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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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His long, not to mention loud howl rang in her sensitive ears, she closed her eyes tight till the ringing in her head stopped. Did he just say challenge? Did he just say FORCED to leave? Kale was not one who liked orders, what she hated and would not even tolerate was being forced to do somthing. All her hostility was gone, now it was just blunt attitude and anger.

"Excuse me? I dont even hold territory and I find that offensive, and rude. If you weren't so freaking huge I would have punched you! And if I find it rude I cant imagine how she feels," Kale paused and gestured to the female at her left, name currently unknown. "You just challenged her on her own territory, where's your respect? or at least some courtesy." Kale was near shouting now, suprising herself as she had hardly even talked to anyone for years, let alone yell at a person she had just met.

"First, rather than announcing somone's in your pack, Ask. You're much more likely to get a satisfactory response. Second, warn somone before you howl like that, do you have any idea how loud you are?" Kale took a breath her vice quieting, "Third, how on earth do you expect anyone to challenge you? I mean I'm pretty tall in werewolf form and your still probably two feet over my head." She took another look at him and the girl next to her. "Okay, i'm done yelling at you. Wait.... if I do join your pack" she slightly growled the word "will you teach me to control my wolf at will?"

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Zeit calmly looked at the male. "Well I didn't know I could be kicked off my own land, but whatever," she said. "Though I do say, if I join your little pack, I have workers here, and I still have to pay them, so I expect everyone in the pack to help out around here." She looked over to Kale, "Nice to meet you Kale, I'm Zeit" she said, "and anyways, I don't even know who you are" she said, her attention back at the male.

"Also, if you guys need a place to stay, I have plenty of rooms in my small cabin" she said. "I've here all my life, and I've never met another werewolf, so please excuse my manners if I lose my temper."


Kiton stepped lightly after them, not to be noticed. The smell was definitely werewolf and considering how strong it was, more than one, he better stand his distance. Someone was talking about a pack, were they the pack? The man had mentioned forcing them out or joining him, it seemed like Kiton now was on unstable ground and even if he was out of earshot and out of sight, as soon as the faint wind changed direction, he would be good as found and he was not in the mood for a skirmish.

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Zeit tensed, another scent was in the air. "Looks like my place is werewolf central" she muttered, turning around, trying to locate the new intruder. She swiftly broke into a run and changed, following the new scent to it's owner. She looked at the new male, and gave a small growl, even if she was smaller then him. "So what's your reason for being here?" she asked.


Kiton jumped back a bit and snapped, "Kiton, and you are?"

He twisted his head a bit upwards from her, as if recoiling a bit. Nails lengthened and hardened into claws on their own accord, in cause of an attack. "So you're a werewolf huh? I guess I am too, what's up with this little night congregation? I hope there's nothing bad going down right now."

He tried to calm down a bit and the claws retracted, but his canines were still bared and an angry, anxious look flashed across his eyes.

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"All I know is that there are three intruders on my territory" Zeit said, sitting down, "and neither of them knocked first". She looked around, two males and a female, the odds were against her. She sighed, "If anyone needs a place to stay, as I said before, My home is open, but if you stay, you earn your keep." She then turned and walked away, still as her wolf until she reached her porch, in which she turned back to her human self, and walked inside.


Kale stared (half glared) at Kratos after Zeit ran off, waiting for his response to her tirade and her final question.

"Well are you gonna say something or what?" she asked. "Or at least change back into human form, standing next to you when your several feet over my current human head makes me feel small, and for me that feels weird." She had to look up at him to speak.


Kratos had smiled when Kale had begun yelling at him, but was distracted afterwards by Zeit racing off after the scent of two other males.

He watched as Zeit returned and went back into her house like she was dismissing the lot of them when Kale finally called his attention back.

"Now Kale," Kratos sighed as he came down on his haunches and slowly lowered himself until he laid in the mud. From this position she was able to look hm strait in the eye, and he thought she might be more comfortable this way as he continued. "I have been telling you all night that I wish to explain my original purposes of coming to the country, but it seems like you have stumbled upon it and I might as well explain now.."

"My Father is a second generation werewolf pure bred, and from what I gathered as a lad, he used to be the alpha of his parent's pack. I do not know what became of his pack, though I know he broke contact with them after falling in love with my Mother.

My Mother is a normal human, but nonetheless, my Father was deeply in love with her and there were no secrets between them. They prepared for the curse to be carried down to me and they went through great lengths before my birth, to secure my safety.

My Father had learned through age and experience how to control the werewolf, and he tried to teach me all my life how to control it too.. But being half-bred, control over the wolf came naturally to me and I foolishly only payed little heed to his teachings.

...It was a few years ago when I finally understood why my Father was so firm...

Me and my friends had been in an alleyway in he city when we stupidly stumbled upon a young werewolf.. I should have known better to avoid the smell of danger, but I had never met another like myself and decided not to warn my friends.. I ignored the warning of a wise parent and it cost two their lives, and the third his freedom from the curse.

I will not go further into detail, it is a guilt I will forever bear. But after that point I began to search everything my father had taught me, cursing myself for the times I did not pay attention, and retraining myself everything he had given me.. So that one day, I could help someone fight that monster whom wishes only for the shedding of blood."


"You actually answered me, honestly, truthfully and completely. For that I respect you, and slightly understand why you act the way you do. I say this as somone who has seen both side of that blood-lust, your path seems the right one, so, I suppose I will follow you on it and try to help to the best of my abilities, I will join your pack." Kales voice was calm and sincere and she looked him in the eye as she spoke. His memory brought back her own of the night she was... changed. Most people who bear this curse never wanted it.. most probably didn't even have a choice... Resisting the urge to touch his fur to make sure it was real because, for the first time, she realised it looked red, she turned and walked up to the porch of Zeit's house and pausing for a second, she knocked on the door.

Some would say Kale's decision to join his pack was rash but truth was Kale didn't make rash decisions, not when her last one had such dire consequences. Also to join him as an underling was somthing she would never take lightly, following somone else was not liked by her personality, because trust wasn't very common her personality.

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Zeit smiled and walked to her door and opened it. "Finally, somone knocked, Come on in," she said cheerfully, opening the door wide enoiugh to let Kale through. "So would you like someething to eat, and then me show you where your room is?" she asked, "Or just show you your room for the night?". She moved the list and checks out of the way, and made room for Kale, "Sorry I don't get many guests."

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