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Alpha Interviews - Sabrina: The Patience of Thunder (SP-RP8)

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"They do not know what they want," Sabrina countered. "I have said that it shall be done, why is that not enough? At best, I could send Mr. O'Connell back in my stead to report as is his duty, but I would much rather report it myself for competence sake. Either way, dealing with the Sabres Pack is not the most pressing matter just now."


"That you have put off your Alpha for so long would be considered a grave trespass, but that he is your father also leaves you without excuse. I, myself, have asked you to return to him, and whether the Calagathorm werewolf pack is in dire circumstances or is simply at odds between themselves, that one obligation should be your most pressing matter."

Kratos' voice has increased in severity significantly, and yet it still had not been raised.

"I cannot accept loyalty given to me when it is being tested for those who should have it by default and without condition. If you have meant what you have declared, then why is it that this should be so trying a matter? Why do you continue to refuse to return?"


Sabrina became very still and very quiet. Her gaze remained fixed upon the Alpha's, and her lips were pressed into a thin line. As last she spoke, with a calmness that belied her emotions, "I do not have all the details as yet. Until I do, my report to my father must remain secondary. He trusts his dog without a leash." She gave him a serious look and added severely, "And for good reason, Alpha. If he had genuine concerns for my safety, more than just Mr. O'Connell would have appeared on Calagrathorm Pack territory long before now. My aunt is in contact with him, and, at present, that must be sufficient. Perhaps, even for all that I have done for you and this pack, I have not earned your trust due to that which I left unsaid. For that I am certainly regretful. It would be great folly for me to leave now, but worse folly still to challenge you while I seek to stay. Will you ask me to go?"


Kratos listened carefully as Sabrina spoke and leaned back in his chair with a furrowed brow, it seemed to him that the ground had at last begun to yield fruit. The deeper matter present had already been eluded to in the conversation, but it had been carefully concealed to this point, now, enough had been uncovered to provide opportunity for its discovery.

"I have already asked you to go to your father and make peace with him for our sake, to which you refused." The Alpha stated evenly, "And I have asked you why and you have not replied."

As he spoke, Kratos maintained a directness with Sabrina's gaze that was equally as direct as his words. "Unless you intend to keep it a part of a secret agenda longer than it has remained, Sabrina, it is time that you tell me what you have placed as your priority. Your interest in the boy, Timothy, has been clear to us all since the beginning."


Sabrina stared at him. She leaned back in her seat and scoffed, a humourless smile upon her lips. She looked up and shook her head. "So that's what this is about?" she asked, looking at him directly again.

"Of course I am interested in him--my father sent me here to dispatch Gathen. I suppose when that was done, my work here would be considered done also. But I do not feel that is so. He left his mark, and that mark is Timothy. He's quite the unusual case, wouldn't you agree?"


"That is not how I would describe it." Kratos said without any humor of his own. "But it seems clear that that is how you have determined it."

The atmosphere of the room had changed, but it was uncertain what exactly was different.


Sabrina was silent for a time.

"We're at a bit of an impasse, are we not, Alpha?" she said at last. "You ask for trust but will not first give it. The same may be said of me. If my service to you and to your pack, the lives that I have saved and the causes I have helped to defend--if all this is not enough for your trust, why should anything I tell you prove any different? Should I take you into my confidence when you cannot afford me the benefit of a doubt on that account?"


The Alpha leaned his head forward.

"The attention you have given Timothy makes clear your personal investment, and your constancy on his behalf leaves no doubt as to your loyalty to him. But whether that is selfish loyalty or the loyalty justly owed to one considered flesh and blood as it should to be, you are in good company among others in this pack."

"If you believe that I will discuss principles of virtue as if they were terms to be agreed on in a written contract, then you are mistaken. An equal partnership stands in need of an equal agreement, but the onus that befalls you is to do what is in the capacity of your position regardless of what is in the capacity of mine. I will see to my obligations as it becomes me, but I will not be fair on all occasions, and this will be counted by you as such a time."


"Say what you mean, Alpha."

It was all she said, and she gazed into his face intently.


"There have been evidences enough, and it is time for it to be said, but I shall not be the one to say it."

The heavy breath of the Alpha was swallowed by the silence of the room, as if after so saying all else would wait for Sabrina's answer. What the Alpha meant by his words was known to the both of them, whether it would continue to be an unspoken matter or otherwise remained to be seen, but until Sabrina acknowledged what she had thus far evaded, the atmosphere did not yield.

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