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Alpha Interviews - Logan: The Weight of a Word (SP-RP16/17)

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This role play takes place on the timeline between "Werewolves (RP16) A Town Abandoned" and "Werewolves (RP17) Where the Moon meets the Mountain." It details an important conversation between Calagathorm pack member Logan Geronimo and Alpha Kratos.

Several sticks, lined side by side, and cut to equal lengths, were laid by and by. Hand-wound cordage passed over and around them. Then, the cordage was pulled tight and all the sticks were brought together in a bundle.

Kratos was alone, working by himself, near the cabin. He was sitting on a large upturned log, with his knees higher than his navel and his elbows rested thereon. The large pile of sticks beside him had been reduced to stacked bundles of kindling. Now, only logs remained. Kratos took hold of the handle of the axe at his side and stood up.

"You are taking my work."

Logan said plainly, having come to stand across from Kratos.

Her presence had come more quietly than usual (but surely not undetected). This was in part to the new garments she wore for the first time, three or four pieces on her torso, hips and legs--which were made of well worked soft hide, comprised of deer and elk. She wore braces of leather likewise about her forearms, lined with rabbit fur and cinched with leather cord.

On her feet, she wore strange pieces - they were open at the top but the bottom parts were leather and lined underneath with rabbit fur at the heel and toes, and wrapped with laces of leather at the ankles and mid way up the calf, not unlike a roman sandal. The design of the rabbits pelts was clearly intentional, as it gave her a benefit of stealth while in her human form, even on the gravel. She had been occupied with the uniform for several days in preparation for the next full moon. It provided a greater deal of stealth than her usual uniform of heavy cargo pants, and was less cumbersome to move in. The addition of rabbit fur placed strategically along the inside of the chest piece and shorts would provide additional warmth where it was most needed, in either form. Adjustable cord laced throughout each piece, or otherwise overlapping and folded fabric in other places - would allow for easy adjustment.

She examined Kratos' work for a moment. The storms left no shortage of fallen trees, and they would provide useful over the coming winter. Then she stepped forward and offered the Alpha not a glass--but a gallon jar--of water she had brought out and previously had held in one arm like a baby.

Kratos gave pause to see what Logan had dressed herself in. He tilted his chin down and his brow up as he passed over it in a glance. Then he took the jug of water Logan offered him and nodded, setting it by his makeshift stool.

"I did not assign you to this work." Kratos replied evenly. He stooped and picked up a log out of the pile and set it upright on the stump of the tree.

"No," Logan said in response. She had frustrations regarding the matter, yet there was no argument against what was stated. Although it tied into her concerns, she did not voice it at the moment.

Instead she moved to the same pile of logs and removed one suitable for sitting, turning it up and doing just that, while resting her elbows on her knees in the same position Kratos had been previously, far enough away to avoid the spray of splinters.

She picked up a stray stick and began breaking it into halves and quarters and so on as she thought out what to say carefully.

"It does not please me to keep from you any secrets," she dropped the fragments of the stick at her feet and wiped her hands.

"Not long ago, I have learned something of my family.. of my father," although she was not trying be vague, the potential of Timothy lingering undiscovered anywhere nearby stayed her tongue for the moment. She also gave pause to see if Kratos would continue working so she could speak between the blows of the axe.

"I fear it will anger you," she admitted after a moment, her brow knit. She met Kratos' eyes out of respect nonetheless.

Kratos never raised the axe to let it fall. Instead, he watched Logan gather to a place where she could collect her thoughts in one. Then he waited til she found what she wanted to say.

"I don't see why." Kratos said. "Why would I be angry with you over circumstances outside your control."

Logan felt guilty, and she didn't know why. Perhaps it still related back to the day she betrayed the pack to Silas. Only for him to return for Ulric, with her own father in company no less.

The coincidence was all but unbelievable by her standards - and she didn't know if Kratos would find it even beyond belief. And yet was he not also of Svalnaglas heritage?

"He is Svalnaglas." she said plainly, soon after Kratos had finished speaking, unwilling to draw it out further.

Kratos lifted his chin and squinted at the overhanging pine trees. Then he lowered his chin and looked at Logan again.

"I see." He said. "And what does that mean to you?"

Logan seemed surprised and relieved, her eyebrows coming up, the sullen expression she seemed to have been carrying for several days coming off of her face. Logan nodded in affirmation.

"It is nothing to me."

Just like that, the matter seemed forgotten.

Coming from a village where families were estranged for generations over feuds they could no longer remember, Kratos' response was refreshing. It was as if Logan thoroughly expected to be cast away at the confession. None of this would be voiced, however.

Logan bent over and found another stick, a small smile of relief on her lips as she did, but by the time she came up, it was concealed and she appeared serious again. The stick was forgotten on the ground as she stood.

"Kratos. For the home and food I am grateful to you - yet, do not expect me to daily idle here," and idle, perhaps she meant loosely, for Logan never idled, "You know it does not please me. What do you want of me?" she asked with a raised chin, and although she knew what she herself wanted, it did not suit her to make a request of the Alpha without knowing his thoughts.

Alpha Kratos let it go at that word and turned to the log. With a stroke he split it, and stood it upright again.

"You want a job, Logan?" He said. "I thought I gave you one already."

Logan stared, searching for a moment in vain --surely he did not, for she would have taken it very seriously--and yet she did not want to humiliate herself by being wrong, or call the Alpha a liar.

"I have duties..." she said carefully, and gestured at the log, then in a sweeping motion towards the houses stacked high with wood, as if to refute the perceived accusation that she did not work.

"I want a... ah... like a title.. purpose."

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