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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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"Kale, eh? My name is Marcus." He looked over at Zeit, raising an eye brow at the girl, then climbed in the window with ease. Carefully he surveyed the room, quickly trying to find any exits and then focusing all attention on the girl next to him. "I was in the tree because I wanted to get a good view of the place. There's no view like one from the top of a tree."


"Yeah trees do make excellent surveilance point. Especially over large territories," as she spoke she realized she was, once again, standing next to a male werewolf. Her shoulders drooped a little. That's the second time today, not to mention the fact that today was also my first time meeting another werewolf... or well more like three. What is with me today? I rarely talk to people, I don't trust people and here I am in a strangers house standing between two werwolves whom I just met within the last half hour, I've been recruited into a pack... she froze mid-thought. Are male werewolves aggressive towards each other, or territorial over females? She gave a nervous glance at Marcus. "So, uh, do you have a pack? are you here to challenge Kratos?"


"Pack?" Marcus raised an eye brow, now knowing his suspicions had been confirmed. There was some sort of pack forming here. "Well, no. I'm pretty sure you're the first werewolf I've met." He pulled out a wooden chair from under a desk, sitting on it so the back was between his legs and he was facing Kale. He thought about it for a bit longer, being in a pack. He'd never really thought about it. All of his teenage life he'd been alone, just trying to get through one day at a time. He pondered if it would be possible to change that lifestyle.

"Kratos? Well, I don't know who that is." The little hairs on the back of his neck stood up. This was probably another male. If there was another male around, that meant he'd either have to run, submit, or die fighting. Or take over, but that was unlikely, seeing as he was very thin, even for his age. "He sounds scary..."


"As of half an hour ago he is my Alpha," Kale spoke the last word as though it left a bad taste in her mouth. "He's the one who howled earlier, wich he honestly should warn somone before he does, I was standing right next to him and it hurt my ears. And he is kinda scary, it shouldn't be natural for even a werewolf to be that tall....." as Marcus propped himself on a chair she thought, Well he's obviously comfortable with himself, for being in a stranger's house and all. "Zeit, would you call Kratos scary? I find him intimidating but he doesn't make me feel chills so I don't know..." Now that she had adressed both of them she felt odd again about being with and conversing with to people she just met.

Hour Glass

"Yeah, I can see why you think he's scary," Zeit said, grabbing another meal for Marcus, "But I think he's just pushy, and annoying". She looked at Marcus, "So that means you likely don't know my name is, I'm Zeit" she said, sitting down in her rocking chair which she had pulled into the room. She looked to the clock, "Also I'm seeing how much longer those two will stay out there" she said, "I think I'm going to make Kratos sleep on the couch, I only have three guest rooms and mine, so he can get over it, because he threatened to kick me off my property".


Alpha. Another fear of his confirmed. Now he'd have to pack up and move... great. "Oh.... alpha." He gave a dramatic sigh. "Howled? Oh, that howl. I thought it was the neighborhood dogs. I need to be more careful." He was going to curl his tail around his paws, but then he remembered he was in human form. No tails could be curled. He then was about to flick an ear backwards, but in human form, he couldn't move his ears. I can express my emotions much easier in wolf form. He grumbled to himself in his mind.

"Well, whether he's scary to you guys or not, he is to me. First of all he's another male. Second, according to you guys, he's big and grumpy. That means bad mojo for me. I'm probably going to have to leave." He sighed. "Zeit, eh? Well, if you didn't know, my name is Marcus." He stuck out a hand to shake, seeing as he was in her house and she was pretty much offering him a place to sleep, and a meal, he decided it best to be polite.

Hour Glass

Zeit smiled and got up and shook his hand. "It finally seems there's a true gentleman left in the world" she said, "and I do say that Kratos could be a problem for you". She thought for a moment, "But a pack could be good for you considering you would get free shelter, and meals" she said, "and Kale, do you have any kind of cooking skills?". She wondered if she was going to be the only one cooking up the meals or not. "Oh, and if you two need anything, just ask" she said sitting back down.


"Actually he's looking for werewolves to train, being a pack is a bonus I suppose," Kale said "But he wants to train werewolves to controll their blood-lust." Turning to Zeit "Ooh, make him sleep on the couch, it would be no hinderance. Apparently he's slept in worse things than dung, sooo..." Then she paused. "Wait a minute did you say cooking? I know how to cook breakfast foods and steak. Oh! And spagetti." I only learned how to cook enough to get me through, she thought.

Turning back to Marcus, "He's not so much as big and grumpy its more like big and blunt, which might as well be big and rude. But I'm sure he's not always like that, after all I just met him today." Her tiredness was getting the better of her and she started to ramble. I did work a full day today... "Hey Zeit, think if I leaned out the window and whistled, he'd come? What's he still doing outside anyway? I have more to questions to ask him." Kale didn't know why but she did feel slightly comfortable around Zeit. Maybe she reminds me of somone I used to know?....


Marcus gave Zeit a wink at her compliment, and nodded gravely. "It's not so easy for us males to get accepted into a pack. Most of the time first you have to fight the alpha. And, most of the time, you lose. After getting beaten nearly to death. And after that there's not even a guarantee you're in the pack. He might decide to just leave you there, beaten, and without a home. Or he could just kill me and be done with me." He shrugged.

The boy turned to Kale. "Well, I have a feeling I'm going to end up meeting this "Kratos". Let's hope he doesn't rip me to shreds." He grumbled something under his breath, but very quietly so only he knew what he was saying. He decided he liked these girls. They were friendly and seemed to be concerned for him. He especially liked Kale. But things such as this didn't matter, when your life was at risk.

Hour Glass

Zeit nodded, "True," she said, nodding her head too, "All I know is that me and Kale are the only two females, and we are surounded by three males". She looked to her window, "Hey Kale, you should try whistling, he may come" she said jokingly, "If you don't I will!" She looked back at Marcus, "It seems like no one's been around many werewolves," she stated, "Besides today, I've only met one, and he was my father."

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