for what I’d say - smart man.  I turned the news of Robin’s latest project in my mind a few times, then sighed heavily.

“I know,” I said, quietly, “I’m just not used to being on this side of things.  I barely even remember a time when I hadn’t past over that line.  When I was with Steele, I was misguided but I knew the dangers.  But what do you do when someone has no idea what they could be stepping into ?  Stepping aside is just as dangerous as stepping in and I’m not sure how to navigate that”.

I laughed darkly, “Like I said, I’m not sure I’m exactly qualified for what you have in mind”.

Bob exhaled slowly. "You can do it. I'm going to help you, and they're going to support you in any way they can. For now, they'll take on your reports between the lot of them, but once you get adjusted, you'll have those who report to you. Give yourself time and grace, son."

"We've got a hand in several affairs but everyone does about everything. Except paperwork. Tara does paperwork." Bob scrunched his nose up in disgust, turning around towards the door and grumbling about bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo.  The door was opened and he waited for Uno to enter first. "Well? They're waiting for their new Captain."

I followed him but felt a rush of what I suspected was adrenaline right under my skin.  It all moved so fast, where Chapman was concerned.  Here I thought I’d only be submitting an application for the academy and maybe in a few years getting the honor of issuing traffic violations.

But he was right.  He was getting older and he needed people established while he still had the strength to do so.  There wasn’t always enough time- so where things could be sped up, well…

I’d just have to adjust.

I walked through the door and took in the four individuals assembled.  I couldn’t discern much of their character from a glance, but assumed them to be of high caliber as they had Chapman’s confidences.  I at once felt something like an imposture, and had the unsettled sensation he hadn’t mentioned me before.  I might just appear to be one of his strays dragged off the street, presented for something he was in no way qualified for.

I gave a slight nod, “Erm… hello…. I’m Val”.


All eyes were on him in an instant. The room was no more tense for his arrival. Clay stood first, "Smith, Clay. he introduced himself with a curt nod, but handshakes were withheld.

"These are your partners," he gestured behind himself. "Randall, Tara. She handles the paperwork. Chapman probably told you already."

Tara smiled towards Val.

"Hayes, Mercer. Takes care of the PR. Since he's a pretty boy and all." Clay smirked, and Mercer rolled his eyes and held his hand up in greeting to Uno.

"Delgado, Reggie. Eyes and ears. His team keeps an eye on the territory line."

Clay narrowed his eyes on the last. Reggie was the only one not to acknowledge Val with so much as a glance. Nonetheless, it was not the time or place to address it.

"For all extensive purposes," Clay looked at Bob now, "We're not a pack. We owe our services to the public first, and Chapman... or, our Chief second. Any one of these men are free to come or go. We're known as The Shepherds."

I watched each of them introduce themselves and took in their names and mannerisms slowly.  I gave each a polite nod to their introduction, not daring to ruin it by saying much.  I wasn't sure what to make of Reggie yet, other than perhaps he agreed with my own personal assessment I was just Chapman's latest stray.

Still, it seemed Chapman had already introduced the idea... and they each had at least acknowledged it, even if they hadn't embraced it full-heartedly.

"Thank you. I already owe you all so much, even if we haven't met before.  Chapman saved my life seven years ago"

I struggled to think of what to say next without sounding even more pathetic. I lowered my gaze self-consciously and opted to at least be honest.  Nothing worse than pretending to be more than you were.

"I'm a good shot, hardworking, and pretty exhaustive about anything I set my mind to. I don't mind the tedious, honestly you could set me on paperwork if Tara ever needs a break," I tried to stomach a half-smile without looking queasy, "Or anything at all, really.  I'll do whatever needs to be done so people don't get hurt".

Bob clasped Val's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "You'll do great."

Clay smiled subtly, "A good shot? I'll take you to the range tomorrow, let's see what you're made of."

"Alright, we have work to do. Tara," Bob only raised an eyebrow.

"Technical mumbo jumbo, right?" she asked evenly.

"Yes. Technical mumbo jumbo, pronto."

Mercer stood and popped his back. "It's nice to meet you finally." he said, nodding to Val, "I've got to go, date night."

"Oooooh," Tara smirked. "The cute reporter again?" she asked menacingly. Mercer waved his hand dismissively and walked out, slapping Reggie on the shoulder as he left. Tara grabbed her purse and jacket and followed, "Goodbye, boys." she chirped, stepping out behind Mercer, who held the door for her.

I smiled, nodded, and watched them go.  Certainly there was nothing unwelcoming about them, and yet I had the sense of walking in the middle of a group of people that had lived, breathed, and worked together a very long time.  I used to be part of something like that.  And apparently, I was going to be part of something like that again.

I turned to regard Bob, Clay, and Reggie in turn to see if there was something else they wanted from me. Or if perhaps they had other matters to discuss out of my ear shot.  I'd come what I'd meant to do - and apparently, would be having plenty of work ahead.

The atmosphere between the remaining three was tense. Bob wasted no time in dissipating it, however. "I have a guest over tonight. Reggie, lunch, tomorrow." it was more of a command than a question. Reggie nodded and stood, leaving without a word. Clay and Bob exchanged a look, but it wasn't the time or place to address it.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Clay said to Val. "Chief," he looked solemnly on Chapman, before dismissing himself.

When they were all well gone, Bob stepped into the kitchen. "Can I get you anything?" he asked.


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