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Theory of Attraction

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The Pinerich library was quiet that day, as was its usual state. People went to and fro between the shelves looking for a particular book, while others were sitting around tables and the lounge areas reading. Somewhere in the large library however was a scene that was not all that common to its expansive hallway of books.

A young teen stared up at a book on the shelf above him. He let out a sigh of frustration as he could already tell it was going to be hard to reach. 

Lee, only thirteen, was short for his age. While others his age were already reaching five feet, he looked like he was still a few years younger. His chubby cheeks didn't help. But from the book he sought to reach denounced the assumption he was that young, lest he be grabbing it only for show. 

With a cautious glance around to make sure nobody was around to see him, he stood up on his toes, reaching as high as he could but was only just barely able to touch it, not enough to reach the top of it to pull it off the shelf. He came back to the ground in a huff, as he stared at the book now like it was it's fault that he couldn't reach it. Only a few seconds passed did he reach up again, this time grabbing a hold of a lower shelf with his other hand to steady himself. He struggled with his fingers to get in between the books next to the one he wanted to get it out, but the books were squeezed too tight next to each other for his fingers to fit. Still, he gave his best effort, swaying a little as he tried to keep his balance doing so. He wouldn't give up so easily…

A girl lingered from her shadows, pleasantly submerged between two bookshelves.  She had been lingering for some time, in fact, to the point that the staff over these past few weeks had begun to wonder about her.  The strange child had arrived by virtue of a young man- her very amiable brother - and was only picked up late into the evening. She came with a lunch and snacks and seemed very happy in the solitude, so none could think to protest she was being neglected.


No, it had more to do with how unsettling she could be.  She would disappear for hours on end, and appear when one least expected her.  Jil had nearly screeched when she found the child just outside the bathroom exit, head cocked.  Certainly Beatrice had not anticipated to find the girl, head tilted in intrigue, in the archive room.  Some of the patrons had jolted to find this strange girl had been staring at them as they’d read for hours on end. And to make matters worse, the girl never spoke.  Like a bad shadow she lingered, and would reappear when least expected and not say a word on the matter.


Such as now… She saw a very short, very chubby cheeked boy reaching upwards to retrieve his prize.  She thought something amusing in the image.  Was it the chubby cheeks that bespoke of youth, perhaps? Or the determination to capture his prize without assistance?  She might have entertained herself by the visual for some time, but even shadows needed to stir sometimes.  She peeled away from her hidden vantage, seeming to appear abruptly from between the bookshelves.


The girl in appearance was… strange.  She wore her mother’s haori, a kind of broad-sleeved garment traditionally worn among her family. Of course, the girl didn’t care much about the tradition.  She instead enjoyed how, oversized on her, the sleeves reached a good four inches past her fingertips. As she walked, the sleeves swished besides her and she gave the impression of a very fancy ghost.  Her hair was cropped short into a page girl haircut and clipped to the side with a sparkly hair clip.  She wore loose, baggy linen pants, and curiously - a pair of sneakers.  The mismatch of appearance did not seem to bother her in the least, however.


Soon she was just over the boy’s shoulder.  Watching him struggle just a moment longer, she leaned up on the toes of her heels, reached her right arm over his head - momentarily exposing the very tips of her fingers as the sleeve slid down her arm, and retrieved the book that had just been out of his reach.  She was not terribly tall herself, yet the meager few inches she had on the boy had been enough.  Amused, she inspected the title before handing it over to the boy.


Nodding to herself, pleased, she moved to disappear again.

Lee didn't even hear the girl before she reached over his head and grabbed the book he was after. He froze for a moment from how close the girl was, before finally pulling his hand away from the shelf and coming back down to standing on the ground. He looked completely embarrassed as he turned to look at the girl, the silence around growing as the girl examined his book. Then, she handed it to him.

His hands were slow to grab the book, his eyes going back and forth between looking at the girl's face to his book. He tried to mutter a thank you, but instead it came out in Chinese. 

" Xièxiè- ..I mean, thank you…!" He said quietly, feeling his cheeks grow even warmer from his mistake. He just stared at the ground now, completely stiff, the interaction seemingly having paralyzed him.

The girl stopped and turned around to catch the growing red blushed the boy’s cheeks.  Neither judgement nor pity were on her face.  Instead, she studied him not unlike a curious mushroom one found growing on the side of the road, her dark eyes intent on his.  If she studied him long enough, perhaps she would understand his strange condition.


And in the same moment she studied him, he might also study her.  In the light, her eyes were not entirely dark, but violet and blue dancing strangely in the sunlight.  The moment lasted a breath longer than comfort, but less than might inspire questions.  In the next moment she strode off towards a nearby bookcase.  Standing on her tiptoes, as she had previously, she retrieved yet another book off the shelf.


Prize in hand, she pressed this as well into Lee’s hand.  ‘Master of Five Magics’, the title read.

Lee's eyes drifted to the girls as she paused and turned back to examine him. He studied the strange shine of blue in her dark eyes, almost feeling he could see a hint of purple in the darkness. Something about them was mesmerizing.

But then, Lee could feel the awkwardness settling in again. The moment seemed to last longer than was comfortable, and he turned his eyes back to the ground. Only when he saw her move back towards a shelf did he risk glancing towards her again. Even if it was a short moment, he studied her attire curiously, noting how she had rather traditional clothing on. He wondered if she went to school like that, and if so, how she must've gotten bullied for it. Maybe that's why she didn't talk. Or, maybe she was so weirdly mysterious and freaked people out that nobody dared to bully her. If that was the case, Lee almost envied her. Granted, she might've not had many friends for it either, so… Maybe not something worth envying.

As she turned back and strided soundlessly over to him, her gaze on him finally didn't disable him. He looked at her and then the book as she handed it to him. He reached out for it as he studied the cover.

" Is this one you like?" He asked.

The girl’s face made very little in the way of expression, yet Lee’s expression seemed to spark something.  It was not exactly a smile - even in her tender years, hers was a visage chiseled out of stone.  It was her eyes perhaps, that offered most in the way of expression.  At present they seemed to grow, an excitable light spilling over.


She nodded at once, flipping the book over in Lee’s palm and pointing to the back cover with a serious nod.

Lee could see the subtle change in the girls countenance. She then turned the book in his hand and beckoned him to read the book's summary. He took a moment to read it, but as he did his eyes could be seen growing with their own glow of excitement, and curiosity. He looked back at her, now suddenly feeling a bit weird again but tried to shrug it off.

" Thanks, I'll.. definitely check it out." He said.

The girl’s strange eyes watched Lee as he spoke.  There was no threat in them, yet there was an intensity that would make any lie feel uncomfortable all the same.  Somewhat forcefully, and flipping the book over again in his hand, she opened the front page to reveal the library card.  Very few names were listed on the card, yet the most recent was dated from only a few weeks ago.


The girl pointed at the name - ‘Ami Ikeda’.  


Her expression furrowed at the card, then looked fixedly at Lee for some kind of response.

Lee looked at the name as the girl pointed. " Ami Ikeda," he read out loud. " Is Ami your name?" He asked looking up at her.

The girl considered that with a small shrug.  Then she offered a small nod in reply.

She pointed to a blank space just following her own name, glancing to Lee as she did so.

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