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The Residents of Reknab Bend

These characters were all introduced in the fifth official role play

Werewolves (RP 5): Secrets in the Orchard.

Notes will be added as the plot reveals places where some of these characters were introduced prior to RP 5 or have had significant involvement in the plot.

 Albert Rich: A man in his early thirties who has always maintained a responsible living style. He is a political businessman who works in the lower offices of Town Hall, thus many sociable residents know him. He is a kindhearted man marked by his respect for the individual and their concerns.
Albert has had many personal hardships over the years but maintains a pleasant manner around others regardless. As a young adult he faced many financial and family struggles which lead to the great devotion he has in his work and in the people with whom he regularly associates. Quite on account of his kindly but business-like interactions, he is typically at the bad end of social jokes and political mockery. Yet he remains a mostly quiet man despite it all and continues to invest in the individual.

 Harvey Bolt: Quite easily known as the most outspoken resident in Reknab Bend concerning political and social matters, Harvey Bolt is a man in his early middle ages who frequently participates in the towns public affairs. He does not own a ranch in or out of town, but has been employed as a capable farmhand and rancher. As a wild-game hunter by trade, he makes a living off the sales of his products, namely the meat, leather hides, and animal trophies which he sells through a local shop. In the past, he has also been hired to teach younger people how to handle weaponry and tan animal hides.
Harvey Bolt maintains a rather proud attitude and regularly disregards citizens of lesser reputation.

 Alfred Nickers: A man in his late forties who often smells of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoke. Not much can be said of Alfred by anyone who is not gossiping about a man's general appearance and poor life choices. He is an old bachelor who lives in an apartment by himself and works at a low-pay job in town. His somewhat 'high-standing' in society is in large credit to his longtime friendship with Harvey Bolt, as the one is still regularly found in the presence of the other - whether to go shooting or just have a cold drink.

[Update] It was revealed in Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past that Harvey Bolt and Alfred Nickers belong to a small group of Werewolf Hunters local to Reknab Bend.

Thomas Clerk: A friendly peacekeeper and law-enforcement officer who enjoys his work. Thomas Clerk is a man in his late twenties and is father to three young children. He and his wife Molly live in town with their daughters who are ages two through four.
Thomas enjoys interacting with the simple folk around town; whether its the little old lady at the grocery store or the outspoken farmer having a feud with his neighbor, most can rely on him to be there and do his job well.

Robbie Gelton: The son and only child of Barney Gelton. Robbie is a young man of eighteen years who has lived at his father's ranch his whole life. He is a hard worker and diligent high school graduate looking for an opportunity to get a college degree.
Robbie lost his mother to cancer when he was a boy, since then he and his father have been maintaining the ranch on their own. This has built him into a highly dependable and very responsible young lad, and though quite a few challenges have been presented over the years, the strong relationship between father and son has withstood even the greatest among them. It is rumored that Robbie has even postponed his plans for collage on account of concerns for his aging father and the financial situation of the family ranch.

Barney Gelton: The father of Robbie Gelton. Barney owns the Gelton family ranch of three generations; a large portion of land at the base of one of the northern mountains very near to the Chandler Ranch. He was acquainted with his neighbor Mr. Chandler for over a decade before Chandler's death three years prior to the establishment of the Calagathorm Werewolf Pack.
Barney has been in and out of town moderately, so many of the townsfolk know him though he's not a very loud or opinionated fellow. He lost his wife to cancer when his son was ten years old and has been raising the boy on his own since that time.

Mrs. (Sophia) Buttermilk: This somewhat eccentric old lady owns the small antique shop in Reknab Bend. She is one of the oldest residents of the town and it is rumored that her grandparents were around when the town was originally founded. As such there is a butter, milk, and assorted dairy ranch named after her family.
Both her sons, Scott and Tobias, were raised in Reknab. Though in later years Scott was only known for his frequent absences from town matters.
With the family's long-term history as residents, many of the townsfolk have been acquainted with this plump little old lady at one time or another. She often pops in and out of town business at random, and though not everyone has enjoyed her odd visits, it is rumored that all were quite fond of her youngest son Tobias.

After her two sons mysteriously vanished, Mrs. Buttermilk was left with the rearing up of her four-year old grandson Toby. Since then the lad has grown into a well-educated and highly responsible member of society.
Mrs. Buttermilk is credited for her grandson's presence in the Calagathorm pack. As a werewolf herself and once the 'Alpha' of a now disintegrated pack, she knows what she's looking at when it comes to Werewolf hierarchy. Thus being impressed by the new pack's Alpha, Kratos, Mrs. Buttermilk encouraged and eventually insisted on Toby's membership.

[Update] Mrs. Buttermilk was first mentioned in  Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (pg 5) and has since been mentioned in several other role plays. She made appearances in (RP 5, 6, & 7, along with being a main character in the character-discovery-plot "Up in the Attic" with her granddaughter, and Calagathorm pack member, Cherise Johnson.

