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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Kratos nodded to Kale to show his acceptance and watched as she went inside and joined Zeit..

He stood up and shook his heavy pelt, now he would go and see about the other two males.


Kiton stared at Kratos as he approached and grumbled, "Go in there with you strangers? I'm not as trusting as she may be, I weary eye is weary... Who are you looking for?! There's no one else but--"

He must had scented Marcus, the other one, where was he? Had he followed him? He listened for him and indeed, heard the tell-tale crackling of twigs in the undergrowth, a stumble and a gasp.


Two bright yellow eyes glared at Kiton as he addressed Kratos.. "I wasn't asking you to go into a stranger's house." Came his deep reply, his large, heavy paws pressing firmly into the earth. "After all, there are two vicious, blood thirsty females in that house."

A deep laugh rumbled from his throat as the heavy male sat down, then in a more serious tone he continued. "I will have no reason to attack as long as you do not try to attack me... or the woman named Kale. That is only one way you can make yourself my enemy."

The large black wolf again stood, the dark red haze which covered him waved with his movement. His head lifted and his bright yellow eyes looked towards the house, he took a deep breath and released it with a sigh... Another male werewolf was in the area..

This territory wasn't his yet, and who knew how many more werewolves roamed the mountain range... Nonetheless, if they wanted to keep the land, they would have to come down here and battle him.


Kale looked at Zeit. She's so calm about all this... "Umm, thank you. Can I have some food?" Kale hadn't eaten since dawn and with all her running around her stomach felt achingly hollow. Kale sighed quietly as she sat down. "I joined his pack, you know. Just now I mean, he never actually asked me before." Her voice was slighlty cheerful but a little weary. "His reasons are... honest, and right, but his bluntness is rather rude and slightly offensive. I think he's in a hurry but I dont know why, maybe its just the full moon? Who knows.." Kale tried to chit-chat but having not talked to anyone for years she felt slightly awkward.

Hour Glass

"Sounds good" Zeit said cheerfully. She walked to her fridge and grabbed today's leftovers from lunch, fried chicken. She placed them into the mircowave and while she waited she sat in a chiar in front of Kale. "I can see why, he offers shelter and protection" she said, "but your right about his bluntness, and his rather hurried tone." She looked out of her window, where the three males were, and let out a small growl. "I just wish that he could of asked to let his pack live on MY ranch, instead of saying that I would be kicked off if I didn't join," she said. She snorted, "I do wonder why he is in a rush to gather a pack", she muttered, "he still could have knocked first".


Marcus leaned against the building, listening carefully with his slightly magnified hearing. Pack? What did these people mean by pack? He could only guess, but he couldn't be sure. They might be like him, but they might be other creatures. He wondered if they were some of those people who believed they were animals in another life and they all thought they were wolves. That would've been weird. He was very tempted to burst through the door and say "What pack?" But he was almost positive they wouldn't respond nicely to that. Plus, then they'd know he had been eaves dropping...

In the end he decided to back away from the door, and go back to the trees. These people could mean danger and he was certainly not in the mood for that right now. He bounded towards the nearest oak and took a big leap, grabbing onto the trunk and climbing up quickly. Soon he was at the top, where he could hear and see everything and could think clearly.


Kale's sensitive ears heard a dull thud outside the window, with a look in the direction Zeit had dissapeared in she stood up and walked over to the window. Trying to peer out the glare from the light made it difficult to see anything. With a small tug she opened the window and leaned out. The moon cast a silvery light on everything, a whisper of wind swirled the cornfeilds beyond the lawn and the leaves in the tree, it also brought the scent of a werewolf she hadn't met. "Sheesh how many werewolves are around here tonight?" she asked the question aloud and in a generally blank tone. She could tell the other werewolf, he was nearby but she couldn't tell where. "If I hop out the window is somone going to attack me?" this question was also spoken aloud, but not as retorical.


"No." He replied quite flatly, exposing himself a bit from behind the leaves of the tree. He was sitting on a branch very close to the window, but not so close that he could be easily seen. "Unless you want me to." He spoke with a joking tone, a bit of a smirk on his face. He swung his legs back and forth, wondering if this girl was a werewolf too. By her speech she sounded like one. And... how many? Were there more she knew of? He groaned, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep his secret for much longer. These people were going to pry it out of him whether he liked it or not.

He reached up a hand and brushed some of the long brunette hair from his eyes, revealing a hefty, long cut. It had only been made the day before. Marcus winced and put his hair back over it, his stomach churning at the thought of it. He was fine with blood, after all he was a werewolf, but when it was his it made him feel sick.

Hour Glass

Zeit stiffened, how many werewolves were at her house? She got up and went to the window, and caught a small gasp of the male. "Well I don't think is going to happen while you stay out in my yard" she said, "unless you rather stay out there while my workers come in the morning, I would suggest you come in, or by all means, Stay outside". She then turned and walked back to her living room, and turned off the lamp, and walked back to the kitchen, taking out Kale's meal. "Here you go" she said putting it on the table.


Kale smiled. A better reaction than I was expecting, but thats probably because my only other example of a male werewolf is Kratos... "My name is Kale. May I ask what yours is? and why you're sitting in Zeit's tree?" she decided being straitforward was best, after all it annoyed her if people dodged around and wasted her time before getting to the point.

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