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Alpha Interviews - Sabrina: The Patience of Thunder (SP-RP8)

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Sabrina smiled coolly. "What is really on trial here? My loyalties I have proven, I think. My respect I have proven also, though it is not as you would like. That much should be earned. But you want to know why I am interested in Timothy. You want it said, though you have guessed much of it. Very well, Alpha, I shall play... for your sake."

She put her hands together, fingertip to fingertip. "These past few months have afforded the both of us little time for conversation, let alone allowed us to swap idle chitchat concerning personal matters. But such is indeed my attachment to the boy. You think me so shallow as to hold my regard for him solely for selfish reasons - that you even hint that you suspect that of me is deeply offensive. And, I will yet go on to admit that I do have personal reasons for my attachment, but let me stress to you again before I detail them--I care about Timothy because he is Timothy."

She paused a moment for effect, hoping that he would absorb that statement before she went on to, as she felt, confirm the accusations of his own mind, cementing them, and making her prior words void to him. She took and deep breath at last, and continued, "My interest was first sparked in him on account of my mother. She had no werewolf lineage, and had not fate intervened, her relationship with myself and my father would have been her only connection to our breed. She was bitten, however. In spite of the efforts of my father's pack, her wolf has not been tamed. She shares certain qualities with Timothy: unlike most First Generation wolves who go into a frenzy when the Full Moon rises, she is as cunning as any Pure Bred, calculating, manipulative, but is driven only to shed blood."

Sabrina paused. Something seemed to withdraw inside herself, but she caught it and steadied herself. She focused on Kratos again. Her voice was passionless and robotic as she continued, "Now, sir, as a human my mother is a gentle, soft-spoken soul. Her personality, it seems, changes entirely when she takes upon her the form of the wolf. That is common of First Generation werewolves. What is different, is that in spite of every effort to reach her by those with years of experience, she remains this way. Her condition has not progressed to a point where she may be reached, as other First Generations may with the proper resources and training. My father has all of those resources at his disposal, and has spared no pains or expense to the end that she may gain some self control. She has remained a hellbent killer, and has sought the lives of even those closest to her. My father's life. My own. For this, my father's pack has had cause to lock her up at times of the Moon and wait for the change to pass. When I recognized a similar thing in Timothy, I had hopes that, perhaps, perhaps we might find the cause of it--more so, the cure. My father's pack has all but given up on my mother, content to bind her until she learns how to escape her confinement, and then they consider her condition only long enough to devise another."


At the conclusion of Sabrina's explanation the Alpha leaned forward and reached for a cup some distance from where he sat. His arm, being very large, transcended the distance and he took the cup from off the desk, carrying it gently between his fingers to pass it from one hand to the other and then offered it to Sabrina. His former hand then returned for a second cup which he would use for his benefit, and he filled both from a pitcher with orange juice pressed that morning.

When he had drank, the Alpha's posture rested again and he crossed one leg over the other while his empty cup was held over the edge of his armrest. How ridiculously small a regular cup appeared in the hand of the giant.

"Timothy's behavior has been a source of great consideration and concern on my behalf. There is not a month that passes which he does not come nearer to that one crime which I cannot forgive. - Should he be aware of it, he would cross that line quickly to spite me. It was, for a time, some relief to me that you should have him constantly in your presence, but we both know there are things which he can do in an instant which neither of us can prevent... even should we both be present. In my eyes, there is only one way to prevent the inevitable, and that is to cause Timothy to want to prevent it himself."

"I do not know how."

"But there is a place in which we may benefit in alliance. I am farther the cure than your father, but I have pondered over the cause. I can only guess what Gathan's original intentions were in taking the boy whereas he killed many others and did not bother even to cover their bones. I believe he intended the boy to take his place... To what end, I have considered. It is by nature the desire of werewolves to seek their own kind, and to make their own kind when none can be found."

The Alpha looked to a corner in the room as he spoke, but his gaze looked far into his thoughts as with new insight he examined old companions. "Gathen was a loner as a man. He did not understand the principles that bind men in groups, but he roved through their ranks to find dominion. The foolish followed him. He had wit, and he had flattery. The young were deceived to believe fun was freedom by his example, but even his friends would not follow him where he wanted to lead. - It never was spoken, for naturally we looked for something dependable, and his qualities were not as a leader."

The Alpha turned his face to look at Sabrina again.

"What you have said about your mother," Kratos said gently, for he too had a mother he loved. "Shows me that what Timothy endured may or may not have played a factor. He has been a mystery to me, I searched for his family when first we found him but none knew or had been aware of the boy's missing. I can only guess that Gathen stole him from the city or found him in the mountains."


Sabrina held gingerly the cup given her, and did not at first drink. She listened to the Alpha's words with intense attention. At the close of his statements, she exhaled softly. Prior, her face would not have been described as pensive or tense--rather that it was all but expressionless. Yet, as she released that breath, it could certainly be said that something within her face relaxed. There was a flicker that was almost, but not quite, disappointment that crossed over her expression.

She sipped the drink and let the silence be as it would for a moment. Her focus turned more inward and she sifted what he had said for gems that would further their purpose. A light came at once to her eyes, and she focused on Kratos again. "Have you noticed Timothy's scent?" she asked, raising a thin brow. "When he is human--he has a very unique sort of scent, different from the other people of this area. And yet... and yet it is familiar, too."


Kratos peaked a brow at Sabrina's inquiry, nonetheless he nodded his head. "I had noticed it..." He replied slowly.

The Alpha waited a moment to see if Sabrina might be able to place her recognition, but at length he sighed and rested forward in his chair.

"There is a mystery in it, of that we may be certain. But Sophia is right, neither you nor I can begin to unravel any secrets while this pack remains at odds and untrained."

As if on cue a howl of warning sounded outside, and the room, a stickler against the noise, seemed to muffle it and downplay the urgency. The voice belonged to Timothy, and Kratos' ears could pick up that he was still in the pit, and likely still with Jackie.

The Alpha blinked his eyes coolly but his shoulders sunk with noticeable exasperation before he rose from his seat.

"Let a mutual agreement be sufficient at present between us that we will double our efforts in behalf of the other, and in so doing hopefully bring this pack under something adjacent of control. Fortune willing to favor us..."

With that, Kratos opened the door and let Sabrina exit the room ahead of himself.



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