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The House of the Haunted (CA - Tiffany & Ionone)

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Ionone had not noticed the darkening sky. She, a creature of the darkest depths, could see adeptly in far scanter light than this - and indeed, everything had seemed perfectly illuminated to her even in her human-form. Her eyes trained for the small signs of the railroad tracks ahead, she neglected to track the path of the sun by which to gage their progress.

Only once Tiffany voiced the cause of John's issue did she realize how much day had crept away. Indeed, she had not intended they travel this long without breaking for camp... though she could continue much further into the night, she could not risk the same of her travel companions.

John slipped forward before she could catch him - again, her attention had been to the railroad tracks. Her head snapped in the direction he had fallen, ready to pull him up again, only to note that which had hidden in plain sight...

What was an overgrown home doing in the middle of the woods? It could just as easily be an eccentric hermit as it was the permanent residence of a werewolf hunter, or perhaps a wicked witch luring children with candy if ever the fairy tales of this land were much to go by...

Nonetheless, she leaned forward into what her senses could offer in her human form. Besides detecting themselves, the turnings of the greenery, and old settled wood, they appeared alone. Not that it ever meant much, of course.

"I should go first," she murmured, holding up her hand by way of caution.

Yet had vines had all by devoured sign of the brickwork beneath, which meant she had to grope forward into the vines. Surely there must be a door somewhere beneath it all.

A door was not to be found, but there was a window. Tiffany peered in just as soon as Ionone discovered it. With the glass broken out of it long ago, the curtain of vines easily pulled down, the window provided entry into the interior...

Tiffany didn't need to tell Ionone to be careful. While John vigorously rubbed his forehead Tiffany watched as she disappeared through the window.

"What is it? What is it?" John asked loudly.

"Shhh.." Tiffany hushed him and pulled him down. "Sit down, sugar." She whispered. "We're going to wait here for a minute and let her take a look around."

"Around at what?" John moaned. Tiffany didn't answer him. She kept watch on the woods, listening, while making herself as small as possible against the roots of the tree and the side of the house. John tried to get quiet, but he continued to fidget and move inopportunely about, snapping twigs and rattling leaves, until at length he was nestled up against the side wall. Then he at last fell silent and the forest sounds could easily be heard. There was the sound of the river far away, and the chirp of nightly insects steadily increasing. Tiffany could hear these things much better than John could. With a tilt of her head she detected the passage of small nocturnal animals moving through the woodthrow. She was comfortable waiting, but her mind was on Ionone, and for some time she was listening through the window as much as listening for any approach by Douglas.

After awhile, John's eyes began to adjust. He started to see the pale blue outline of Tiffany's frizzy hair against the black background of the trees when she moved. He could see the curvature of her face's silhouette, and every once in awhile he could see the steely glint of her inhuman eyes. It scared him, a little.

"So... You really are... are you? - A werewolf? " John ventured to ask. He asked it in a whisper.

Tiffany inclined her ear. "Yeah, sugar." She said softly.

John swallowed hard, and Tiffany heard it. "H-how did it happen?"

Tiffany furrowed her brows. John could just barely see her features.
"I was born one, sugar." She said. She sounded a little perplexed by his question.

"A - a - a werewolf?" John muttered in disbelief. "How does it happen?"

Tiffany tilted her head to the side.
"Same as anyone, I suppose, sugar." She said. "People are born what their parents are."

"No, no, I mean..." John fidgeted uncomfortably. "How does the shift happen? The moon is out... but you're not -"

Ionone crept through the window as lithe as an acrobat, the footfall of her steps near indiscernible to those outside.  So silent was she, as weightless as a shadow, that it was easy to imagine the house had consumed her whole.  Yet the house - clearly, had its fill, for several moments later she crawled out the very same window she had entered by. Invisibly she had crept just within John's blindspot, settling upon it with the confidence of a spider in her web.

"It is not full," she replied, as though it were an obvious thing.

She turned to Tiffany, "It is... safe, insofar as I can tell. The house is abandoned. If someone had lived here, it was so long ago that nature has reclaimed their scent. I see no signs of disturbance beyond the wildlife. We may wish to be mindful of the attic so we do not disturb the bat's nest, and careful of the nesting birds in the chimney..."

John gave a start. Tiffany hushed him and stood up when Ionone reappeared.

