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The House of the Haunted (CA - Tiffany & Ionone)

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Tiffany listened. She admired her friend for bettering herself by taking on a higher level of education. - Even though it was typical of Ionone, and probably expected of her to do so. Tiffany never went to college herself.

"I don't know." Tiffany said. Her chin sank down behind her arms and her lips rested thereon for a moment. Then she kissed her wrist and ran a hand through her wild blonde curls with a tired and terse sigh. "I guess he got bored of me."

Her expression was unreachable. To tell Tiffany she was wrong did not suit her, for she did not know the details of their relationship.  Yet from what she had gathered of the gossip, Gabe had done little to ever impress her. Far be it from her to judge whose company Tiffany had kept... but her opinions of the man had not formed under kind words.

She tilted her head, watching Tiffany down to the quiver of her too-blonde curls.  To see her so utterly defeated made her yearn again for their childhood. Boys had never been a concern, in those days. But then everything had changed..

"It's more than that," she said in certainty, "There are ways that ire less risk to his reputation than killing you..."

"Tiffany," she whispered, her features at once soft. The light from her eyes was a violet, "There's something you aren't telling me. I know the politics of our respective groups doesn't permit us to speak loosely of internal affairs... but whatever it is, has almost killed you. And if I don't know why, I won't know how best to save you once we escape this forsaken mountain".

Save Tiffany again? Why save and not protect? Because, in that word Ionone foresaw that whoever set Tiffany up would try again. It wasn't that Tiffany was surprised to hear it, only that she had never thought about it before now. Would that son of an ark try again? If he planned this all along then he must have had extraordinary foresight.

Tiffany had been working to infiltrate the hunter's party for months before she was allowed to join a year ago. Keeping tabs on the hunter's movements interested Beta Talkane, and it paid good money besides... but come to think of it, it was Gabriel Aberdeck that told Tiffany weasel to her way into Jack Moren's confidence. It was also Gabriel Aberdeck that had her make a move before she was ready, and pursue answers before any questions could be asked. It seemed like a risk at the time - a race to collect intel before she could be uncovered as a spy - and risks could be justified under the circumstances... But Gabe was talking mean to her long before Tiffany ever went on this last mission. Then he promised to send help that never came. Had Gabriel really meant for Tiffany to die?

Tiffany was silent for a minute. She thoughtfully stared at her injured palm. It was looking a lot better two days later than it had when she discovered it in the tunnel.
"I hate politics." Tiffany said at length. "If I knew what was going on, Ionone, I woulda told ya long before now. ...When life takes a swing at my head, I usually dodge and don't really ask questions about why it did. It's about temperamental as an old mule tied to a treadmill."

Tiffany fell silent again and looked at her friend. Not for the first time her eyes wandered to Ionone's shoulder and she wondered at all the time they'd missed.
Tiffany frowned and quietly sat up.

"What happened to your arm?" She asked solemnly.

While she had no doubt her friend would lie to her, Ionone sensed far more to the story than met the eye.  Tiffanny could sense it too... there were too many loose ends, too many risks, for it all to be a passing impulse from a bored lover.  There was some bigger game at play. If only she knew more on Talkane's politics to make an educated guess. If I make it back alive, I'll personally strangle Gabe myself, she decided, slowly...

Her expression darkened to Tiffany's question. The response that came first to her mouth was an instinctual one.

"Politics," she said, as though that was all there was to it.

But once the instinct had passed, she stepped backwards from the question. There was no reason to hide it from Tiffany. Though many years had passed, she still trusted her friend inherently. Few people had earned that trust - not even her family - but Tiffany had won that place in her heart long ago. Nothing had changed since then.

"As you know, I did not acquire my second form until I was fourteen. It was a source of much unease in those days."

Her gaze turned to the darkened light filtering through the treetops - but John, bless him, would likely not stir even for a stampede of elephants.

"I was under scrutiny from my parents, my grandfather, brothers, and cousins... This you may recall, although I would not have spoken of it. It was a source of much shame. Shortly after my fourteenth birthday, I got what I wanted most.  All the training my family had poured into me had not been for nothing. And as is tradition, following my family's rituals and trainings in my alter form, I was given my first mission as kitsune".

She paused, turning to Tiffany - for although these concepts to her family were second nature to her, her friend as an outsider to it might find it strange, "Failure is not an option. The kitsunes are an old, proud family. If a young kitsune in their first mission does not succeed, then it is expected they do not accept it. Death is a preferable alternative than coming back alive from a failed mission. Generally, however, the family does not give their children a mission they do not think they can succeed. Few in the family bring dishonor in this way..."

