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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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The horses snorted in fear and agitation as Kale walked by them. Placing a hand on the rung of a ladder she turned to Kratos. "Unless you want to chance sleeping in a pile of manure, were sleeping in the lofts." With that she swiftly climbed up the ladder and lifted herself onto the loft above. Piles of loose, softer((softer than hay)) straw covered the edges of the loft leaving a semi-bare spot in the middle were Kale had shoved it aside so she could move around up there. As she turned herself around to watch Kratos she sneezed and nearly triped over the edge.she rubbed her shoulder, remembering the last time she fell off the loft. Sheesh, I'm a danger to myself.


Samuel watched Kale climb into the lofts, curious to what his next action should be... Not on the matter of finding a place to sleep, but rather if he should try to gain anything between himself and her before progressing with his plan.... right now they were simply strangers and very snappy strangers at that!

But that was not the only thing bothering him, he knew that somewhere in this area was another werewolf and after searching for so long, he was anxious to find her.

Samuel had searched since the day in the alley for other werewolves and now he had two (and possibly more) under his nose.. The thought of loosing even one was irritating, but at the same time he was practically on top of one right now and had no idea what to do next.

Relationships took time, time that he did not have. The full moon would be here in a few days and it would be much too late then.

All the while that he was thinking, he simply stood there looking at the surroundings and the agitated animals.. His conclusion was that whatever he was going to do next, he was not going to climb up into the lofts anywhere close to Kale.

"That's alright, I've slept in worse things then that before." He said, his incredibly deep voice seeming to break the dark, empty air. He cautiously, and quietly, made his way to the side of a bale of hay and sat down.


Kale shrugged and found her own pile of straw to sleep in. Then, pondering what he said. "To think that you have slept in worse things than poo is rather... odd." She didn't know wether to smile or grimace. Looking up at the high ceiling of the barn she sat quietly, listening to the sound of breathing, wind in the fields, and the mice scurrying around under piles of hay. She waited for sleep.


Samuel remained quiet and said nothing further. The night had grown on and silence had fallen upon the inhabitants of the barn when Samuel finally moved.

It had been two hours since anyone had spoken, and Samuel's hopes were that Kale had fallen to asleep. He slowly stood and walked to the door of the barn, his stealth was beyond belief as not one animal stirred from their light sleep.

Slowly he pushed open the door and slipped from the barn, gently closing the door behind him.

A sigh escaped his lips as he looked up towards the bright moon, then with a glance back at the barn, he took off towards the forest edge.

Hour Glass

Zeit sighed and looked over at the table again. Next to her list was a stack of letters, the paychecks for her workers. She chuckled about how as long as she paid them, they asked no questions on why she disappeared, or why she gave them a five day break each month. She sat down at the table, wondering what would happen next, yawning as she did. She wondered if she should go to bed, but thought against it, she was used to sleepless nights.


There were many miles between the barn where Kale slept and the Ranch where Zeit lived, most of it was fields of corn.. and a more perfect place for Samuel to become a werewolf could not have even been imagined.

Two bright yellow eyes navigated through the corn field and his large heavy body followed. Huge, deep paw prints were left behind the enormous male as he prowled towards Zeit's ranch.

His deep breathing could be heard by any creature near by and it was alone enough to tell that he was a huge animal.

He sniffed the ground, steadily approaching his destination until at last he stepped of of the tall corn stalks and into the muddy clearing.

There was a barn, chicken coop, tractor, and all the other necessities of a working farm... the female's scent was everywhere.

The great black wolf quietly stepped out again into the moon light, his paws sinking deep in the mud. All his senses were on full alert as he carefully walked into another werewolf's territory. This female was obviously aware that she was a werewolf and this was obviously the place where she lived and spent most of her time.

The red hazy colour in his fur emphasized the movement of his heavy pelt as he held his head low and moved cautiously. Every once in awhile he would stop and look in the direction of a noise with his ears fully erect upon his head.

He completely froze for a moment, feeling as if something was behind him and he quickly jerked his large neck to look back at the corn crops... For a moment he wondered if Kale had followed him, nonetheless he turned his attention forward again and saw Zeit's house just up ahead...

Hour Glass

Zeit began to hear a faint noise outside, someone in the feilds. She went to her closet, and grabbed a rifle, growling to herself. It better not be that dumb fox again, coming to steall my chickens she thought, going to her door. She walked out, the only light was of that of the moon and the lantern on the porch. She took in a deep breath, and listened around her, trying to locate the source of the soft noises.


Immediately as the door opened the large wolf froze in his tracks. He noted the gun that she had in her hands and his body slunk low. His great stealth came into play as he slipped into a area behind the house that was out of her view.

He steadily made his way close to the house until the red tips of his fur touched the sides of Zeit's home and he slowly approached the corner...


Out of the corner of his golden brown eyes Marcus could see a man, paying other people. His ears pricked and a trickle of sweat slipped down his cheek. Slowly he backed away, careful not to make any noise. Once he was behind more cover (the house) he peered over, watching each person advance in the line until receiving their envelope and leaving to go do whatever they pleased.

About a half an hour passed until this man went back inside. Marcus smiled, glad he could finally leave without having to worry about him hearing the sound of him bolting away, and backed up a few steps. He felt an extremely sharp pain could be felt on the back of his head and his ears started to ring from the noise. While backing up he had stepped on a rake, which had been leaned against a barrel, and it had thrust forward and thwapped right on the head. He took a couple steps forward in a daze only to feel another sharp pain, this time in his forehead. He had stepped on a hoe, which had thrust forward and hit him smack dab in the kisser.

Marcus looked around desperately for somewhere to leap and hide, but even if there had been somewhere to go he wouldn't have been able to see it due to the blood oozing into his eyes and blinding him. He whimpered at the sound of a cocking shotgun and waited for the end of him.


Kiton darted out of the cove of trees with teh fluidity of a fish in water, grabbing the gun and thrusting it towards teh ground as a shot rang out. He growled to the person on the other end of the pistol, "Watch where you aim that thing, you could shoot some one's eye out."

He looked at the bullet shell embedded in the packed earth. He nudged it iwth his shoe and sniffed, "Lead, no worries here."

He looked up again, "Still..." he turned to Marcus, "You okay, seem a bit jumpy?"

He cocked an eyebrow at him, but the expression on his face remained the same, a straight frown, not much emotion nor concern really.

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