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Theory of Attraction

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Lee took the book back and returned it to his backpack.

" This book seems like it's for someone older though, how old are you?" He asked.


The girl seemed to smirk, grabbing for one of Lee’s math pages she had just completed with her right hand.  She pointed to one of the questions that had not yet been solved: “Find x: 2 * (x/30 + 2) = 5”

Lee looked at the math problem Ami had pointed at, and went straight for his sheet he had previously been using to do the steps to solve the math equations before, and started at it. It wasn't long before he discovered the answer.

" 15?" He started, sounding completely baffled. He wasn't sure what to make of the new discovery, as it came as a bit of a shock. He looked at Ami, still confused. " ...You're two years older than me…..?"


The girl shrugged in response, as though the number was arbitrary, before finally nodding in confirmation.  She looked at Lee with a thoughtful air. The fingertips of her right hand poked from the oversized sleeves of her haori, reaching out to grab Lee by the hand. She began to walk. There was no authority in her tug, but a suggestion and invitation to follow if he would so please.  The other sleeve of her haori swished absently with her pace.

With Ami's eyes staring back at him, Lee quickly looked away as he began to feel uncomfortable again. Then she grabbed his hand and gently tugged to follow her somewhere. He was blushing, he could feel it. He had no idea what he was supposed to do now, overloaded with unfamiliar feelings, that he got up and simply let her lead to where she would all the while trying to keep the fact that he was blushing hidden.


If Ami noticed the tinge to the boy's cheeks, she didn't let on.  She started to lead him through a maze of bookshelves, taking a circuitous route so they never encountered even a soul.  She found a stairwell at the far end of the library.  Still holding onto Lee's hand, she shifted her weight against the door and released the door knob with her left shoulder.  She exhaled harshly, then it creaked ajar…

"Hey what are you doing ?" a voice came from behind, belonging to one of the boys Lee encountered a few weeks ago.

Next to him were two of his buddies.

"What are you doing, holding hands with some weird girl?" He sneered, taking a step forward.

Immediately hearing the sound of the boys behind them, Lee let go of Ami's hand. He turned to face them but wasn't sure what to say.

" I was just…" He stammered, but couldn't come up with a reason he had actually been holding Ami's hand for so long.

" You know, the only weird thing here is your reaction." A voice said as a taller boy came over next to the boy taunting Lee, staring the bully down with a sneer. " Oh, but maybe you're too young to know- but if your dad never got together with your mom you wouldn't have been born." He mocked.


In the manner dogs might sense a natural disaster moments before it strikes, the boy and his two friends quickly made scarce with the arrival of the voice. Soon it was only Lee, Ami, and the menacing figure before them.

Ami, for her part, seemed to take no notice of the change in the temperature. She felt Lee’s hand pull away from hers and looked at the new boy like a very strange, new insect.

Ami proceeded to approach the new boy, the deep-violet of her eyes inspecting him so deeply it might have felt akin to being X-rayed. No detail was overlooked. She remarked on his hair, his clothes, his shoes, his posture.  

She tilted her head and abruptly disappeared back into the rows and rows of bookshelves.

" Losers.." The taller boy snickered to himself watching the bullies flee. Then he turned to Lee and Ami, and was caught off guard by the small girl's approach and unrelenting gaze. He stared her down letting her know he wasn't someone to mess with before she disappeared. Now his attention was turned solely on Lee.

" Hey. You're Mikey's little Asian nerd friend, right?" He asked, his smug attitude not faltering.

Lee watched as the bullies ran off from the taller boy he was only briefly acquainted with. Then he saw Ami move forward to examine the taller boy. 

" Ami!" He whispered for her to come back, but she didn't. And very soon, she had simply disappeared back into the book shelves, leaving Lee all alone with the taller boy.

Lee stiffened at the menacing boy's question.

" Yeah," Lee responded, trying to control his voice from cracking.

" Well he and everyone else is waiting for you. You are hanging out with us today, right?" The taller boy asked, staring at Lee expectantly.

" Oh, right.." Lee said. His dark eyes began to search the bookcases around, worried about leaving without saying anything to Ami; Did he actually want to leave her was the question… Something inside that had ignited from holding her hand was still ablaze inside him, and he found himself unable to ignore the feeling.


Everything was quiet a moment, until - phmph! A book sailed through the air from an unknown hand and struck the older boy on the backside of the skull.  It was not a very large book, but nonetheless a hardcover and moving at such a velocity that its collision might be unpleasant.

There was no evidence of the attacker. It was simply as though the book had gotten up and struck the boy of its own accord.  The title across the cover read - When Worlds Collide.

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