Tiffany went in through the window. The floor boards creaked and groaned as she stepped on them. As John struggled to mount the sill, Tiffany stepped further into the room. She rubbed her bare arms as she looked around on what once must have been a parlor, or sitting room. Water damage, peeling plaster, ingrown roots and branches, along with innumerable hanging vines decorated the interior. At the far end of the room was a long dark hall, revealing that the house was much much bigger than originally anticipated.

Ionone followed a step behind Tiffany, noting what may be of interest to her companion's gaze. Indeed to hers it had already been deemed safe, and yet... And yet a little voice whispered in the back of her mind that there was danger here. A foolish voice, she was sure. For though kitsune she may be, there was enough of a child in her to see figures in the dark if she willed it so.  She pushed her gaze aside - there was nothing of danger or note here.

"I would suggest we spend the night here. We will find no better shelter. Then we can set forth at first light. Rest may do us all well," Ionone's gaze lingered to Tiffany, "Especially if we may gain the advantage of our alter-forms.  In the meantime, I might suggest we look for anything edible nearby with the light there is left so we can gain our strength back".

Anything edibleSomehow, Tiffany did not imagine bush-berries and a wild turkey feast was what Ionone had in mind. Desperation had its own color.

"Let's not go out again tonight." Tiffany said. "I don't have the strength for it, and I don't want you to go alone."
She looked at the bedraggled parlor and tried to see some comfort in it. The furniture, dusty and worn, was all still in place exactly as it must have been when the house was abandoned.

THUMP!  After struggling to mount the windowsill for a minute or two, John suddenly fell through and hit the floor!

"Careful," Ionone replied dryly to John, well after the fact of his entrance, "I'm told humans are delicate creatures".

The woman looked at dusty sofa in the parlor. Even with the dust cover, she doubted any of it had done so well to survive the elements.  Her natural preference was to sleep on the ground, yet often in survival situations it was better to sleep upon a raised surface. She raised an eyebrow and settled her weight onto the couch to see if it would still hold weight.

Indeed, the cushioning was all but disintegrated; however the solid wood-frame withstood her weight. She sat down on it cross-legged and looked down at John in both a literal and figurative sense.

After giving a start, Tiffany chuckled. "You okay there, sugar?" She asked.

"No!" John replied emphatically as he rubbed his sore backend. "No, I am not o-kay! I have been better places. I have just marched up a mountain at the end of a leash by two werewolves! How can I sleep here? How do I know you're not going to EAT ME in the middle of the night?"

"You would be a poor meal," Ionone replied, clearly not inclined to help matters along, "But you are welcome to take your chances elsewhere".

She swept an arm in the direction of the window that John had just entered. Desperation bred all kinds of alliances. John had not been her choice in travel companion either, but Tiffany had insisted.

"How do we know you won't send your hunter friends on us in the middle of the night and string us up?" she gazed on him firmly, her eyes a deep black blue which would not yield.

"Oh, yes - because I have a mobile phone, don't I? - A walkie talkie, perhaps? Oh, wait - no! Actually. I don't. I was flushed down the same toilet you were - and nearly drowned! If I had any means of talking to them, you'd think I'd have done it by now! It'd be as good as useless." John huffed. Then in a glance he caught Tiffany's eye and piped in again, "Why don't you ask her, ah? Yes. You can howl to them to let them know. You're a werewolf hunter, aren't you?"

"Slow down, sugar." Tiffany said. "There's no one that's going to eat you. I promise. We'll get you home alright."

"But you are, aren't you?" John insisted. "Aren't you a werewolf hunter? Aren't you one of Harvey's - with Uncle George, and Mary and everyone?"
It wasn't said, but it was implied; 'How can you betray us?' John seemed to ask. But before his mind had even settled on it, the question brought him to another which tumbled out of his mouth before he could catch it.

"How can you hunt your own kind?" John asked. Such a bewildered expression was on his face. Tiffany could see it even in the dark. The question was too genuine and accusing to be ignored.

"I'm not a werewolf hunter, John." Tiffany said. "I never was. ... But I have hunted other werewolves before. They hunt us too. It happens all the time."

John was silent.

"Look," Tiffany continued, "It isn't like what your Uncle George said - that we're all blind killers and possessed. I've never killed anybody..."

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