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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Marcus jolted a few times as all the sudden motion went on, especially since he couldn't even see what was happening. He raised a slender arm and brushed the blood and hair from his face, so he could now see Kiton and the one who had held the gun clearly. He raised an eye brow at the scene before him, the gun now laying on the ground, a bullet hole in a tree nearby, and a man in front of him. Suddenly it registered somewhere in him that the man was speaking to him.

"Ugh, yeah. I'm OK." Who wouldn't be jumpy after nearly getting shot?! He shuffled his feet quickly, glancing down at them. What once was purely black fabric was now dusty brown fabric. Oh well, he didn't expect any less from farm land. Plus, he didn't much like his current shoes. "Uh... if you don't mind me asking, who exactly are you?"


Kiton tossed his head and grumbled, "Kiton Andonauts, e tu?"

He pointed at Marcus, who just stood there a bit until the question sunk in, and you? Kiton mumbled, "What are you doing out here anyways? It's night, and with these people."

Kiton responded to his own question carelessly, "I have some reason to be wandering the woods at night and it's not like it is worse than wandering the road."

Hour Glass

Zeit looked around confused. There no smell of fox, but that of a person with a mixture of wolf. She growled, cocked her gun, and striding into the dark. She kept sniffing and looking around, wherever the intruder hid, she would find him. "Who are you and why are you here?" she asked, feeling her inner wolf alert and ready to defend her territory. She crept around her house, trying to find the source of the strange scent. She began to walk towards the source, seeing a shape in the shadows. She went forward, her gun pointed out in front of her.


Kale sat in the cornfield. When Kratos had stopped she was positive he knew something was following him so she had lowered herself to the ground and took her time in making sure every sound she made was disguised by the swaying of the cornfield. She looked at the enormous paw-prints he had left behind him, and compared them to what she thought her own werewolf paws were sized. He must be huge! My pawprints aren't nearly that big. Wait a second, why can he shift into wolf form at will? This is somthing I have got to learn how to do. Carefully Kale began a slow crawl forward working her way towards were Kratos was, yet trying to be as unnoticible as possible as she went through the cornstalks.


Kratos listened as Zeit's foot steps came ever nearer, until she stepped out around the corner of the house and directed her gun strait at him. A smile curled up his black muzzle, his lips uncovering his teeth and letting them glint in the moon light. The huge figure began to raise himself from his animal-like crouch and the full size of the beast was revealed.

He stood up on his hind legs, his head rising over three feet above Zeit's own. His bright yellow eyes glinting down at her, his huge black figure towering over her.

"I'm afraid your gun doesn't scare me, several bullets to my chest or head would do little to harm me." The great voice growled from the creature now standing before Zeit, his large padded hands tightening into fists.

Hour Glass

Zeit's mouth dropped along with her gun. She stuttered for a bit, trying to find words, it didn't help that she have never talked to another werewolf other then her dad. She gulped and placed her hands on her hips. "Well I suggest you change back before someone sees you, though no one else should be out right now.

She took in another deep breath, this was a dominant wolf, and wasn't afraid to face someone like her. She tilted her head, another scent was in the air. "Who's the tag along?" she asked shifting her hands so now that they were crossed across her chest, her eyebrows raised.


"Would I care if some fool saw me?" The great creature growled, his upper body dropping and his front legs crashing upon the ground.

Again on four legs, Kratos stalked towards Zeit until his large head was a foot from her face. Then his neck lowered and he picked up her rifle in his jaws.

A strong head jerk to the right and his teeth clamping down hard, shattered the weapon to pieces! Then his eyes again turned towards Zeit.

"We wouldn't want any mistakes to be made would we?" His deep voice whispered with mischievous pleasure, then he continued in his normal deep tone. "The tag-along is a member of my pack, someone I wished would not follow me."

It was a lie of course, Kale had not agreed to be a member of any such thing, but the last part was directed at Kale and was clearly loud enough for her to hear.


Kiton's head jerked towards the voices a short distance off. He returned to Marcus and demaded, "Enough chit chat. First impressions can wait boy, I'm going to find out who those people are, maybe why they're out here. You stay here."


Kale growled, even though she was in human form. Well they know I'm here, might as well join them! She stood up and almost sat right back down, Kratos's werwolf was huge! I have got to learn to change at will, without being able to I'm completely defensless against somone his size for the majority of the month! At the thought of being defenseless, however, her inner wolf rose up and snarled.((Kale didn't actually snarl)) And as her attitude called for she of course had to show she wasn't afraid so, brushing the mud off her kness she walked over to them.

Maybe that wasn't the brightest thing to do, Kratos didn't look happy and actually standing close to him made her feel kinda small, wich is somthing she wasn't used to. Second, the girl didn't look any happier than Kratos.

"Hi, I'm Kale," she said with a smile to the girl, then to the very large black werewolf, her tone lowered and became slightly dominant "Pack?" the question was spoken with a slight challenge. Nothing was ever said to me about being pack, who is he to make choices for me? Her flaring attitude was making her caution levels go way down, she was putting herself into a potentially bad situation.


"Heh, well at least you can be polite when you want to be." He mumbled humorously and turned away from the two girls. Then louder he continued, "Yes, well, I guess I can't say I wasn't prepared for that question.. As such I am ready to back up my word."

Kratos turned his large back on the two females and sniffed the air. Certainly this new female did not want her ranch to become the battle field...

Kratos again stood up on his hind legs, but this time he raised his neck high and his head strait up. Then a powerful noise arose from his throat and burst into the air!

His great howl echoed over the entire land! It was carried far into the forest and deep into the mountains, as well as over the farms and wide fields.

Kratos had announced his presence in the area, and worse then that, he had also just challenged any werewolf nearby.

Kratos lowered his head and looked back at the two females. "I have just announced that I am here and what I want. On the night of the full moon I will challenge everyone who opposes me for this territory, if I win then I become the leader of this land and anyone who is not a member of my pack will be forced to leave."

The move was very brutish, but as you know, Samuel had not known what he was going to do up until that point and this seemed strangely just. Nonetheless, it was all left up to fate now.

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