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Birthdate:  August 23rd

Blood Line: Pure-bred

Background: Theo was born into a very strong, and well-feared clan of werewolves, located presently on the island Tasmania. As opposed to many other werewolf clan's view on their predicament, Theo's clan glamorized their alter form. They believed they were the physical and moral superior of their human neighbors.  As a result, they were reckless in adding newly turned werewolves to their ranks, or upping the body count of human locals -- their only limit was to avoid significant exposure by the human masses.  The pack was known to move locations roughly every 20 years when suspicion and allegations grew.  In spite of the inherent corruption, dramatic leadership changes were rare and the pack had a sufficient community.  Many members lead human lives in town, and many more chose to have and raise their families on the pack grounds.  Their culture was something of a micro-melting pot, with many myths and stories from recent members becoming part of the greater-pack culture.  Myths such as the Legend of the White Wolf however are so integral to the pack culture that no single origin can be found.

Theo ancestors were strong and powerful werewolves, originating somewhere in Italy. His father was first Beta of the Pack, and his mother a highly-revered warrior in battle. As such, he was treated something similar to royalty within his clan. He was, however, always watched under the scrutinized eye of his father. His father was a terrible perfectionist and obsessed with power, which totaled to a very potent mix. His father expected highly of him, much beyond what he could do, and thus was very disappointed in him. Instead of withering under his authoritative father, he rebelled. The two constantly clashed and fought against one another. At age 13, he had enough and left home, vowing never to return.

The pendent around his neck is made of blood-stone. It was mined from a cavern on a particularly steep mountain. It is given to every warrior within his clan when they come of warrior status (generally around 12-14). There is a legend surrounding it that it grants its wearer power. While it does nothing of the sort, Theo is very superstitious, and refuses to ever take it off.


Personality:  Theo came to the pack as a rebellious teenager, distrusting of authority and still seeking to "one-up" his pop he left back home.  But over the months he has lived with the pack, Theo's nature has mellowed and he finds himself obedient of Kratos'  authority, however reluctantly.  He has given up his hobby of pranks, thievery, and deceit, and instead taken up to bird-watching, tree-climbing, and nature walks.

Now that this persona fallen away, Theo is in fact quite calm and easy going.  He is tolerant of a wide-range of people and very easy to befriend.  He has spent time trying to get to know his new-found pack and trying to earn himself a place among its members.  Above all, Theo only wants acceptance and a sense of comradery.  He is perhaps desperate for this and would befriend anything, foe or otherwise (otherwise being the pack's prisoner), just to say he has a friend.

Also over the months, Theo has been desperately trying to learn control over his wolf-form.  Still haunted and guilty over what he did to Jackie when he first came to join the pack, Theo only wants to prevent such an incident from happening again by understanding all the pack has to teach him.  Where he once relished in his wolf's power, he now shirks away from it and perhaps fears it.  He has been trying to avoid this form wherever possible by maintaining his emotions. It is clear Theo finally understands his actions have consequences.

This is not to say Theo is entirely obedient or calm.  He is still very much a teenage boy with a streak of laziness and a hint of rebellion.  He is known to actively avoid chores with various subversive tricks and white-lies, frequently those lies by omission. He can at times make silly, impulsive decisions.


Human Description: Theo looks much like a Great Dane puppy; not literally, but in the sense that his strength is trapped in an adolescents body.  It is clear he is meant to be tall and strong, but still at the age of 16, this height (6'1") and strength translates into a gangly teenager with strong arms and long legs.  His face is narrow but is matched with a strong jaw-line.  His hair is an unruly mess of rich brown curls.  And his skin is a tanned-olive green.  He has thick noticeable eyebrows, that only seem to make his brilliant green eyes all the more striking.

He tends to wear simple clothing with no strong preference for what it is as long as it takes minimum effort to put on.  His clothes are often on the baggy side.  He also has a tendency not to wear shoes a whole lot; unless it's particularly cold out or he has to go on a long trek, he will opt to run bare-foot.  The only article of clothing he's ever shown fondness towards is a scarf he received for Christmas.

How they came to join the pack:

Theo had been sleeping within the city for the past week- namely sleeping in alleys and stealing food from local stores. By a mishap on his part, a local store keeper discovered him attempting to make a break with his loot. She called the cops on him and they pursued, eventually capturing him and putting him in the back seat like any other criminal. Unfortunately, Theo shifted and broke through the window. The very misfortuneate cop was about to become dinner, but fortunately pack member HawkThorne intercepted and brought him back to the pack.

Though a little reserved about joining another pack, Theo eventually did with reasons beyond his comprehension.

Art by INDY