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The Secrecy of Stone (SP-RP16)

This roleplay takes place just after Werewolves (RP15) The Waking Dawn – Forums and before Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain".

It had been not even an hour since they had dropped those kids off at the cabins. Zander had felt a little guilty for them. There's another option, he'd wanted to say. You have so much to live for besides a bunch of emotionally unstable monsters. But well, neither had been true, had it? There were few options for young werewolves, with the best option being part of a strong pack. Those two kids were alone without their father. As for the second... the mountains were as much their birthright as that pack's.

Not to say the same could be said for him or Cherise.  Without Mrs. Buttermilk to lord her commands, her final wish that they take refuge in the cabins had been ignored... not until her safety was secure. And after it was secure, she was welcome to tirade her wishes on him all she wished. Presently, they were walking back to the antique shop. The car had been parked just outside of the town, in concern for the instabilities of the ground. It would be far easier to respond on two feet (or four), than it would on wheels.

He glanced to Cherise, wondering what was crossing her mind. He wasn't surprised she would rather secure her grandmother's safety than meet a strange new pack... but all the same, he wondered what she thought about.

"Doing alright? We should be back at the antique shop soon enough".

Cherise almost bulldozed her way through the bushes and undergrowth in their path. Although focused on what was ahead of them it was clear by her expression she was wrestling with thoughts of frustration and anger. The only thing in the world that could have pryed her away from her grandmother's side in this situation were those pups. The wolf inside her growled, what were the chances that they would show up at that exact place and time? Nevermind the unknown reasons Granny had of staying behind.

Cherise could feel Zander's glance. She knew very little about him and what his relationship was to her grandmother was a complete mystery too.  At Zander's question, she hesitated to answer.

"Soon enough would be if we could teleport there." She grumbled. "Why in the world did she stay behind? She should have come with us, we could have carried her if needed." Her voice shook with anxious frustration.

Zander was empathetic to Cherise and didn't take her snap at him personally.  He needn't have pried into it to know where her concerns lay. To her question, he could offer her only a grimace and a sigh.

"You know how she is. Stubborn. I'm sure she had some business to mind before she left and didn't want our involvement in it," he paused as they walked those empty roads, listening for some tell-tale sign it would all collapse in an instant.

None were provided. To the eye (and nose and ear), it was a sleepy, quiet little town without a soul in sight. If he had been reading a novel and hadn't known the reason of its desertion, he might have sworn it was from some haunting. They were only a few blocks by foot from the antique shop now.

"Anyways," his voice softened, "She's as tough as she is stubborn. We should be more worried what she'll do to us for coming back than where she is".