Jenn Peters: This highly spirited redhead is rightly considered a 'social butterfly,' and as such, many among the younger residents of Reknab Bend know her. She grew up in Reknab and is currently training to be a professional nurse at the local Emergency Care Center.
Anyone who has ever been acquainted with Jenn knows that she's quite talkative and will go about whats on her mind at a mile a minute. She is friendly and outgoing and is known to be the first in any instance to approach a new face.
Jenn is a close friend of Robbie Gelton and Tammy Trodder, though she's known to make friends with anyone and everyone. She doesn't often distinguish young from the old when it comes to social interactions, and thus the more elderly and serious of townsfolk tend to avoid her.

[Update] Jenn made her first appearance in Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (pg 20) when she attended Jackie and Ulric at the Reknab Bend Emergency Center. Since then, she has also made appearances in (RP 5, pg 3) Secrets in the Orchard and (RP 7) Where Phantoms Reside, at the end of which she discovered the truth about the wolves of Phantom Mountain. In the side plot, What the Rain Forgot to Say, Jenn also met Tito, Calagathorm pack member Saber's best friend. 

Mr. (John) Trodder: An average rancher as he seems; Mr. Trodder lives on a small farm somewhere outside town with his granddaughter, Tammy. He has been a resident of the town for at least ten years but was seldom seen around until about eight years ago when he was befriended by a few of the townsfolk and began making frequent visits into town.
Previous to the year that the Calagathorm pack was established, Mr. Trodder vanished from town whereabouts on account of health issues. During that time he stayed with his two daughters, Amelia and Beatrice. Since then however, Mr. Trodder has returned home and now accompanies his granddaughter into town when she assists in the volunteer work at the Reknab Bend Emergency Care Center.
Mr. Trodder has had many connections with the townsfolk over the years. He shared a friendship with Mr. Chandler, the father of Calagathorm Pack Beta Zeit, as well as with Mildred McGordner, Barney Gelton, and others.

[Update] Mr. Trodder made his first appearance in (Role play 4, page 8) Danger on the Horizon, where he met and spoke with Alpha Kratos in the Emergency Clinic lobby. He has since had other appearances and mentions in (RP 5 & 8)

Katie Thompson: Known as the town's reclusive neighbor, not much is known about Katie Thompson except that she is opinionated, likes her space, and only visits the town once a month to restock on her groceries. She is not usually an active participant in the towns goings-on and keeps to herself in some cabin situated on the side of a mountain near the Gelton Ranch. It is known that she owns a good portion of the northern mountain range, but what she has done with it -if anything- remains to be seen. Only when her solitude is threatened has she ever come from her hidden dwelling, and even then she does not socialize with anyone and her visits are brief.
Though none of the townsfolk have really ever cared to know more about Katie than the strange rumors and assumptions conjured up by wild imaginations, it should be noted that she wasn't always so reclusive.
In reality it was only after her sister ran off with some Irish stranger that Katie became so distant. But it is rumored that every once in awhile she gets a visit from her niece, Sabrina Sabres.

Mildred McGordner: A middle-aged woman who is known in a wide range of social circles throughout town. She is among the 'well-voiced' residents, and it should be justly noted that her opinion is regularly in opposition to that of Harvey Bolt. She believes in the rights and protection of the farming community and will not tolerate any trespasses against them. The younger folk of Reknab Bend know to mind Mildred when she is around, and even the young lads give her decent respect when they are not trying to avoid her.
Mildred has owned a small farming ranch near town since moving to Reknab some twenty years ago. In her younger years she was known as quite a beautiful and practical woman, but for whatever reason she was never married and continues to this day single. It was said that she had a lover once, but that's town gossip which can not be verified.
A fairly respectable woman with the quality of a leader, Mildred McGordner holds the high esteem of many people throughout town. Though she is a very grim-faced and serious-minded person, she is kind down to her heart and often looks out for those who are struggling - whether in social debate or otherwise.

Tammy Trodder: This dark-haired young lady is the daughter of Mr. Trodder's only son, Joshua. She is a new resident in town, only having lived in Reknab Bend for about half a year. Previously she lived with her two aunts, "Emmy" and "Benny", having been raised by them since infancy after her parents died in an accident. Tammy recently came to live with Mr. Trodder after his health began to improve so that he could maintain his regular living style in Reknab Bend.
The only other family member Tammy has ever mentioned is a cousin, the son of her aunt Beatrice, who was named after Tammy's father.
Tammy's best friend is Jenn Peters, and though the two have not known each other long, each is rather fond of the companionship of the other. However, Tammy's personality is quite in contrast to that of her friend; she is often shy and reserved, more of an observer than a participant in conversation and only adds her word when necessary.
Tammy became acquainted with Jenn after Tammy volunteered at the Emergency Care Center during the time that Jenn trained as a nurse there.