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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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"I hope he doesn't 'rip you to shreds'. I find that I quite like your attitude." If Kratos is trying to find a pack, would he fight Marcus? I would hate to fight him, maybe he does scare me... either way I'm still going to be a smart alec for the rest of the night. "Zeit I want to whistle for him, just to tick him off." Stepping back over to the window and leaning out, Kale gave a command whistle she had learned when working on a sheep farm. Two short whips and one long one, it was the command used to call the sheepdogs back to you. He wouldn't hurt me right? It's not like he knows the meaning behind it other than I'm calling for him.


"There's another male?" Marcus inquired, an oblivious expression on his face. He then remembered the other male he had met a few days earlier.... he seemed very upfront. He sighed and buried his head in his hands. "More trouble for me." He looked back up, trying to regain his composure. "You guys probably won't see me after tomorrow.... getting along with other males never has been my strong-suit."

"You have a pretty nice attitude yourself." He gave her a wink. Somehow flirting seemed OK right now, though normally he'd contain himself. It was probably because he liked these girls, they were some of the first werewolves he met, and he'd have to leave soon.


Kale's small laugh turned into an enormous yawn and, stretching her arms above her head she sank herself down into one of Zeit's chairs. After blinking sleepily a couple times she looked back at Marcus. "You're leaving? I think you should at least try to talk to Kratos before you go, he might just convince you to join our pack." Looking back at the window. I whistled for him, were is he? 'Course if he knew what I'd whistled he might get a little mad. She smiled again, slightly and sleepily.

Hour Glass

"You should stay," said Zeit, "I mean, we all will have to fight to find out who is the most dominate. She then laughed, “I mean it might be smart to leave,” she joked, “Considering I’m going to kick your butt.” She smiled and turned to Kale, who seemed to already be asleep. “Do you want me to show you to your room now, Kale?” she asked, “You look like you could be asleep any moment, which would free up a room for Kratos to stay in”. She shifted in her chair, sending it rocking back and forth gently, "All I know is, that tomorrow is going to be way diferent then most paydays."


Kale mumbled somthing that sounded vaguely like 'sure' and stood up to follow Zeit. "'Nite Marcus," she said sleepily as her hand made a motion somwhat like a wave. "I think I'll make breakfast for whoever's here in the morning. Zeit, thanks."

Hour Glass

"You're welcome," Zeit replied getting up, and leading Kale up the stairs. "I'll be up before dawn, so I'll show you where everything is," she said, walking down a small hallway. "My bedroom is right there" she side pointing to the end of the heallway, "and you have your pick of what room you get" she said. She began to walk to stairs then turned around, "Also, there's two bathrooms, one in my room, and one at the other end of the hallway," she said, "I more likely will not be sleeping tonight, so you can use any one, I think I can trust you not to take anything."


Kale nodded and pushed open one of the doors. Her sleepy eyes adjusted to the darker room easily, and moonbeams lit up the floor as the shone through the window. She never even closed the door. With one last yawn she fell over the bed, asleep the second she hit the matress, not even bothering to get under the covers, and of course, not needing to.


Kiton looked up at the light on in the window and walked into the house. Sitting at a table was Marcus. Kiton glared over at Marcus and grumbled, "Were you expecting this stay tonight Marcus? I guess I wasn't, but any old cabin is good enough for me compared to the alternative of sleeping another night in a ditch of fetid mire."

He sighed and sat down on one of the chairs. To Marcus, he spoke, "Why are you here anyways? How does one simply end up at another's house with one they encountered in the woods? Was this all preordained is what I wish to know, do you?"

Marcus's lack of reply sent Kiton back to looking at the floor. Conversation, smalltalk wasn't one of his strong suits. He mine as well go to sleep; normally, in this situation, surrounded by so many werewolves, he would simply stay up all night, on high guard, but he was too tired, too weak and had already decided these wolves were safe, for now. He called at Marcus as he progressed up the stairs, "Goodnight pup, sleep tight for who knows what tomorrow's sun brings."

Hour Glass

Zeit watched as another male came up the stairs. "Why hello," she said cheerfully while walking down the stairs, "Just pick any room you want". She then walked back to her chair and sat down, placing her hand on her head. "I'm not fond of company" she muttered, "And I have to get used to everyone for the rest of my life". She then looked at Marcus, remembering he was still sitting there, "I'm sorry for the comment" she said, mentally slapping herself, "I have never done well with alot of company, and it seems as if my house will the new pack home".


Kiton grinned secretly in the dark hallway at that comment. Well, the words had came right out of her mouth, they probably will come in use later on. He threw himself onto the first actual bed he'd been on in at least a month. The softness at first was shocking, not like it was high-class ritzy mattresses of heavenly delight, but come on! A mattress was good news. As the blanket went up, he shut down and sleep enveloped him.

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