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Alpha Interviews - Sabrina: The Patience of Thunder (SP-RP8)

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This role play takes place during the same timeline as the role play "A Time for Questions and Answers (RP8)", from the time that it branches off at page 3 to the time it ties back in (hereafter to be specified at the conclusion of this thread.)

Key Events

  • Sabrina pretty much demands to be made a Beta (page 1)
  • Kratos confronts Sabrina about her particular attachment to Timothy (page 2)
  • Sabrina admits details about her family and past (page 3)
  • A particular peculiarity about Timothy is noted (also page 3)


As the door to the Alpha's study was closed, and the two inside were now far from listening ears, Kratos bid Sabrina to take a seat if she would - but whether she would or not, he seated himself in his large wooden chair and was the first to speak.

"There was an agreement," he said. The words were calm, but the room stirred as if marking the beginning of something long overdue. 

"Before there was anyone else on this territory, before any other lives but our own were our responsibility, there was an agreement made that we would establish a pack. All of the Founders were members of that agreement, you and I were not exempt. As part of that agreement we said we would stand by each other and put all else second to the maintaining of the Calagathorm werewolf pack. You did not tell us at that time that you had other obligations."

"We could not have foreseen that Kiton, Marcus, and Kale would not still be with us, that their paths would become separate, but you knew beforehand of your position and concealed it. From that first day that you arrived to confront the werewolf murderer you have hidden your allegiance, and had it not been that Levi was sent by your father to find out what had become of you then it might have remained in secrecy to this day."

"I sent you to make peace with the Sabres' Tribe, Sabrina, why did you not do so?"


Sabrina took her seat coolly, ankles crossed and hands placed in her lap. Her face was all but expressionless, though the intense, calculating gaze of a wolf forever in her bright green eyes and the narrow, sharp angles of her face made even expressionless look harsh and penetrating.

"Something came up," she responded easily to his question, her eyes not removed from his.


Kratos turned down his chin at the brief remark, leveling his bright yellow eyes to Sabrina and waiting for the rest of her reply.

There was something refined and yet rustic about the small downstairs room, however there could be no doubt that it was in all regard Kratos' personal domain.

Peculiar cloth materials sat in folded piles beside the old sewing machine, and several small boxes of other curious pins and bobbles were under the table. Everything was either rarely disturbed or else in immaculate order, for it seemed that no matter how curious the object in the room, it had its own particular place. There were few shelves that hosted mainly collections of feather and fern, dried leaves and bound twigs, either in jar, or book, or binder to be preserved.

The carpet had a smell that scented most of the room and a man's fragrance lingered heavily about the door.

At length a deep sigh resonated in the breath of the Alpha and he inclined his weight to the right armrest of his chair.

"We cannot pretend that there is not much to discuss between us." He said, his voice a thundering calm. "On the road to Middlecrest you fought with me most willfully, and it has not escaped my notice that for the past three months you have been but a shadow on this territory and among the pack."

Sabrina's straight posture remained, as though her back was carved of stone. Her eyebrows did raise a little, but only that. "Was I not serviceable to you on that road, as I have ever been, Alpha? My words were not dressed in a false reverence for you, I'll admit. Humility is not one of my stronger virtues. But even that did not affect my loyalty--then or now. That there is much for us to discuss, I will further concede. I would that we should have it out sooner than later, so let me be frank, sir. I have admitted, as far as the Sabres pack, what my intentions and motives were in first coming to Reknab."

She leaned back in her seat now, and laid her slender white arms on the armrests. "Too, I made it quite clear that my intent in joining your pack was, as you expressed, to stand by you and put all else second to the maintaining of the Calagathorm werewolf pack. From the start, I was but a Gamma to you, sir, and a healer. You know I am capable of more--indeed, given the authority, I might be much more serviceable to you indeed. But now I am, as you said, a shadow within or on the fringes of the pack. Why should that be, Alpha?"


"That has all been of your own choosing," Kratos replied. "And I know of no loyalties that I have been assured of, for what has been kept hidden behind closed doors. As a member of an established pack, you knew well enough beforehand that by joining a new tribe your previous titles would become thenceforth forfeit and void. Thus as I have received neither honesty nor respect such as would invoke the trust that should and ought to exist between an Alpha and his Gammas, how is it that you should expect I raise you to the titles of which we both know you are amply qualified?"


Sabrina crossed her arms. "Did Kiton or Marcus or any of them divulge their pasts to you, Alpha? Indeed, did you divulge your own connections and past with the rest of us? I was under the impression that actions speak louder than words."


"There were brief exchanges of which you were not a part before this pack was founded." Kratos said, and he did not stir to emotion but his voice maintained an evenness as did his overall manner. "Regardless, their time here did not afford us the opportunity to form the bonds I had hoped would be forged between us. You have maintained your presence in the pack, but I am disappointed that in that time you have never once attempted to approach me, not even after Levi was caught did you take the occasion to disclose matters of which all of us are concerned."

"You know that between packs what you are doing is forbidden, and formalities dictate that you make peace with the Sabres tribe or put us all in grave danger."


"In good time, such peace shall be made, I assure you. But had I bidden my time in such a fashion and returned to my homeland as you suggested, would the night of Jackie and Ulric's rescue from those petty hunters have gone even as smoothly as it did? That girl may very well be dead today had I not been there to intervene. And that's just more of the same, isn't it? This pack is disorganized, inexperienced, and frequently at odds within itself. If perhaps the two of us were on the same page for once, this would not be."

She sighed softly. "Your fears concerning the Sabres Pack are ill placed."


Kratos drew upon a cloud of brooding silence. It seemed that what Sabrina had said in regards to Jackie and Ulric, or perhaps the way she had said it to justify her own actions, brought about some disapproval.

"What I may want for them cannot substitute what they do not want for themselves." The Alpha replied at length. "Likewise I cannot mend bridges that were never in creation; If you should desire that we as a pack be united, then you cannot disregard what I have asked of you."

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