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Theory of Attraction

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Lee didn't know what he had stumbled upon. Was the girl taking notes on him? Then his eyes drifted across the papers in her possession and did a double take toward his own sheets of homework that had been finished and noticed where she had got the papers from. 

Lee turned back to Ami completely flustered.

" What are you doing? Give those back…" He said, now embarrassment joining in his annoyance. He hoped she wasn't looking over his homework to find some kind of mistakes he might have made…

He got up, hand already extending to take the papers back but stopped short of doing so forcefully. He looked at her expectantly now, waiting for her to return the papers she'd taken.

Ami, reluctantly, handed the papers over to Lee.  As he had feared, she had made small changes to his math homework where she had identified the mistakes.  Yet her own intrusions were so slight, a few number changes here and there, that only the original hand might recognize it as such.

She still clutched a few other pages that she had not relinquished.  These had been the pages she had scribbled with such, detailed thought… and presently looked to the side with a flushed look to her cheeks.

Lee examined the homework with a keen eye for detail.

" Wha- wait, why'd you change the numbers? No, no, that's cheating-" Lee said as he turned back completely flustered, quickly grabbing for his eraser and started at attacking everything written on the page, soon making it blank again.

" Now I have to do it all over again. I know the teacher wouldn't notice, but I can't turn it in like this. I am not a cheater...!" Despite his growing frustration he kept his voice hush for the sake of maintaining the library's environment. 

After erasing all the pages, he set out once more to solve the math equations again, trying to ignore any light marks that still remained of the previous answers.

Ami’s cheeks tinged pink at her discovery, but did not object as Lee began to erase her handiwork.  She held on to the final few pages.. then with a defeated sigh, presented those as well.

These had just been blank pages she’d found, yet they’d not remained blank for long.  A graphite hero stood before a fire, taunting at villainous eyes within the flames.  The hand that had drawn it had done so with precision, the faces lacking expression but the detail and form well minded to.  In the next page was a woman clad in a tunic and holding a sword before a haughty queen with a large crown and an ornate dress.

At the bottom, Ami had signed her name.  The page with the man was labeled ‘Alador’, and the page with the warrior-woman and queen was labeled ‘Aeriel and Vendora’.

Lee almost missed Ami trying to hand over her drawings to him as he stared hard at his homework still upset, but with one glance of the image on the paper he paused as his frustration melted into a tad bit of curiosity.

" ...Did you draw that? It looks really good." He said as he studied the piece but did not move to take the paper from her.

Ami nodded and set both pages back on the desk for Lee.  Her face disappeared from behind the bookshelf, yet quickly reappeared as she stalked around to the desk.  Her expression narrowed on Lee’s bookbag.

Neglecting to ask for permission, she proceeded to unzip it and began glancing through its contents.

Lee was just about to return to his homework as he noticed Ami come over to his bag and started prying into it. Lee watched for only a moment as he tried to process just how strange she was. And then panic washed over him.

" H-hey!" He said as he pulled the bag away from her. " You can't just go snooping in my things…"

Lee quickly zipped the bag back up and hugged it in his arms, looking at her hard trying to find something, anything in her face to help him figure out what she wanted. 


Ami starred at Lee. Lee starred at Ami. A cycle of starring commenced, neither side willing to give in to the other.

Finally Ami sighed, and pointed again to the illustrations.  As well as to the names of each character below them. Then returned a pointed stare to Saber’s book bag, conveying meaning if not through words than osmosis.

" Oh-" Lee said as he finally understood. He unzipped his bag and dug out the book, handing it over to her.

" I'm not finished reading it yet, but I'm over half way done. It's really good, though I've.. had to look up a few words." The last part slipped out before he could think, as he bashfully looked away, his cheeks growing warm. He already knew she was older than him, but now he was certain she would merely consider him a child for his shameful childlike knowledge of the english language.


Ami smiled.  But hers was a fleeting thing, scurried off into the underbrush the moment it was observed. Nonetheless the girl’s face still seemed pleased, albeit stoic, as she flipped open the book to the bookmark to see what place Lee was at.

She turned the book back to him with an approving nod.

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