"So it was I was assigned to assassinate a human man who had splintered off from the Leonum Rubrum... his isolation from their group, and interest in building up his own, made him an ideal target to nip before he became too powerful. It should have been a standard mission".

In the way only someone who had much time to reflect, sort, and sanitize the painful memories of their past, Ionone continued without break. Her voice described it clinically, although clearly the emotions behind it had not been, "How he came to know of the mission, I do not know, only that he was waiting for me. I was captured, alive.  His intent was to humiliate my family and ensure they never came after them again".

"He sent back to my family this," she shrugged the stump of her arm, "and threatened to kill me if they did not comply to his demands. You can imagine how well that went for him... he miscalculated. But he was too rash to let go of what he clearly felt was an advantage, or perhaps his assassin possessing the form of a young girl gave him pause. I was held captive for two months. By which point, my brothers had tracked him down and ensured he regretted it".

"I came home alive," she replied, her gaze dark and unreadable. She watched Tiffany intently, "Which no one celebrated, besides my middle brother".

Tiffany listened. The creases of her brow and the downward turn of her lips could only partly express the sympathies of her heart.

Tiffany had seen too much of life not to know what was left unsaid. Stories like these are complicated and dark, full of tears and holes in the human soul too deep to fill. They ought to be rare, yet they dot the pages of history books and appear in the headlines of newspapers everyday. Ionone survived her traumatic ordeal, and lived to rise above it, but she would bear the scars inward and outward forever.

Where had Tiffany been all those years ago when Ionone's life took such a devastating turn?  It seemed she ought to have been there, at fourteen years of age, when girlish fancies and silly boys were all the rage and wonder. But at fourteen years old, Tiffany was saying adieu to her own childhood at the hands of those who professed they loved her. Life had taken Ionone and Tiffany in different directions then, but somehow now they had found each other again.

"I'm sorry." Tiffany said quietly.

"I remember your brothers were sour pickle-faced boys." Tiffany said, willing the dark cloud to pass. She hoped this recollection would not offend Ionone, but would not that a silence she had long hoped ended to start anew. How much she had longed for that silence to end, not even she knew until now.

Ionone could think of no words to bring comfort to Tiffany, for indeed there was seldom a comfort within herself. Though long ago the mental wounds had healed over, she had made no effort to sugar-coat it.  Such was the realities of their world.

Her gaze turned upwards to Tiffany's remark. It was not a smile on her lips, but something close in her eyes. A discerning flash of color within them, tilted just so.

"That's about right. Although somehow, Hiro has managed to get himself engaged," she mused thoughtfully, "So there is at least one that disagrees with that assessment".

Hiro, Ionone's middle brother...

"Does the rest of the family like her?" Tiffany wondered out loud. Though, what she was really wondering was if Ionone liked the woman.. werewolf... who would be her sister-in-law.

A marriage in Ionone's family was a big deal. She was directly connected to the Kitsune alpha. How soon was an engagement to be a wedding?

"Hmm," Ionone snorted derisively to the question. It had caught her off-guard. Then she paused, realizing Tiffany might take it elsewise from how she had meant it.

"I do not know personally if my family likes her or not, but as I am certain it is by their influence the marriage was arranged... I would guess it is so. I believe she is a Betine, no doubt a person of no small influence - and my brother, likewise, quite the amicable sort others are inclined to trust until they know him better. I've no doubt to both families it is considered a beneficial match".

Tiffany looked down and slowly rubbed her shoulder. She wished in that moment a very human wish, a wish for a fire to warm the chill out of the air.

"I don't know how we ever thought our lives were normal, sugar." Tiffany said quietly, after a moment. "Everything seemed so much easier when we were kids..."

Tiffany remembered, from a distance, those simpler days when, once upon a time, she and Ionone were like peanut butter and jelly. They went together so often, to school and lunch. Just like all other American children they would talk and play and romanticize their difficulties. They had their differences, of course, but they weren't 'different' to each other. Status in the halls - besting Francine's new hair style, or winning out against Patricia on the swim team - were the only social factors that mattered. What family did at home was no one's business...
But at home, Tiffany's adopted parents were abrasive and abusive. Her brothers were vulgar and mean, emptying their love-want on their adopted sister. And Ionone's family were elite traditionalists. What a different world it was now.

Tiffany looked at Ionone. All those little questions to help a person catch up on life were bound to lead from one sorry spot to another. So Tiffany didn't say anymore for the time being.

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